• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2023
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Story writer, no clear upload date planned... whoopsie! Wiltedverse and it's subsidies are not related to Hasbro or the greater EXE community


The Cutie Mark Crusaders, a group of three fillies all searching for their Cutie Marks, end up in Europe as the infamous Castlevania returns for the third time in the Century. And it seems that only one of the three leave... the other two stay... and... well... stuff gets crazy!

Watch as Scootaloo explores the infamous castle with some help from a native and be ready for old friends with new tricks. As well as saving and loading... lots of saving and loading. Also dying and nonsense... the castle is a creature of Chaos afterall.

Castlevania X MLP:FiM crossover
Story was heavily inspired by Lucar's "A Sweetie Dreamland" and "Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers" so please give a fellow Nintendo Brony a check out :3

It's Castlevania, expect mentions of Blood, gore, and several swears. Also plenty of references(Not JoJo because I've never seen it so I can literally only reference what Castlevania referenced from it. Sorry not sorry.)

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 29 )

Eh. Scootaloo's situation is pretty much like in Undertale. She dies, but she reloads with memories of the previous timeline allowing her to pass what killed her. She will need therapy after this adventure.

And yes, this story reference both A Sweetie Dreamland and Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers... why? You'll see later:pinkiecrazy:

Curious to see what you have planned about UME.

The murder of the demons of hell will be her therapy. Also, consideting how Castlevania has many luck based elements, everytime she dies the same events may not happen so an attack that killed her from a random enemy may not even happen next run, she just got lucky that the Giant Bat has like 2 moves. Plus, she'll get stronger later as she kills more enemies and finds more relics.

Curious to see what you have planned for UME.

You'll see Lucar... you'll see.

Eh? The door to the final boss is so close to the start, and there isn't even an obstacle forcing the heroes to get a late game object or weapon to stop them from passing it? That's cruel. :pinkiecrazy:

Did you forget Dracula is after that? The fight against Apple Bloom and Death is required to fight Dracula but yeah, obviously in a real Castlevania game, this is not allowed but I just had the idea to be cruel as hell for a moment. At least there was a save nearby so Scootaloo could stop them from making the same mistake twice.

Also technically the fight requires high level equipment anyways so, the obstacle is the fight itself.

Oh boy, I wonder what would be everypony's reactions to Legion.

Oh I have big plans for Legion, and it is going to be a nightmare for it to happen. Mainly because I need to work on underground sections of the castle since I'm making every area up on the fly but Legion will be fun. Especially since the ponies will have to have a reaction to that. And I should note: like in Castlevania, the entire story happens in the span of a single night.

But for a reaction early: :applejackunsure:"Ah don't think that's just a ball of corpses, Twi..."

A Galleom encounter was unexpected. Great fight. Just, slow down a bit. I saw many typos in this chapter, like this one:

called Legion but some.

Thanks, I corrected the error, the reason it slipped through is, firstly, I type these chapters on my phone, and second off, despite being a native english speaker, I am terrible at english...

And yeah, I added the Galleom because I wanted to give Scootaloo a look into her future encounters. There were two other ideas for it but I scrapped them. The first was a fight against Sweetie Void(Who'd obviously hold back) and the other was a fight against Master Hand but realized that Scootaloo probably wouldn't have the skills to beat either of them so I kinda had to use Galleom since having any of the commanders would be wrong, having soldiers of the Subspace army would be too easy... so Galleom was the inbetween.

Personally can't wait to get to writting the Legion fight myself, Legion is going to be very fun to write and I may indeed have to slow down so that future errors like "called Legion but some" don't happen again lol.

Yeah, Galleom was the perfect choice. Scootaloo would need to be near the end of her adventure to be able to beat a commander who are more or less at the level of Dracula.

Also, little fun fact, the subspace bubble where the Galleom came from was right where Twilight's castle is.

We are at Death already? :pinkiegasp: It went fast!

The reactions to Legion were exactly what I imagined.

Well, we were at Death. Now to move on to Dracula(and Sweetie Belle) and unlike all the other fights where it kinda just came and went, Dracula is getting a whole blown final boss treatment.

Also, I'm glad I did the reactions to Legion good in your eyes, whose reaction was your favorite because I know mine was Fluttershy's. Shame what I have planned for her in arc 2 though because Castlevania is just arc 1.

"Is... are... is that a ball of corpses...?" Was the most on the spot idea I had for Twilight given what I know, so I'm glad it worked out in the end.

Are the waifu Castlevania enemies and bosses going to appear in this story?

... the shades already appeared and I'll only cover three mainline games that take place aftsr SotN. Ecclesia, Portrait, and Aria(Dawn is counted with Aria.) So I'll only cover the "waifu" bosses and enemies if they appear. Which the Sorrow games have Succubus as an enemy so...:twilightsmile:

Also, Lucar, cause I know you'll read this. I hope you don't have a preset backstory for Chaosnet because I just gave it one

I actually had in mind that the Chaosnet exists since the dawn of existence, since the apparition of the first Discords an infinity of eternities ago. But that's something that will never come up in the story so your version works.

Oh, well... at least it makes some sense, plus, by the time Scootaloo has to deal with the Subspace army(200 years from now), Discord will... let's say... "meet a terrible fate."

Also, what did you think of the Sweetie Belle and Dracula boss fight(s)?

I think it was epic. I loved when Scoot and Alucard did their team move.

Ah yes, the Dual Crush. My favorite part was writting the ending if the fight where Scootaloo has to deal with the regret of finishing off the first friend she made. But... it won't stop Arc 2 from coming. :pinkiecrazy:

It's Pinkie, why would you be surprised?

:pinkiesmile:: Yeah! I just love watching reactions to my actions!

There's witches in the air of Sweetie Belles Castle now!! >:D

Flutterbat is more of a joke boss than a real boss. A boss that isn't really a threat and is very easy to win against.

Exactly the point, she's a joke boss... the others will not be. Flutterbat was intended to be so easy that even in a normal Castlevania game she'd be a VERY underwhelming boss especially after the hell that is Portrait Pony. So much will be turning Scootaloo's expectations on their heads soon.

Warning: Werewolf ahead.

Mmh... Will Fabricator turn into an ally? This will be most unexpected for a demon.

Maybe... maybe... :3

I mean... it'd be weird if eventually Fabricator didn't have a change of heart especially with Twilight around.

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