• Published 24th Sep 2023
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Marble's Griffon - MLPFan98

Jax, a young Griffon working on the Pie Family Rock Farm, falls in love with the shy Marble Pie

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Marble's Griffon

“Hey, Jax!” Oh boy, Miss Bossy is screaming her head off again. “Time for dinner!” Finally saved by the sound of dinner.

My name is Jax the Griffon. I’m originally from Griffonstone, but decided to wander around Equestria to take in some of the sights here…also to get away from the negative aura that surrounded Griffonston…anyway, my travels led me right there to this simple rock farm run by a family of Earth Ponies called the Pie family.

At first, I only stayed because they helped me out the first time I came here, I didn't have anywhere else to be to repay them for their generosity, so I decided to make ends meet by working for them for a while. Well, a while came and went…and I find myself working here full time, yep…been here for almost two months now.

Igneous Rock Pie is the owner of the place, he is alright, but I wish he would smile a bit more…whenever he looks at me with a frown, it kind of intimidates me a bit. His wife, Cloudy Quartz is alright, she is a bit nicer than Igneous, but she frowns a lot too.

Then there were their children, Limestone is the oldest and as she said, she runs the place. Let me tell you she is so bossy and never lets me hear the end of it. But I don’t fear her, heck half of the time I tend to joke behind her back.

Then there was Maud Pie, to be honest, she sort of creeps me out. Of course, I'm not scared of her, but she is always shown with that stoic look of hers, never raising a voice, or even laughing, just dull tones. Of course, Maud isn't too bad, she did help me figure out about the many kinds of rocks they harvest and what to keep an eye out for. Oh, and did I mention that she has a pet rock by the name of Boulder? I mean others might think it weird, but I’m a go-with-the-flow kind of Griffon.

There was another sister I hadn't met yet named Pinkie Pie. She lives in the town of Ponyville, with many other ponies. From what Maud told me, she seems more bright and bubbly than the others here. I hope I get a chance to meet her eventually.

Finally, there was the youngest Pie, Marble. Now she doesn't really speak much, she simply either nods her head or goes “Mmhmm.” I have tried to talk to her many times, but when I did she would usually shake a bit and often turn to run..my guess is she hasn’t had much interactions with Griffons. I just wished that she would take the time to talk to me.

Anyway, tonight's dinner was the same…Rock soup. Now at first, I wasn't too keen on it, but since they let me stay, I had to go by their customs and eat it. After a while, I had grown used to the taste of it, even though I kept coughing up some rocks afterward. I sat in between Marble and Maude.

“Jax, thou work has been improving since your arrival to the farm.” Igneous said as I took a sip of my soup.

I smiled and nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Pie.” He said. “Of course, I did have help from you guys teaching me the ways of rocks and other stuff.” I said. “And using the pick axes has been helping me boost up the strength I need.”

Limestone rolled her eyes. “You might be praised, but you still need improvement.” She said to me, and I rolled my eyes as well.

“Aye, ma’am.” I droned with a mock salute with my wing, now I couldn't tell but could have sworn I heard Marble giggle a bit next to me. Limestone glared daggers at me.

“You better not be mocking me!” She said,

“Limestone,” Maud said to her. “Jax is doing fine enough.” Well, she might be stoic, but at last, she has my back…sorta. Limestone just rolled her eyes and got back to eating.

“Jax,” I turned to see Cloudy look at me. “Work is done for the day, so you are free to do whatever you please.” She said, and I smiled.

“As long as you-” Limestone I swear to Celestia…

“Yea, yea,” I said in an annoyed tone of voice. “Stay away from Holder’s Boulder. You tell me that at least three, four times a day.” I swear I am tired of Limestone telling me to stay away from the large boulder. I mean I know it is important to the family and all and I respect other's wishes, but her constantly telling me is getting tiresome.

I glanced towards Marble, who was quiet through dinner, unless that giggle I heard was tired or not. When she looked at me, she gave a small eep and turned back to her bowl. I couldn't help but tell but I swear I could see some tinge of redness on her cheeks spreading.

“Jax,” I turned to Maud, looking at me with that stoic frown of hers. “I will be leaving in a week to go visit Pinkie in Ponyville, do you think you can cover for me, please?” Of course, I could, I mean she has been helping me after all, so it’s only fair I do her work for her. I nodded at her and smiled.

“You got it Maud.” I said to her, and then we all continued eating dinner.

20 minutes Later…

Now I was sitting in the living room reading over more rock books. It is boring I will admit, but it does help me understand more about the types of rocks harvested here. Did you know that apparently, flint rocks can start fires? Well, I never did learn that much in Griffonstone, I always had to look out for my own….but we’ll get to that later…

Still, I have it better here than I ever did in Griffinstone. I decided to take a break and read the newest issue of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Griffons. It’s about four Griffons who battle crime in the city of Manehatten. It's a pretty good series, but the retcons are a pain.

I heard some hoofbeats and looked up to see Marble peering her way in the doorway and I smiled. "Hey Marble, are you doing alright?" I ask.

"Mmhmm." She said with a small smile. I always found her to be adorable, especially when she is bashful like that. There was a bit of awkward silence between the two of us for a moment before I asked if she wanted to come and sit down with me, and much to my surprise, she nodded and came over and sat next to me.

As I continued to read my comic, I saw her one eye peek over my shoulder and I turned to smile at her. “You like what I’m reading?” I ask as I show her the cover. “It’s called the Teenage Mutant Ninja Griffons, it’s about four teenage Griffons who battle crime in Manehattan.” I said as I began reading the comic to her. She was reading with me and I felt her face near mine as she read over the comic with me. She doesn't talk much, but out of the corner of my eyes, I could see her smile in some of the scenes.

As I continued reading, I had another question for her. “Hey Marble, can I ask you something?” I asked, and she turned to me and nodded. “Well…I was wondering…since we don't have to work again till tomorrow…would you like to go for a walk?” I ask her. And I think I was the first one to ask her because she gave me a look of surprise. “I mean..if you want to.” Stupid! Why did I say that? Now I made myself look like an idiot…way to go, Jax! But then…I heard four words…four words that would stay with me for a long time

“I-I would like to.” Her voice…this is…oh my gosh! This is the first time I actually heard her speak, and not go "mmhmm"! And her voice…while soft… sounded lovely to hear, and I felt like there were butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

Since I knew she was very timid, I didn't shout for joy or that stuff, all I did was simply smile and say. “Great!” I exclaim. “Would you…maybe…want to go now?” I ask her.

“Mmhmm.” She said with a smile, and with that I smiled back, I went towards the guest room I was granted and put my comic on the desk. The whole time I just couldn't stop smiling at the very thought of spending time with Marble.

Now..I am a bit embarrassed to say this, but I haven't had the best experiences with girls…I mean back in Griffonstone, the girls there were pretty mean, except for one, Gabby. She is the only one who is super nice, but she is more like a sister figure than a potential love interest. And ever since I came here...I found myself harboring some feelings for Marble.

With Maud, I just see her as a good friend, even if she is a stoic, we have hung out a few times and played cards together. Limestone… Yeah, I don't know if I would see her as a potential love interest. Not trying to call her out or anything, but with her being missing fussy britches…I don't know. But Marble…she is just so different.

And I’m not just saying that because of her shyness, but even when she doesn't speak much, she is one of the only ones who is nice to me. For one time when I accidentally dropped a rock on my paw, she got concerned and actually nursed it for me, but even then she didn't talk…still it was nice of her to help me out.

“Jax,” Ahh, the familiar stoic voice of Maud said as I turned to see her standing right in the doorway with her pet rock, Boulder…I still don't know why she sees a rock as a pet, but as I said beforehand I just go with the flow.

“Hey Maud, hey Boulder.” I said with a small smile. “What do you need?'' For a while now there was some silicone as Maud just stared at me, blinking very slowly. I swear she is nice and all once you get to know her, but with this mare, you never know what she is thinking...it makes me nervous at times.

“Are you going out with Marble?” At that question, I instantly blush.

“Well, uhh, if you mean going for a walk…then yea.” I say with some hesitation.

“Jax,” She said. “You don't have to hide it from me…I know you have a crush on her.”

That was when my jaw dropped. “What? No way, not true!” I shift my eyes left and right.

“Jax, you're lying.” She bluntly said. Even though she was blunt…she was right, I’m a pretty bad lier. “You got nothing to hide from me.” She said, still, with that never-changing voice. “If you ask me…I think it's rather cute.” She said with a small smile…wait, did she just smile at me? I can't believe it..she actually smiled! Sure it was a small one, but still! “Marble is not usually good with strangers, rather than us…but ever since you came, I have found her staring at you at certain points.”

That was when my blush formed. “What-really?” I ask her. Apparently, Marble would often smile and blush as well when I was working in the fields, either lifting rocks or just smashing them with the pickaxe. Normally someone would find this weird, but I was flattered, as I mentioned, I never have much luck with women in Griffonstone.

“So…did she ever…say she liked me?” I was now very curious. But when Maud nodded her head, that was when I was surprised.

“I think it also has something to do with you often helping her out as well, you help all of us out in the field, even at times when you get done with your load, you often go out of your way to help us all. Like three days ago, you helped me out with my load.” She had that small smile again.

Was she right? Could it be because of my kindness that is having an effect on Marble? "Plus every night before bed, Marble is usually talking about you to me and Limestone." Wait, really? She talks about me?

"Nothing bad…right?" I ask and to my relief, Maud shakes her head no. "Well I mean…she is cute." Then I start to blush. "But…something tells me that your parents would not approve, and Limestone might try to murder me in my sleep…which I'm surprised hasn't happened yet."

To my surprise, Maud gave a chuckle, it was brief, but still, that's one heck of an accomplishment. "Limestone isn't that bad." She said to me, "My parents might be one issue though…but you do work hard." She said. “I have no doubt that the choosing stone would choose the both of you.”

I then smile. “Jee, thanks Maud.” I said as I then gave a determined look. “Well then, I guess I’ll do it then.” I say as I walk out of the room to go talk to Marble. I didn't notice Maud looking back at me with a small smile.

“Go get her.” She said.

5 minutes later…

Me and Marble go on that walk I promised her. You know someone could say that thai place is dull…and to be honest, it is, but it ain't so bad once you get used to it. “So Marble, I was wondering, do you have any hobbies? Like when you aren’t farming?” She looked at me with a confused look. “Well, since you never say much I don't know if you did anything else besides just harvest rocks. I mean Mud does poetry and Limestone likes yelling so..”

Marble giggled again, another score for me! “Well, not really,” she said in that cute soft tone of voice. “I just usually just…you know…be shy.” She said as she gave a downward glance. I felt pretty bad for her, of course, she had family, but she deserved to branch out more, and be friends with others you know? “Say…Jax…can I ask you something?”


“W-why did you leave Griffonstone?” I stopped walking as soon as she asked me those words…I glanced down onto the ground and shook a bit, I was so hesitant that I didn't stop to notice Marble looking at me with a worried tone. “Jax? Oh no, I’m sorry...I didn't me-oh I ruined everything did-”

But then her rambling and worry snapped me back to reality as I went over and clasped her hooves gently. “Marble, don't worry I'm not mad.” I say to her,

“B-but you stopped..and shook...I thou-”

“Marble, it's fine, seriously.” I say, this time I was stern about it. She didn’t think anything at all, it was me…I just didn't expect to hear such a question coming from her. “You really want to know?” I asked, and he hesitantly nodded her head. “I left…because Just couldn't take it anymore.” I say.

Marble, while still hesitant, looked a bit confused. “W-what do you mean?”

I sigh. “Griffonstone isn’t…a really pleasant place. Almost every day and every time, the griffons there would be rude towards others, including me.” I sigh. “Of course, me and my family were the only ones…” I then glance to the ground. “All we ever did was try to be nice to others, but no matter how hard we tried, we would always find ourselves being treated like garbage by others, no matter how small.” I then sigh and look off into the distance. “It got really bad after my father got sick, as no griffon would help us in any way…even if it was something small like getting us some milk for him.”

I then began to shake. “My father died right in his bed, with only me and my mom surrounding him…we gave him a private funeral.” I then felt my tears spill out of my eyes, normally I would try to hide them..but I was getting too emotional to stop it. “And then after two days….my mother died too!” After this, I was now just heavily bawling and fell to my knees. Not caring who was there to watch me as I wept.

My parents were the most important things in my life…but now they were gone and were never coming back. I then felt some hooves wrap around me...but I'm still weeping. But I didn't have to see who it was, for Ikkne who it was who hugged me.

“Oh Jax…I’m so sorry.” Marble said to me as I felt her tears go down onto my back. Why was she crying? This was my burden, my sadness, not hers. “I don't know how hard you had it.” She said to me.

I sniffled as I gently pushed her off of me. “It ain't your fault *sniff* I said as I wiped my tears away. “But afterwards…I had to take care of myself.” As tears still poured down, I let myself be a bit more calm now. “Of course, I only had one friend, her name is Gabby…she is nice and she helped me through all my pain.” I said with a small smile.

Now I didn’t see it at the time, but Marble stiffened when I mentioned Gabby's name, almost as if she felt a bit…jealous of some sort. “But she is more like my sister so nothing goes as far as us benign besties,” I said. Finally, my tears stopped and I was fully calm. “Anyway, I just couldn't handle all of the negativity that surrounded Griffonstone and I left right then and there, even though Gabby tried to stop me.”

Marble looked at me with awe. “So…you never went back?”

I shook my head. “Nope.” I said as I frowned. “I haven't been back there since…I want to go back, but something tells me that things possibly won't be the same…although I do wish to check up and see how Gabby is doing.” My frown then turned into a small smile. “I traveled all over Equestria, trying to find myself a new place to live in, looking at the many sights, anything to get my mind off of everything that had transpired. Then I wound up here.” I say.

Marble smiled. “Yea…you came here after you were tired.”

“And I was just going to stay for a while to help repay my debt to you guys…but something in my gut told me that this was my place to belong…and even though I’m an outsider, you and your family treat me with respect, even if they are a bit..well..”

“Standish?” Marble asked, and I nodded, and she giggled. “Even though they don't look like it, I know Ma and Pa are grateful for you helping out around the farm. And even Limestone has complimented you behind your back..even if she doesn't show it that much.”

Wait, for real? Limestone has complimented me? “Compliment?” I then deadpanned. “Limestone…?”

“Mmhmm,” Marble said. “She said that you do great work around the farm. She just doesn't want to admit it.” Well…that makes sense..I guess. Marble looked at me and smiled. “Hey Jax, can I ask you something else?” I nodded. “And can you..not laugh at me?” I nodded again.

“Of course.”

Marble then kicked the ground softly with her hoof. “I have this thing…” A thing? “A certain thing for a special pony…well…some special creature…but I am afraid that he might not like me.” She said with a blush on her face as she looked at me..oh I think I know.

I then take her hoofs in my talons and look into her violet eyes. “Well, to tell you the truth, I have a thing for some creature too…and she is a pony.” I said to her,

Marble blushed. “This creature is kind, respectful, and he is a big help to the family farm…”

“This pony is kind, cute, a bit mute, but the most precious thing on a certain rock farm.” I say to her as our faces get a bit closer.

“Jax,” Marble said softly. “Is this pony…me?”

I nod slowly. “Marble…is this creature…me?” and she nodded. “Marble…

“Jax…” she said as our faces got closer and then…

When our lips touched, it felt like fireworks had popped off in my head. Here I was…kissing a mare that I had hidden feelings for for a while now. I was waiting at one moment for Limestone to scream at me to wake up..but this was no dream at all…this was reality!

I wrapped my one talon around Marble's neck gently as she pressed her hooves into my chest as we moaned into the kiss. I didn’t care if we were both different from the other creatures, let them all laugh! I don't care….this mare…she was mine to love!

We broke the kiss as we both looked at each other with blushes plastered all over our faces. “Marble, when did you gain feelings for me?” I ask her.

Marble looked away. “Well..it all began after you arrived, remember when I fell sick?” Oh yeah, there was that one day when she fell really ill. I can't remember what caused her sickness, but it was not that good. “When I was sick, you were the one who helped the most in taking care of me, you did my workload for me, and you constantly came in to check on me to make sure I was alright. I know Maud, Limestone, Ma, and Pa helped, but you helped the most.”

Then her face blushed once again. “And that was the beginning as you helped out more and more, I saw you as a kind, loyal Griffon…and you are so patient with me even if I never spoke to you at all… you're so nice, and it makes me feel so funny, makes me feel things I never thought I would get to feel because of my shyness.”

Some might see this as some sort of cliche, but I smiled as I gently brushed part of her mane out of her face, revealing her beautiful violet eyes as they stared into mine. Then I saw a trail of light out of the corner of my eye and I turned to see what it was. When me and Marble looked, we were now in some sort of stone that was in the shape of a heart, and it was glowing a bit.

Thus thou shalt love one another.” An ominous voice called from the stone.

“Jax…I think the choosing stone is choosing us to love one another.” She said to him with a smile.

Jax then snorted a bit. “You know, even without the choosing stone…I possibly still would’ve chosen you.” I say with a warm smile.

Marble blushed again. “You know what? I would have to.” She said, she then hugged me, and I did the very same to her. “Jax,” she whispered to me. “I love you.” I felt a lone tear fall from her eye.

“Marble, why are you crying?” I ask her.

Marble sniffled a bit. “Because I’m happy to be with you right now.” She said to him, I smiled back and my hug on her tightened up a bit. “But,” she said as she then looked at me with a worried look. What if others won;t accept our love?” She asked with some hesitation.

But then I gave a fierce determined voice. “I don't care what they say.” I then gently caress her face once more. “I love you Marble forever and always.” I said to her with a warm smile.

Marble looked at me with tears spilling out and her smiling face. “I love you too Jax.” She said as he kissed once again and hugged each other once more. We didn't care what was going around us, all we had at that particular moment was each other.

As I hugged her, I looked up in the sky wondering what my parents would think of her. “Mom, Dad…I wish you were here to meet this mare.” I thought. “She might be shy, but there is no doubt that she is definitely wonderful. I bet you would’ve loved to meet her.

What I didn't know was that me and Marble were being followed as Maud and Limestone were right behind some large rock and watching us both.

Limestone groaned. “This is making me sick.” She said with a roll of her eyes.

Maud looked at her. “You're just jealous that Marble found a boyfriend and you didn't.” She said with her monotone voice.

That was when Limestone blushed a bit out of embarrassment. “What? I’m not jealous! Who said I was jealous?” She asked as she darted her eyes. Maud however looked back on me and Marble and she gave a small.

“Good job, the both of you.” She said, “I can only imagine what Pinkie will think of this.” She thought with amusement.

but there was one question that lingered in my mind...did we even notice that we were right by the choosing stone? Or did the stone somehow teleport towards us?