• Published 18th Aug 2023
  • 650 Views, 7 Comments

Pipp the Poltergeist - Misty Shadow

The newly renovated Canterlogic building, now called Canterlove Studios, is haunted for real now...by Pipp Petals?

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The Familiar Revealed

Sunny was in a state of complete astonishment at the revelation she had just discovered. Sprout’s familiar, the ghost speaking to her through the photograph she was holding, was her ancestor. In response to being called as such, he smiled and nodded.

“That’s right.” he confirmed. “I am indeed an ancestor of yours from before the time of Twilight Sparkle. Long ago, in a room like this one, when you were only a foal, I appeared beside you and your father, Argyle Starshine. It happened as he was taking a picture, something he hid from you once it was developed, not wanting you to be afraid. I believe it was the day when you first had Sprout and Hitch over at your home. Your father was telling you three a story about the Windigos as he opened a book…a book that made my spirit feel compelled to visit your home…”

“That reminds me of what Pipp said about the book Misty gave her…” Sunny stated what she recalled. “Is there something about it that made you and the other spirits want to visit this building?”

“Yes…” Sprout’s familiar answered with his smile becoming a disconcerting frown. “Pipp and I both knew, but we did not tell Sprout, fearing it would go to Misty and make her feel worse about what’s happening now. That book Misty gave Pipp…is the same book Opaline stole from the royals when she led that rebellion against Princess Platinum.”

Sunny gasped upon hearing this.

“No…” she said with small tears in her eyes, worrying of the guilt Misty would have to endure if she were to find out.

“However…” Sprout’s familiar continued to explain. “We are not simply here because of the book. It was also the extraordinary will of Pipp that drew us here. Rest assured, it is not because of Misty that she is a ghost now…the reason for that is a truth you and your friends lying beside you must discover after you have ascertained my identity. I’m sure they’ll be regaining consciousness shortly…”

“What about Sparky and Sprout?” Sunny asked in concern. “Where are they?”

“Sparky and Sprout are inside of the room where your friend, Zipp, underwent her trial.” Sprout’s familiar answered. “The baby dragon has been sleeping soundly this whole time as Sprout now watches over him there. That is where we shall be waiting for you once you’ve solved the most spooktacular mystery ever.”

“Hold on…” Sunny said as a thought came to her, remembering something the familiar had said earlier. “Does “we” include…?”

“Your father will be there too, yes.” Sprout’s familiar bluntly replied. “He knows about what happened with Sprout and doesn’t fault you for it at all. Let me inform you that he has always had a premonition of a day like this coming. A day where spirits of the past would return to haunt Equestria, leading you and your friends to have to find a new fire together. He knew it was something you would have to figure out by yourselves, however. For it is only with your own will that you can accept the fire that will free you from the poison called malice…show that fire you have inherited from me to your friends, and soon, all the clues you have been given as to who I am should come together. Let us meet again soon…”

With that, Sunny could feel the presence of her ancestor in the photograph disappear. Soon, her friends awakened…

“Ugh…what happened?” they asked themselves as they turned over to sit up straight on the couch. “All I can remember is…Sunny?!”

The presence of their friend immediately caught their attention, not just because they had suddenly been greeted to the sight of her, but because they could instantly sense that something about her soul was different now. And so, they asked…

“Sunny, did you…?”

“Yes.” Sunny quickly answered. “I passed my test. However, a terrible price was paid to ensure my success. Sprout sacrificed himself. He’s just like Pipp now.”

Sunny’s friends were in complete disbelief at what they had been told.

“Are you saying that Sprout…died for you?!” Zipp exclaimed in utter shock.

“I knew he was going to be sincere in his mission to protect you…” a slightly less surprised Izzy interjected. “…but I never expected him to go that far…”

“Me neither…” a saddened Misty chimed in, feeling pity for him that was shared by the rest of the group. “The poor soul…”

“It’s not your fault…” Sunny remarked on impulse. “You may have brought Pipp that book, but…never mind…”

“Huh?” Misty replied in a suspecting tone after Sunny stopped herself from letting the truth slip.

“That spirit that possessed Sparky…” Hitch recalled. “The way I gained control of the fragment of my soul…did Spring…”

“Spring merged with him.” Sunny confirmed Hitch’s speculation of Spring having something to do with Sprout’s change in personality. “However, that’s not all there was to it. Sprout was touched by the way we were determined to help Pipp at any cost. He even wanted to be considered part of our group. It was the fire of our friendship that moved him…”

Sunny’s friends grew even more astonished as they watched Sunny create a pink and purple fire shaped like a heart with her hoof…

“That fire…” Hitch reacted in amazement, immediately recognizing the familiar sensation of benevolent warmth emanating from it. “It’s the fire of that familiar…”

“Quite so.” Sunny confirmed another postulation of her friend’s. “And that familiar of Sprout’s is no ordinary ghost…he’s an ancestor of mine.”

Just when Sunny’s friends thought they couldn’t be any more surprised, this revelation blew their minds away.

“Y-Y-Y-YOU MEAN…” they said while stammering. “A-A-ALL THIS TIME…D-DID YOUR DAD KNOW?!”

“He had to have, given what the familiar told me about what he hid to protect me.” Sunny solemnly answered. “The familiar also explained to me that he always had a feeling something like this would happen and had a solid reason for not telling us…that reason being that the fire of friendship is something we had to discover the secrets of on our own…and now, we have to come together to discover the secret of the familiar’s identity…”

“Yes, just as Pipp told us.” Izzy replied with a nod of agreement. “We need to put all the clues we found together.”

“As the detective here, allow me to have first dibs.” Zipp chimed in, speaking in her usual self-assured tone. “During my test, I learned the truth of our existence inside of the one who made us. We’re all a part of Creator, a collection of souls that conceived us all.”

“Woah…” every pony in the room aside from Izzy and Misty said in response.

“And that’s not all.” Zipp continued. “Pipp actually appeared to me inside of Creator and told me something about a fire we all had to keep going no matter what while showing me a lantern she had…”

“Lantern?” Sunny said with piqued interest. “Was it…like the Prisbeam Lantern?”

“It definitely seemed different to me than that…” Zipp answered, though not with full certainty. “Though in retrospect, I do find it to be an interesting coincidence how right after that was when I discovered that Pipp intended to share the secret of the purpose of our existence with every pony…”

“So you know now what her big surprise is.” Misty interjected softly. “Those products of hers…I can tell from my spiritual senses that she used them to temporarily turn us into ghosts while we were unconscious.”

“We were ghosts while we were unconscious?!” Hitch cried in shock. “Oh no, I just realized that Sparky isn’t here! Where’d my little dragon buddy go?!”

“Relax, Hitch.” Sunny said to calm her friend. “The familiar told me that Sparky is safe with him and Sprout.”

Hitch breathed a sigh of relief.

“Still…” Sunny continued in a slightly surprised tone of voice. “I can’t believe Pipp actually made something that can turn ponies into ghosts…during my test, I was told it was something done to protect you guys. I believe that wholeheartedly, knowing Pipp would only ever create something like that with good intentions in mind. She wanted to protect you guys from a deadly attack the spirits made during my test…something that wouldn’t have just destroyed our bodies, but siphoned the life from our souls were it not for the cure I now have the power to create with my hoof alone…”

Once Sunny made a pink and purple fire shaped like a heart appear with her hoof again, something began to dawn on Hitch…

“You know, my test taught me how to create supernatural fire too…” he recounted as he mused. “And that spirit, Spring, gave me a sample of the fire just like the kind you have in your hoof…”

Hitch then proceeded towards the kitchen, where he found the jar containing the sample and brought it back to the lounge room for every pony to see.

“Something tells me that there’s an inextricable link between all of our tests…related to fire…”

“You and Sunny said that’s the familiar’s fire…” Zipp chimed in, coming to the same conclusion as Hitch. “But what could that be telling us about who he is?”

After some thought and remembering the way the familiar had behaved earlier around Sprout after a new fire in him was awakened, Sunny finally figured it out after realizing that something the familiar had told her was actually a key clue to solving this puzzle…

“The story my dad told me…” she uttered in realization. “The story of the Windigos!”

“The story of the what?” her friends responded in confusion.

“Ice spirits,” explained Sunny, “creatures of wind that would manifest when ponies would fight and show hate for each other during the time before Twilight Sparkle. My dad told me they even showed up once during the time of Twilight, but that wasn’t the focus of the story…no…his story was about a learned scholar…like the one the spirits told me about. I don’t remember his name, but I know he’s the one who found the cure to the poison from the bomb Opaline detonated during the rebellion against Princess Platinum.”

“Wait, Platinum?!” Zipp reacted in surprise. “What did the scholar in that story do?”

“In that story,” answered Sunny, “the scholar defeated the Windigos with the fire of friendship, which also happens to be the cure for the poison that I can now create…which can only mean…”

Every pony in the room’s eyes went wide as they all came to the same realization and proclaimed…

“That scholar is Sprout’s familiar!”

“We just need to figure out his name now!” Zipp exclaimed earnestly. “Pipp gave us a clue before any of us entered Canterlove about how we already knew his name, it was just the last name we’d think of…hold on…Sunny, can you at least remember what the scholar from the story’s name was like? Did he have one name or two?”

“All I can remember is that his name was different from an ordinary pony’s name.” Sunny told her. “It was like…”Something the something”…”

“I’ve never heard of a name like that before.” Hitch chimed in. “Maybe we’re supposed to put what we can learn from that clue Pipp gave us with something we know about the familiar now in order to find out his name.”

“Last name…” Zipp said as she thought over the clue from Pipp. “Since he’s Sprout’s familiar…could she have been talking about Sprout’s last name? And if he’s a learned scholar, that means he’s highly intelligent…one would assume a scholar would want a title associated with intellect…OOOHHH…”

Zipp began to giggle the same way she had giggled when she had first been given the clue from her sister.

“I know his name…” she declared ebulliently.

An also enthusiastic Izzy smiled upon seeing Zipp’s excitement, knowing it was time to make some preparations…

Meanwhile, Pipp, Sprout, Sparky, and the familiar resembling Twilight were in the room the familiar had told Sunny and her friends to come to once they had solved the mystery of his identity. Pipp was looking outside the window with a morose expression on her face, Sprout was happily drinking a cup of cocoa, and Sparky, now awake, was sitting on a pillow with the familiar by his side.

“Urooooo!” he cried with glee upon sensing the familiar’s kindred nature.

Sparky then put his hand on the familiar’s stomach, causing the familiar’s stomach to lose mass as cake ghosts departed from it, looking cheerful as they subsequently vanished. A blue, ghostly energy exuding from the pendant the familiar was wearing then materialized into Argyle, who also appeared to be happy. Naturally, he, the familiar, and Sprout wanted to learn why Pipp was brooding as they turned to face her.

“What’s the matter, Pipp?” Sprout decided to be the one to inquire. “Are you still feeling guilty over what happened to me?”

“Of course I am.” Pipp bluntly replied. “I know none of you want me to blame myself, but it’s more than just a feeling of guilt. I’m also disillusioned…I had a conviction made right from the start that I and I alone would be the sacrifice. Everything about the idea of you taking my place just feels so wrong, I feel like I broke my promise…”

“You did no such thing.” Sprout’s familiar reassured her. “If Sprout wishes to take your place as the one to pay the price for the wrongdoings of the spirits, that’s his decision. If you don’t want him to take your place, that’s your decision. The noble actions of another do not diminish your integrity.”

“I know, but you know as well as I do that we are not simple creatures…” Pipp rebutted. “There’s a part of me that wants to be the sacrifice for selfish reasons, enjoying how it makes me feel good about myself. Having Sprout be the sacrifice in my stead is obviously selfish too, but with my friends wanting to see me become “normal” again, wouldn’t it also be selfish to deny them that desire after how much they’ve gone through? No matter what, I can’t win…”

“Pipp, sometimes there is no right answer.” Argyle chimed in solemnly. “Sometimes, the best thing we can do is have faith. “Believe in yourself and those you love.” is a very overused maxim, but a very valuable one. We must believe in those we love and the things we say and do. What would my daughter think of me if I didn’t believe in her? What would she think of you if she saw you sulking like this? Wouldn’t you truly be remiss in being one true to their word if you were to not be yourself while giving them the most spooktacular time of their lives?”

Pipp’s glum look shifted to an astonished look once Argyle’s words reminded her of the message she told Izzy and Misty to relay to her other friends if they had accidentally given away the truth of her supernatural powers too soon. She created a fire with her hoof and examined it for a moment before looking over at her lantern on the floor. Remembering what she had told Zipp inside of Creator, she began to smile after turning back to the fire in her hoof…

“I really do feel silly…” she remarked as her vim began to return. “It makes no sense for me to be acting this way when I’m the one who told her about the fire we have to keep going no matter what…”

“Would that fire happen to be related to the fire of friendship in any way?”

Everyone in the room turned to face Sunny and her friends making their entrance as Sunny uttered this.

“Absolutely.” Sprout’s familiar answered Sunny’s question. “For part of our purpose in life is to share the fire that drives us to create incredible things with friends. I shared the fire of friendship with the ponies of my time, the spirits in this building, the spirits inside of me, the Windigos, and you…something that in turn, will be shared with your friends. Now that you’re all here, I’m sure you all know my name.”

“Indeed we do.” Sunny earnestly confirmed. “You’re Clover the Clever.”

Pipp, Sprout, Argyle, and the familiar all perked up when they heard that name, delighted that Sunny and her friends had found the correct solution to the puzzle.

“Yes…” Pipp said happily, grateful that her friends had not only solved the mystery, but not seen her in the state she was in beforehand.

“Who would’ve thought that Sprout Cloverleaf would end up with Clover the Clever’s ghost?” Sprout joked about the clue Pipp had given them.

“I knew I was right to never doubt you for a second.” Argyle remarked as he looked at Clover, who met his gaze. “Clover, I think we know who that pendant belongs to now…”

“Since it originally belonged to you…” Clover respectfully replied as he took off the pendant and gave it to Argyle. “I think you should do the honor of bestowing it upon her.”

“Hold on a second!” Sunny exclaimed in protest. “I can’t just accept a reward like that!”

“Why not?” Clover retorted. “You’ve already accepted the reward of a new fire, the very thing you were promised from the beginning. You’re not going to be able to share it with your friends with that attitude.”

“But it just doesn’t feel right…” a downcast Sunny responded. “Not only can I feel from my heightened spiritual sense that the spirits aren’t completely free, I passed my test at the cost of Sprout’s life…”

“Sunny, the spirits can only be completely free if they so choose.” Clover told her solemnly. “You made up your mind that you would never try to take away their free will, and unfortunately, if the spirits choose to remain trapped, that is how they will remain. Some souls simply choose to wander aimlessly and even find themselves as cake ghosts in hot drinks and baked goods…”

Sunny and her friends gasped as they looked over at Sprout, seeing that the cup of cocoa he had in hoof now had small, purple spirits emerging from it, the same spirits they had seen rising from the cookies he had given them before they entered Canterlove. They then looked over at Clover’s belly, noticing that he had lost weight as the same spirits emerged from his stomach, looking happy before they disappeared.

“It’s not your fault that souls become lost, Sunny.” Sprout chimed in. “Our responsibility is to be a guide to the lost, and my sacrifice was part of my duty as one.”

“You’ve done a tremendous job as a guide to the lost, honey.” Argyle complimented his daughter affectionately. “We all just need to do our best to provide solace to the souls around us. If they don’t want peace, we can’t force it on them. However, thanks to what you’ve done, I think the souls haunting this building are closer to finding peace than ever…”

Argyle then leaned closer to his daughter to put his pendant around her neck before whispering something in her ear…

“That’s why this is no time to be losing your groove. Spirits that still need guidance reside within one of your closest friends…”

Sunny’s eyes widened in astonishment. She could immediately tell who Argyle was referring to, looking over at Pipp, who looked back at her. With her increased spiritual power, she could now feel something inside of Pipp, something longing to be rejuvenated with magic…

Tears then began to fall from Sunny’s eyes as she gave her father a hug.

“You’re the best, dad…” Sunny told her father with full sincerity. “I’m so glad you didn’t show me that photograph when I was a filly. I’m so glad that my friends and I got to solve this mystery by ourselves. I know you’re always going to live on inside of me, but I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll allow me to continue to save souls with my own strength…showing them how to accept the fire that will free them into their hearts…”

It was then that Argyle’s spirit entered the pendant, leading Sunny to transform into an alicorn. She proceeded to cast a spell on her friends that caused them to become enveloped by golden, magical energy. They then looked at how the aura surrounding their bodies was glowing brighter than ever, and instinctively, they each made a supernatural fire appear in one of their hooves, a fire that was pink, purple, and shaped like a heart. Clover looked upon the sight with pride.

“My work here is done…your power is far greater than Opaline’s…” he said with accomplishment, smiling and nodding as a tear of joy came out of one of his eyes before he turned to face Sprout. “Will you do the honor of dismissing me?”

“Of course.” Sprout responded without hesitation. “It really is an honor. You know, I still remember when I thought a familiar as powerful as you was perfect for a pony like me. But now, my opinion’s changed. It’s not just you who’s too good for me…it’s Sunny and her friends too.”

Once Sprout waved his hoof to dismiss Clover, everyone in the room, including Sparky, looked at Sprout in surprise, awestruck at his newfound humility.

“Sprout…” Sunny said in disbelief. “Do you really mean that?”

“Why would I say that in jest?” Sprout retorted as he grabbed Sparky. “After what you did for those spirits, why is it any surprise that my heart has changed?”

“Aww…” Sparky murmured happily as he gave Sprout’s neck an affectionate rub with his head.

“Don’t worry, we believe you…” an admiring Hitch chimed in upon seeing that Sparky could sense the transformation in Sprout’s heart.

“Given that, would you trust me to watch Sparky while you undertake your final mission?” Sprout asked.

“Yes.” Hitch answered with sincerity. “I can see he’s taken a liking to you.”

Sprout then turned to Izzy and Misty.

“I hope you have that spell ready.” he told Izzy.

“Sure do!” Izzy cheerfully replied. “Some pony’s going to be singing a really special tune here soon, heh heh!”

“And Misty…” he told Misty. “You’re going to see soon what a great thing you’ve done for Equestria by bringing Pipp that book…you’re awesome.”

“Hmm?” Sunny thought in perplexment. “Does he now know about…?”

“…Thanks.” Misty responded with uncertainty, feeling the same sense of suspicion she felt earlier when Sunny said something off to her. “I think we’ve all changed for the better lately…”

Pipp put her front hooves on her cheeks, wearing an enamored grin on her face.

“I also want all of you to know…” Sprout said to Sunny and every pony accompanying her. “What happens from here on out will be forged by choices we’ve made with our free will. I’d love to live again as a normal pony and Pipp will do what she loves to do. You can’t change Pipp no matter what, but know that Creator will work through you to unlock the magic inside of us all…”

Pipp then looked over at her lantern and gave a slight chuckle…

“Putting everything you got from your trials together is the key…use the newfound fire within you to do what it’s meant to do…” Sprout gave them one last hint of advice. “When the time comes, I know you’ll make the right choice…”

Sprout, using a power he had gained upon becoming a ghost, then vanished with Sparky in hoof as Pipp turned her attention to Sunny and the group.

“It’s finally time…” she gleefully said in an ominous tone. “Now that you’ve solved the spooktacular mystery, it’s time to catch me…but once you do, what will you choose?”

Hitch looked at the jar containing the fire Spring had given him, Zipp looked over at the cord in the room she had made into spiritual matter with her new power, and Sunny looked at the photo her ancestor was in.

“Pipp…” they answered solemnly, fighting the bad feeling that was welling up inside them all with hope. “We already know what we’re going to choose…to use our power to help you!”

There was a spark in Pipp’s eyes as something that resembled a soul in them now had eyes that looked far less lifeless...

Meanwhile, Sprout had teleported himself and Sparky to the lounge room below. He put the baby dragon down on the couch and pulled out his phone. Knowing of how Equestria was reacting to the disappearance of Pipp, he wore a serious expression on his face.

“Soon, they’ll all know the truth of their existence…” he said forebodingly.

Author's Note:

Up next is the finale. Can Sunny and her friends catch Pipp the Poltergeist and accept the most difficult truth they'll have to face yet?