• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2020
  • offline last seen June 1st

Rodimus Pumpernickle

Quiet but awesome. Silent and deadly.


This story is a sequel to The Exes Club

Is it weird to write a fan-fiction of a fan-fiction? This is a story I wanted to write that takes place between MarvelandPonder's The Exes Club and Empathy for the Devil of what Flash and Timber were like when they started dating.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

Damn, crossing fanfic of something I wrote off my bucket list!

Any kind of fanfic inspired by a thing I made would be flattering in the extreme, but fanfic this well-written and thoughtful about the characters? With such wonderful explorations of two of my favourite boys?

I'm really digging the insecurities explored through metaphor here, integrating Flash's body image issues from EFTD into a story that takes place beforehand. And wow, Timber being able to drop the act around Flash is an aspect I'm so happy that was expanded on here!! Also I love the little things in here like the Rarity Special, Flash's memories with his mom, and Sunset's little acknowledgement that she's happy he's happy. This is all so sweet and deserves credit not just as fanfic of a fanfic, but a really great story in its own right. Don't be surprised if I give you a shout out. You deserve some love for this

ASJGHRBDD! Wow, thank you, that's the best reply I could have hoped for!! I'm so happy you like it! Checking that off MY list!

A Flash x Timber fanfic is definitely one way of getting me out of bed

I can't tell you how much I was giggling and kicking my feet to this as well as walking around my bedroom to control the way I feel about these silly goofy boys. There are so many parts to this that I loved: the banter, the care, the very much present repercussions of their previous relationships, it was all really well done! Thank you so much for writing this!!!

Aaahhh thank you so much!! Coming from you that means a lot! Thank you for reading it!

Howdy, hi~!

Absolutely adored this. An absolutely worthy successor to the Exes Club and as a prequel to EFTD. This was so great to read. I love how Timber and Flash bounce off each other in this and all the huge depth of emotion you put into it. This was such sooooo good. Loved it. Thanks for the read~!

Hi hello!! Thank you! A worthy successor, you're making me blush!! Aahh! Depth of emotion was what I was hoping for, too! Marvel set that up with Exes Club first, where they're both opening up to each other but it takes some work, but then in EftD they're really close and I wanted to see how they got that way. You gotta build trust! And I love how good flirty Timber is at getting less confident people to relax. I hope I did him justice! Thank you for the comment, I'm really happy you liked my story!

Also, dropping a note here because I just noticed something: This is story #100 with Timber Spruce.

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