• Published 26th Jul 2023
  • 1,956 Views, 128 Comments

Rainbow Point Paradox - Aether Nexus

When Dash and Twilight reset time, the main 6 must work out why the Equestria they have found themselves in, is far different than the one they remember.

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Chapter 8 - All roads lead to Ponyville

The click and clack of the train brought a nostalgic feeling of comfort to Twilight, sure it wasn’t the Friendship Express, and the seating was more compact, but riding in a train was therapeutic, and much comfier than traveling by chariot. Fortunately, the last two days had been much calmer in Canterlot, with Twilight's “plan”, to hinder Cadence's work, her mother (loathed as she was to call her such), laid her change of heart on a bit thickly, then Cadence asked if there was anywhere she was interested in calling their new home, though she hadn’t expected an answer from Twilight, there was only one place she would ever answer.

She’d been back to the dreamscape twice since her first visit, Applejack was the only one to join her the first time, and no pony came the second. She was concerned but trusted her friends enough to know that they’d make it through any problems they were having and to find a way to contact her if they needed her, so since she only knew where one of her friends was, regrouping with Applejack was the only option, hoping to at least see old treebary was an added bonus.

As such, by royal decree, two days later Twilight, Cadence, and her retinue were on the train to Ponyville, sadly Shing Armor wasn’t among those currently accounted for, Twilight had even done a magic scan for his magic signature, just in case he was in disguise but no success. Hopefully, he’ later he would be joining them, though not having spoken to him yet she could only hope he would still be her BBBFF, sadly her memories of this time shed very little in the way of their interactions, and she didn’t think she’d ever called him Best Big Brother Friend Forever as she currently was.

Looking out the window, Twilight almost forgot that she was in a different time, as the hills rolled by and they traveled over streams it was almost as if nothing had changed. If only Cadence could enjoy the journey, though the Princess was putting up a good front, Twilight had technically known her for longer than either of them had currently been alive, biologically not mentally, as such she could read her like a catalog of emotions, sorted by emotion, severity, and need for cake. Currently, Twilight decided that Cadence needed lots of cake, hopefully Sugarcube Corner was waiting for them.

“Hey, Princess Cadence?”

“Hmm, of yes Twilight, is everything ok?”

“I’m fine, but I was wondering, have you ever been to Ponyville?”

“Just once, Her Majesty went to visit and brought me along, it's a rather excentric town. If you don’t mind me asking, why did you choose Ponyville to be our residence?”

‘Because I know an Alicorn is waiting for me there, and two more Alicorns will probably journey there soon, along with a winged Kirin and whatever my friend Pinkie Pie turned into, so together we can go back to our own time and forget any of this ever happened’ … heh, the thought of telling Cadence the truth had crossed her mind, but she didn’t want to find out if her old sister-in-law would support her changing reality just yet, so she’d prepared a much better answer, fit for someone of her unique insight and intellect, so she looked up at Cadence and gave her the most adorable foal eyes she could.

“I read a book claiming that they grew the best apples in Equestria!”

Cadence blinked at Twilight, her mouth agape, clearly shocked by the answer.

“Oh, that's a very nice reason Twilight, but did you hear anything about, The Everfree Forest in that book”

Cadence was anxious about the forest, of course, she was trying to hide her anxiety, but knowing her previously was just cheating when it came to reading her expressions, maybe she’d have some fun with her and Shiny once he turned up.

“I heard that it's dangerous and that foals shouldn’t go in there.” A safe assumption, unless Celestia burned the whole forest down, it was unlikely that the first improved thing about this world she encountered would be the Everfree.

“Yes, it is a dangerous place Twilight, I’m glad you know that, but I want to you promise me that you won’t go in there, even with an adult, it's a very dangerous place, and many guards get hurt every year containing the creatures found there.”

‘Of course it’s worse, why wouldn’t it be’ Twilight thought to herself, hopefully, Applejack and her family weren’t having to many issues with the forest.

“Ok princess, I won’t go there.”

“Thank you Twilight, I don’t want to see you getting hurt.”

Twilight smiled, the first good pony she’d spent time with, in this world at least, and some creature she loved as a sister, she was already planning to break the first promise they made, so she smiled because she didn’t want to reveal how sad she felt.


Pain was the only thing the Tempest Shadow was aware of when she began to wake up. What had she done to deserve every muscle in her body aching, and her head wanting to split in half. If she didn’t know better, she’d say she’d spent the whole day training, only to immediately hit the bar, to drink herself into forgetting she was a damned unicorn.

But she did know better and immediately sprung to her hooves, a big mistake, as the pain in her head only got worse somehow.

Taking a few moments to collect herself, she admired her surroundings.

She was in a warm, but humid alcove, illuminated by some kind of plant growing, and glowing on the walls outside of the alcove, which seemed to be part of a corridor leading to either side of her little room, or should she call it a cell, since strange rock formations currently barred her exit.

Then she remembered what had happened, fire, explosions, and laughter. She looked at herself, checking each leg carefully, she remembered being engulfed by an explosion, however, she had somehow come out of it with no lasting damage, just a headache and more aches than she could count, which she hoped would go away sooner rather than later. But that begged the question, why was she still alive?

Boing, boing.

Some creature was coming, what horrible timing Tempest thought to herself, the least her captors could do was wait till she had recovered from her headache before interrogating her.

Boing, boing.

Whatever it was, was getting closer, and had a very bizarre way of movement.


And whatever it was, it was here.

Tempest lowered herself into an attack stance, she might be in no state to put up a real fight, but she wasn’t going to make it easy for them. Slowly, and carefully the sounds of a heavy object being moved came from the other side of the stone bars, had she not been awake, she doubted it would have woken her up, maybe they didn’t know she was awake, since she was currently obscured by shadow, perhaps she could get the jump on them.

Slowly, part of the wall swung outwards, Tempest held her breath, she’d only get one shot at this after all, but then something happened that she did now expect.

A tray slid into her room stopping just in front of her. The tray held a bowl of some sort of greenish substance, a mug of what smelt like medicinal tea, and a slice of cake.

“I thought you might be hungry, and a bit sore, so I brought you some food and drink, it’ll make you feel better” Whispered some creature, a young feminine voice by the sound of it. Tempest was at a loss, she hadn’t expected to be given food and drink, but she’d only just woken up, how in the world did this creature …

“Oh I knew you’d be waking up about now, my Pinkie Sence told me that some creature was about to wake up in pain and in need of some tender love and care food, so I made some Mushroom Soup, prepared some herbal tea, added a bit of honey so it won’t be too bitter, oh and cooked a cake, it's Black Forrest Gateaux, I know you’ll love it … because reasons.” Whispered the voice again, with barely contained enthusiasm.

Looking at the offered food, Tempest felt her stomach grumble, she was really hungry, and despite how it looked, the soup smelt great. Lowering her mouth to the soup, she took a tentative lick … It was amazing! With all thoughts of escaping imprisonment and the strange creature out of her mind, Tempest devoured the meal before her, and before she knew it, the last crumb of the cake had been licked off the plate.


Tempest froze, stood barely out of bucking distance, was a pink … creature.

She was rather large for a foal, but definitely, a child by her species' standards since she hadn’t quite grown into her dragon-like wings yet and her legs were far too short, much like what she expected to see from a ponjy foal. The creature had two horn-like protrusions that rose from her temples, the tips currently hidden between her pony-like ears, while most of her body was covered with fur, the sides of her neck and her back were covered with scales, and a thick limb-like tail with a flipper at the end.

“Wha … what are you?” Tempest finally managed to stammer.

“I’m Pinkie Pie”

“No, I mean, what creature, I’ve never heard of any creature like you.”

“Oh that's because I'm unique, basically I was your usual Seaquestrian/ Hippogryph with transformative magic, then when the rainbow passed us a few days ago, I grew Sea-Dragon wings, sprouted two doe horns, and got scales to protect my gills, not sure why I have scales on my back though, might just be aesthetics. So to sum up, I’m Pinkie Pie, hello!”

Tempest, was lost for words, after all, this Pinkie Pie, made no sense “So there aren’t any other Pinkie Pies? Pinkies Piecus?”

“Hehe, Pinkie Piecus, I need to abose that later, but nope, just me, I'm still part Hippogryph and Sea Pony, and there are loads of them. I also have five sisters, Maud, Cali-Carb*, Choral, and Sea-Pizza Pie”

Tempest suddenly became aware of a presence next to her, turning in alarm she realised, it was somehow Pinkie Pie, who while hadn’t moved, was suddenly next to her and whispering into her ear.

“We don’t talk about Pizza Pie though, she puts Pineapple and Hay-Ham on pizza, and I have a brother called Octavio Pie, but I really would rather forget him.”

With a woosh, the Pinkie Pie had disappeared from her current spot, and was back to her original spot, just out of reach but in front of her, almost as if she had never moved.

“Okay.” Was all Tempest could say, “Thanks for the food, and the family background, but why am I still alive?”

“Oh that's simple silly, since no one’s died, you have to be alive.”

“But the explosions, the traps, I saw Storm Creatures being swallowed by, something.”

“Oh that was just marshmallow, they’re fine, promise. You can meet them once we all agree to get along and be friends.”

“And why do you want us to be your friends? We invaded your home and forced you into the sea!” Tempest stated, she didn’t want to change her captives’ minds, but surely there had to be some other reason.

“Oh I'm glad you asked, and it's quite simple really. It’s because ….”

To Tempest's horror, the creature who called herself Pinkie Pie began to sing, fortunately, the headache medicine had dulled the headache, Pinkie is crazy, not a monster.


Dear Diary,

It's Rarity again, I’m should get a real diary to write in one day.

I think I'm heading the right way, Equestria was to the north, so im heading north. I wish Twilight would create that dream place again, it would be nice to hear someones voice.

Nothing else to say, today was more floating and boredom.

Good Night,

Author's Note:

* :pinkiesmile: Its short for Calicium Carbonate Pie, and yes, they act just like my sister from before. :pinkiesmile: