• Member Since 24th May, 2021
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Roughly three badgers in a trenchcoat, with doe-eyes to match.


The Apple family house is empty. Winona sits alone, waiting for the day it'll feel full again.

Featured as of 7/17/23

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 27 )

That was absolutely beautiful. Excellently done.

Howdy, hi~!

This was fantastic. I love the raw emotion you wrote into this and the feelings of grief Winona is feeling. You really nailed the voice of a dog in this setting and it's so wonderfully done. Absolutely banger read, thank you~!

Thank you! I put this out in one sitting and hit “submit” with NO editing so I was a bit worried it would be on the sloppier side. Glad you enjoyed the read!


The first time I took a crack at a prompt like this, I really screwed up the voice. I went with the animal = limited intelligence and unfortunately dumbed down a lot of the narration. It didn’t work too well at all. I’m glad you enjoyed the fic, and thank you so much for pointing out the voice!

...my God...

...no words...I can't...no words...

I’m glad the story impacted you! And I saw some of the bookshelves you added it to, and uh - thankyousomuchohmygod???

My condolences to any linens or fabrics you may have been near that have been added to the salt-stained collection.

This is so good. I love how well you’ve written Winona - her voice is so perfect, so strong and so emotional. I felt this fic in every corner of my brain the whole time I read.


I felt this fic in every corner of my brain the whole time I read.

That’s the kind of comment that’s gonna implant itself in my brain and rattle around like a maraca. And I mean that as a good thing.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I’m overjoyed you liked it!

And then she was on the bed and she was barking, barking louder than she’d ever done in her entire life, as the elder backpedaled quickly with eyes wider than saucers, the not-bark that meant get off was shouted, and returned by a snarl, and she’d never snarled before, not at her ponies, they were HER ponies, she shouldn’t be doing this, she’s never done this, but the scent doesn’t fade in sheets unless the elder takes them, and when she takes them they come back scentless, with a chemical replacing the traces and she can’t scent the traces anymore, there’s only ponies and not-barks and salt and she can’t scent them anymore and if the elder takes the sheets there will be nothing, she can’t have nothing, they haven’t returned in five days and she has nothing, and she barks and snarls and growls like she’s never done before ever, not ever, not for anyone, she hears pounding in the hallway, and then more ponies are there, and their ears are backed flat against their heads and she feels terrible because she’s doing this to her ponies but she doesn’t stop because if she stops she will have nothing left and the emptiness is clawing away at her heart and she can’t have nothing-

...good dog, Winona...

...good dog...

I can't remember the last time a single paragraph moved me like this, but it will stay like a bittersweet song in my heart for a long, long time.

...thank you...

This was a very unique take on this particular unfortunate event in the Apple family timeline. Beautifully done.

Somepony give that good doggo all of the head-pats and doggy treats! :raritycry:

I'm... flattered isn't the right word. I'm absolutely stunned that my writing had this much emotional importance and weight for you. To refresh the page and see someone say that not only was something you wrote moving, but that they're going to carry the words with them for the foreseeable future and then some... it's a dream. There's no other words to describe it - it's a dream.

I've been mulling over how to reply for a couple hours now. To put what I'm feeling to the keyboard seems a herculean task, and I'm not sure I actually can. Thank you so, so much for taking time out of your day to look over this fic. I'm so, so happy you could leave with a part of it on your heart. That's something I've been striving to achieve for the better part of a decade.

So yes - you're welcome. But more importantly, from the bottom of my heart, thanks.

Thank you so much! AJ's parent's unfortunate passing is well-trodden ground, so I'm glad I was able to put a fresh spin on it.

I have this sneaking suspicion that a certain middle foal will have no trouble providing ample amounts and then some.

It warms my heart to know you enjoyed the story. Thank you for taking the time to read!

This story is very sad, and very well written. By the end, I was halfway convinced it would turn out that Winona was actually dead and her spirit was wandering the old farmstead unable to rest as long as there was a trace of the Apple Family left. Good it turned out how it did.

An enjoyable read, growth, maturity, and concepts come together in a wonderful blend (especially when one realizes where in the timeline the story is).

A heart-warming story told in the eyes of the apple family pooch, now where have I seen that Before…:raritywink:

What a great tale, I love it when we get to see things from Those unusual perspectives.

And yes, can't speak from experience due to a lack of dogs in my life, but I know that they are indeed very loving creatures to us.
Keep up the good work!

It was the middle foal’s room, and though she should have been asleep, she was not. Her posture, in any other setting, would have been perfect. She sat at the head of her bed, pillows askew, staring at the blank wall in front of her. The gaze was unsettling, haunted, almost - it was like the foal was looking at something beyond the walls. She barely even spared a glance when the door had opened, let alone when she walked in.

Beyond the walls…
You know, it's probably here When Applejack decided that she should leave and go to Manehattan, because she needed figures that are similar to her parents and to find a new life to forget the Pain.

Also…not to be a nit-picker, but…

When she’d first arrived at the house, brought back by a much-younger middle foal, there had been five. At that time, the middle was still the youngest , and in that sense, they made an excellent pair. The two would oft find themselves still playing and running around far after their guardians had fallen behind. A foal’s energy and a puppy’s are not dissimilar, nor destructive in their interference. For the time that they spent in that state, they fed off each other, and neither could ask for a better partner in fun.

The word "often" in there is "oft", typo?

Hohmygosh that would have been such a cool twist. I’ll have to keep that in mind for the (distant) future. Glad I was able to assuade the fears, though!

Thank you so much! It’s so good to know the timeline ambiguity that I had in mind for the first half of the story actually worked.

Would you believe there’s a lack of dogs in my own life as well?

Gonna be totally transparent - I didn’t even consider AJ’s Manehattan trip when I was writing that scene. It’s such a good interpretation, though, that I might just steal it.

And don’t worry about the typo comment. Considering I slammed the publish button without doing any editing, I’m shocked it’s the first one I’ve gotten. “Oft” is a more archaic form of “often” that I thought fit a little better with the narrative voice, but I can certainly go back and tweak it.

Thank you for reading, and I’m glad you enjoyed the fic!

I... *wow*... just... ... ...

... I've dealt with times like this in my life. Very infrequently has actual grief been expressed in such a... perfectly imperfect manner, for lack of a better term? It hits so grievously, sneakily hard, and I find the story works so much better for it.

I'm gonna go cry some more now.

Tela #21 · Jul 19th, 2023 · · 1 ·

Emotions aren’t a neat, set thing. They’re messy, convoluted, mixed up and tangled together in knots that can’t so much be untangled as mitigated. I tried to put as much of that feeling into this as a could, and I’m so happy I succeeded.

I’m glad - no, wrong word. Hitting close to home when it comes to grief isn’t a thing to be glad about, but I am happy to have touched you in such a personal way. Thank you for reading and commenting, and I hope it doesn’t sting for too long.

A very powerful story, and I think relatable to anyone who has experienced loss. Well done.

Astonishingly well written. Been a little while since a story managed to eke out some tears, but something about this one... I don't know how to really describe it.
Thank you for writing this. It was a gift and pleasure to read.

11672818 ... holyfuckingshit????

This is, perhaps, the most surprising comment so far. Thank you so, so much, and I'm gonna read through that REAL soon.

For some reason, I didn't get the Fimfic notification for this comment. For that, I apologize.

Stories that can make me actually cry are really, REALLY rare, and I'm guessing you're the same way. I'm absolutely flattered that something I wrote ended up doing that for you. You're welcome, but more importantly, thank you SO much for the read and I'm so happy you enjoyed it!

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