• Member Since 17th Jun, 2017
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago

The Red Parade

Cars are still parked outside. If the rapture had happened, why was it unrecognizable? Why was the sky blue? Why did no one tell me? Do these things not announce themselves?


Twilight quickly learns that of all her talents, artistic expression is absolutely not one of them. An entry for the Thousand Words contest. Stop kissing, this is serious.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Aw poor Twi. Apple Fritter continues to be adorable.

Wow - I don't think I've ever read a story I've found so relatable!

I have aphantasia, meaning the inability to picture images; I'm like a computer without a monitor, if that helps make it more understandable. I have no mental imagery at all. So my 'art' is rather interesting; copying something I can do sort of alright, but anything from memory ends up looking extremely simplistic and often unrecognisable. So I'm the Twilight of this story.

My wife, however, is Apple Fritter - extremely artistically talented, very supportive of my attempts at drawing things - and mute.

So as I say, I don't think I've ever read a story I've found so relatable.

Hey thanks, means a lot that you liked it! It is kinda funny how there's a lot of relationship there haha

Glad you liked it!

This was cute! You really managed to make a major x background pony relationship work here (up to interpretation which is which).

It was harder than one would think, because Apple Fritter was, by every metric, beautiful.

oh dang, what a ship!

The only thing greener were her eyes, the ones that shone so full and bright that she often wondered if Fritter had stars instead of pupils. Twilight imagined those bright, kind eyes shimmering above her and felt herself melt to their warmth.

aww! Twilight is doing a good job on selling Apple Fritter to me here

Fritter presented to her a plate of apple fritters (because of course she would), and Twilight vaguely remembered remarking how she had never tasted anything as rich and vibrant in her life.

love this reimagining of that split-second scene in the pilot

When she opened her eyes to see the canvas in front of her, she grimaced and began to cry.

Twilight threw herself onto the table, groaning in frustration. “Ugh! Stupid! Art sucks!”


The love of her life was represented as a stick-pony with a curved red line across their face meant to represent a smile. Their eyes were two dots set at two different heights, making her stare in two directions at once, and the plate of fritters in her hoof was nothing more than a jumble of vague brown shapes.

dang, Twilight really needs some painting lessons

“I’m sorry!” Twilight wailed. “I wanted to give you something special and Luna was telling me how paintings were traditional so I thought I’d try, but it’s so hard and I’m absolutely awful at it! I’ll just throw it away–”

Twilight just going along with whatever pony she asks for advice in this realm is so her actually

Fritter shrugged and pointed at Twilight. But you made it and that’s what matters.

aww Apple Fritter can communicate so much with just a point!

Immediately Twilight melted again, losing herself in Fritter’s lips. Huh, she thought to herself. Maybe art isn’t so bad after all!

aww! this really does make me want to try my own hoof at writing TwiFritter. adorable stuff, thank you for writing!

She could picture it so clearly, so vividly in her mind.
When she opened her eyes to see the canvas in front of her, she grimaced and began to cry.
Twilight threw herself onto the table, groaning in frustration. “Ugh! Stupid! Art sucks!”

Painfully relatable. There’s a reason I write.

Lovely justification and presentation of a rare ship. There’s something amusingly appropriate about a nonverbal background pony, and again, I absolutely feel Twilight’s struggle with the disconnect between visualized ideal and clumsily executed reality. (And her general lack of artistic skill is canon.)

Delightful work all around. Thank you for it and congrats on the silver.

Hello! Here's your courtesy note for my review of this. NIcely observed and with a believable Apple Fritter. Quite clever, and rather cute. Liked!

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