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The UFO chaser but a Dragon. | Support me on Amazon


After the element bearers managed to free the Pillars from limbo, all they had to do now was find Stygian, and all would be right. The problem is that they do not know where their former friend was hiding or if he was alive. Starswirl hadn’t seen his former friend since he banished the other Pillars, so with nothing to go on, the element bearers and the Pillars ventured into the far reaches of Equestria, hoping to help their friend.

Based on the idea ALoneWolf had in his take on my own story of Dictators Of Ponyville.Side Chapter: Dreams

The cover art is from Shido-Tara on Deviantart.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 37 )

One thing was strange about the Pillars and that was that Starswirl wasn’t with them. Applejack and her friends had travelled to a small cottage on the outskirts of Yakyakistan and met Starswirl. She and her friends had been shocked. Starswirl the bearded was said to have lived over a thousand years ago and as far as any pony knew, he wasn’t an Alicorn so how the hay had he lived for so long?

Was Spike there too?

The picture is of Stygian transforming into the Pony of Shadows, right?

“HUH!! What if the Pony Of Shadows is Stygian!?” Pinkie Pie suddenly gasped in shock and looked at her friends who gaped at her.

“Uh, Pinkie, I don’t believe that is the case, the unnatural voice that Somnambula spoke of was simply rage. He must have been so sad and cried his eyes out which turned to anger and screaming which made his voice sound unnatural,” Twilight explained.

“But what about his magic and sending them into Limbo and cursing Starswirl?!” Pinkie asked with a rushed voice and stood so close to Twilight that they were touching nose to nose.

“Uh, well, due to the emotional trauma he must have been in, his anger took over and he learned darker spells that helped him do such deeds. Besides, laws and rules were different back then, than it is today.” Twilight theorised which seemed to satisfy the hyper-active mare and pulled out a piece of cupcake from who-knows-where and devoured it. “Although, I am curious about what Somnambula said about Pony Of Shadows not being evil. Hm, questions and more questions.”

The moment when they finally know that Stygian, and Pony of Shadows are the very same pony. Pinkie Pie should give the courtesy to tell them "I Told You So" speech. :pinkiehappy:

“No… it only proves that Stygian was a real pony that existed over a thousand years ago. To be honest, I don’t believe that the Pony Of Shadows is real, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t take the threat seriously. It could be a title a pony earned,” Twilight explained while hugging Fluttershy who had looked a little scared at the prospect of fighting a pony who relied on shadows.

"Not real"!? And this is coming from somebody that has seen, faced, and even fought a "myth" once before? :ajbemused:

( Nightmare Moon, and Discord. )

And seriously frustrate you have face many villains/adversaries in the past. And you're already fought a villain that also deals with shadow, a certain Dark Crystal King!!?? :facehoof: :trixieshiftright:

The moment when they finally know that Stygian, and Pony of Shadows are the very same pony. Pinkie Pie should give the courtesy to tell them "I Told You So" speech. :pinkiehappy:

I agree!

Now that I think about it, isn't Stygian basically Spike's Pillar counterpart?

Yeah, when I began the writing of this fic, I realised that as well. I actually have a story for the future in the inspiration of this!


Will that particular future story be entirely different with your Spike Dorcha that has a similar presence with Spike corrupted by Pony of Shadows?

How would pony of shadows control him when he's in limbo?:raritywink:


Then what was that black or was it red crystal that turned Spike into the Dark Overlord that he is?

Fluttershy looked uneasy at what Starswirl had spoken before. “Uh, Mr Starswirl? Has… has Stygian ever killed any pony?” Was the fearful question she couldn’t help but ask.

The others turned to the mare in shock. She looked so frightened at the prospect but she was the one who dare ask the question that was hanging over their heads. They turned to Starswirl who hadn’t reacted to the question.

“I’m going to be honest with you Miss Shy, I do not know if he has… or will,” was the brutal truth that the wizard gave that didn’t make any of them feel safe.

Considering there is a death and tragedy tag of all places. Oh boy. :twilightoops:

That's a great question and also a good reason—I planned to anyways—rewrite the story.


Does Twilight and her friends still be OOC jerks, thus causing Spike to be a dark overlord?

But is he going to be possessed/corrupted again like the first one or would he be fully in control with his actions this time?

I would say that I want the main six to be neutral—unsure of what to believe. I intend on having Spike be fully aware of what he's doing.

“With that out of the way,” Celestia eyed Twilight. “I would like to inform you all that there will be a major increase in military activity. There will be bases all over Equestria, even in the most dangerous of areas,” the others looked shocked. This was no joking matter. “Because of the heightened activity, I must apologise, there will naturally be an increased tax rate which I know will bother a lot of ponies.” The Element Bearers grimaced and looked a bit annoyed. “But this will only be until we have cleared the threat of the Pony Of Shadows, I do not know how long the increased tax and military activity will last, it could be five weeks, months or even years.”

Personally, I think that you should keep it for a long while.

Considering the fact that after the Pony of Shadows, is a very certain Storm King and his Pony Commander.

Edit: Done.

“I know, but I screamed so loud you must have thought Pony Of Shadows had come to kidnap me or something,” Somnambula said while she hung her head. “But I wouldn’t have minded if it happened.” She murmured so no pony would hear.

I get it with your guilt. But I don't want this to end up having Stockholm Syndrome forming up in your thoughts. :twilightoops:

( Best example is from James Bond's The World is Not Enough.

“Somnambula,” Starswirl spoke, catching her attention. “After what I said to him and refusing to listen, I can guarantee you that I am against the banishment of Stygian. If anything, I’m in your position.” He admitted. “I… would have no problems living inside his kingdom as a prisoner if it meant atoning for the sins I committed against him.”

Hmm, nevermind then. Since it seems Starswirl, and possibly the rest of the Pillars want to atone like this.

“Darling, the Pony Of Shadows is… Stygian,” the fashionista now understood why the Pillar of Hope always looked guilty. It wasn’t just that she failed as a friend and love interest, but she felt guilty for losing that pony to something so… dark.

Rainbow Dash looked confused for a split second before her pupils turned to pinpricks. “Wait… the Pony Of Shadows is real and Stygian is the threat we’ve been discussing?”

Well DUH! :ajbemused:

Somnambula noticed how the purple-scaled dragon grabbed the side of his head in frustration and walked out of the room. She could have sworn she heard him mutter along the lines of; “never listening” and “head filled with air,”

I understand your annoyance too. :facehoof:

For such a "Smart" Pony, Twilight doesn't have common sense when she really needs it.

She took note of Pinkie Pie—the pony who represented her Element in modern Equestria—being in a similar state of mind. She, however, voiced her complaints.

“I told you so!” She shouted with a large smile causing everypony to stare at her in wonder.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked while trying to process the information they just learned.

“I told you that Stygian was the Pony Of Shadows, I told you and voiced my theories but no! You just came up with excuses—but I’ll admit, they were good and believable—and never once took into consideration that there was a possibility that Stygian was the Pony Of Shadows!” Pinkie ranted while pulling out a milkshake from who-knows-where. “I told you so!”

Called it! :pinkiehappy:

Twilight and the other Element Bearers pondered on what the pink-coated mare had said. While it was true that the mare had spoken of the possibility that the unicorn was the dreaded Pony that haunted the lands of Equestria at one period in time, they believed that the Pony was a mere myth.

Twilight started to feel guilty when she realised that she never once considered that it was a possibility, always stating that it was a myth and legend. She had fought myths and legends before, hadn’t she? She had faced Nightmare Moon, Discord, King Sombra and Lord Tirek. All of them were believed to be mere myths that never existed. Yet, Twilight and her friends battled against them and won. Discord was even close to ending friendship throughout the land but they pulled through in the end.

Why was it difficult for her to believe that the Pony Of Shadows existed once?

Grogar was a villain from ancient Equestria and there were countless stories of him and depictions of his evil-doing from that time, many scholars are convinced that he roamed Equestria once—Twilight included—but that he either was dead or was trapped somewhere.

If Grogar was believed to have existed, and Twilight believed he existed, then why couldn’t she believe Pony also roamed Equestria?

Exactly! :unsuresweetie: :duck:

“I wonder what his military is like. Sure, I spoke to a few that were sent to Limbo, but I wonder who disciplined his military is? They may follow his orders to a T, but how good are they in a conflict?” Magnus spoke excitedly about the possibility of seeing the army he sort of felt depressed but excited because his former friend had created them.

“I’m sure that they are the same as any army around Equus, Magnus,” Starswirl answered with wisdom and patted his friend on the back with a smile. “Although, I will admit, I am too, interested in seeing his military.”

How can he even get a army/military, or even make a kingdom/civilization for himself?

It's not like you can just get all that out of thin-air, like in a Civilization game.

“I wonder if they have good medicine? If not, I can always try and make as many batches as possible and give it to them. Being a Healer, I’ve taken oaths to never pick a side in a conflict and In this regard I will not.” Meadowbrook admitted and hung her head. “If they accept it that is…”

But if they do something pure evil, like genocide or even killing families and kids/babies mercilessly for example, I want you to re-think this.

Starswirl patted her on the back. “I’m sure they will, I apologise that I forced you to make a decision all those years ago,”

“It’s okay, It wasn’t you’re fault. My emotions clouded my judgement.” Meadowbrook argued with a small frown on her face.

“I wonder how strong the army is?” Rockhoof wondered thoughtfully.

“Strong enough that you considered Stygian a threat,” Somnambula spoke with some bite, still facing the window refusing to look at any of them. The Element Bearers didn’t know if they should leave or stay because this was far more personal.

The death and violence tags are there for a reason. :pinkiecrazy:

Hopefully, the Mane 6 and the Pillars make sure Spike doesn't end up like Stygian because he's starting to get irritated.


This story is totally separate from the "Dark Overlord Spike" Storyline from long ago.

Besides, it's far too early to assume Spike will just join the Pony of Shadows out of nowhere?

I just hope they can make Spike feel better, that's all I'm saying.


He won’t join Stygian. Thanks for reading!

‘Hmm, I wonder if Stygian is dealing with snobbish nobles?’ She thought to herself just as Twilight walked up to the ticket booth and bought tickets for the Element Bearers, Pillars, and Spike.

I highly doubt he even has those. Considering that he will be a typical Overlord/Dark Tyrant in his hidden dark kingdom. Even if he does have those kinds of ponies, they won't live for long if they says the wrong thing. :pinkiecrazy:

‘Why do I get the feeling we will see something terrible tomorrow?’ She thought before drifting to sleep.

Don't say or even think things like that, unless you want to provoke Murphy.

I thought you would say; “Don’t say things like that unless you want to provoke the author” :pinkiehappy:

“Twilight,” Starswirl spoke in a serious tone. “There’s nothing wrong with dark magic, it’s only considered dark because the spells you’re thinking of were used for dark purposes. Anyways, to answer your question; it’s because ‘dark users’ as they’re called, protect the different hotels, restaurants and shops across Kludgetown. They earn money out of it.”

Wow! Just WOW! I have never thought to see Starswirl of all ponies actually defending dark magic itself/dark magic users of all things.

Magic is just magic. It's always the user themselves that either wants to use it for good or evil. The world is morally grey, not black-and-white.

I actually like this AU Starswirl than the actual canon one.

Is it kind of messed up that because this Starswirl suffers immortality instead, that he becomes a way "better" character, than his own canon counterpart?

Somnambula listened to their conversation with a blank expression. While listening, she couldn’t help but feel as though they would discover something horrifying. Something they would have nightmares about. She didn’t know why.

As Transformers WFC Skywarp would say; Tighten your logic circuits, would you, [Insert name here]? It can't be THAT bad.

Jokes and references aside. Does she really has a tendency to invoke Murphy's law?

“Yes…” Starswirl whispered so only they could hear. “...It would appear that these creatures fear… something,”

“They have a cruel ruler?” Pinkie theorised while eating a muffin that no one was sure where she’d gotten it from.

“The Badlands is famous for being an anarchist place, I would have doubted that was the reason they are afraid of whatever,” Starswirl started. “But, I am curious… There were rumours that there was a King here calling himself the Storm King who allegedly ruled Badlands. Hm, maybe that was true…”

Knew that a reference/mentioned of the Storm King will eventually show up.

Speaking about that rather glaring issue in either canon or in this story by now;

Isn't it really weird that after all these years. Neither Celestia, Luna ( Once she's free. ), OR NOT even that Deus Ex Machina device ( The Cutie Map ) didn't summoned in the Mane Six to deal with the obvious tyrant/potential threat right next door to their own kingdom before it's too late!?

There inaction to stop the Storm King prematurely caused the movie events to happen in the first place.

They did it with Starlight. Why didn't it happen to help with Tempest Shadow or something like that?

( Speaking of Starlight, where is she? Is she not reformed as of yet? )

Also, if Novo was "longtime friends" with Celestia? Then why didn't Celestia herself get her message for help against the Storm King!?

And whatever happened to the Hippogriffs/Seaponies in this alternate timeline anyway?

They stopped outside of a large building made entirely out of black bricks with a sign on top written in gold. Capper’s Hotel & Resort.

“Ah, so he did open it…” Starswirl spoke to himself and walked inside, the others following.

He is friends with Capper? And Capper actually is a successful businessman in this story? Awesome for him.

‘After I… If I succeed with Stygian, I hope we can have a vacation, just him and I,’ she thought while pulling out her blindfold she used when defeating the Sphinx so many years ago.

Wishful day dreaming. I highly doubt this story will end "happily" without severe consequences.

The owner of the hotel had a sad look on his face and Starswirl looked at his friend in worry.

“Hello, Somnambula, Meadowbrook,” Capper spoke with a nod in their direction. “...Is it okay for us to come in? I wanted to discuss something with you. Something I suspect at least one of you have noticed.”

The seriousness in his tone made Meadowbrook and Somnambula worried.

At her nod, everypony, dragon and cat entered the bedroom and sat around the bedroom, the living room being too small to fit all of them together. They spread out so they wouldn’t be on top of one another.

When they were all seated, Capper began to speak.

“I’m sure that you have noticed the… quietness of Kludgetown?” He looked around and they all nodded their heads, none interrupting him. “Well, the answer to that is simple.”

He was wearing a red trenchcoat and gloves over his paws along with a red fedora hat. He pulled out a small vial of milk and drank it in one big gulp. Everypony and dragon were looking at him, waiting for him to reveal what was going on.

“A few years ago, there was a creature by the name of Storm King that invaded and took over our home.” A few gasped at the revelation. “We lived under a tyrannical King that enslaved us with outrageous taxes that no kingdom else would have been able to pay for but that was because we were all—and still are—criminals.

“We lived under the horrible Storm King for over a decade until one day, there were dark, gloomy skies that filled the terrain. For the first time in a hundred years, it rained. It poured down and darkness filled our town. Storm King was known for controlling the weather so many creatures—including myself—assumed he wanted some rain. How wrong we were…

“You see, the rain hadn’t come from the dreaded king but from a different source. A pony with a pure dark coat and white eyes walked the streets of Kludgetown with an army behind him, hovering and waiting for a command. Storm King demanded that the new pony leave the land and never return…”

Capper winced at something painful that they couldn’t see. A memory.

“However,” Capper looked to the floor before reaching into a pocket, grabbing another vial of milk and downing it in one go. “He didn’t anticipate resistance.”

Starswirl quirked a brow. “Resistance?”

The hotel owner nodded. “Yes, resistance. The Storm King lost but it didn’t end there. After he was defeated, his commander, a unicorn with a broken horn that I do not know the name of, challenged the military the pony had behind him. She was killed.”

The ponies and dragon gasped. In Equestria, hearing of murder was unheard of, much less mentioned. Twilight looked highly uncomfortable by the sudden dark topic that Capper brought forth. Starswirl and the other Pillars may not have gasped as loudly because murder was far more common for them in ancient times, but hearing a pony or any creature get killed still brought some emotions.

“Like I mentioned; the Storm King was defeated but he was also killed that day. Afterwards, the pony and his followers took the bodies to the centre of town and…” he flinched as if he had been burned by something hot. “...crucified them.”

There was dead silence in the room. The looks on the ponies faces were one of shock. Somnambula’s head was spinning and feeling fuzzy from the information. She leaned back to make it calm down but it would go away. Judging from the looks on the other's faces, they too, were in the same predicament.

The Pillar of Hope looked towards Starswirl who licked his lips, trying to moisten his suddenly dry lips. “Did… the pony ever introduce herself or himself?”

Capper didn’t respond for a long while. The silence was deafening. It was eating at the ponies and dragon gathered inside the room and Starswirl looked just about ready to ask again when he responded with something that Somnambula suspected but had prayed wasn’t true.

“He… introduced himself as the Pony Of Shadows,”

Welp, welp, WELP!

Guess that probably answer the question of the death tag. Stygian didn't pull any punches, and without remorse.

While, the Storm King is well deserved. Tempest Shadow being killed also was "mixed".

Then again it was rather freaking stupid of her to take on an entire freaking army by herself!?

She should have surrendered, and actually begged to joined the Shadow Pony's side when she had the chance.

Who knows, she could have probably have a new horn since the Shadow Pony obviously has vast magic powers.

Plus it is just me, or does the Shadow Ponies own military would probably be reminiscent of Wolfenstein's Super Nazi Empire from the MachineGame's dark alternate timeline reboot?
( Old Blood, New Order, New Colossus, and Cyberpilot/Youngblood. )

Would be insane to see if the Kingdom of Darkness have robotic/mechanical monstrosities, super soldiers/cyborgs, superior weapons/vehicles ahead of its time.

This takes place after the defeat of Tirek so Starlight hasn't been introduced yet.


Will you talk about what I said about Tempest Shadow, and that I referenced Wolfenstein?

What do you mean? I read the comment but I'm not sure what you're asking.


This specifically;

While, the Storm King is well deserved. Tempest Shadow being killed also was "mixed".

Then again it was rather freaking stupid of her to take on an entire freaking army by herself!?

She should have surrendered, and actually begged to joined the Shadow Pony's side when she had the chance.

Who knows, she could have probably have a new horn since the Shadow Pony obviously has vast magic powers.

Plus it is just me, or does the Shadow Ponies own military would probably be reminiscent of Wolfenstein's Super Nazi Empire from the MachineGame's dark alternate timeline reboot?
( Old Blood, New Order, New Colossus, and Cyberpilot/Youngblood. )

Would be insane to see if the Kingdom of Darkness have robotic/mechanical monstrosities, super soldiers/cyborgs, superior weapons/vehicles ahead of its time.

“You… call yourself… soldiers?” The weeping creature spoke with unclear emotions. “You murder and pillage our home as if it is a playground… why do you care about some foreigners? They haven’t hurt you,”

You're so naive.

Soldiers ( Specifically from the bad/evil/tyrannical empires
and governments. ) actually do this mess up all the damn time!

Somnambula noticed the two soldiers exchange a look she couldn’t see before looking at the creature who had a knife to his throat.

“His majesty felt a presence. A presence that is a danger to us all. If those foreigners hold such power to wipe us out, then we must eliminate them!” The soldier spoke and smacked the creature in the face. “Not that it matters, our military is strong enough to handle anything!”

Suddenly, the second soldier started to move forward and made Somnambula jump back in shock and horror. The second soldier pulled out his sword and stabbed the creature in the throat without missing a second.

“Let’s get going, I have a feeling we’re being watched,” the soldier spoke casually and wiped the blood from his sword before placing it inside its sheath.

Aww. Too bad they don't have antique guns.

‘Would Stygian go that far?’ Was the immediate thought that invaded her mind when she regained control of her thoughts. She understood that he was angry and did know that there was a very large possibility that Stygian would do something that none of them would be prepared for. Murder was one of them.

However, Somnambula had always believed that her sweet, precious Stygian would never go that far no matter how angry. Verbal abuse or even assault? Yes, that is to be expected depending on the level of hurt.

But murder? No.

Or well, the thought had crossed her mind multiple times. All of them had that thought. But Somnambula never thought that it would turn into reality…

She had prayed that it would only be a horrible alternative universe, but here she was, hours later, looking at something or some creature with the words getting entangled into her mind like a cobweb.

‘Stygian…’ came her sad thought that brought a tear to her eye that slowly made its way down her cheek as if climbing down a ladder.

Don't you remember that he is literally turned to a being of Pure Shadows/Darkness for the last thousand years, and all of that evil jazz.

What do you frickin expect? Him still being a "pacifist" after all that pain/betrayal/rage/hatred he experienced?

Now, a lot of innocent ponies and different creatures are also being suffered because of all of you six's greatest mistake over a stupid misunderstanding.

“Stygian…” her voice sounded hoarse. It drew shaky breaths from Meadowbrook and Mistmane. The Pegasus was aware that her voice should belong to some creature that had smoked for decades, but she couldn’t help it. “...he… killed a creature?”

Technically speaking, Storm King was just a bastard overall. He eventually had it coming.

While his Storm Army are just battle casualties. While Tempest Shadow being killed too is a bit mixed.

She could be a good loyal asset to the Shadow Pony/Stygian if he actually fix her horn.

Also, he killed more than one creature. His body count is now possibly OVER the hundreds to the thousands, or even tens of thousands by this point in the last 1,000 plus thirty years.

She could have begged, I'll admit but I decided to still have her loyal to Storm King.

I have yet to decide to what I want to do with Stygians' kingdom.


Her "loyalty" doesn't mean squat in the first place. Because we all know the Storm King doesn't care about her in the end. A means to a end.

Sadly, she didn't know about this important fact before it's too late. And it costed her life.

She could be a good candidate to the Shadow Pony/Stygian military. Just as long she actually gets a new horn. But that's just wishful thinking by now, unless you retcon.


You're so naive.

Soldiers ( Specifically from the bad/evil/tyrannical empires
and governments. ) actually do this mess up all the damn time!

It isn’t nativity. It is anguish and failure to understand the logic behind the soldiers. Besides, he had just lost his friend and wasn’t in the right state of mind.

Agreed, Murphy is always watching or in this case listening.

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