• Published 27th Jun 2023
  • 7,030 Views, 38 Comments

Lovesickness - RunicTreetops

Chrysalis has come down with some sort of ailment, and you're too ill-equipped to help her by yourself. But how can you get help when neither Chrysalis nor those who are capable of assisting her are willing to leave the past behind?

  • ...


You awaken as sunlight pours through your window and right onto your face. With a slight groan, you lean forward and go to rub at your eyes, but in the process of doing so, you feel your elbow hit something in the bed next to you. With your still-groggy interest piqued, you turn to look at what you might have accidentally elbowed. There, laying next to you, is the unmistakable form of Chrysalis, your... "roommate."

There are a couple of very strange things about this. First, why is she still in your bed? It's been routine for the past month or so for her to cuddle up with you after she feeds on your love at night, but every single day she has woken up before you and returned to her room in the basement before you could say anything. She refuses to talk about it too, but you've chalked that up to her being embarrassed to share her feelings with you. The second strange thing is her appearance. In certain spots, her chitinous body lacks its typical black-and-green appearance, instead being replaced by little splotches of white and blue. Her hole-filled wings seem to sparkle in the sunlight, though her face is currently turned away from you.

You can hear heavy, strained breaths coming from her, so you make an effort to tap her on the back to get her attention. She doesn't respond. With a renewed sense of concern, you gently roll her towards you, forcing her to face you in the process. Something is very wrong here. Apart from her strange discoloration, her face is extremely flushed. Her eyes, though still closed, appear weary, and she is having trouble breathing. You simply stare at her for a moment, unsure of what to do, before you finally decide to give her a bit of a shake.

"Chryssi? Are you okay?"

After a moment, she just barely opens her eyes. Her breathing becomes more strained as she does, and after looking at you for a few silent seconds, she suddenly lets out a sneeze. In that instant, a flash of light emanates from her body, and it looks as though the discoloration is gone. She attempts to sit up, rubbing a hoof along her head as she does.

"Wh... wha..." Her eyes are unfocused and glossy, and her quiet voice sounds raspy when she tries to force out a few words. "What did you... do to me?"

She erupts into a coughing fit. With each cough, her body flashes again and again, and with each flash, a seemingly unintended transformation comes, too. First a unicorn mare with a pale green coat and orange mane, then the visage of Princess Cadance herself. After that comes a messy-maned Fluttershy, and finally back to the Chrysalis that you know and love.

"I... I don't think I did anything, Chryssi. Are you feeling alright?"

"I feel terrible." Not only is her voice raspy, but her nose sounds clogged up, too. You quickly hop out of bed and retrieve a box of tissues from a nearby cabinet. She looks at you with confusion and impatience, but takes the box from you without arguing regardless. "Is this what you creatures feel like when you get sick?"

"Wait, have you never been sick before?"

"As if the queen of the changelings could get si... iii... iiiiCK!"

She is interrupted by a sneeze. She barely managed to get a tissue in front of her nose in time, and with the sneeze came another transformation. This time, she looks like Starlight Glimmer, though after glancing down at herself she scowls and manually transforms back into herself.

"Well you sure sound sick to me. Do you know what you might have? Considering you still refuse to leave the house, I don't know who you could have gotten it from but me, and I haven't been sick in months."

"...No. I may have... misspoken a moment ago. It isn't just me. Changelings in general do not get sick. There simply aren't any viruses out there that affect us."

"And yet, here you are stuck in bed while barely able to breathe without having a coughing fit. You've come down with something, Chryssi."

She looks at you with a mixture of agitation and legitimate concern.

"...So it would seem."

"Normally I would just tell you to let it pass, but if changelings really aren't supposed to get sick, this could be a problem. Besides, I'm a bit concerned by those weird colors that were on your body earlier."

"Th-those were simply the result of some involuntary shapeshifting! Nothing mo-ooo-oooORE!"

She sneezes once again, taking on the visage of Applejack before groaning again and transforming back.

"Either way, I should probably go find a doctor. Or, well, anypony who might know what's going on with you."

"NO! I refuse to allow just anycreature to know my medical state!"

"Then who will you allow?"

"No one! I... I will... I... ACHOO!" Another sneeze, another flash of light, this one revealing a strange mockery of Discord's form (which is saying something considering what he normally looks like). She changes back before finishing her previous sentiment. "I will not accept help from anycreature but you! Got that?!"

"Aww, you do like me."

If Chrysalis blushed when you said that, it's hard to tell considering her face is already flushed as-is. Either way, she turns her head away from you before she finishes talking.

"I do not feel so bad as to think I am dying. Just go to work, Anon. IF you find some way to treat me, let me know when you get home, but I will not have you babying me all day."

"All right, I guess. Just... do your best to start feeling better, okay?"


You head to the bathroom to start getting cleaned up and ready for the day. Normally you would be preparing for your job at the local store you run, but today, you're acting as a substitute for Rarity at the School of Friendship. Apparently there was some kind of emergency at one of her boutiques or something, so you're filling in for her. It isn't the first time and probably won't be the last time, either. Once you're all dressed and ready to go, you give Chrysalis one last look.

"Have a nice day, Chryssi. Love you!"


You smile. Normally she yells at you for saying something like that, but even if it's just because she's too tired to bicker right now, it feels good to have her acknowledge it.

You stand before an unassuming door on the second floor of the School of Friendship. The little sign on the door reads "Vice Headmare." This is Sunburst's office, and you've found yourself here in search of information.

The class you're supposed to teach doesn't start for another half-hour. You left home much earlier than you needed to specifically so you would have time to speak to Sunburst. Despite what Chrysalis said, you know that there is no way you're going to figure out what sort of illness she has on your own. Your first thought was to go see an actual doctor, but then you remembered something important that Starlight told you not too long ago. After Gallus, a griffon student here at the School of Friendship, fell ill with "griffon pox," his friends tried to get help from the local Ponyville doctors. However, creatures like griffons are still so uncommon in places like Ponyville that none of them could give him the help that he so desperately needed. Thankfully, a bit of research on Sunburst's part produced a homemade medicine that lessened the severity of Gallus's symptoms. Since then, the School of Friendship has been on the lookout for one of two things: a school nurse who is knowledgeable in the health of all creatures, or doctors of non-pony species willing to move to Ponyville. So far, they have had no luck finding either. That, paired with what Chrysalis told you about changelings "not getting sick," made you realize that asking a doctor would probably be a complete waste of time. So, Sunburst it is.

You give the door a few firm knocks.

"It's open!"

You gently open the wooden door, revealing the somewhat cluttered interior. Sunburst himself sits behind a wide desk made of oak wood, his visage almost obscured by the sheer quantity of books and parchment on the desk. He looks at you with a smile.

"Ah, Mr. Anon! What can I do for you? If memory serves, your class still doesn't start for a while."

"Er, yeah. Good morning, Sunburst. Listen..." You walk into the office, being sure to close the door behind you as you do. Taking a seat at the chair on the opposite side of the desk, you lean forward before continuing with your question. "There's a bit of trouble going on back at home."

"T-trouble? You mean..." He leans in close to you, his voice now a quiet whisper. "Like, Chrysalis trouble?"

You sigh. Word about your deal with Chrysalis spread quickly, and the general reception to your choice was... mixed at best. Most ponies thought it was a terrible idea, and they weren't afraid to speak their minds to you. They said that they felt "unsafe" with her in town, or that she isn't "getting what she deserves anymore." Many ponies didn't say anything to you directly, but the looks they give you when you walk down the street is all you need to know how they feel. It would be an understatement to say that your reputation has taken quite the hit. It's a strange situation, because on one hand, you legitimately have no regrets about taking her in. You love her, and you believe that she is capable of doing good. And yet... you can't blame anycreature for their feelings towards her. Like it or not, she did cause many issues that still plague Equestria, and there are many that are still being hurt by her previous actions. The fact that Sunburst wants to keep this conversation quiet is understandable, seeing as how some of the students here at the School of Friendship are among those who have to live with the consequences of her actions.

"Yeah. She's come down with some sort of sickness. I sure as heck don't know what's wrong, and according to her, changelings can't get sick at all. This is completely new to both of us, and to be honest... I'm worried about her."

Sunburst gives you a troubled look for a moment before responding.

"I'm guessing that you're wanting to know if I've read anything about changeling illnesses?"

"Yeah, if it's not too much to ask."

Sunburst sighs.

"Look, I'd love to tell you that I have the answer, but I really don't. This isn't like with Gallus. When he got sick, it was simply a matter of finding whatever griffon literature we had and going from there. Here, well... up until Chrysalis was overthrown and Thorax took the Changeling Kingdom throne, there wasn't any changeling literature. At least, there wasn't aside from propaganda and war tactics."

"Wait, really? What happened to all of it?"

"It wasn't written in the first place."

"Why?" Sunburst doesn't respond, instead giving you an apologetic and sheepish look. "...Oh. Right. Chryssi."

"That said, I don't think she was lying when she said that changelings don't get sick. Up until recently, that was generally believed to be the case, as there was never a known reported instance of a dark changeling falling ill. Although, lately word has spread that a few light changelings have been getting sick. Unfortunately, that's just hearsay. Specifically, that's what Ocellus told me a few weeks ago."


"R-right. Look, Anon. I know you want to help Chrysalis, and in spite of my personal reservations, I know it's for the best that you get her healthy again. But, uh, between you and me? You should probably drop your investigation for a remedy."

"What?! Why?!?"

"Shhh!" Sunburst makes a motion towards you indicating that you should lower your voice. "Because the only creatures that would know anything about her condition are the changelings, and please take my word on this: You do NOT use her name lightly in the Changeling Kingdom. There are entire therapy groups dedicated to dealing with the effects of her reign over there. You can forget about them offering to help you; you would be lucky if you weren't exiled for even asking."

"That's a bit harsh, don't you think?"

"Well, maybe I'm being a bit hyperbolic, but my point about them not being willing to help you still stands."

"Then what about outside of the kingdom? I mean, it sounds to me like Ocellus might know something."

"That's the other thing I wanted to bring up. Do you remember the students' reports about the time the Tree of Harmony gave them a test beneath the school?"

"The one where they had to face their fears?"

"Precisely. If you'll recall, Ocellus's greatest fear was becoming like Chrysalis. For all intents and purposes, Chrysalis IS her greatest fear. Don't forget that her parents were forced to take part in the attack on the royal wedding in Canterlot all of those years ago. She was being groomed to be a child soldier, for Celestia's sake. And I don't need to tell you whose fault that is."


Sunburst looks at you with a worried expression, his voice shaky, yet sincere.

"I can't condone you knowingly exposing one of our students to her greatest source of trauma. But... perhaps if you tread lightly, you'll at least be able to get her to point you to somecreature better equipped to help you?"

You sigh.

"This is going to be like walking on eggshells, isn't it?"

"I'm sorry Anon, but the position you're in is a troubling one. You have my permission to do what you will, but if I learn that Ocellus is facing distress as a result of your actions, I won't have a choice but to reprimand you, you understand?"

"I do. I'll be careful."

"That's all I can ask for. Now then." Sunburst turns his attention to a nearby clock before looking back at you. "I believe you have a class to be getting to."

"Right you are. Have a nice day, Sunburst!"

"You too, Anon."

Class went by fairly quickly. Rarity knew you would be filling in for her, so she gave you a lesson plan that didn't involve anything you're incapable of teaching. That said, your students didn't take the class all that seriously. After all, their teacher today was a sub. What's he gonna do? There was plenty of chatting and a general lack of focus amongst the students, and to be honest, you don't blame them. You acted the same when you were in school too, way back when. Maybe that's why you turned a blind eye to most of the stuff that they weren't supposed to be doing. That's also probably why they like having you as a substitute so much.

Eventually the bell rang, indicating that the school day was over. You said goodbye to the students as they packed their things and started to funnel out of the room. However, as they did so, you located Ocellus in the sea of students and got her attention.

"Ms. Ocellus? Would you be willing to stay after class for a few moments? There is something I would like to discuss with you."

Ocellus looks at you with her big blue eyes, concern evident on her face. She glances back at her friends, Sandbar and Smolder, who both shrug at her. After a second she turns back at you and nods, the discomfort never leaving her face.

After a couple of minutes, the rest of the students finish pouring out of the door, leaving just you and the young changeling girl in that empty classroom. Having gathered your own belongings, you place your bag over your shoulder and take a seat not far from Ocellus's desk, though she manages to speak up before you can.

"Er, Mr. Anon? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, not at all, Ms. Ocellus. In fact, you've been quite the model student."

"Oh? Th-then what did you need me for?"

Ocellus is doing everything she can to avoid eye contact with you. You notice that she has also been slinking further and further back into her seat, and you know why this is. After all, the fact that you're housing Chrysalis was never meant to be a secret, and even the student body knows about that. Naturally, that includes Ocellus who, as Sunburst noted, has more than a few issues with the ex-queen. Ever since you took Chrysalis in, Ocellus has done her best to keep her distance from you. You don't blame her one bit, and that's all the more reason to keep this conversation short.

"I heard from the grapevine that some changelings have been getting sick lately. Can you tell me more about that?"

You're doing your best to be coy. It's probably better if you don't mention Chryssi at all here.

"...Y-yeah, they have been." Oh, good! She does know something! She still doesn't look at you, but she narrows her eyes as she continues to speak. "Why?"

"Er, I was just under the impression that changelings didn't get sick. I was... hoping to know if there might be some way to keep changelings like you safe from that sort of thing."

"This is about Chrysalis, isn't it?"

Oh dear.

"W-well, that's..."

"It's okay. You don't need to play pretend to save my feelings. I'm fine." She says that, but her typical warm and kindhearted demeanor has been replaced by a cold distance and an obvious discomfort. "Anyway, yes. We've been calling it 'lovesickness.'"


"Mmhm. I'm no doctor, but apparently it comes with the territory when you're a light changeling. Because we're not used to sharing our love and consuming it, our immune systems sometimes start going haywire while our bodies adjust to the change. It's really... not fun. It's like the flu, but we lose control of our shapeshifting, too."

"Goodness. But, wait. If that's the case, why didn't the entire kingdom get sick after most of you turned into light changelings?"

"The love that we have for each other was always there, we just couldn't outwardly express it. So it really wasn't that big of a change. Lovesickness is still a new thing, but according to my mom, it happens when there is some sort of drastic change in our lives that would affect how much love we take in and give off. Heh, apparently young lovers are getting it bad."

"...Huh. W-well, is there any way to treat it?"

"Oh yes! There's a special blend made of belthax sap that'll clear you right up in a few hours. Er, that's a special plant that only grows near the hive, by the way." You begin to smile as you realize that there is something you can do for Chryssi after all. You just have to get some of that sap! However, as you think that, Ocellus finally looks you in the eyes, her expression going from awkward to... angry? "Wait a second. Are you telling me that Chrysalis is sick?"

"I-I... that's not..."

"Because that's impossible. Lovesickness only occurs when you change the amount of love you take in and give out. And I know for a fact that she isn't giving anything. Plus, only light changelings can get it."

"Now hold on just a moment-"

"Let me guess. You were going to ask me how to get some of that sap too, weren't you?"

You let out an exasperated sigh. Looks like the cat is out of the bag, now.

"She is sick, Ocellus. I don't get it either, but she is. I didn't want to approach you about this, and it certainly wasn't my intention to bring her up around you. But the fact of the matter is that right now, she needs help, and I don't know where to go to get it."

The glare Ocellus is giving you could rival Fluttershy's stare. You've never seen her with this much vitriol.

"And how many changelings do you think have asked her for help over the years? Here's a hint: It's a lot. Now, how many of us do you think she actually helped?"

"She claims that she tried her best for subjects."

"Obviously she's lying to you. She used to be the queen of the dark changelings, Mr. Anon. You may as well call her the 'queen of liars.' Deceit is all she knows."

"And you should know better than most that anyone can change."

"...She doesn't deserve the amnesty you're giving her, you know."

"I beg your pardon?"

"She's had countless chances to change her ways. Heck, I was there when she angrily turned down the chance that Headmare Starlight gave her after she and Thorax overthrew her. How do you know that she's any different now?"

"I don't know."

"You... you don't?"

"I took a chance, Ocellus. I can't really explain it beyond that. I took a chance, and it's paying off. She can care for others. I've seen it."

Ocellus lets out an incredulous snort.

"Oh yeah?! Where?! She doesn't leave your house!"

"Exactly. I've spent more time with her than anyone. I... oh this is a strange conversation to have with a student. I think she loves me, Ocellus. Just like a light changeling would."


Whether Ocellus's silence is due to shock, disbelief, anger, or anything in-between, you have no way of telling.

"I'm sorry for everything that she has done. And I'm sorry that my apology means pretty much nothing in the grand scheme of things. But I still want to help her."

"...It's easy to take her side when you aren't one of her victims."


Now it's your turn to fall silent. She does have a point. Her personal fears aside, this conversation has been really insensitive to her and her family. Heck, pretty much everycreature she knows back home probably has a personal stake in the matter, while you're just some guy that showed up one day and decided that she deserves to be let off easy. You feel yourself growing increasingly frustrated at the situation. She can change. She is changing. And yet, you can't undo the past. The scars that Chrysalis has left are likely going to last generations. It's no surprise that others see her as beyond saving.

But... you still love her.

The silence is broken by a sigh from Ocellus. She begins to rummage through her bag before she retrieves what looks to be a half-filled jar. Inside, a sickly green goop gives off an ominous glow.

"This is the remedy I was talking about. My mom sent me some, just in case."


"All she needs is a spoonful. After that, she should be okay by morning."

"Ocellus... th-thank you!"

"Bup bup bup!" As you reach for the jar, Ocellus pulls it back towards herself, clutching it against her chest. "I have a condition."

"And what would that be?"

"She has to apologize to me. For everything."

"Er... I..."

"If she can't do that, then I say waiting it out is the least that she deserves."

"H-how long does lovesickness usually last?"

"A couple of months."


"Mmhm." Ocellus tilts her head at you, an almost creepy angry-looking smile on her face as she does so. "Why do you sound so worried? Is it because you know she won't do it?"

You've never seen Ocellus like this. It's like she's a completely different changeling. Typically, she is one of the sweetest creatures you'll ever meet. She's kind, she's meek, and she's soft-spoken. And yet suddenly, she seems angry, vengeful, almost... sadistic. The worst part? She's calling your bluff. You sigh as you prepare to respond to her. When you do, your words are slow and methodical.

"...If you're willing to visit her, I'm sure she'd be willing to apologize."

Are you telling the truth, or are you hoping to convince yourself as much as you're hoping to convince Ocellus?

"Alright. Let's go, then. Lead the way, Mr. Anon."

Oh boy. You're going to be in so much trouble with Sunburst after this.

You arrive at home, Ocellus in tow. Behind her, Sandbar and Smolder stand awkwardly to the side, unwilling to let Ocellus face Chrysalis alone. You unlock the front door and hold it open for the trio, but Ocellus waves off Sandbar and Smolder before entering. It seems she wants to do this alone.

Wordlessly making your way to the bedroom, you sigh as you prepare yourself for the confrontation to come. You told Chrysalis you wouldn't let anyone else see her like this. You told Sunburst you wouldn't do something that would upset Ocellus. And yet, here you are. Gathering your will, you glance down at Ocellus, who looks back at you and nods.

Well, here goes nothing.

You gently open the bedroom door. Chrysalis has been keeping the room fairly cold, and yet you see her lying on the bed beneath layers upon layers of blankets. Used tissues litter the floor to the side of the bed, and the sound of a cough followed by two distinct shapeshifting noises come from Chrysalis's direction.

"H-hey, Chryssi. How are you holding up?"

"How do you think I'm 'holding up?'"

Her voice is still raspy when she speaks. She sits upright, though she leans her head back against the headboard. Her face is still flushed and her eyes appear puffy. Despite that, she glares at you with her signature "mildly annoyed" look.

"C-come on now Chryssi, don't be like that. I... I brought someone that might be able to help you! P-please don't be mad."

"I told you not to-!"

Chrysalis cuts herself off as she spots Ocellus entering the room behind you. Ocellus immediately turns her attention to the sick bug, her expression filled with a mixture of hatred and fear. She never takes her eyes off of Chrysalis after entering the room.


"And what's this runt doing here?"

"She's here to talk, Chryssi. And she might be able to help you overcome your illness."

"Her? She's but a child. As if I would ever need her help."

"..." Ocellus furrows her brow. Although she never takes her eyes off of Chrysalis, she purposefully speaks at a volume that only you can hear. "This was a mistake. I'm sorry for wasting your time, Mr. Anon, but she deserves this."

"W-wait! You haven't even asked her to apologize yet!"

"Does that sound like someone who is willing to apologize to you?"

Chrysalis tries to yell, but fails due to her raspy voice.

"What are you two whispering about over there?! I'm right here!"

You turn back to Ocellus.

"Can't you just give her a chance?"

Ocellus falls silent for a moment before sighing. When she speaks again, her voice is loud enough for all to hear.


"Oh? And what do you want, runt?"

"You have lovesickness. I don't know how considering you aren't a light changeling, but you do. I can see that clear as day. I have a remedy for it right here."

"Y-you do?"

Chrysalis looks legitimately taken aback by that, but her angry expression has been replaced by a curious and somewhat excited one.

"I do. My mom made it. You know, the one you conscripted into your army and forced to help you attack Canterlot?"

"Right. Her. She was excellent at aerial support."

"Th-that's not...! Ugh, I can't believe I'm doing this." Ocellus facepalms (facehoofs?) before looking back at Chrysalis with impatience. "Look. If you want some of this, you'd better apologize."

"Hah! Apologize?! For what?!"

"For WHAT?!" You've never heard Ocellus shout, but her voice is louder than any you could probably muster. "For being a dictator! For forcing my parents to fight in your stupid army! For trying to make me a soldier my whole childhood! For attacking innocent ponies over and over again! For... for being a MONSTER!"

Chrysalis looks at Ocellus with anger, but that expression quickly fades as it is replaced with... pride? An odd smile makes its way to her flushed face.

"And why would I apologize? It looks like you're finally using what I taught you!"


"That assertiveness. That anger. That drive to... to just take what you want rather than sheepishly ask for it. You always were a meek little thing. Hardly worth investing any of our resources into, really. And yet, just look at you now!"

"N-no! I'm not like that! I'M NOTHING LIKE YOU!"

"Say that all you want, little girl. All you're doing is proving my point. I did what I had to to keep the hive from starving. If you believe what I did was out of cruelty, then you haven't seen what I've seen."

"Wh-what do you mean by that?!"

"Ever since we changelings were created, we've had everything stacked against us. We were reviled. We were called monsters. And most of all, we were starving. There wasn't a creature alive that wanted anything to do with us. We had no choice but to steal the love that we needed to survive. Yes, I was a harsh queen." Chrysalis flares up her wings, which sparkle as the sunlight pouring in through the nearby window hits them. "I was a harsh queen because I had to be. It was that, or watch my subjects die."

"And how was conquering Equestria supposed to help with that?!"

"You tell me, Ms. 'Friendship Student.' Equestria has more love than anywhere else in the world. I was setting up our kingdom for greatness. If I could just take that throne, none of us would ever starve again."

"The ends don't justify the means! You were trying to ruin the lives of THOUSANDS of innocent ponies. You DID ruin the lives of countless changelings, too!"

"Hah! If you think their lives were ruined, you should see what I've gone through."

"That still doesn't justify how you treat others! Besides, Thorax proved that your methods were wrong! The kingdom is better off now than it ever was when you had the throne! And all we had to do was stop hiding the love we have for each other!"

"The kingdom is a shell of what it once was. Your prosperity is only short-term. You'll come to realize that soon enough."

"I'd rather face whatever harsh future we have coming with love in my heart than get the future I want by being cruel."

"And you're a fool for thinking so."

"You don't plan to apologize, do you?"

"I have nothing to apologize for."

"..." Ocellus finally looks away from Chrysalis, choosing instead to glance up at you. "I'm leaving."

Ocellus storms out of the bedroom before giving you a chance to respond. You hesitate for a bit, but you eventually decide to follow after her. However, by the time you finally head out of the bedroom, she's already gone.

With an aggravated grunt, you turn back to Chrysalis, who looks at you with a smug, yet still sick expression.


"What was that?!"

"That was a reality check for one of my former subjects. If we're lucky, she'll take my words to heart."

You feel hot, rage-filled tears begin to fill your eyes.

"I... I trusted you! I BELIEVED in you!"

"You... what?"

"I actually thought you were starting to change!"

"You listen here-"

"Ocellus is a CHILD, Chrysalis! She's traumatized! YOU traumatized her! And then, when she finally gathers the courage to face you again, THAT'S how you act?!"

"I... I..."

In stark contrast to her smug demeanor when Ocellus yelled at her, Chrysalis seems to be slinking back into the bed at the sound of your words. Ever since she moved in with you, you've never once raised your voice at her, and yet... ugh, Ocellus was right. She does deserve this.

You close your eyes and sigh as you attempt to calm yourself. After taking a few deep breaths, you look back up at Chrysalis, who is giving you a sheepish look that is very much unlike her.

"I don't know what the heck you were referring to when you mentioned your past to her. But I do know that up until now, I thought you were worth giving a chance. I just... I wanted so badly for you to finally get it. I thought you would finally understand what friendship can be."

"Anon, I..."

She keeps cutting herself off, as if there is something she is reluctant to tell you.

"But I also can't just abandon you." Her ears perk up, and the slightest bit of light appears in her eyes. "I mean... I can't just stop myself from loving you. That said... you need to think about what just happened if you want our deal to continue." Chrysalis falls silent. She looks down at the bed, suddenly finding it too difficult to maintain eye contact with you. You let out one final sigh as you make your way out of the bedroom. "I'll go get you a glass of water and a fresh box of tissues, but don't expect me to keep looking for a remedy."

You exit the room without another word, closing the door behind you as you do so. You hear Chrysalis open her mouth as if to speak, but all that she can get out is another coughing fit. You head into the kitchen to fetch that water. As you do, you notice a small jar sitting on the kitchen table. It's filled with about a spoon's worth of familiar goop, and a small note is attached to it. You remove the note and begin to read the immaculate hoofwriting.

Mr. Anon,

I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you today. I know that I said I wouldn't give you this unless Chrysalis apologized, but I changed my mind. After all, if I'm not kind to those I disagree with, I'm no different from her.

I legitimately hope you can get through to her one day. After all, Princess Twilight was really particular about making sure we understand the importance of forgiveness. But right now, I think I'll save my forgiveness for a later date.

Thank you for being an excellent substitute!


That girl is too kind for her own good. You silently pick up the jar and examine its contents. There's enough there to rid Chrysalis of her lovesickness, all right. You finally got what you wanted.

You turn to bring it back to the bedroom before you stop yourself. Shaking your head, you instead walk into the bathroom and leave it inside of your medicine cabinet. Ocellus may be willing to give Chrysalis this medicine, but after hearing their argument?

You agree with what Ocellus said back at the school. Chrysalis deserves to stay sick for a little while longer.

In your bedroom, a figure sits alone in your bed. The figure is a light changeling, her skin white with light blue splotches all over it. Her glittery wings are a pale green color, and they match the color of her mane and tail. The horn protruding from her head is long and smooth. She brings a hoof to her face to wipe away a single tear that is falling from her bright green eyes. Said hoof resembles that of a pony, and it lacks any holes.

Her expression is one of sorrow and regret. She looks through a nearby window, admiring the view of the sun setting over Ponyville. If you were present, you would probably wonder what she is thinking. After a few minutes, there is a knock on the door. Just before it opens, she shapeshifts into the unmistakable form of Chrysalis.

"I brought you your tissues and water."

"Th... thank you, Anon."

You give her a nod before leaving the room once more, yet again closing the door behind yourself as you do. After ensuring that the door is completely shut, Chrysalis shapeshifts back into the form she was just in, letting out a sigh as if maintaining her usual appearance was difficult to do.

With an uncertain groan she places her head back down onto her pillow and tries to fall asleep, but not before making sure that her features are covered in case you should enter the room unannounced. After a moment, she falls asleep as the countless thoughts flooding her mind distract her from the pain of her lovesickness.

Author's Note:

As always, I appreciate any and all feedback!

Comments ( 38 )

Holy Hay, mate!
I loved the prequel to this story and was looking forward to the sequel, and I have to say Im blown away! :pinkiehappy:

Quite a cute story, and... oof, poor Ocellus, braving it to confront her abuser... From what I read on the matter, It's always hard to do so, so to do it willingly and from the goodness of her heart, she's such a sweetheart :heart:

Cheers! :twilightsmile:

A sad, but beautiful story. Ocellus getting to express all of her built-up emotions, Chrysalis hinting at her past experiences, and Anon being torn between his love for her and her past actions. It is all piecing together perfectly for the next story.

mhmm, yes emotions are present

Ralanost #4 · Jun 27th, 2023 · · 10 ·

I like the idea, but I really resent reformed changelings. And to have Chrysalis become one as well just doesn't sit well with me. I won't dislike the story, but I really can't like it either.

hmp she better not change into one of them cause i like the old her better !


This story was amazing! I'd say it even surpassed the prequel. Keep up the good work!:twilightsmile:

Whoa, there was much more to this part of the story than I expected. Personally, I don't like reformed changelings, but considering this isn't something they can just control, it does make sense for her to get "reformed" after a while living in peace.

Also, it seems that Chrysalis had already been hiding her new form for a while, right?

Agreed. Not really a fan of the premise at all but the writing is good at least. To neutral it goes.

I say that this is a fine story.

Loved it! Hope to see the sequel soon :pinkiehappy:

I was really hoping to see a sequel, and I’m glad we got one! Seeing Chrysalis reformed, but not redeemed honestly feels right. She spent who knows how long keeping her subjects alive by doing what she knew: invade and steal. It’ll be hard to convince her she was wrong morally, even if her intentions were debatably honorable. And the best part is this only leads us to another one! Great job writing this one, and I can’t wait for the next installment!

Looking forward to the next sequel. I think Chrysalis is slowly understanding the consequences of what happened under her rule. The way Anon yelled at her for traumatizing a child and many more seemed to hit hard.

What I think most seem to misunderstand is that Chrysalis seems to have been raised with the mindset of victory at all costs and survival of the fittest. It's how she's lived her whole life and can't grasp such a new idea. It's like a person who's been abused their whole life suddenly finding someone who loves them. They don't know how to react and instinctly respond with violence or lashing out.

Absolutely loved this! I like how there are actual consequences for Chrysalis's actions. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Absolutely phenomenal sequel. I'm looking forward to the continuation

Their better be a wedding. I won't accept anything less than that.

I do love me some evil bug queen and much like you it pains me to see her transformed into just another Technicolor hippie bug moose, but i belive she deserves to love and be loved. But in order to express her love she has to change. Who are we to deny her that? If greedily clinging to the way things were denies her the happiness she deserves, can we truly claim to have ever loved her in the first place?
To think that so many of us could be upset to see a changling transform is kind of ridiculous if you realy think about it.

Tough crowd, huh? :twilightsmile:
These stories are the definitions of wish fulfillment


To think that so many of us could be upset to see a changling transform is kind of ridiculous if you realy think about it.

Honestly, Canon!Chrysalis' active refusal to change is even funnier in this context. The irony of Queen Cheeselegs.

Eh, I hate the nuChangelings. They're boring and dull (and in the case of Thorax an outright eyesore). The original changelings are so much more interesting.

"For WHAT?!" You've never heard Ocellus shout, but her voice is louder than any you could probably muster. "For being a dictator! For forcing my parents to fight in your stupid army! For trying to make me a solider my whole childhood! For attacking innocent ponies over and over again! For... for being a MONSTER!"


Because it's easy to feel sorry for someone who's (literally) starved for affection, vulnerable, and alone. But when we get a glimpse of what kinda person Chrysalis actually is (and that she apparently feels no remorse), that's when rooting for her gets a lot harder, which why I think some people are having a bit of trepidation.
Of course, I know this author is a good writer, and that a sequel is currently in the works, so I'm with holding my judgement for now.

You see, that's why it's necessary to change.

Ah hell, when you put it like that...

I'll get the shotgun, just make sure she comes out back with me.

Wounds heal, and scars fade. But... it's never easy.

I love me a good redemption arc :twilightsmile:
Your characterization is a treat as well. Anon and Chrysalis feel like they have some real substance here, and it was easy to read the conflict in Ocellus. Looking forward to seeing where you take this next.

Ok, lovin this already!

you know... I was always fan of Chrysalis

...and it is weird. On one hand I always wanted her to have a redemption arc...but on the other hand she is such a perfect villain that I love her the way she is.
I've read multiple redemption stories overh the years and I'm still undecided
...but I like this one :-)

Nu, get better, Chryssie!

Wow, did the nulings manage to gaslight themselves to ignore that she's kept them alive for millenia and that they weren't enjoying raiding pony lands? 'Cause in the show they were clearly enjoying it even when Chryssie wasn't around, but then it's suddenly all her fault and they were all innocent and forced to act like that? B*ll.

I wonder if she'll reveal what it was like before and how many she had to see for before she turned to her final ruling style.

Ah, yeah, he must truly love her to turn to torture.

Aside of that note at the end, lots of Ocellus showing the nuLings' true colours.

Nooo, not white, that's horrible for camouflage outside of Winter.

Wow this was great. You nailed her being too prideful for her own good. Chryssi in the show always struck me as a narcisstic abuser and it's good to see you handling that with the weight it deserves while leaving room for her growth.

I like the sequel to bed bug. You really have a talent when it comes to fanfics and I hope to see these fanfics on a narrator's youtube channel one day like StraightToThePointStudio or Scribbler productions because I really enjoy these fanfics

On the one hand, i want to like because Chryssie reality checked those dumb skittle bugs. On the other i want to dislike cause the author wants us to believe dumb skittle bugs are right. Yeah, no. I will never like Thorax.

in response to eveyone's dislike of her transformation you do realize she had cancer before right? those holes dark changelings have those are directly from Celestia attacking them and burning them in with solar plasma she used to look like this4.bp.blogspot.com/-rNb6aLIZAPs/XNIPQaTMUsI/AAAAAAAAh-k/wiXZSM33YQkvTMpbi0Da1dnHrrZliab4QCEwYBhgL/s1600/chrysalis_attack.png

and Tia Did this!!!!


the book even mentions permeant damage!

if the cost of healing cancer is a color change I'm fine with it!!!!!!

Cool your jets bro-ski!

1Your source material says permanent damage cancer and solar plasma is never mentioned by anyone but you.

2 did Tia realy do it? That illustration looks more like Day Breaker, whom is essentially Celestia but her EVIL alter ego.

3 if you read my comment you would know that even though I would still love my evil bug queen holes and all (even if she had cancer) but I was still an advocate for change if that was what she needed to be happy and healthy.

Wow, no matter how I word this it sounds like I'm angry. I'm not angry I'm just disappointed. Disappointed that you never read my comment.

I know a few people who beat cancer, you seem strong, I hope you beat it too.

Sadly I'm not the one who had cancer in my family my mother did and she couldn't beat it and yes I have fully read your comment, the thing is I just like the point out the stuff that is technically Canon there is actually a panel showing Celestia attacking chrysalis but I haven't been able to find it since I haven't actually read the scans in a long time

Also while I did reply to you it was more because you were the latest one that had a similar comment to everyone else if you had read my comment I said in response to everyone's general dislike I was generalizing not you specifically.

Sorry to hear that about your mom, cancer is an awful way to go.

Thanks for reading my comment.
I don't want to fight with you, so please dont be mad, I don't take canon very seriously.

Niether do i, i just like pointing it out

Very curious why she believes their so-called light status is destined to be short lived.

She needed that slap back, staying cooped up for months with not much way to make progress isn't great...

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