• Member Since 29th Oct, 2020
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


The hoes call me the B-1 Lancer because I offer unimpressive low-level penetration but possess a world-class rear-aspect sight picture.


"Hey, I need to file an insurance claim on my house?"

"Nature of the damage?"

"Oh, a magical bear got dragged into town by a bunch of teenagers to impress their foalish crush and it stepped on my front porch. Also, the next week a god of chaos turned my lamps into sharks and now there's a puddle of milk in my crawlspace."

For Equestria? This is an absurdist tale. For Ponyville's insurance adjuster, it was Wednesday.

A slice of that life, starring the adjuster himself and everyone's ... third(?) favorite glasses-wearing foal.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 33 )

Then I locked the short one in a rolling tool chest and pushed her down a hill into a tree.

She’ll be fiiiiiiiiiiine!

All that is silver does not glitter. Sometimes it just packs a mean double-hoof snap kick, and a sharp noggin.

This was expertly written. It takes skill to make two characters sitting around talking about legal precidents entertaining, but you pulled it off.

You know that feeling when you kinda begin reading and then just get sucked in as lines of text go along? Yeah, that's what happened to me. I almost called for help, I really did
You, sir or ma'am (more inclined to believe you're a sir, but you never know nowadays, even if you are), is a quality :twilightsmile:

But all these ponies lived, apparently willingly, in Ponyville, so they probably deserved it.

Hey, 99% of Purple Events are caused by Twilight Sparkle. She is a statistical outlier and shouldn't be held against them!

Alright, finished reading. You have a frankly disturbing understanding of the character dynamics in the show; where plenty of authors just write edgy comedy with MLP terminology, you actually manage to write convincing MLP-But-On-Adult-Swim stories.

Silver Spoon being able to kick the shit out of three ponies of similar size, while bleeding and covered in used food, is my new favorite fanon.

Thanks! I've been told such a few times. If you like the feel, check out my other stuff, especially the long form stories.

you can always just invent another noodle incident.

CMC's juvie records of "The Noodle Incident" have been sealed by Her Serene Highness Twilight pending re-negotiations with Yakyakistan and the reconstruction and repair of the Yak consulate in Canterlot. (The incident from '22 that is; the Noodle Incident of '19 was Equestria's first Thaumic Superfund site and is still the subject of of intense study by Equestrian metaphysicists and Griffonian theologians)

Oh yes I've been a fan since I first read gunhaver-rarity I just now bothered to say something

How is act of god something that's refered to in law even cus it sounds like religious injustice to me.

It's one of those things that carried over from centuries ago and wasn't worth changing the name. These days, it's seen as metaphorical.

Well when actual Gods are involved the law must adapt. For example in the Marvel universe the dead can testify as Ghosts are recognized as legally existing. So since in Equestria God is a legal status one can hold, and you can't really make a God pay legal fees (you can try sure but if they are unwilling your kind of screwed.) Acts of Gods needs to be defined clearly.

>Gods can't pay legal fees
I have a wonderful vision of someone attempting to sue Big D for damages, the relevant princessly authority being annoyed enough to let them try, and the panicked gibbering and pleas to get him to stop.

Cap. No way a nerd like silverspoon could take on the cmc

This story is overflowing with cleverness. I mean it, every single sentence either lends itself to a joke or is so ingenious on its own that I couldn't help but keep wondering, "how does he keep doing that"? I am amazed by the speed of the pacing, but most of all, its contents. It is such an intelligently written exchange, the quick indications of lore that helped Spoon build her case are not to be underestimated either, the comedy, by God, the comedy. This is some high-brow stuff, I love how sophisticatedly absurd this whole thing is. I have to praise your depiction of Spoon on various fronts, first in how fleshed out you've managed to make her feel in so little space; everything about her felt novel but also in-character. Her precociousness is both admirable and extremely entertaining; the blend of child logic hand in hand with adult shrewdness is such a hilarious combination that's entirely seamless. I cannot even imagine how hard it was to refine this story into such a perfect, surgically precise form. Well done, man, this is one of the most sophisticated comedies I've read on this site.

sheeet dawg this is sweet as hell got me crying in the club rn fr

Thanks for your kind words! I may be something of a one-trick pony(writer) but I've got my style down pretty well. If you like what you read, check out my other stuff - filly sure seems to like it, at least! I'd recommend this one as the next up.

Congrats on your own story making it into the penalty box!

In a fair fight no, when theyre already backpedaling cus they know they fucked up, get dunked on


Congrats on your own story making it into the penalty box!

Thank you, I appreciate that. And sure, I'll give your other stories a look, they do promise to be quite entertaining.

Gota love how Silver beat claims at every turn lol

That was a good story.

Oh, this was outstanding. I love this take on Silver. Great blend of precociousness, killer instinct, and that strange sort of vicious innocence called youth. Thank you for a most engaging read.

Ponyville is Equestria's Florida.

Amazing dialogue and back-and-forth.

Just waiting on Silver to call in a drone strike on the CMC

"Uhhhh ... Miss Silver Spoon, you have, uhh, convinced me. Of the necessity ... to eliminate the radical terrorists known as the "Cee-M-Cee" in order to preserve a world for peace."
"Wow! Thanks, Mr. President!"
"That's right. My fellow Americans, we must, uhhh, drone strike Ponyville."

Glad to see you're still around. It wouldn't be a Jimmy story without a FOME comment somewhere around it.

I thought you might like this one.

Its not that they can't, most simply won't and you can't force them.

“Constable? Ha!” The filly shook her head. “No, the constable doesn’t show up for them anymore. Every time she throws them in jail, they get out by some act of gods.”

“I folded them all like freaking card tables.” A bigger smile at that one. “I just, like, pulverized them all. I grabbed rocks, wrenches. It was brutal. Then I locked the short one in a rolling tool chest and pushed her down a hill into a tree.”


I’m honestly surprised the CMC was never actually involved in a Noodle Incident. I’d view it as homage really.

Turning theprison bars into marshmallow?

Now I have an image of Rarity suddenly finding herself in the prison window, and horror of horrors, dressed as a lawyer. :trixieshiftright:

She is a Coutourist. Not A Seamstress. :duck:

and he didn't offer her a job down the line?

fantastic story. when good authors get use out of silver spoon its always a treat.

The part about how bad an idea it is to drive Earth ponies into red-faced rage clearly applies to rich would-be lawyer fillies, too.

This... should be in the comics. At the very least this should be a more prevalent story element here in FIMfiction.
Great work with everything, especially with pointing out the craziness of the Ponyville populace.

Likewise, legal restitution can only help so much when you're still extremely injured and the other guy is still extremely rich.

Well, she came armed and ready. A neat little story.~

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