• Published 31st Dec 2023
  • 577 Views, 10 Comments

Rainbow Dash, Secret Heavenly Healer Fan - marmalado

Rainbow Dash has a very special interest in a franchise called "Heavenly Healer". She thinks her friends don't know. Unfortunately, she overlooked her choice of clothing.

  • ...

Yes, Heavenly Healer IS a Reference, And No, I Don't Expect You To Get It

Staring at the TV in awe, Rainbow Dash watched Healer Flutter use Flutterby Colossi on a monster that resembled an ogre in appearance. She couldn't help but grin when the monster was defeated and the damage done to the center of town was reversed.

As the episode ended on Chisaka, Healer Flutter's civilian alter ego, conversing with her friends about what food to make for dinner, Rainbow's gaze drifted over to the four figures that sat on her shelf. Each one of them were from the same series, Lalala! Hyper Heavenly Healer, and each one of them she had to heavily bargain for just to get. They were some of her most prized possessions.

"Shoot, I'm late!" Rainbow cried out as she looked at the time, quickly shutting the TV off and racing out the door.

All throughout her sprint, she noticed people staring at her. Which was fine by her, because she was pretty famous as a savior of worlds, so she was bound to get some looks. But as time passed, she began to feel a little uncomfortable. Some people stared in surprise and awe. Others snickered. She wasn't sure what was going on, and it unnerved her.

As she walked into Sugarcube Corner rather animatedly, she spotted her five friends sitting around a table and a platter of "cupcakes-a-dozen", as Pinkie had called it.

"Oh, hey, Rainbow Dash!" the pink party pal waved. "Nice shirt! Where'd ya get it?"

Rainbow's brow furrowed. "What do you mean? This is the same shirt I wear all the time."

The look of realization on Pinkie's face was almost priceless. "Right, right. Sorry! You want a cupcake?"

"Yeah!" Rainbow took a seat and nabbed a cupcake, biting into it and relishing the taste of it.

"Sooooo...anythin' new with ya, Dash? Any hobbies you've been gettin' into?"

Applejack's knowing tone was lost on the athlete. "You guys saw me yesterday, you know. All I did was play some guitar and watch a movie. Nothing crazy."

Everyone else exchanged odd looks.

"You know, I've been thinking about all the adventures we had." Sunset took a bite of her cupcake. "And I've noticed that technically...we're magical girls."

The speed at which Dash's head whipped towards Sunset was whiplash-worthy.

"Really? How's that, darling?"

"Well, think about it. The transformations, the enemies...they seem very magical-girl-esque, don't they?"

"Now that you think about it, I can kinda see it." Pinkie nodded. "Hey, hey, has anyone here seen that new magical girl show? Heavenly Healer?!"

"Heavenly Healer? Oh, I love that show! It's a guilty pleasure of mine." A soft blush crept onto Fluttershy's cheeks, and she averted her gaze away from the group.

"That started last week, didn't it?" Sunset nodded and took another bite. "Not gonna lie, it's pretty cool. Healer Harmony is my favorite Healer."

Dash bit her lip.

"Mm, I much prefer Healer Breeze myself. Her outfit just looks so elegant! Truly, one would be hard-pressed to capture the essence of the wind in such an outfit in real life..." Rarity smirked. "A new personal challenge for me!"

Sweat began dripping down Dash's face.

"I, uh...I've never watched Heavenly Healer. Doesn't seem like my kind 'f thing." Applejack scratched the back of her neck.

"Aww, c'mon, Applejack! You gotta give it a shot! I bet you'd looooove Healer Rainbow!"

Dash knew there was no such Healer in existence. If she had long-enough nails, they'd be scraping across the table. But she resorted to gritted teeth instead.

And then, six pairs of eyes turned on her.

It didn't take much deducing to figure out what they were trying to convey.

Right then and there, Dash conceded. "All right, fine! I'm a Heavenly Healer fan too! I-I've been watching Lalala! Hyper Heavenly Healer ever since it premiered, a-and I got addicted to it! It, I, ohhh..." She buried her face in her hands. "I didn't want anyone else to know."

"Why not?"

The innocent question from Fluttershy earned her a glare. "Because what right does a super-cool athlete like me have to love something so...so..." Instead of an adjective, all Dash could do was offer a "blegh" sound effect.

Sunset put on an empathetic look. "Rainbow, you can like whatever you want. We're not gonna hold it against you."

"Unless it's super-duper creepy."

"Unless it's super-duper creepy, yes. Thank you, Pinkie." Sunset sighed. "Just because you're a tomboy doesn't mean you can't enjoy girly stuff. That's just a dumb old stereotype. I'm sure there are tons of tomboyish people out there who like things that aren't...made for...uh..." She stopped. Blinked. Shook her head. "Y-you get the point I'm trying to make, right?"

Taking another bite and looking at each and every one of her friends, Rainbow thought Sunset's words over. With almost everyone enjoying the same series she did -- and she was sure Applejack would too, if she gave it a shot -- she supposed Sunset was right. She nodded and smiled. "Yeah. Thanks, Sunset. But...that doesn't really explain why everyone kept on staring at me as I ran over here."

Applejack snickered. "I think ya forgot t' change your shirt."

Rainbow's eyes widened. She glanced downwards. "Darn it! Ugh, that's what I get for staying in to watch this week's episode of Lalala! Hyper Heavenly Healer..."

"Don't surprise me none."

"Can it, AJ!" Rainbow began to blush. "You wouldn't understand, you don't even watch the show!"

A knowing look crossed Applejack's face for only a second. "You're right, I don't. My apologies. What I said was uncalled for."

"Uh-huh." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Anyway, you guys wanna head over to my house and watch the movie?"

Confused looks.

"Lalala! Hyper Heavenly Healer: The Wish Upon a Star?"

"Oooooh, I haven't seen that one!" Pinkie scarfed down another cupcake, this time in one bite. "I'm in!"

The others gave their own agreements, ate the rest of their cupcakes, and walked out the door...except for Applejack.

"Oh, she'll come bargainin' for that Healer Fruit figurine any day now..."

Comments ( 10 )

Wow, I feel her.
It was the same with me when some folks were weirded out that I watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. That I didn't want them to know that I became a Brony.

If I had a nickel for every story where human Rainbow Dash was a closeted magical girl fan, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's enough to make this Phineas & Ferb reference.

Delightful little tale, though the idea's a bit cramped given the word count constraint. Still an entertaining slice of life. Thank you for it.

I love what I’m seeing. Another.

Why does heavenly healer ring a bell


Part of the reason why I went with The Grass is Always Greener for the contest was because it told a more compelling story that fit relatively comfortably in 1000 words. Key word being "relatively" because that's definitely not perfect either, but it was better than making a story within a franchise I haven't touched in far too many years.

Glad it tickled your fancy either way. Funny enough I have Super Heroine Time sitting in my Read It Later folder already...and didn't realize it amidst the other 3391 stories I have in there. Gonna have to give it a read for the new year.


Well, it's a reference to two famous magical girl IPs. If you want to take a shot at which ones, be my guest.

Pretty Cure. As for which season, no clue as I've never seen an episode (yet). :twilightblush:

Ooohhh, yes that's where I heard about it from. :twilightblush:


Ahhh, that's one.


Ahhh, and there's the other one. (No particular season though, just referencing the franchise as a whole.)

Congrats to you both! As a reward, you may have choose-your-own-flavor cookies.

Yaaay, cookies! 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

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