• Member Since 5th Nov, 2022
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Drunk Luna

Everypony’s favorite alcoholic alicorn.


Opaline grew up being bullied and unseen by the royal sisters, whom she tried tirelessly but unsuccessfully to impress; still, Luna showed her more kindness than Celestia ever did.

Alone and friendless, Opaline fled Skyros and found safety in Canterlot, where she stayed until Nightmare Moon’s banishment. After Celestia imprisons Luna in the moon, Opaline confronts the ruler of the sun, forcing Celestia to come to terms with the role she played in Luna’s downfall.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )


You know what if this is canon I don’t care.

“I will leave when I have finished speaking,” she declared. “You will always be known as a tyrant, Celestia. Everypony knows that you had a choice in this. You can pretend as much as you like, but Equestria will eventually discover that you are responsible for Luna’s undoing. You created Nightmare Moon, and you have just ignited a fire that will never be extinguished. I will take you down one day.”

And yet celestia found a way to bullshit her way out. Even making her student a ruler in which case led to the downfall of equestria.

Thanks a lot celestia


Can you find this quite pathetically poetic about Celestia?

Think about it, for all of the previous MLP villains efforts to take down, conquer, or dismantle Equestria and Ponykind's magic society as a whole.

It all still got freaking ruined by Celestia's own hypocrisy of all ponies, and even Twilight is particularly blame for being a naive ruler too. And Twilight wasn't fully ready for the ruling commitment. P.S. And Twilight being a Alicorn that might sadly outlive her own best friends, and family is another can of worms too.

I do understand that nothing lasts forever, including utopia-like kingdoms/empires.

But still, either Twilight or Celestia could have handle it a lot better to prevent the bittersweet canon timeline of G5 to might never be as bad as it was!!!???

Seriously, Magic ( That still exist and didn't disappear in the first place. ) and the similar modern-day technology from G5 could be magnificent. Like space-faring for example!?

Yeah my thoughts exactly

People say Opilene is ugly I disagree I think it's just her conduct if she was more deliberate and carful I think she would be a great villain like if she acted calm and threatening I might actually be scared that picture of her shows me she would look really pretty in 2D animation also if she had a softer voice though that might be because she shouts all the time I like the way you wrote her she is my Opilene.

Damn, Celestia is such a dick in this timeline.

“You should go,” the white alicorn said. “Go back to Skyros, Opaline, and never, ever show your face in Canterlot again. If you say one more word, I will strike you down where you stand. Get out of my sight.” Opaline chuckled again.

“No,” she said flatly. “I will leave when I have finished speaking."

Not gonna lie, that's kinda badyay!.

Yess. And


I like the idea that Opaline is a product of Celestia’s neglect and maybe inadvertent abuse. The only difference is where as Celestia went through a lot of effort to “reform” Luna, she just cast out and forgot about. Deconstructing a hero and their mentor is one of my favorite tropes in fiction. Don’t get me wrong, Opaline isn’t good… but how much of it is just a little filly lashing out at the world because it rejected her?

I hope u make a sequel for this story

I also wrote a story about the new chapters. But because my language is not English, I translated with a translator. Can someone edit it for me?

I gotta say, I love a story where Celestia isn't made out to be some perfect little ideal princess who can do no wrong (because, let's be honest with ourselves here, giving power over an entire kingdom to a relatively young teenager just because she can raise the sun is going to have some nasty consequences).

The victims you create today will grow into tomorrow's monsters, and no one exemplifies that lesson better than Opaline and Nightmare Moon.

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