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He thought he had found a safe haven in Ponyville. A place with infinite love. A place where a Changeling could rest his head. Unfortunately, one too many rash decisions start to add up, leading a certain filly to start pestering the bug.

Current plan is whenever i feel like it (common Cxcd L)

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 76 )

Nice to see more changeling stories being made. It's kinda hard to find decent stories

Hope he doesn’t go to Bon Bon’s shop, that’ll just make it worse!

“ Hey, knuckleheads! ”

This is the most interesting part… it can define the entire meaning of this chapter…

Anyway, good start.

I’ll keep an eye on this. Great work!

Oof, poor Staples :fluttershyouch:

Having to hide themselves completely simply cause of how they were born due to overly specieist ponies must absolutely suck, living in constant fear of being discovered and outed.

With just these two chapters you managed to completely hook me in mate! Cheers :heart:

Looking forward to seeing where this story goes from here!

Really, the simple and correct solution is... make the complainant fill out the paperwork themselves.

Honestly Madam Mayor, if you're going to be hock-deep in bureaucracy, you may as well make it work for you when you can.

‘ Changeling Death Penalty Passed in Congress, Vetoed by Princess Celestia. ’

It’s not hard to see why.

I guess this takes place before Thorax befriends the ponys or it has not reached the rest of equestria yet

Radius is clearly not of Chrysalis's ilk, so one has to wonder who his hive's queen is.

Also, liking the story so far. Really hope to see more soon.

To be honest, this chapter is begging for a more darker storyline than 'changeling learn friendship'. A lone changeling trying to survice in brutal police state Equestria that had hysteria red scare vibe.... yeah.

And ponyville is good and friendly town? The fact that people side with someone like cake, who talk about eugenized an entire specie and kicked out a paying customer because 'muh feeling hurt' make it looked like a shithole than anything else, as per its cannon counterpart.

Mayor Mare put back on her best smile, pretending everything was just fine.

It's not fine.

The thing is...every place has those people like the ones shown here in this chapter. Doesn't matter what sort of town it is. They may not always be immediately obvious...but I guarantee you that they're there anyway.

So if anything, it's just a realistic portrayal.

Yes, it's realistic, but that is not the point.

Good and friendly town part is the problem I had with

The fact they rudely gossip about the poor guy, and outright ignoreed him when he's spoke out his mind, against eugenized an entire specie.

He didn't even started it, and it would likely not turned into an argument if cake didn't keep hammering on him.

And nobody did anything.

Can you imagine? A Ukranian shopowner said we should killed all Russians because they're all monster, civilians and children, and didn't faced any consequence.

People in that area acceppted that point of view. No boycotts, no walkouts.

Is this ponyville a really a good and friendly town, or just another generic racist rural village?

Of course, good and bad are relative. Maybe other places in Equestria are even more of a shithole than this.

Hope he actually got chopped, the writing, the emotion it can brought out is too good to be kept only as simple drama.


Alrighty, let’s put that on the backburner, shall we? There will be zero spoilers from me, so don’t worry about that, but I do want to say that this is a commentary on stereotypes, the media, and lumping people into a group.

We know from the show that Ponyville is friendly. But, because the media has been ridiculously spinning the Changelings into a red scare, the general pony population is afraid of the Changelings, thinking they’re mindless, incredibly blood thirsty monsters, instead of the bruised, battered, and starving species they actually are.

This story takes place pretty much before anything that would include species unionization. So there would be no Hippogriffs, Kirin, Breezies, or anything else of that matter. Take Gilda for an example. She was rude and mean, so the ponies might assume all Griffons were mean.

Imagine the Changelings. They waged war on their home nation, and they don’t have the context that the Changelings were actually starving. The media is telling them to be afraid, and so they’re going to be afraid. There was dialogue I cut where two ponies were arguing whether or not Changelings had the mental capacity to even speak, or if they were just glorified parrots. The pony population don’t think of Changelings as ponies, they think of them as litterally husks being controlled by a hive mind, commanded over by a queen, who makes the real commands.

Also, I wouldn’t like to imagine they were rudly gossiping about Staples. I thought of it more like “Hey, Staples is doing that weird thing again.” When I wrote it, I wasn’t even thinking about it being from the two ponies who Staples started arguing with later.

Like Scyphi said, I was trying to go for the ‘extremist’ point of view, where there are a few- err- loud ponies in the crowd.

found the person who didn't see the last two words

Ah, I wonder how they knew

This has my attention. I'm looking forward to where this will go. 😊

There’s also the question of how this would affect things in the event of him being exposed.

It was a dark and stormy night.

Cliche though it was to admit. :rainbowlaugh:

"And help with long falls.”

Now there's an explanation for the changeling holed hooves that I hadn't heard before, them effectively being built-in long-fall boots. But when you think about it, if the holes allow for enough flex to be compressible or even springy, they would help cushion against long falls up to a point...assuming the changeling lands on its hooves.

...that would suggest that they'd probably benefit from having a biological tendency to always land on their hooves like a house cat though... :trixieshiftright:

“But the invasion!” Twilight quickly interrupted. “We saw the Changelings choreograph the invasion! There is no way they could’ve all been in sync like that without a hive mind!”

Going off the footage shown in the show, they weren't that choreographed, and what "choreographing" they did demonstrate can be more easily explained as them just being well-trained soldiers, which as they came from a military-minded hive, would be very expected. Really all it says is that Chrysalis trains her troops well.

Fortunately for the ponies, training the troops well, and commanding them well are two entirely separate things for Chrysalis, and she's only really good at one of the two, clearly. :trollestia:

Anyway, the supposed "choreography" is really pretty poor evidence, let alone "proof" of anything even approximating a hive mind, enough that Twilight really ought to know to be applying a little bit of Occam's Razor to this.

...and then a small purple dragon leaning over the guard rails...

Oh, did the Pony OSHA put it's hoof down on the Golden Oak Library in this universe? (In canon, there never were any sort of guard railing to be leaning over on the stairs) :trollestia:

"And besides, Rainbow Dash is on observation duty for today. She wouldn’t let him do anything to me. I’m sure she probably had her ear against a window the entire time.”

“If she hadn’t fallen asleep already…” Spike grumbled.

“She wouldn’t.” Twilight sighed.

No, she wouldn't--this is not something Rainbow would slack off on. She fully recognizes whenever something requires her full attention and dedication to, particularly when it could deal with a potential danger to herself or others (particularly her friends).

Besides, knowing Rainbow, she probably trusts Staples about as much as Spike does, if not less.

“Or he could just be disguising.” Spike suggested. “You know. The thing Changeling’s are known to do.”

The disguising still has it's limits, you know--you can't just use that as an excuse to handwave away any possibility that inconveniences the "they're all evil" idea.

And just you wait anyway, Spike. If there is a changeling named Thorax that happens to be living anywhere in this universe... :raritywink:

To be honest? I'm not at all surprised they caught on--Staples really isn't as subtle and stealthy as he thinks he's being, and his quite obvious and very strong interest in changelings, and the fact he knows with extreme confidence to the point that he can't help but fact-check info on the changelings that no one else in Equestria has picked up are all kinda big giveaways.

He wonders at one point in this chapter how he'd even managed to survive this long, and I'm kinda finding myself wondering the same thing too, as he's sort of making it easier for the ponies than he seems to realize (or at least acknowledge). Even without the story being told from his perspective, I'd probably start to suspect him myself.

Still rooting for him though. If there was ever a 'ling that deserves a happier ending...

Oh, probably just some subtle details here and there. Openly defending changelings as a species in public, doing so again, talking definitively about changeling anatomy, magic, and social structure in front of the only other pony who could be so up-to-date on all the literature...
I'm sure it took a real Poir-oat type to figure him out.

I like that The Element Bearers and the Princesses aren't jumping the gun with Staples and are instead letting him be, even if they are kind of spying on him, too —which even if it may be a bit specieist, is quite a reasonable course of action considering that most previous registered contact with changelings has been hostile.

Except for Applejack. She was the element of honesty, which quite literally directly countered Radius in every single way. He liked living, and he would rather avoid somepony who was described as a living lie detector.

So many fics assume that. I always figured she'd be the most gullible pony in the world.

If he had to give a flavor to Twilight’s magic, it tasted a little bit like strawberries.

Huh. I would have guessed raspberry, maybe.

Y'know. . . The cutest thing about this to me is, not only does Twilight know he's a changeling, but I'd bet that she thinks he knows that she knows. But of course, if he did actually know she was onto him, he'd be freaking out in half a dozen different ways.

crashed a multi-million dollar party,

What the heck is a dollar? Is that like a bit or something?

Love it a lot so far, its kept my interest very well and is really fun and exciting :)

This is just what Radius thinks she is like. :raritywink:

A-ha. Very funny. Fine, I fixed it. Happy!? :pinkiecrazy:

Nice chapter. 😊
Hope all is well and I'm in no rush for the next one. Take all the time you need.

Glad to see another great chapter, and I can't really blame you for not being able to write during r/place, I got next to nothing done when that was happening

Of course, the obvious answer was obvious.

And also redundant apparently. :trollestia:

Take your time doing what you need to! I've found readers generally prefer quality over quantity anyway. :twilightsmile:

“It’s a letter from Mayor Mare.” He finally settled on. “A request to dispatch a guard for a standard Changeling procedure.” The general took half a second, reading Chloride in front of him for a good few seconds. Finally, he nodded. “Actually, I’m going to keep this short, squirt.” He leaned back in his chair. “You’ve missed regiment training a good three times this week, managed to burn down half the kitchen, and I think accidentally committed a war crime last month.”

“ Pepper? ” He almost shrieked, making the very patient general stop mid-sentence. “I can’t take her! She’s a Pegasus who almost always has a broken wing! I can’t take her with me! She’ll slow me down.” The general waited an extra second to make sure the recruit finished.

So basically, they send 2 of the most incompetent guards for this mission? :rainbowlaugh:

If people like your story, which they do, they'll be willing to wait for it. Take your time, enjoy your life, and post more pony changeling when it's ready.

It wasn’t just normal crying. It was crying coming from a filly.

Squints at the title

Looks like Staples has some explaining to do, and I'm all here for it :pinkiehappy:

Well, at least he tried. Makes sense that an office worker wouldn't be capable of such heroics. I'm going to guess that it was Rainbow who saved them based off the way she acted the previous chapter.

NOOOO a cliff hanger how will I go on??!?!?!?!
Jokes aside great chapter and I look forward to the next one!

He wasn’t joking about the territorial squirrels. That was a genuine fear.

Oh yeah, squirrels can totally be real mean when they wanna be.

He could leave. Turn around right now, and pretend nothing had ever happened. Nopony would have to know he was here. To Tartarus with it, he wasn’t even sure if anypony knew that filly was this far out.

We all know you aren't going to though, dude, so hope your breaststroke is up to snuff. :ajsmug:

It wasn’t the filly, as this pony was much taller, and a Pegasus.

Oh yeah, nearly forgot about Rainbow.

“You know I forgive you, right? I forgive you, because you never did anything wrong, Radie.”

I don't get it... Did I miss something?

this should be very, very interestinf

Current plan is weekly updates. If plans change, this text will, too.

No rush(very excited for this story though), but might wanna update that part of the description :derpytongue2:

I noticed you've been working on if twilight was a Pegasus instead, is this fic on hold until that one is done?


I’m a poorly made human.

I actually had about three or four chapters written in advance, but when I posted the first three chapters I decided to rewrite the fourth. And if I want to continue, I should probably rewrite the next few, too.

If I continue to update, I want this story to be something I’m proud of. I can crank out a chapter in like two days, just look at my youtube channel, but I really love this story and don’t want to do that. I’ll probably finish it.

Actually, if you want, send me a DM and I can send you the two scrapped chapters that’ll never be published. Goes for anyone else reading this comment, too.

Hey I feel that. But anyway no rush, I just saw a ton of updates on one fic and no response on this one so I was just curious. But yah I'll send a dm, be awesome to read them

I personally liked the original chapter better, but that may be because I'm an edgy bitch.

i personally agree, i like the edgy one, buuuuut i like this one too because it tugs at the emotions for me a little more.

To each his own, but the original course of this chapter didn't rest well with a lot of us. I can't speak for anyone else, but personally it made it feel like the ponies couldn't deal with the fact that they were wrong about their assumption of Radius' character based on species, and were erasing his memories in order to hide from that. If things had continued as such we'd have seen, depending on if the Mane 6 or Luna were depicted from thereon as flinching, freezing, or otherwise 'breaking character' as it were at the sight of him, but either way this alternate outcome is just a lot more palatable.

It's hard to write unreality, so don't too bad about the critique. I think the ending is a little better, but I'm also just along for the ride and happy to get anything.

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