• Published 26th Apr 2023
  • 1,011 Views, 80 Comments

An Idiot Trio vs Equestria - Beast Out

How many people can say that Faust herself gave them a second chance at life? About three. What? She was bored. Let's see how long it takes for them to get into trouble. And how much longer it takes for them to get out.

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Chapter 2: A Lovely Discussion

"So tell me Dartz, what do you know about changelings?"

"Honestly, your highness, not much. Just that we shapeshift and eat love." That was mostly true, seeing the Mother Tree had confirmed that the comic's origin for changelings was true in some regard, but besides that, Dartz had no idea about their history, culture or hierarchy (aside from Chrysalis being at the top of it of course). Hell, he'd only learned about the hive mind a few days ago!

The Queen got up from her throne and placed a trypophobia inducing hoof onto his shoulder. "Worry not my dear subject. For I shall not let you go ignorant of the ways of the Hive much longer. But first, how was your life before coming here?"

Dartz blinked. "Huh. I didn't think you'd be interested in that."

"One of my subjects has lived his entire life completely isolated from the rest of his kind, raised by creatures who had no idea what he even was or how to properly care for him. I'm surprised that you seem so healthy."

"Well, when you put it that way it does sound pretty bad. But I was well cared for, believe me. Granny Gale would pluck every feather from her wings before she let a child suffer under her watch."

Chrysalis noticed this. "You speak highly of her. Who is she to you?"

"She was the head of an orphanage in Griffinberg. She helped raise me and friends there. Pretty much hatched us herself."

The Queen took her time in observing Dartz' figure. "She seems to have done an exceptional job at that. You're one of the most well fed changelings I've seen in a long time."

"Yeah. After a while we moved out. Started traveling across Equestria, do some odd jobs here, scam some ponies there, sellin' a few magic items we found while on the road. It's just me, Archer and Kindle, out on the highway. Well, Birch too."

"I see. You've lived a… decent life." The royal changeling moved past him, heading towards the throne room exit. "Now come with me. It's time that you're shown what it means to be a changeling."

Dartz quickly followed after her. " 'Bout damn time. Where're we going though?"

Chrysalis' eyes glowed a bright green. "To see my brother. He should be at the Mother Tree at this time."

-5 minutes later with Archer and Kindle-

Silica stepped out of the nursery, the two visitors trailing after her.

"So, how you two feelin' ?" She asked with a faux sweet tone.

Archer (with his hat reclaimed) glowered at her. "Like someone who just remembered why he's never having kids."

Kindle giggled. "So what's next, Silica?"

"Weeeeeeeeell. The Princes should be meditating at the Mother Tree by now. Wanna watch?"

Archer raised an eyebrow. "Sure. But why is this Mother Tree so important anyway? You don't give such a name to a regular tree."

The soldier nodded, but before she could answer, she was interrupted.

"It is from which the first changelings spawned, and the host of our hive mind. We also use it to store love." A regal, male voice spoke from behind them.

The group turned around to see three changelings, each with features that easily distinguished them for the other inhabitants of the hive. The one in the center was the tallest, rivaling Chrysalis' height, with the same slitted pupils and green irises she had and his mane was styled in a short, slicked back faux hawk.

The other two had a far closer resemblance to the typical changeling, the one on the left having a magenta shell and eyes as well a crimson head frill. The Prince on the right had a pale green shell and eyes and a light gray head frill. Neither of them were much taller than Silica.

Silica bowed. "Your highnesses."

The tallest prince raised his hoof. "At ease. So, these are the newcomers. Greetings. I am Prince Pincer, and these are my nephews, Pharynx and Thorax."

The magenta eyed changeling (Pharynx) gave a curt nod, while his brother shyly waved.

Kindle waved back. "Sup?"

Archer threw up a peace sign. "Yo."

The elder prince smiled. "You wanted to watch our meditation, didn't you Silica? Very well. You three will be welcome to come with us."

Silica bowed once again. This time she telekinetically forced Archer and Kindle to bow with her. "Thank you, your highness."

The group made their way to the way to the tree, where Dartz and Chrysalis were waiting for them.

"I see you've already met our other guests, brother."

"Greetings, sister. Is he ready?"

Dartz watched as Pharynx and Thorax sat at the tree's base before roots sprouted from the ground and wrapped around their horns. "Ready for what?"

"To finally be part of the Hive." Echoing voice rang through his head.

Pincer guided Dartz forward and sat him down at the base of the tree's trunk, the Prince's hooves on the former human's shoulders.

"Simply relax. This will be painless." The royal's horn and eyes began to glow a bright green. Soon, two roots sprouted from the ground and latched onto each of their horns. "Just… focus. Breath."

Dartz' vision was suddenly engulfed in a white flash and he was soon alone in a white void.

"Hello. Anyone there?"

"Everyling is here."

He turned around to see Thorax behind him. Why did he seem so familiar? Wait!

"I know you! You're the guy that found me!"

Thorax sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "Yes. I-I came across you while meditating. Your connection to the hive mind was almost nonexistent. It's a miracle I found you at all."

Dartz gave his typical fanged grin. "Thanks man. But what did you mean by, "Everyling is here."?"

It was Thorax's turn to grin now. "Exactly what it sounds like."

As if on cue, changeling of all shapes, sizes and ages started appearing in void, one by one. Although none said a word, he could still hear them welcome him. He knew everyone's names, knew the most important parts of the Hive's history. It was. Overwhelming.

"So, how does it feel to be part of the hive?"

Dartz turned his head to see Pincer beside him.

"It's… weird. Like a warm hug in the back of my head."

"Hmm. Not the first time it's been described that way. Well, let's go. I'm sure your friends would like you to wake up."

He woke up with a jolt, almost throwing up from the sudden dizziness he felt, Pincer rubbing his back. The roots that were connected to the two changelings shriveled into dust and the tree's gem lost its glow for a solid five seconds before lighting up again.

Kindle blinked. "Is it meant to do that?" she asked nervously.

Chrysalis sighed. "It's dying."

Archer raised an eyebrow. "Do you know why?"

Pincer nodded. "The working theory is that it's because we've moved it to a place so inhospitable to most life. Its own magic has kept it alive all this time, but soon that won't be enough."

The maroon feathered griffin blanched. "You moved THIS!" He yelled, gesturing to the towering tree. "How? Why?"

"The war." Dartz responded.

The frazzled, feathered felon turned to the royals with widened eyes. They both had an exhausted look in their eyes. Chrysalis sighed before speaking. "Our mother was… ambitious, for a lack of a better term. She rallied the old hive to war with Equestria, and we all paid for it. Forcing us even further into hiding than before."

Pincer stared at the tree's gem and scowled. "There are few who know of us today. And those that do think we're either a myth, or extinct. We curse that old hag's foolishness everyday. Though, some ponies could trace parts of their ancestry back to changelings if they knew what to look for."

Dartz contemplated the repercussions of what he was about to do. 'Fuck it.' he thought. "What if you didn't have to hide anymore?"


"Sooo, do either of you know about the Crystal Empire, your highnesses?"

Chrysalis turned to him. "Of course we do. It was the kingdom in the Frozen North that thrived on the power of the very thing that sustains us. Sealed away by the mad tyrant Sombra after those accursed sisters defeated him."

Pincer chimed in. "Our great-grandmother once attempted to launch an invasion there before his reign. Unfortunately the first wave of infiltrators couldn't make the trip due to the cold. The Crystal ponies didn't learn of it, as it failed before it even began."

Dartz nodded and smirked. "Shwingo. What I suggest is that you succeed where gram-gram failed. With the advancements in magic and winter clothing, the cold shouldn't be a problem."

Pharynx scoffed. "Last I checked, runt, it was sealed away. Vanished without a trace. How do we conquer what's not there?"

Chrysalis elbowed Pharynx and sent a telepathic order for him and his brother to leave before turning her glare towards the cloaked changeling. "Yes. How would we go about doing that? I highly doubt you would bring this up for nothing. We wouldn't want to waste my time now, would we?"

The trio gulped. Archer then stepped forward, ready to either fill the hole Dartz had dug for them, or make it that much deeper. "No, we wouldn't, your highness. But not too long ago we came across some texts that suggested the empire's return to this realm."

"You expect me to believe that?"


All eyes turned to Kindle. Her companion's eyes widened.

"That's why we ask for five days of your trust in us."

Pincer seemed intrigued. "And what will you do with this trust?"

Kindle's grin threatened to split her face. "Nothing. It's what's going to happen in five days that's important."

Chrysalis frowned. "Enough with the cryptic nonsense! What happens in five days?!"

"The return of Nightmare Moon."

Pincer blinked in pure shock. "The disgraced Lunar Scourge is returning?" He chuckled. "With such bold claims you're either simply delusional or telling the truth."

Archer took his hat off and fanned himself with it. "We even know where she'll show up. The Summer Sun Celebration in Ponyville."

Chrysalis laughed. "Of course. What better way to spite her sister than to hijack a day dedicated to her sun? But that doesn't tell us when the Empire will return."

"Shortly after the wedding of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor." He answered.

The Queen looked thoughtful, before her eyes glowed a sickly green for a brief moment.

"Alright. Here's what's going to happen: you're going to go to Canterlot and find something that could give us a tactical advantage for a possible takeover of the Empire, and you'll have to make a deal with one or both members of the royal couple without Celestia learning of it. If you can accomplish that, you'll be rewarded. If not, I'll show you exactly what happens to those who waste my time." She punctuated her last statement with a lick of her chops.

The three hapless creatures rapidly nodded their heads. As they did this guard approached the Queen and hoofed her a beetle amulet. Its shell was emerald green and its legs were obsidian black.

"Good. Return to your post. Now, the nature of this deal. Get either Shining Armor or the Princess of Love to wear it. Cadence would be ideal but either is fine."

Kindle took the amulet and admired it from all angles before passing it to Dartz. "Heck of a wedding gift, but what's it do?"

"It absorbs the love of the wearer over time. Perfect for when a Changeling is at max capacity for love or can't be near a target for a while. It can only hold love for two weeks though. Whenever it's full, my agents in Canterlot will siphon love from the amulet and transport it back here. All under her nose."

Archer nodded. "Aight. We can do this."

"Good. Pincer, see them off. I have other business that needs attending to. Silica, you live in Canterlot, don't you?"

"Yes your highness, with my husband."

"You shall go with them."

"Of course."

While everyone else left for the hive entrance, Pincer stayed behind. "Are you sure this is wise, sister?"

"Not in the slightest. But even if they're wrong or lying, the potential payoff could be worth it. Love! From the Princess of Love and her little colt toy? It could be just what we need."

The Prince turned to leave. "I hope you're right."

-Five minutes later-

"On behalf of the hive, I wish you luck on your trip and hope you can come back to visit some time."

"Many thanks, your highness."

"It'd be an honor."

"Hope to see you soon."

"Hell yeah, we'll come back! I still need a full tour!"

Pincer glanced at the trio's wagon. "I'm surprised this thing made it here in such good condition. The sand-sharks are usually quite active during the day."

The trio's eyes widened, and Dartz voiced their one collective thought: "The fucking what?!"

Faust had clearly decided to go easy on them for this trip to the hive. Surely, she'd show them the same mercy as they left, right?


-1 hour later-

Archer flew above the desert and fired a bolt from his heavy crossbow into the face of a shark made of stone, seven more swimming through the sand in hot pursuit of the timberwolf drawn wagon.

"Kindle, can't Birch go any faster?!" He yelled as he reloaded.

"He's doing his best! Lay off!"

"Dartz, can't you cast a Shadow Gate!?"

From his perch on top of the wagon, Dartz telekinetically spun a sand shark over his head before launching it at another. "With what shadows?! It's MID! DAY! In an empty fucking desert!"

As Silica shot a concussive beam at their pursuers, a single thought crossed her mind. 'These idiots are gonna get me killed.'


A certain goddess watched their plight, laughing her ass off.

Author's Note:

I honestly didn't expect this chapter to be as long as it is. Sorry if it's boring. It's more of a setup chapter for 3 and 4, and was a real bitch to write.