• Published 23rd Feb 2024
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Exiles at War - Exiles at War

This is an introduction to the Exiles at War world. Exiles at War is a alt-history fanfiction project, set in the world of Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4.

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World Introduction

Author's Note:

More than a year ago, a friend and I were playing Equestria at War when one of us had an interesting idea: the Changeling Lands attacked Olenia instead of Equestria. This led to a few weeks of alt-history making, culminating in the creation of Exiles at War, an Equestria at War alternate-history scenario. This was originally published on the Equestria at War Reddit almost a year ago, but has been updated and republished here to coincide with the release of an in depth look at the Republican Wars.

This is meant as a short introduction to the universe and the major changes that have happened in this timeline.

The first of the major changes is that of Olenia and the Changeling lands. By 1002 the historically divided Changeling Lands had been united by Queen Chrysalis, creating one of the most economically and militarily powerful states in Equus. Still, the state was internally unstable, with political scheming having become a mainstay of the Changeling political scene, even as Queen Chrysalis fought to further unify her kind.

This internal instability presented a chance for the newly crowned King Johan of Olenia to cement Olenian rule of various disputed border territories. Following him dispatching troops to various of these disputed locations, Queen Chrysalis sent an ultimatum to King Johan to surrender the territories, hoping to both regain some of her state's lost prestige but also to unify her nation by presenting the queens with a collective enemy.

What followed was the Changeling-Olenian War. While the Changelings managed to make impressive gains in the first weeks of the war, unfinished military reforms and poor Olenian infrastructure meant that the advance soon slowed down. With weeks turning into months, the already present fractures within the Changeling state grew ever wider. The Changelings made slow progress across Olenia, but in the 9th month of the war, something unexpected happened.

The Olenians had utilised their superior navy to make a landing at Neverwarm Point, far behind enemy lines, crushing the local garrison and thereby opening up a second front. This was yet another humiliation for Chrysalis. In order to save her reputation, she sought out scapegoats for the failures of the Changeling Navy and the wider war effort. She decided on the Queens of Vraks and Dytrisium.

In a surprise twist, they had actually been scheming against her and her accusation had forced their hooves and declared a revolt against the Chrysalis regime. This threw the nation into civil war, which paralysed the Changeling military, allowing Olenian forces to not only force out the invaders but also strike deep into the Changeling lands.

Just a couple of months after the Olenians landed on Neverwarm point, the Changeling-Olenian war came to an end. The revolting Queens had declared the founding of the Federation of Changeling Hives and joined with the Olenians to crush Chrysalis. Once the war ended the Olenians used their military supremacy to annex vast swaths of Changeling territory and turn the FCH into an Olenian puppet. Though, the Olenian army's own weakness allowed several northern and northeastern queens to achieve independence for themselves, staying largely free from Olenian influence.

The second major change is that of the Republican Revolution of 978. The southern and Aquilean secessions went along as they did in the original timeline, but the subsequent Republican Revolution went the way of the revolutionaries, in both the Herzlands and Aquilea. It began in 978 when the revolutionaries took Griffenheim, declaring the creation of the Griffonian Republic led by Schnabel Sunglider, now the official leader of both the NRP and the Republic. They made quick advances across the Herzlands, though, after a round of defeats against the knights of Hellquill, who had decided to join with the Imperial loyalists, the President signed into law an almost legendary decree, the decree of Revolutionary Unity.

This granted wide autonomy to any republican group that liberated lands that had not yet been taken by the Republic. This led to a massive wave of uprisings and betrayals in the Republican ranks, with revolting sailors taking the Sky Coast, Socialist revolutionaries rising up in Yale and Greifenmarschen, turning on their Imperial masters. This saved the republic from imminent defeat. The revolutionary wars went on for another 5 years, ending in a ceasefire.

By 1007 the Griffonian republic has since cemented its rule as one of the continent's great powers, controlling almost all of the Herzlands (with an exception for parts of the south and east) and heading the Republican Pact, the alliance of post-revolutionary states in Aquilea and the Herzlands.

Still, not all is good in the Republic. A long list of economic problems troubles much of the republican sphere, from unemployment to stagnant economic growth. The autonomy given to the Herzlandic sister republics makes economic integration harder and hinders the enforcement of law and order and Aquilea is rapidly recovering from civil war and seemingly developing into a rival for leadership of the republican cause.

Luckily, these hindrances are slowly being cleared away, with Gwenaël Godard heading the newly established Central Economic Council, which has had some success in curbing economic shortcomings. With economic recovery comes reinvigorated legitimacy, which President Sunglider hopes to use to both bring the autonomies closer to Griffenheim and to temper Aquilean ambition or at least redirect it.

If we turn towards Aquilea we see another one of the children of the Griffonian Revolution, one that has arguably suffered even worse than the Griffenheim government. Aquilea began its republican journey under the leadership of Théodore Vérany and his liberal FJA. Vérany wished to follow the NRP dream of a pan-griffonian state, something he found to be wildly unpopular among the general public but also a large part of his own party. This would see the rise of Cécile Gaudreau, the leader of the party’s left-wing and nationalist faction, with her openly challenging Vérans'y. This intra-party war continued for years, hurting the image of the FJA and distracting from the nation's sluggish economy.

This conflict bubbled over into a full-scale civil war in 999, which provoked an intervention for the rest of the Republican Pact. While at first wanting to support Vérany, his growing unpopularity as well as worries about his lack of support led to Griffinheim striking up an alliance with the PAT, the largest opposition party in Aquilea.

The intervention was successful and the PAT was put in charge of rebuilding Aquilea. In just 7 years the PAT has managed to build a relatively stable socialist democracy, somewhat recover from the economic hole the 1st republic left it in and restore Aquileas place as a respected member of the Republican Pact, even though its military development has lagged behind Griffinheim. The years have also seen the PAT and the People's Assembly grow ever more divided, with various factions and parties dividing the Aquilean political scene, bringing back uncomfortable memories of the waning days of the 1st republic.

Heading down south we first encounter the Imperial remnants, centred around the city of Griffonstone. When the empire was forced to abandon the Herzlands they fled down south, occupying the largely divided Kingdom of Griffonstone. The Empire is a husk of its former self, but still remains a credible threat to the Republicans to its north. Through their sphere of influence in southern Griffonia and allies in Cloudbury and Longsword-Hellquill (The region unified following the election of Count Pallas Dusktalon as Grandmaster of Hellquill) they encircle the Republican Herzland, their veteran officers and well funded army is the equal to any republican force and an alliance with several private sector companies greatly aids in building up the imperial economy.

Still, ever since the end of the Republican Wars in 985, the Empire has fought beak and claw to expand its power in the hope of one day reclaiming its homeland. The first important move was to reinforce the alliance with the Cyanolisians, thereby gaining valuable reinforcements for the beleaguered imperial arm. Eros VII was the one who managed this initial recovery, acting as regent for the young Grover V.

Another thing that was going on in southwestern Griffonia was the South Griffonian Wars. Post-imperial border disputes between Falcor and Wingbardy escalated into an all out war, the so called Wingbard War. Early into the war Falcor was put on the back foot and was on the verge of losing. But in Falcors darkest hour came Sicameon... to take the Jojo islands, thereby starting the Jojo War.

This prompted an Imperial intervention. With the Wingbardian army exhausted form their offensive, combined with the arrival of fresh reinforcements from the Empire, the Imperial-Falcorian counterattack was massively successful, crushing Wingbardian fighting ability and forcing the nation into a humiliating peace agreement in February 989. Falcor then began focusing on its front with Sicameon and in a joint offensive with Cyanolisia managed to crush the Sicameonese defence, forcing said nation into a similarly humiliating peace, exactly one year after Wingbardy had done so. Following these two victories, Falcor annexed vast swathes of land off of their Wingbardian and Sicameonese enemies and reafirmed their loyalty to the Empire.

Their defeats in the Wingbard War and Jojo War respectively, would horrendously destabilise the two nations. In the waning days of the war, Wingbardy was already on the way to collapse, with its king killed during the war and its economy in the gutter, communists had seized the city of Wrobert and liberal republicans fought against the royalist government in the streets of Karthin. This instability would last until Francis VIII, who'd refused to join in the Wingbard War with his erstwhile allies, invaded, swiftly conquering what remained of once mighty Wingbardy and claiming its crown.

Sicameon was in a similar, if not worse position. As soon as the armastice was signed, the nation collapsed. With the nation now unable to defend itself or its interest, the Sicameonese were forced to sit by as their once glorious fleet fell into the claws of corsairs and Cyanolisia seized Scarlet Isle after the central government (which no longer existed) failed to keep up with debt repayments. The resulting explosion in piracy provoked an Imperial intervention commonly dubbed the Pirate War, a series of joint military actions across the Middle Sea, carried out by the Falcorian, Cyanolisian and Colthagian navies.

Heading further east, we come to the Evi Valley, which is currently running red with griffon blood. The Kingdom of Brodfeld had remained neutral following the Republican revolution, refusing to ally with the Empire to its west. The peace held until 1003 when the assassination of the queen led to an armed uprising by the communists, which began the Brodfeld Civil War.

This was shortly followed by an uprising in Lushi, with communists taking the south of the country. Both these wars were grave threats to the Empire, which after several communist victories decided to organise an expeditionary force to aid King Klouseu. Klouseu however, refused to accept any aid, not wanting to fall back under the Herzlandic yoke. The Empire, angered by the king's insolence decided to send in a force into Brodfeld anyway, ideally to take the country, but at least defeat the communists.

Lushi was seen as less important and therefore gained little attention from the Imperial court. Fearing that the communists would take the country, a group of officers in the imperial army decided to take matters into their own claws. In the fall of 1006, a division of the imperial army under the command of General Marshtail went AWOL, crossing the border and taking a large part of western Lushi. Their aim was to retake Lushi in the name of the Empire and use it as a staging ground for arming imperial loyalists in the Herzlands.

Back down south is Gryphus. Formerly united as one governorate during imperial rule, but the area has entirely collapsed following the republican revolution. The land is now divided between various city-states, all with various beliefs and governments, ranging from zealous knights in the eastern mountains to republican revolutionaries in the south. Gryphus is another pie in which the Empire has stuffed its claws, having seized the island of Agradia as a staging ground for a future push into the region.

Now we’ll continue east, into the Riverlands. The Riverlands, once united, have now divided, a result of the Riverland Crisis of 999 and the subsequent War of the League of Ceann Tór.

The Riverlands had been unified in the form of the River Coalition, an economic and defensive alliance of the east Griffonian states. This was all well and good, until the 80’ and the election of Ema Rosic as Chancellor of the River Republic. An officer of the Rijekan army and an ardent anti-communist, she would scheme together with her close friend Archlight, the newly appointed director of the OHS, to undermine left-wing political movements in the Republic, with a special effort to be taken to weaken the SKR.

This project, named the Hydra Programme, was a great success, leading to a landslide victory for the HSR in the election of 989. Still, while the perceived threat of communism was subdued at home, various left-wing movements were gaining steam across the Riverlands.

So under the Rosic administration and the succeeding Coltsevic administration the Hydra Programme was expanded to cover all the Riverlands. This massive conspiracy would last for almost a decade, but when it was finally uncovered in 999 it brought the River Coalition to its knees. In response, Wittenland managed to convince the Nimbusians, Bakarans and Pònaidheans to join in a punitive expedition against the Rijekans, who had by now fallen into civil war. This would crush the River Republic, leaving it a slowly dying husk of its former self.

Lake City had, due to internal instability, decided to not join the League of Ceann Tór against the Republic. Instead, the Vanguards under Westerly Leeward would assume rulership of the republic. Since then Lake City has united with the dictatorial states of Diamond Mountain and Deponya in a new military alliance, due to fears of Herzlandic expansionism. The Kingdom of Firtree gained candidacy status, aiming to join the alliance following a process of military modernisation.

Well finish by heading down below the equator to our favourite of God's mistakes, Zebrica. Due to lack of much lore for most of the continent we’ll be sticking to north Zebrica for now and to start we have to discuss the Storm King's invasion of the region. After crushing the Zarantians, Warzenans and Zumidians in 1005, the Storm King decides to secure his flank before invading Colthage and goes to secure the western peninsula, a largely unexplored and uninhabited jungle region.

The plans for a quick occupation are foiled, as this region is in fact home to Chiropterra, a militaristic and fanatically zealous Nightmareist state. The thousand-year secret of their existence, now broken, prompts a quick mobilisation of the Chiropterran legions to deal with the invader. While the initial push manages to pierce a way into Chiropterra, the legions manage to in one quick offensive, encircle the Storm King's army and utterly annihilate it, with the Storm King being killed in single combat by Lady Commander Lunar Hail.

With North Zebrica having fallen into chaos and the Legions already fully mobilised, the Chiropterrans decided to strike out to occupy as much of the region as possible, before the Colthagians or Hippogriffians could do the same. They come a long way, but meet the Colthagian army in Ain Trotgourait. What follows in a huge battle which the legionnaires win. This marks the beginning of the North Zebrican War.

While the legionnaires were the most elite force on the continent, they couldn’t match the Colthagians numbers, especially when the Hippogiffians intervened on the side of Colthage. Following a surprise attack by vengeful Zarantians the four legions who had been out conquering, (Firstborn, Nightmare, Children of the Moon and Starborn Legion) were in a terrible state and seeing that defeat was imminent and with the way back to Chiropterra cut off by enemy armies, decided to flee down south, further into the continent. With their supplies low they also decided to split their forces to make scavenging easier.

With most of their elite military forces retreating south, the two legions who remained in Chiropterra (Silver Moon and Ursa Legion) fought hard, making sure that the enemy paid dearly for every inch of ground. But in the end, as the final defensive lines were being broken down, they too decided to escape.

By 1007 the legionary exiles are scattered across Zebrica in three hubs. The Children of the Moon and Starborn Legion are in the Andelaya Mountains, the Firstborn and Nightmare Legions have made it all the way down to the Zongolese jungle and the Silver Moon and Ursa Legions made their way to Klugetown, which they took over.

Having emerged victorious from the North Zebrica War, Colthage has become one of the great states of the region. The republic annexed both Warzena and Zumidia in the subsequent peace, while also having taken a sizable amount of land from Quaggatai. This led to Zamilcar Zarca forming the Zonican Federation, with his children being appointed leaders of the federations member states.

Hippogiffia likewise gained a lot from the war. With the isolationist Raft Wood having been replaced by the more militaristic Cloud Breeze just a year earlier, the Royal Army was sent to the continent to aid the Zebricans in putting down the dangerously fanatical Chiropterrans. The following peace gave the Hippogiffians custodianship of Chiropterran territory and massively expanded its diplomatic influence in the region.