• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 268 Views, 8 Comments

Splash of Friendship - Aether Nexus

It occured to Easle Splash, that perhaps making the Equestrian Friendship Ambassidor 20% cooler with a coat of paint was not the best idea, his punishment, three years at Princess Sparkles School of Friendship.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - Ponyville

One day before school.

The whistle of the Friendship Express announced to the creatures crowding the Ponyville station's platforms that it was departing, though it seemed that no creatures paid it any mind. Tomorrow would be the start of the new academic year at the School of Friendship, much to the joy of every creature present, with one exception. Easel Splash.

Squashed on the crowded platform, it was a miracle that no creature had gotten hurt yet, and while the crowd was slowly making their way, it was far too slow for Easles' liking.

"Oh, come on, move it, why are you all so slow."

The last few weeks had been a bit of a blur, and while the dragon's reaction had been hilarious, painting the drake had set off a cascade of events that resulted in his enrollment at the School. While he’d heard that his punishment had been dismissed, what he wasn’t made aware of was that, as recompense, he was to become a ward to the unicorn he’d seen with Sunny Skies...

Easel had no ill will towards the unicorn; in her weird upper-class way, she seemed a lot cooler than the other upper-class types he'd encountered; she’d also donated tons of bits for the orphanage; and then there was her letter.

Dear Easel Splash

It was truly a privilege to meet you, and while I wish it were not so, if you’re reading this letter, I am sadly dead.

Please forgive me if I haven’t had a chance to mention my condition, but regrettably, while writing this letter, I do not know if I will have time to explain things to you.

First off, I wish you all the best. I know you have a bright future ahead of you. You have promise as an artist. Let your heart guide you. You have no idea the effect that a piece of art can have on a creature to whom it speaks to.

Second, Spikey Wikey wasn’t able to clean all the paint off before his return to the Dragon Lands. While he and those around him will see the funny side, Dragons don’t forgive easily, so expect to become a victim of one of his pranks. I hope the two of you bond when you get the chance.

Third, my daughter, Jade Star, is now your legal guardian, as you have been named her ward. Please try to get along; she needs a friend regardless of how she might act.

Finally, my last piece of advice to you is to follow your heart, make friends, and learn what is truly important to you.

May Harmony be with you.

Darning Weave.

Easel sighed, he wished he could have gotten to know the mare a bit more. Very few adults had been interested in adopting or fostering him, to the point where he was almost old enough to make his way in the world without ever being adopted. He’d given up on the prospect of finding a family and became more of an older brother to the younger colts at the orphanage. It was hard to admit, but he was starting to miss them a bit, not that he was willing to admit it.

Lost in his own thoughts, Easel failed to avoid a manoeuvring Yak and was knocked into the luggage of another creature. With some flailing and failing to maintain his balance, he was quickly aware that he had ended up flat on his back.

"Oh, quel bordel! Watch where you are going, you ruffian".

After struggling to his hooves, Easel notices a few things:

First, the creatures on the platform had somehow managed to make a clearing around him.
Second, there were five luggage bags of various sizes scattered around him, with their contents scattered on the platform.
Third, there was a tall, slender pegasus before him, she had a light green coat, leaf-green hair, and the most stunning emerald eyes.
Finally, and what Easel quickly decided was most important, said mare was furious.

"If you have quite finished with your staring, you should fix this mess that you have created; it is most uncouth not to properly make up for one's misdemeanours."

Hey, look, I didn’t mean to crash into your stuff like that; I got knocked ok, but sure, I’ll help you pick up your stuff". Easel apologised, but looking around at all the bags, he just couldn’t stop himself from asking, "Why the hay do you even have this many bags? Are you opening up a shop or something?" Sometimes, Easel really needed to learn not to open his mouth.

The Pegasus was taken aback, if only momentarily, before glaring at Easel. He decided that he really needed to learn when not to open his big mouth.

"For your information, you ruffian, I’ll have you know that, oh, why are you turning purple?"

The question caught Easel off guard. Green? Though he was looking at a fetlock, he could see a faint purple shimmer around his coat.

"I err, don’t-".

The mare didn’t get a chance to hear what the earth pony was about to say, with a lavender flash and a pop, he was gone. Leaving her luggage sprawled out across the platform.

The mare twitched and, under her breath, swore very quietly.



The world had flashed purple before Easel's eyes, and while it had only been for an instant, he somehow felt like an eternity had passed since he’d been at the platform, being glared down at by the angry mare on the platform. A rather cute mare, Easel ideally thought to himself.

Blinking stars out of his eyes, Easel took a moment to gather his wits and survey his surroundings.

No longer was he on the platform; as was easily evident from his surroundings, he was now in a town square. Ponies were walking around, going about their daily tasks. Market stalls lined the street, selling flowers, books, and what looked like some of the juiciest apples Easel had ever seen, but what truly shocked Easel was what he saw beside him. Rising tall into the sky was a giant oak tree. At its base was a door with a plaque at its side.

"Shining Oaks Library, gifted to the town Librarian after the destruction of the previous library, may its bark and branches forever protect and shelter those who seek knowledge."
A sense of ease and familiarity washed over Easel as he looked at the tree library; it almost felt like a second home, somewhere he could have sworn he had been here before.


Broken from his thought and spinning around, Easel found, for the second time in far too short a time for his liking, a green-coated mare giving him a disapproving stare. He was really hoping this wasn’t going to become the norm.

"Since I don’t make mistakes with my magic, you must be Easel Splash" said the unicorn, whose horn was still aglow with the last wisps of a spell. "My name is Jade Star, and I believe you have been informed that I am to be your guardian until we have both finished our time at school. Do you have any questions?"

Easel took a second to compose himself and see who exactly he was speaking to. Jade green Unicorn, with a darker green mane, her long bangs mostly covered her eyes, but he did see a glimpse of amethyst.

"Eeeerrr, yeah, actually. Why did you teleport me?"

"You were in range and were on the busiest train from Mane-chester, it would have taken you far too long to leave the platform. I grew bored of waiting for you, so I brought you to me. You should probably be thanking me."

"Yeah, thanks, I guess." At least he was no longer on the receiving end of an angry Pegasus. "So, er, what now?"

"Now we go to school, and you get registered. Since I registered yesterday when it was nice and quiet, I'll be relaxing with a book. You, however, left registering until the busiest time of the day on what is probably going to be the busiest day; you'll have a long wait ahead of you. Since we will be sharing a dorm. I shall meet you later to discuss food arrangements."

Indicating the conversation was over, Jade turned abruptly and started making her way to the edge of town.

*Well, it seems the welcome wagon woke up on the wrong side of the bed today* Easel thought to himself, hoping that the unicorn wasn’t currently reading his mind. She’d somehow managed to teleport him a fair distance; he couldn’t even see where the train station was now. What else was his grumpy unicorn capable of? No, never mind; that was a question best not answered.
"Please try to get along; she needs a friend regardless of how she might act," the only request for Easel on Darnings letter and he was already failing, at least today couldn’t get much worse.

Four hours!

Jade Star wasn’t joking when she said it would be busy. After standing in a queue for his student pack, another line for a photo, waiting for his ID, and then waiting for a stack of paperwork, Only then was he released to find his dorm room, his little space of home away from—well, the orphanage wasn’t really a home, but this would be his space, with the exception of the other colt he was to share the room with. It was time to see if his roommate was already home.

*Knock knock* After knocking for courtesy, Easel reached for the door handle only to find the door beginning to glow in a pink hue. "It's open; come on in," came the voice of a colt, presumably Easel's new roommate.

Oh, great, more magic," Easel thought to himself as he took the first step into his new life.

Equestrian Bugle

Breaking news - Monarch resting or Theatral Coup!?

Dear readers, today the unthinkable happened, our, oh-so-glorious leader, Princess Twilite Sparkle has announced to Equestria that she is required to enter the heavens, for “Important Alicorn stuffs.”*

But is this true?

By royal proclamation, the Princess is to be replaced by two ponies, a school teacher by the name of “Sunny Skies,” and Hallow Shades own, “Selene Sentinel,” as Stewards of the throne.

While some of you may believe that the appointment of a school teacher who sources say hails from Manechester, is nothing but a distraction.

What is truly going on is a Coup by none other than Princess Flurry Heart, the banished princess herself. We believe that this is the start of revolution to bring an ancient Equestrian nightmare back to life. Who you may ask? Nightmare Moon of course!

We believe that Princess Flurry orchestrated the princess’s disappearance in order to install herself as ruler. Please flick to page 7 where we will go into everything you need to know from - “How to detect a cultist”, “Best places to hide from evil shadow demons” and “What's a perfect Sundae for our guard captain.”

*Quote source - One of the Princess’s personal Dawn Guards at the “Burping Sea Pony.”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay, real life stuff has been happening, writing has been a nice distraction to be honest.

Any questions/ advice please post below.

I've also written a side story featuring Twilight and Fluttershy (Long shy?), and I have another chapter in the works.

Comments ( 1 )

So Easel's new guardian will also be his school mate, possibly taking some classes with him? That should be an interesting relationship.

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