• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2013
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Senior Huevos fan (They/Them) Patreon/Ko-Fi/Discord


Millenia after fleeing the Cataclysm that destroyed their homeworld, the globular cluster that has come be known the Forge is home to all manner of creatures. The old powers that launched the Exodus are long gone, and the current settlements live on their bones, scavenging what they can from the ancient magitech.

When a unicorn named Rutile Quartz learns of a sealed Crystal Empire vault that is speculated to be the tomb of the last alicorn empress, she swears a vow to help the researcher in search of it find and open the vault to learn the secrets within.

In the Forge, a vow is more binding than the strongest of magics, something the sworn will sacrifice anything to see done. But everything has a price, and the pony who sets hoof in the ancient Imperial vault may not be the same one who leaves it.

An entry in the 2023 Science Fiction contest.
A crossover with the TTRPG Ironsworn Starforged. Familiarity with the game is not required.
Other tag is for reindeer, umbrum, and Rabia
A branch in the Eventide multiverse.
Also check out author Patreon, Ko-Fi and commissions.

Chapters (10)
Comments ( 30 )

What's TTRPG stand for?

"Tabletop Role-Playing Game"

Not familiar with the crossover source. It’s an engaging first chapter though, I’m following.

Fascinating world and premise. Looking forward to seeing where you go with this one.

Got a bit lost there, with a random jaunt into alternate reality and then a flashback, second reading sorted it out. Maybe Rutile and Tundra should take a break sometime, and have a rambling conversation that you can pack an exposition dump into. The straight to action strategy worked great, I’m an invested reader now, but it’s still all confusing.

I got your exposition dump right here!

Thanks, that helped some. The flashback was jarringly inserted into the action though, Rutile didn’t have any reason to think back on that scene right then. This new whispering antagonist is sure interesting though!

That... does not seem very wise of you, Rutile! :twilightoops:

Let's hope I and Tundra are being too paranoid.

It's fiiiiine, it's fine! :unsuresweetie:

Well, that’s definitely a bad sign. Turns out implanting the dark magic artifact into your body was a bad idea.

:rainbowderp: Universe is about to know the true Alicorn is back in town

:rainbowderp: Woah Flurry… I see why she is a snow storm 🌨️

Definitely a nice read.

Flurry Heart: "Alright, everyone! Chill!"

I see Flurry picked up a few tricks of her own ...

Wonderful stuff, fascinating, thrilling, and suspenseful by turns. It's not the best future for these species, but Root's made it a much better one than what she was born into. And to think, this is just the beginning of her royal service.

Great work across the board. Thank you for it, and best of luck in the judging.

Once it'd finally stopped, it slowly tilted to one side, the name Crystal Heart barely visible on its hull, and the door on the side now pointed skyward gave a tell-tale hiss and started to open.

great ship name

Tundra lit her antlers and gave a tentative hop, plunging downward at first before her magic surged with a faint sound of jingling bells and she summoned the strength to defy gravity.

aww, a reindeer’s in this!

Tundra's eyes had gone wide. "You... a vow? Just like that?" She sputtered as Rutile placed the chain back around her neck. "We haven't even discussed payment and you just--"

Magic surrounded metal again, and she turned the medallion around, showing the heart engraved on its surface. "If the empress is in there, that's worth a lot more to me than coin."

ooh, some intriguing worldbuilding being hinted at through this

Tundra shook violently behind Rutile, who gritted her teeth. "You want pieces of us?" She leveled both pistols directly at the minotaur's head. "THEN COME GET SOME!"

hehe, very cool! also really makes you think that a human would not be out of place with this threatening duo, considering they’re just describing what we do to animals for fun

For a moment, despite it all, she couldn't help but grin. I'm in love.


The walls were the same organic shapes, but now the metal was barely visible through the green, wax-like substance caked onto it. Cocoons large enough to hold ponies hung from the ceiling, and clusters of eggs were nestled in corners. And in front of the pony and reindeer both were several forms of buzzing, hissing, fang-baring black and green.

ooh, fitting for Changelings to be in an old Crystal Empire outpost

Rutile glared at the changeling in front of her, his exoskeleton shining a brilliant, pearlescent white that threatened to burn her eyes. She knew that wasn't what he really looked like, because everyone who wore those blue and pink robes made a point to look as similar as they could. Ponies and other creatures limited to mundane ways of changing their appearance would bleach their fur, feathers, and scales, but changelings' natural glamour led to them effortlessly making themselves into the shining stars they wished to be. The ones in the deep blue and silver robes would do similar, making themselves the deepest, glossiest black.

ooh, interesting cultural worldbuilding! after Rutile’s reaction to the Changelings just now i would’ve assumed she’d never seen one before, but this adds an interesting layer to that

"The Sisters can not and will not ever truly die. They simply shed Their mortal shells and now live on in every moon and star." He bared his teeth at her, and for a moment, she could almost see fangs. "Unlike the false alicorns."

alicorn-based religion, love it! and there is a beauty to the fact that this Changeling’s ancestors would have been opposed to the very same Two Sisters

It was a lie. She had seen this more than once. She'd heard that changelings had once thrived as allies of ponykind, stalwart friends who grew stronger the more they were loved, but that had been on the homeworld, where a hive with resources running low could easily pack up and move closer to a community they could integrate into. The vast distances of a post-spaceflight era had not been kind, and sometimes things happened to cut them off and make everything shut down but the barest necessities to survive and the instinct to feed on the first living soul they found.

ooh, makes sense as a backstory, and a tragic condition for the Changelings to be in!

"Just like clockwork." Rutile sighed and raised her cannon. "Alright, everypony get in line so I can blast you in an orderly fashion."

hehe, very video game-like

"Only the vaults remain, but most of them are corrupted. Our best guess for why is that the decaying magic in the archo-technology draws in chaospawn, and they keep ripping up the integrity of the surrounding reality until it's untraversable. Of course, the Order of the Two Sisters just likes to use it as evidence that the Imperial family were heretical, nevermind that Equestrian vaults have had the same problem and that most agree that the Equestrian and Imperial alicorns were friends and allies."

aww, love how muddled the history becomes through the clouded lens of time. and a sad end to the harmony and unity that was once Equestria! but it is always thus

"Sparkly?" Rutile offered, then rolled her shoulders in a shrug. "Either that part's a myth, or there's a trigger for it I've never found. The actual signs are subtle, subtle enough that my own parents thought I was just a mutant at first." Her ears drooped a bit as she sighed. "Maybe there's the potential for more, lurking around in pony genetics." She glanced at her mark. "But trust me, right now I know for certain that I'm the only crystal pony in the galaxy."

aww, that brings it together! and yeah, the crystal ponies aren’t always so obviously crystalline in the canon. and do appreciate how this story is bringing together so many of the elements of the Crystal Empire worldbuilding we saw in the canon

It was in those bursts of modernity that she picked up on their names. The bronze one was Bizra, and seemed to be the oldest. The aquamarine was Morga, who sounded like the middle child. The pink was Thana, clearly the youngest.

hehe, and makes sense for “Sombra” to fit into these names

What little she could understand of their speech sounded a lot like a family planning their vacation. Things they wanted to see, or do. Thana in particular repeated an ancient word enough times, in enough contexts, that Rutile was reasonably certain it meant a type of theatre. Excited to get out of this vault and do something as simple as see a performance.

now this sounds like something that will turn out to be an ironic twist later

Tundra turned to stare at her in disbelief. "Am I okay?" She winced, looked over at the three umbrum, and only kept speaking when she was sure they were too busy chattering to pay attention to her. "You're fused with an ancient crystal with who-knows-what dark magic in it, that has three umbrum following you around like ducklings, and I'm the one you ask is okay?"

yeah i am with Tundra here

"Yes, my children, prove that you are superior to chaospawn."

oof that does not sound good! relishing too much in fighting an “acceptable enemy”

She'd found a clean bit of floor to loaf on and eat, and Tundra was a bundle of legs as she leaned against her, giving her own ration pack a few nibbles.

augh, an adorable interlude!

"There was a golden idol in it infused with complex magics that had been protected against decay. It took over one of us and drove them to attack the others."

hehe, great use of that reference

"Oh for my own body, so that I could vomit."

ehehe, brain-spider L

"Rise, my little pony." She gestured with her wings for emphasis.

love it every time

Empress Flurry Heart, for her part, smiled. "I wouldn't be my mother's daughter if I didn't believe in putting old grudges down. I'm willing to make it a fresh start if you are."

aww, so true! what a lovely reconciliation between the species, so many ages later. Flurry Heart has taken up the mantle of Alicorn Princess very well with her Celestia vibes

A far-off look came to the ancient mare's eyes. "My great aunts were tied to the sun and the moon of our homeworld, so when the Cataclysm destroyed both, they started to age, and eventually died. My mother was tied to the Crystal Heart, and my aunt the Tree of Harmony, and those survived, for a while longer. But once they were uprooted from the homeworld, their magic eventually ran out, and so my mother and aunt grew old too."

ooh, neat alicorn worldbuilding! and this makes a lot of sense why Celestia and Luna were effectively immortal during the show, while the other alicorns of the past evidently were not

A slow nod. "As long as there are ponies, there will eventually be crystal ponies. Our genetics are quirky like that. What was will come around again, given enough generations." She closed her eyes. "Though I guess any others who lived in the intervening years weren't destined to find me. I hope they forgive me for not being there."

ah, the idea of getting through a temporary extinction by waiting for the random genetic combinations to recoalesce again! that is a great one

Then where four creatures had once stood, there were only sculptures. Projectiles suspended mid-air, capturing the moment they all opened fire on her, perfectly, in ice, for eternity.

looks like Flurry Heart has inherited her alicorn predecessors’ methods for dealing with this kind of thing as well!

The work of the no-longer-last crystal pony was never done.

And Rutile Quartz wouldn't have it any other way.

and aww, a very fitting end to this space opera tale, leaving our protagonists on their way to the new adventures made possible by the one this story told! thank you for writing!

Took me a while but I finished this and this was good. Thank you for your time.

Very interesting, I thought things would end when they found her, but it seems like the story goes on. Looking forward to reading more. :twilightsheepish::heart:

I see what you did there. :rainbowlaugh:

I love your idea on why the Alicorn lived for so long was because of being tide to certain things. Flurry sure but them on ice.

Dang, now I am all caught up. Looking forward to whenever the next update becomes available.

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