• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,643 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Double Battle, Double Trouble

The weekend had arrived and on that day, Flash Sentry was hanging out at Twilight's place.

The pair were working on a History Report together, both feeling the tedious strain of research baking their brains as they sat in Twilight's dining room surrounded by a mountain of textbooks. If it wasn't for the fact they were likely having fun someplace else right now, the two would have probably been driven insane by it.

"Okay," Twilight typed away at her computer. "I think we've got the introduction nailed. Now we've just gotta figure out the middle and the end." Flash groaned at this and slammed his head down on the table.

Twilight smiled at this, then frowned when she heard another voice crying out. "Come on! Come on! Come on! NOOOOO!" Flash raised his head and turned to look through the doorway that led into the kitchen, where Twilight's little brother was currently at his own computer. He seemed to be distraught about something, the teen slamming his head on the table.

"Is he okay?" He asked, Twilight smiling as she opened another book.

"He's just whining because he probably lost another Digimon battle." Flash could understand that. Before Codex, online battles were the most intense battles he had ever experienced. But now that he had actually been Digimon and fought as them, those matches seemed pretty tame in comparison.

"Is he any good at the game?" Flash didn't want to be rude, but he couldn't help but be curious.

"He wins about half of his matches," Twilight explained. "Though he would probably win more if he wasn't so predictable." Flash wondered what she meant by that. "He only plays using dragonoid Digimon or Digimon that can become dragons. He'll play as Agumon, but only because War and ShineGreymon are Dragon Digimon."

"Really?" Flash asked.

"Yup." She glanced at Spike as he started another game, then leaned in and whispered into Flash's ear. "Whatever you do, don't tell him you have a rare dragon Digimon as a partner. You'll spend the rest of the day answering Spike's questions about Veemon and all his forms."

"Got it," Flash nodded before realising something. "Wait, he knows about Codex?"

"Yup. Shining told us all about it when he first got his Digivice. I didn't believe him at first. But when he got Monodramon as a partner, I couldn't find a way to deny it was real. It's what made me so eager to get my own Digivice, so I could go to the Digital World as well. Same with Spike."

"So he's trying to get his win rate high enough to be chosen?" Flash realised, as Twilight nodded.

"But I doubt he'll be able to win enough. Because he only uses Dragon Digimon, his opponents know how to best counter him." Flash frowned, feeling sorry for Spike.

"Well maybe we can help him."

"Shining and I already tried, but Spike wants to earn his way into Codex on his own." Flash could respect that, but hearing Spike's cry of frustrations coming from the other room made him feel sorry for the teen. "Don't worry about it. Spike will get there in the end. And when he does, he'll appreciate it more since he worked so hard to get in."

Flash nodded as they turned their attention back to their report, all the while Flash wondered what his Digital self was currently up to. He was pretty sure he had met up with some of his friends in Codex, so hopefully he was enjoying himself and might even be learning something.

As it turned out, Flash was learning something in Codex.

Flash had met up with Trixie after the two had both won a battle in the Champion Stadium, both feeling pretty good about themselves. And when they returned to the foyer, they had met up with Applejack and Rarity. And it was there he was learning about a type of battle he had never heard of before.

"A tag battle?" He looked at them in confusion, the pair smiling at him.

"What?" Applejack asked, "ya'h never seen a tag battle?" Flash and Veemon nodded, this being the first they'd ever heard of such a thing. "Well, it's pretty much the same as a regular battle. Except ya'h have to fight alongside someone else."

"So there's four people fighting?" Flash asked, "like a battle royal?"

"No," Rarity shook her head. "Yes, there's four Digimon fighting. But it's a two on two match. Like a doubles match in tennis."

"Oh," Flash nodded, "so you need to work with someone else to fight against two opponents? I guess that could be fun." Veemon nodded, whilst Trixie and Lunamon hummed.

"I think I remember seeing a tag battle before," the blue skinned girl stated. "But...isn't it hard to do?"

"What's so hard about it?" Veemon asked, "just sounds like a normal battle with extra players."

"But not extra Security," Lunamon replied. "If I remember right, both players share the Securities of the member with the highest one. If two Champions compete together and one of them is using a partner, they'll both share the five Securities that gives them."

"Exactly," Rarity nodded, "which means you can't just focus on your own safety. You have to consider your partner's needs as well."

"Huh," Flash thought about this and nodded. "I guess that makes sense. But still, I bet I could fight with anyone."

"Really?" Applejack asked, "even Jet Set?" Flash frowned at the thought of needing to partner with that guy. "Yeah, thought so. Y'all should really try and experience a Tag Battle, just in case you ever find ya-self competing in one. Sometimes, players decide to Tag Battle and two random players are forced to battle against them."

"Yes," Rarity nodded, "Applejack and I actually had that happen to us once. It was quite the surprise, I can tell you. By the time we managed to get into a proper flow with one another, we were already far behind our opponents."

"I still don't think it'd be that hard," Flash stated. "Yeah, Jet Set I might have a problem with. But if it's someone I get along with, I shouldn't have any problems working with them."

"Really?" Applejack asked, "then how about you and Trixie face off against Rare and me?" The pair shared a look, wondering how well they would do in a battle together. But then they remembered all the times they had fought in combat together already. All those times worked out great, so how different would this be.

"You're on!" The pair cried before the four got up, heading towards the Beta-Stadium. As they did, Lunamon frowned.

"I don't think this is gonna work as well as they think it will," she stated.

"You worry too much," Veemon smirked. "Watch, Flash and Trixie are gonna destroy Applejack and Rarity."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that," Salamon smiled as she past him. "Rarity and Applejack are friends in real life. They know everything about each other, including how they think."

Labramon nodded. "In a Tag Battle, knowing what your partner's gonna do is even more important than knowing what your opponent's gonna do. Just watch, this battle isn't gonna go like you think it will." Lunamon was more worried about this, but Veemon wasn't. He knew Flash and Trixie could work together. This battle would be a snap.

Once they were at the stadium, the four got themselves a battle dome and headed inside. There, they found four podiums for the Digivices instead of the normal two. Applejack and Rarity moved over to one pair of podiums, whilst Flash and Trixie stepped over to another.

"Since this is ya'h first tag battle, one of you two can pick the location." Flash and Trixie nodded but wondered who would pick it. After a came of rock-paper-scissors, Flash would be the one to pick the location.

"Alright," Flash uploaded his deck and Trixie did the same, Applejack and Rarity having already loaded theirs. He then opened his locations and looked through them, whilst trying to figure out the best location of him and Trixie. But since he didn't know which Digimon Trixie would be using, he could only guess. "Geyser Field!" He selected that area and the girls looked at him curiously, wondering why he would pick that location. "You girls ready?"

"Ready!" They all replied, the four of them hitting the start button. "LET'S GET DIGITAL!" The battlefield began to form around them, whilst they and their Digimon turned to one another.

One by one, the four merged with their partners. Flash became Veemon, Trixie became Lunamon, Applejack became Labramon and Rarity became Salamon. As they fused, the battlefield went completely white and the four vanished.

At the same time, Twilight and Rainbow were walking through the foyer when Tawnimon noticed one of the screens.

"Look, Flash, Trixie, Rarity and Applejack are having a Tag Battle." They all looked up and saw the four merge with their Digimon, Twilight and Rainbow smirking as they sat down to watch. The battlefield quickly formed and revealed a large open rockscape, with many pools of boiling water covering it. In several areas, there were small holes that unleashed blasts of steams.

Veemon, Lunamon, Labramon and Salamon all appeared.

Veemon+Lunamon: 5-100%
Labramon+Salamon: 5-100%

All but Veemon looked around, the blue dragon quickly rushing forward. "Vee-Headbutt!" He cried, launching himself at Labramon. The larger dog Digimon tried to escape, but Veemon was faster and smashed into him.

She howled as she was thrown towards one of the boiling pools, barely managing to dig her claws into the ground to slid to a stop.

Veemon+Lunamon: 5-100%
Labramon+Salamon: 5-85%

Salamon gasped at this and Lunamon used her distraction to run forward. But before she could reach the puppy Digimon, a blast of steam exploded in front of her. This forced Lunamon to come to a stop, allowing Salamon to recover and prepare her own attack.

"Puppy Howl!" She barked, glowing soundwaves flying towards Lunamon as the steam faded.

They slammed into Lunamon, but the moon rabbit was able to hold out as they slammed into her. "Nice try. But you're Vaccine and I'm a Data. Your attacks aren't gonna do anything."

Veemon+Lunamon: 5-85%
Labramon+Salamon: 5-85%

As the attack died down, Veemon charged at Salamon and tried to punch her. But the smaller Rookie leapt back, Veemon trying yet another punch. But before it could land, Labramon leapt at him and tackled him away from Salamon. The two started wrestling against one another, with Veemon starting to pin Labramon.

But just before he could get her down for the count, Labramon was able to thrust her back legs into Veemon's stomach and throw him into the air.

"WOW!" Veemon cried, as he was sent flying through the air. His unintended target was Lunamon, who tried to escape but once again found a wall of steam blocking her way. As such, Veemon slammed into her and the two were knocked rolling along the ground and almost fell into a pool of hot water.

"Hey!" Lunamon cried, "get off!"

"Ow!" Veemon pushed himself back to his feet, as Lunamon picked herself up. "Sorry."

"Why the heck did you pick this place?" Lunamon cried, "I can't build up any speed with all these geysers around stopping me! What made you think coming here was a good idea?"

"Well...I was trying to think of a place having four feet was a problem. I figured they'd use their partners, so I thought about what quadrupedal Digimon would have trouble with."

"And your answer was geysers?"

"More feet means they need to stand on more spots. More spots means more chance of stepping on a geyser!" Lunamon rolled her eyes, but didn't get the chance to tell him how stupid that idea is. The reason being Labramon had leapt at the pair with her claws ready.

The pair leapt back, but Veemon found himself in Salamon's line of sight.

"Puppy Howl!" She unleashed the glowing blast of sound towards Veemon and slammed into him, Veemon crying out as he was knocked backwards. As he did, another geyser exploded and he flew through the steam.

"GYAH!" He cried, the heat of the steam burning him hard along with the damage of the Puppy Howl.

Veemon+Lunamon: 5-60%
Labramon+Salamon: 5-85%

He hit the ground rolling a let out a moan when he came to a stop. As he did, Salamon smiled only for Lunamon to attack her. "Luna Claw!" She slashed at the mammal Digimon and the impact sent her flying with a cry of pain.

Veemon+Lunamon: 5-60%
Labramon+Salamon: 5-55%

Lunamon charged for another attack, but Labramon intercepted the attack and knocked her back. This allowed Salamon to pick herself up, Veemon doing the same, both then hearing a geyser blow up ahead of them. And when it did, it spat something out onto the battlefield. A Digivolution Coin.

Both Digimon saw this and gave each other a look before breaking into a mad dash. But as they did, Labramon leapt back. "Retriever Bark!" She howled and the sound wave slammed into Lunamon, knocking her flying backwards.

Veemon+Lunamon: 5-45%
Labramon+Salamon: 5-55%

She flew over the battlefield and as luck would have, straight into the path of Veemon. The pair were once again knocked into one another, sending them sprawling to the ground and allowing Salamon to reach the Digivolution Coin.

"Ahhh!" Veemon growled, "seriously?"

Lunamon groaned, "now we're even!" The pair pushed each other away and picked themselves up, as Salamon stepped forward.

"Thank you for the power-up," she smiled at Labramon.

"No problem," Labramon nodded. "Put it to good use."

"Oh, I most certainly will." Salamon smiled as she leapt up into the air, looking ready to pounce of Veemon and Lunamon. The pair tried to jump away, but they accidently slammed into each other and fell over. "Petit Punch!" She slammed one of her front paws into each of the pair, making them flinch as their chests were stepped on.

Veemon+Lunamon: 5-25%
Labramon+Salamon: 5-55%

The two quickly recovered and tried to grab Salamon, but she leapt up and the pair missed. Then tried to get up, but accidently slammed their heads into one another as they did so. "Augh!" They both moaned, as Salamon landed on Labramon's back.

The dog Digimon rushed forward, as her claws began to glow. "Hound Razor!" Her leapt at them, Salamon leaping off her back as he tried to slash at Veemon.

But the rookie dragon managed to recover from his head bashing and grab the dog before the claws struck. "Not today!" He threw Labramon towards a pool, hoping to boil her and deal with Salamon. But the smaller dog had other ideas.

"Puppy Howl!" She launched her sonic attack under Labramon and the canine fell into the light, only to get blown back into the air with little damage done.

Veemon+Lunamon: 5-25%
Labramon+Salamon: 5-50%

Labramon landed on the other side of the pool, the tiny scratch she got much better than being boiled alive. "Retriever Back!" She then unleashed a sonic blast that hit the pool and blasted the hot water into the air.

Both Veemon and Lunamon felt drops of the water splash down on them, making them all cry out as they were burned in several places.

Veemon+Lunamon: 5-5%
Labramon+Salamon: 5-50%

"Hot!" Veemon cried, "hot! Hot! Hot!"

"This is all your fault!" Lunamon cried. "You brought us in here. Worst of all, there's so much steam in the air nobody watching's gonna be able to see me!"

"Seriously?" Veemon asked, "that's what you're worried about? Not losing the battle!" The pair glared at one another, looking close to coming to blows themselves.

In the foyer, everyone had started watching the pair battle because of how hilarious it was.

Twilight, Rainbow and their Digimon weren't enjoying this so much. "Those two have gotta get their heads in the game," Kamemon stated. "If they don't, they're gonna be in serious trouble." They watched as the pair kept arguing, Twilight groaning.

"Come on guys. You're supposed to be partners."

"I don't think those two have the best personalities to really work as a team," Rainbow stated as Labramon ran around the pool and attacked.

"Hound Razor!" He slashed at Veemon, making him cry out as he was sent staggering back.

Veemon+Lunamon: 5-0%
Labramon+Salamon: 5-50%

"Tear Shot!" Lunamon launched a bunch of bubbles from her antenna, but Labramon and Salamon were able to avoid them. As they did, Veemon managed to pick himself up and had had enough.

"Battle Gear...BOOST!" His arm was covered in lightning, which exploded outwards and formed a familiar looking blade. "Volt-Edge!" He smirked as he charged up the weapon, then swung it around and unleash a wave of lightning.

That wave shot towards all three of the other players, Lunamon gasping as she ducked under it. "Watch it!" Luckily, the attack slammed into both Labramon and Salamon, who had just landed from dodging the Tear Shot and was unable to avoid the attack.

Veemon+Lunamon: 4-100%
Labramon+Salamon: 5-20%

The pair cried out as they were electrified, Veemon smirking as he rushed forward. He slashed at Labramon, the dog barely managing to duck under the attack, then managed to hit Salamon.

Veemon+Lunamon: 4-100%
Labramon+Salamon: 5-5%

Salamon staggered back, as Lunamon charged in to attack again. But as she did, Salamon's Digivolution gauge hit the max. "Finally!" She cried, as something appeared in front of her. The Digimental of Light, which exploded into light and wrapped around her. "Salamon, Armor Digivolve to..." Veemon and Lunamon were forced to leap back, as Salamon grew larger and gained a pair of wings. When the light exploded off of her, the sphinx Digimon was revealed. "Nefertimon, the Angel of Light!"

"Oh, that's not good!" Veemon watched as Nefertimon flew into the air, whilst the armor around her chest began to glow.

"Rosetta Stone!" The light flew off the armor and from it, a stone tablet fired out and exploded.

Labramon had already rushed for cover, whilst Veemon tried his best to slash the rock pieces away. But he and Lunamon were quickly overwhelmed and the shards slammed into them, doing damage with every hit. And as the last of the rocks slammed into them, Labramon leapt into action.

"Retriever Bark!" She cried as she unleashed another sonic blast, which struck the pair and knocked them flying backwards.

Veemon+Lunamon: 4-55%
Labramon+Nefertimon: 5-5%

Both Digimon slammed into the ground and rolled along it, barely avoiding rolling into steam blasts. They both moaned as they came to a stop, with a burst of stream exploding close to them. As they picked themselves up, they looked over and saw the geyser had revealed yet another Digivolution coin.

"I GOT IT!" They both cried, rushing to try and grab it. The pair glared at each other, clearly thinking they were the better choice to Digivolve. But this slowed them down enough for Nefertimon to fly down.

"Queens Paw!" She cried, launching several gemstones from her bracelets. These gems rained down on the pair and forced them to jump backwards, though two or three managed to hit them.

Veemon+Lunamon: 4-20%
Labramon+Nefertimon: 5-5%

This allowed Labramon to rush in and grab the Coin, powering herself up whilst Veemon and Lunamon glared at each other. "THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" They each cried, as Nefertimon flew down with the ornament on her head beginning to glow.

"Cat's Eye Beam!" She fired a laser at the two and both barely managed to stop arguing long enough to leap back, Veemon spitting a blast of fire into his mouth.

"Vee Shot!" He launched it towards Nefertimon and though she managed to avoid it, the explosion hit her wing and sent to flying out of control.

Veemon+Lunamon: 4-20%
Labramon+Nefertimon: 5-0%

She landed and as she did, Lunamon ran forwards as her claws glowed with dark energy. "Luna Claw!" She slashed at the Armor Digimon, but Nefertimon managed to block using her leg gauntlets and the damage was cut down.

Veemon+Lunamon: 4-20%
Labramon+Nefertimon: 4-90%

"Hound Razor!" Labramon leapt at Lunamon and slashed at her, Lunamon leaping back as Veemon charged in. He slashed at Labramon, but the dog Digimon managed to avoid the Volt-Edge attack whilst Nefertimon leapt into the air and spread her wings.

"Don't let her get back into the air!" Veemon cried, as Lunamon pointed her antenna at the Armor Digimon.

"Tear Shot!" The beautiful bubbles flew out of her antenna and headed straight for Nefertimon, but Nefertimon was ready.

"Queen's Paw!" She fired several gems from her gauntlets and they popped the bubbles, then kept going until they slammed into Lunamon several times.

Veemon+Lunamon: 4-5%
Labramon+Nefertimon: 4-90%

Lunamon staggered back and Labramon prepared to charge at her, but Veemon shot passed and slashed at him with the Volt-Edge. Labramon flinched, getting a serious zapping as he did so.

Veemon+Lunamon: 4-5%
Labramon+Nefertimon: 4-75%

However, she quickly recovered a slashed back at Veemon with her own claws.

Veemon+Lunamon: 4-0%
Labramon+Nefertimon: 4-75%

"Ahh!" Veemon cried, as Nefertimon flew down behind Labramon.

"You guys see now?" Labramon asked. "How important it is to work with your partner instead of against them." Veemon and Lunamon glared at one another, clearly not happy with how barely things were going for them.

Nefertimon nodded. "If you want any chance of winning, you need to put your teammate above yourself. If you don't, you'll never be able to win in a tag battle."

"Maybe if my partner wasn't completely useless!" Lunamon growled at Veemon.

"Me?" He looked insulted, "you're the one trying to show off. You should just follow my lead and let me do all the heavy lifting." The pair glared at one another, their foreheads butting into each other.

Their opponents sighed as Labramon spotted something and smirked. "Looks like we'll have to show you what good teamwork really is." She leapt up, as a geyser exploded between them. As she did, he body glowed. "Labramon, Digivolve to..." She grew larger and her tail gained a new attachment. And as she landed back on the ground, the light exploded off of her to reveal her favourite champion form. "Dorulumon!" She howled into the air, as Nefertimon took to the sky again.

"Rosetta Stone!" She launched the stone into the air and it once again exploded, sending the shards flying towards the Rookie Digimon.

Both of them leapt back, barely managing to avoid the attacks as another geyser exploded in front of them. This geyser melted the rocks that almost hit the pair and as it did, a Digivolution coin was revealed.

Lunamon quickly rushed forward before Veemon could try and grabbed it, smiling as she felt the power flow into her.

"Drill Bit Blitz!" She then heard Dorulumon roar, as he sent several drill rockets flying towards them. She quickly leapt away and Veemon was forced to dive to the ground, making him an easy target for Nefertimon.

But before she could fire an attack, Lunamon leapt into action.

"Lop-Ear Ripple!" She spun around, the four ears on her head turning her into a helicopter as she flew up towards Nefertimon in an attempt to knock her away. But the Armor Digimon was able to avoid the attack and fly up to a safe distance. At the same time, Dorulumon spun the drill on her tail.

"Drill Tornado!" The drill unleashed a vortex of wind, which flew up towards Lunamon and slammed into her.

She screamed, as she was spun around and around several times. Eventually, the attack ended and Lunamon found herself falling out of the wind towards a pool of boiling water. "Not good!" She then noticed her Digivolution Gauge was finally full and smiled, light appearing around her. "Lunamon, Digivolve to..." She grew larger and as she got close to the water, blue tendrils shot out and hit the sides keeping her from falling in.

When the light faded, it revealed Lunamon's champion. "Lekismon!" She cried, her feet barely an inch off the water.

She quickly sprung back into the and and landed on the edge of the pool, rushing forward again as she created an arrow made of ice. But before she could fire, Nefertimon flew down. "Queen's Paw!" She launched the gems towards Lekismon, forcing the rabbit woman to start hopping around to avoid them.

"Tear Arrow!" She launched the arrow towards Nefertimon, but the sphinx Digimon dodged it. However.

"Vee-Shot!" A ball of energy flew up and slammed into Nefertimon, exploding at her side and making her cry out.

Veemon+Lekismon: 3-100%
Dorulumon+Nefertimon: 4-55%

She and Dorulumon turned to Veemon, the only remaining Rookie glaring at them as he swung his arm blade around.

The lightning flew off it and shot towards Dorulumon, the wolf unleashing a blast of wind from his tail in order to count it. As he did, Lekismon rushed forward and spun around. "Moon Night Kick!" She thrust her leg forward and slammed it into the wolf's side, knocking her back.

Veemon+Lekismon: 3-100%
Dorulumon+Nefertimon: 4-40%

But Dorulumon managed to regain her footing and pointed her head horn towards Lekismon. "Drill Bit Blitz!" The drill launched itself at Lekismon and upon contact, it exploded and she was knocked flying backwards as she screamed out.

Veemon+Lekismon: 3-70%
Dorulumon+Nefertimon: 4-40%

"Ouch!" Rainbow flinched, seeing the damage done to Lekismon. "How'd she take so much damage?" Twilight hummed, having not looked at Dorulumon's data in a while. She brought up the bio-page and nodded.

Name: Dorulumon
Level: Champion
Type: Virus
Attribute: Earth
Species: Beast
Family: Nature Spirits. Metal Empire

"Thought so. Virus-type. Not a good match-up for Lekismon."

"So Trixie needs to steer clear of Dorulumon," Tawnimon realised. "let Flash deal with Applejack and let her go after Rarity." The others nodded as they watched Lekismon stare Dorulumon down.

"But are those two gonna be able to figure that out?"

"Time you went beddy byes!" Lekismon cried, as the moon symbols on the backs of her gloves glowed. "Moon Night Bomb!" She swung her arms around and the light exploded off of them, morphing into a bunch of bubbles that flew towards Dorulumon.

But the drilling Digimon smirked seeing them coming. "Really, ya'h expected me to not see that comin?" She spun her tail drill again. "Drill Tornado!" The wind exploded out of her tail and hit the bubbles, pushing them in an entirely different direction. Straight towards another Digimon.

Veemon had been trying to hit Nefertimon with his Volt-Edge, but the Armor Digimon flew up out of range. And as she did, the bubbles flew towards him and he realised too late what had happened.

"Not again!" He cried, as one of the bubbles exploded in his face.

Suddenly, he was feeling very sleepy and could only stand there looking ridiculous. "Are you kidding me?" Lekismon asked, as Veemon staggered around. "Wake up!"

"Flash!" Veemon cried inside his head, "wake up!" But Flash couldn't concentrate, too tired from the attack. As such, he was an easy target for Nefertimon as she flew down.

"Queen's Paw!" She launched the gemstones at Veemon and they slammed into him, the pain not enough to wake him up from his near slumber.

Veemon+Lekismon: 3-45%
Dorulumon+Nefertimon: 4-40%

Veemon fell back and rolled along the ground, Lekismon frowning at this. "You need to protect him!" Lunamon cried, but Trixie wasn't listening.

"He didn't dodge in time. Not my fault!"

"But he can't defend himself. And you're both sharing Security. If he takes damage, then so do you." Lekismon groaned, realising she was right.

But as she tried to go and save the sleepy dragon, Dorulumon leapt between them. "Out of the way!" But the wolf growled and leapt at her. She brought up her tendrils and they wrapped around Dorulumon's legs and tail, allowing her to hold him in place.

"Drill Bit Blitz!" He laughed his horn drill towards her and she barely managed to leap out of the way, this causing her to lose her grip on him and allowing him to struggle free.

At the same time, Veemon was laying on the ground letting out a moan. He was still sleepy, Nefertimon flying down preparing to capitalise on it. "You're mine!" She cried, preparing her attack. But before she could, a geyser exploded beneath Veemon and sent a blast of steam right into his face.

"AUGH!" He cried, the heat causing all the drowsiness to suddenly vanish as he was knocked staggering back.

Veemon+Lekismon: 3-30%
Dorulumon+Nefertimon: 4-40%

He blinked and realised he was now away, with Nefertimon charging at him. But as she did, he noticed something and smiled. "Finally!" He cried, as the Digimental of Courage appeared before him. "Digi-Armor, Energize!" It burst into flames and wrapped around him, Nefertimon frowning as he grew taller. "Veemon, Armor Digivolve to..." The flames exploded off him, revealing his adult form. "Flamedramon, the Fire of Courage!"

"Cat's Eye Beam!" She cried, launching her laser towards the newly Digivolved Digimon.

But Flamedramon leapt into the air, soaring over the lasers as his claws burst into flames. "Fire Rocket!" He launched the fireballs towards Nefertimon, slamming into her and exploding as she cried out in pain.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 3-30%
Dorulumon+Nefertimon: 4-20%

As Nefertimon fell to the ground, Flamedramon remained in the air and spotted Dorulumon had Lekismon on the defensive. She was currently swinging her drill tail around, trying to cut into Lekismon with it.

As he landed, he rushed forward whilst the ground in front of him exploded and unleashed a burst of steam. But the now Fire Digimon simply leapt through it without any worry. "Express Claw!" He charged at Dorulumon and tried to slash at her with his glowing claws, Dorulumon seeing this and quickly swinging her claws around.

The claws and drill slammed into one another, the drill grinding away at Flamedramon's attack but doing no damage due to the power of Flamedramon's attack.

Lekismon leapt back and glared at Flamedramon, hating that she had to be saved. The two finally split apart, as Flamedramon glanced back at her. "You focus on Nefertimon. Leave wolf girl to me!"

"What makes you think you can boss me around!" She cried, only for Nefertimon to leap into the air and unleash a Rosetta Stone. The rock shattered and sent the rocks crashing down towards the ground, both Flamedramon and Lekismon getting slammed by them again and again since they were so busy arguing.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 3-5%
Dorulumon+Nefertimon: 4-20%

The pair were knocked staggering backwards, as Dorulumon rushed forward. And before they could retaliate, she flew passed and slashed them to the ground so fast she was like a blur.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 3-0%
Dorulumon+Nefertimon: 4-20%

The pair moaned as they laid on the ground. "Fine," Lekismon cried, "you take Dorulumon and leave Nefertimon to me." Flamedramon nodded and the pair got up, Flamedramon's claws bursting into flames.

"Fire Rocket!" He launched the flaming projectiles at Dorulumon and he was forced to leap away, allowing Lekismon to rush forwards and passed him.

Dorulumon smirked as she landed, "looks like you two are startin' ta work together. At least, not getting in each other's way." Flamedramon rushed forward and slashed at Dorulumon, hitting her right in the face before spinning around and slamming his foot into her head.

"Augh!" She was knocked backwards, her foot landing on a spot that suddenly exploded and unleashed a blast of steam right at her. "GYAH!"

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 2-100%
Dorulumon+Nefertimon: 4-0%

Meanwhile, Lekismon was running after Nefertimon. But the flying Digimon had an advantage, since she was able to fly over the geysers whilst Lekismon had to run around them.

"Tear Arrow!" She cried, firing the ice arrow towards Nefertimon. But the Armor Digimon managed to avoid the attack as a geyser launched another coin into the air, this one being an SP one.

Nefertimon saw it and flew down, grabbing it before it could hit the ground. "Queen's Paw!" She launched the gemstones towards Lekismon, but the rabbit Digimon's tendrils started whipping around to deflect them.

Lekismon then leapt straight up, towards the sphinx Digimon before she could fly up to a safe distance. "Moon Knight Kick!" She slammed her foot right into the Armor Digimon's chest, knocking her flying backwards and even sending her through a newly opened geyser.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 2-100%
Dorulumon+Nefertimon: 3-60%

As Nefertimon hit the ground, Lekismon rushed forward ready to deal another hit to her opponent. But before she could, Nefertimon picked herself up and pointed her head towards her. "Cat's Eye Beam!" A laser exploded out of her head and hit Lekismon right in the chest, knocking her backwards.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 2-85%
Dorulumon+Nefertimon: 3-60%

Nefertimon used this opening to leap back into the air, whilst Lekismon regained her footing. She looked around, making sure she was nowhere near Flamedramon, then brought her fists together. "Moon Night Bomb!" She unleashed the many bubbles and they flew towards Nefertimon, ready to send her to sleep.

However, Nefertimon unleashed her Queen's Paw attack and the gems popped the bubbles before getting to her. "Nice try," Nefertimon laughed. As she did, she spotted a geyser explode not to far from her and saw it spit out a Digivolution Coin.

Lekismon saw her rush towards it and spotted the coin as well. "Oh no you don't!" She ran for it, hoping to get to it first.

At the same time, Flamedramon and Dorulumon continued to battle. As they did, Dorulumon spotted Nefertimon and Lekismon racing for something. And realising what it was, she knew she needed to help her partner.

So, with the last of her SP, she spun her drill and unleashed a wind. "Drill Tornado!" The vortex flew towards Lekismon, right over a pool of boiling water. This sucked the water into the attack, transforming it into a red hot hurricane.

Lekismon rushed towards Nefertimon and as she did, the water filled tornado reached her.

She gasped as the attack collided with her, Lekismon screaming as she was knocked back and her body burned from the heat.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 2-40%
Dorulumon+Nefertimon: 3-60%

As Lekismon was knocked away, Nefertimon was able to grab the Digivolution Coin and flew up high. As the energy flowed into her, Nefertimon began to glow as the light formed a cocoon around her. "Nefertimon, Digivolve to..." The light soon exploded to reveal a new Digimon Flash didn't recognise.

It was a humanoid Digimon wearing what appeared to be a blue zip-up bodysuit with white and gold armor on top. Around her waist was a grey spiked ring-like belt, with a red gemstone on the front of it, whilst her chest had white armor with a yellow collar around her neck. Her gloves were also white with yellow trim, the same being true for her leg armor that had yellow claws, whilst she carried a pair of golden khopesh in her hands.

Out the back of her chest armor were a pair of long white ropes similar to a Gatomon's tail, only they were white with red and yellow stripes around them. Her head was mostly covered by a blue helmet similar to Angewomon's, which had a pair of cat ears on it, with her mouth covered by a light blue mask with yellow lines leading down from where her hidden eyes should be.

She swung her khopeshes around as she gently fell back towards the ground. "Sphinxmon!"

Flamedramon and Lekismon stared at the evolved Ultimate and was shocked by what they saw. They had never seen this species of Digimon before. But whatever it was, it was clearly powerful.

Twilight brought up Sphinxmon's bio-page, reading it over and frowning when she saw how strong it was.

Name: Sphinxmon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Light
Species: Puppet
Family: Virus Busters, Nature Spirits

"Not good," she sighed. "Sphinxmon might have lost her flight abilities, but she got a lot more strength and speed in exchange. And he hand to high fighting ability is way stronger."

"Flash and Trixie might be in trouble," Rainbow stated as Sphinxmon rushed forward and her khopeshes glowed.

"Lumino Slash!" She swung the blades around and slashed at Lekismon, making her cry out in pain as she was knocked backwards.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 2-25%
Dorulumon+Sphinxmon: 3-60%

Dorulumon smirked seeing this, but Flamedramon had finally gotten over the amazement of Sphinxmon and began to do battle once again. He slashed at Dorulumon, the wolf doing her best to avoid the claws as she waited for her SP to fill back up. But Flamedramon still had SP to burn.

"Flame Fist!" His burning claws slashed into Dorulumon's side and burned through her, making the wolf howl in pain.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 2-25%
Dorulumon+Sphinxmon: 3-40%

Dorulumon leapt back and swung her tail towards him, but Flamedramon grabbed it right at the base of the drill to avoid getting spiralled to death. Meanwhile, Lekismon and Sphinxmon continued to do battle themselves. The Ultimate swung her khopesh swords at the rabbit, but Lekismon used her ice arrows as swords to block and deflect the attacks.

The two glared at one another, as the gem on Sphinxmon's belt glowed. "Queen's Treasure!" Gems exploded out of it and slammed into Lekismon, making her cry out as she was knocked backwards.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 2-10%
Dorulumon+Sphinxmon: 3-40%

She staggered back, but threw her ice arrows at the Puppet Digimon as she did. However, Sphinxmon was able to block them with her swords before leaping forward and dealing a kick right into Lekismon's side. "Augh!"

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 2-5%
Dorulumon+Sphinxmon: 3-40%

At the same time, Dorulumon swung Flamedramon around until he was forced to release the tail and sent flying.

He and Lekismon slammed into her other, both back to back, causing them to glance back at their partner and glare at them. "Out of my way!" Their opponents rolled their eyes, as Dorulumon's SP recharged enough for an attack.

"Drill Bit Blitz!" He launched the horn drill at Flamedramon and the Armor Digimon leapt into the air, only for the drill to slam into Lekismon and explode as she screamed.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 2-0%
Dorulumon+Sphinxmon: 3-40%

As she was blown to the ground, Sphinxmon leapt into the air and slashed at Flamedramon. He saw this coming and quickly raised his claws, blocking the attack before swinging his foot around to slashed at her stomach.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 1-100%
Dorulumon+Sphinxmon: 3-35%

The two leapt away from one another, as Lekismon pushed herself to her feet. And as she did, another geyser went off and unleashed a Digivolution Coin. "This one's mine!" She ran forward and tried to grab it, Dorulumon doing the same thing. But Sphinxmon saw where they were going and raised her khopesh swords.

"Baset Brilliance!" Both swords glowed and she swung them through the air, creating an X-shaped blast of light that flew towards Sphinxmon. But because she was distracted by this, Flamedramon was able to get in close.

"Flame Fist!" He slammed his claws right into her head, burning her as she was knocked back and cried out.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 1-100%
Dorulumon+Sphinxmon: 3-15%

As she fell to the ground, her attack flew towards Lekismon and the champion gasped. It was too large to avoid, so she had to take it head one. "Tear Shot!" She launched her ice arrows at the attack, firing as many as she could to try and slow the attack down. And when it finally reached her, she thrust two more into it and used all her strength.

With a mighty cry, she was able to push the attack upwards and it was thrown away from her before exploding. Said explosion knocked her off her feet, but still did no damage.

However, this allowed Dorulumon to grab the Digivolution Coin and absorb its power. She let out a howl as her gauge filled, Lekismon getting up and seeing her begin to glow. "No!" She cried, as the light grew brighter.

"Dorulumon, Digivolve to..." Dorulumon leapt onto her back legs, which quickly changed shape to allow her to stand upright whilst her head and front legs shifted positions so she was now humanoid in appearance.

As this was happening, armor appeared around Dorulumon's body. Her chest, shoulders and waist gained silver armor whilst her thighs gained silver and orange armor. The front of her legs also gained silver armor, whilst her left arm became encased within a large metal shield that had three sharp claws sticking out the end of it.

Her tail drill also detached and as it did, it gained a long shaft that Dorulumon caught in her right hand. Finally, from out the back of her armor, a cape appeared that was white on the outside and orange on the inside.

She landed on one knee with her shield raised protectively and her drill lance ready to do battle. She then stood up and got into a fighting stance. "JaegerDorulumon!"

Twilight and Rainbow stared at the Ultimate Digimon, Kamemon and Tawnimon amazed that Dorulumon could become something like that. Twilight then brought up JaegerDorulumon's bio-page.

Name: JaegerDorulumon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Virus
Attribute: Earth
Species: Beast Man
Family: Nature Spirit, Metal Empire, Virus Busters

"Those two are in serious trouble," Twilight stated as JaegerDorulumon rushed forward. She thrust her lance forward, Lekismon barely managing to avoid the attack. He then slashed at her and she once again found herself on the defensive.

"Battle Gear...BOOST!" Lekismon was suddenly holding a large scythe in her hands, which had a crescent moon-shaped blade. She began swinging it around, trying to deflect the drill and claws but finding it hard to do so.

Eventually, JaegerDorulumon managed to hit her hard enough to send the Digimon staggering backwards.

Flamedramon saw this and though he was still battling Sphinxmon, knew he had to do something. As such, he used all his firepower to push the Ultimate Digimon back before rushing over to Lekismon. And as JaegerDorulumon thrust his spear forwards, Flamedramon leapt in front of her and took the attack head on.

"AUGH!" He cried, as the impact made his entire body rattle.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 1-80%
JaegerDorulumon+Sphinxmon: 3-15%

Flamedramon continued to scream as he tried to overpower the Ultimate, as he glanced by at Lekismon. "Get a Digivolution Coin...hurry!" Lekismon nodded and jumped back to her feet, only for Sphinxmon to rush towards them.

"Lumino Slash!" She swung her blade at Lekismon and the rabbit raised her own weapon to block it.

"Raaaaah!" Lekismon cried, pushing back as the weapon glowed. "Moonlight Cutter!" She swung it around and slashed at Sphinxmon, knocking her back.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 1-80%
JaegerDorulumon+Sphinxmon: 3-0%

At the same time, Flamedramon pushed the lance away and attempted to slash at JaegerDorulumon. But before he could, the shield the Ultimate was carrying rose up and blocked the attack.

JaegerDorulumon knocked him staggering back and as she did, the claws on the shield glowed. "Weisse Spirale!" She cried, as the energy exploded off the claws and spiralled into a single beam that flew towards Flamedramon.

He tried to avoid the attack and leap into the air, but the beam actually curved up and slammed into her. "GYAH!"

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 1-60%
JaegerDorulumon+Sphinxmon: 2-100%

He fell backwards and crashed into the ground, whilst Sphinxmon leapt up to avoid another slash from Lekismon. She then brought her weapons up and connected them at the point, a flash of light causing them and the handles to merge into one large ringed weapon with a single handle.

Sphinxmon brought this weapon and captured Lekismon inside of it. "Binding Light!" The metal glowed before the light flew inwards and snapped around Lekismon, morphing into a shining band that pinned her arms to her sides.

"Hey!" She struggled against the light, trying to break free with little success.

Sphinxmon then lifted the weapon away from her and detached them before slashing at her, Lekismon crying out as she was thrown backwards.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 1-45%
JaegerDorulumon+Sphinxmon: 2-100%

Lekismon fell down and hit the ground next to Flamedramon, who was picking himself up when he saw Lekismon tied up.

He was about to cut her free, but in that moment he sensed something and spun around to see JaegerDorulumon rushing at him and thrusting his shield at him. He grabbed two of the claws in his own and tried to hold her back, but it was just too much.

"You can't win!" JaegerDorulumon cried, "you guys have no teamwork! That's why, ya'll are gonna lose!" She forced Flamedramon staggering back, as Lekismon struggled to her feet, right as Sphinxmon rushed in.

The Puppet Digimon spun on her heel and slashed at the both of them, making them cry out as the were knocked staggering.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 1-20%
JaegerDorulumon+Sphinxmon: 2-100%

And as they were sent flying, JaegerDorulumon raised his lance up as the drill started spinning.

The two saw this and realised something big was about to happen, Lekismon continuing to struggle against the light holding her. "Get me out of this thing!" Flamedramon tried to cut through it, but had little success and JaegerDorulumon looked ready to attack.

"No time!" He grabbed Lekismon and threw her over his shoulder, Lekismon screaming as he started running. But JaegerDorulumon exploded off the ground with the drill pointing forwards.

"SCHWARZER NAGEL!" She screamed as she flew at the pair with incredible force, Flamedramon throwing Lekismon away from him as the drill lance came at him.

"FIRE ROCKET!" He used all his power to ignite his body and shoot forwards, as Lekismon fell to the ground. She spun around and watched the pair collide, the force of the impact creating an explosion that knocked them both backward.

JaegerDorulumon landed and slid across the ground, not looking at all injured by the attack. But Flamedramon was sent flying backwards and crashed into the ground, Lekismon seeing their last Security break.

Flamedramon+Lekismon: 1-0%
JaegerDorulumon+Sphinxmon: 2-100%

She got up and ran towards him, as the light around her finally started to disappear and she could break through. But as she did, Sphinxmon leapt into the air and threw one of her weapons at them. Lekismon registered it seconds before it pierced the ground, which caused a blast of steam to explode out of it.

That steam slammed into the pair, hitting them head on and making them scream as their Digital bodies exploded into vaporware.

Flash, Trixie and their partners fell to the ground, Sphinxmon and JaegerDorulumon smirking at them whilst they picked themselves up. The battlefield around them began to dissolve, as Applejack and Rarity reverted back to human with their partners next to them.

"Well," Applejack sighed, "that didn't go as well as ya'll thought, huh?" Flash and Trixie stood up and glared at each other, clearly not happy.

"Oh dear," Rarity sighed. "You two have a long way to go before you're ready to compete in a proper tag battle."

Twilight and Rainbow sighed as they re-watched the battle.

It was clear from watching that Flash and Trixie had no skill when it came to working together. They tripped over each other, got in one another's way and argued like mad. Clearly, they had a long way to go before they were ready to Tag Battle.

"This is all your fault!" They looked up and saw the four and their Digimon arrive at the foyer. "If you had just listened to me," Flash told Trixie. "We wouldn't have been humiliated like that!"

"Us losing was your fault!" Trixie cried, "you picked that stupid place!"

"Oh, and what would you have picked?"

"Someplace way better than that place!" Trixie glared at him, "someplace my awesomeness could have really shined."

"My god!" Flash cried, "are you listening to yourself?"

"I always listen to myself!" Trixie cried, "it's one of the benefits of being me!" Flash groaned as he clearly had had enough of the girl.

"Forget this!" He cried, "that's the last time I ever team up with you for anything!"

"For once, we agree." Trixie poked him in the chest, "I think I just realised something. I don't like you. So from now on, you're gonna have to find a way to cope without the Great and Powerful Trixie being by your side."

"Oh," Flash rolled his eyes, "how will I ever survive?" Flash turned to stomp of, Trixie doing the same and going in the opposite direction. Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity had watched this and all shared an unhappy look.

"You think this is gonna blow over?" Twilight asked, as Applejack and Rarity sat down."

"I'm not sure," Applejack shrugged. "A'h think this could go on for a while."

"Oh," Rarity looked guilty, "maybe having them battle together wasn't such a good idea. But I guess this happening now instead of in an important battle was better." The others nodded, but they were still unhappy with Flash and Trixie being at each other's throats. If they couldn't find a way to fix this quick, their friendship might never recover.

But how could they fix it?

In an area of the Digital World, a large forest surrounded what appeared to be an active volcano.

Inside that volcano, a bunch of lava could be seen. Lava that was currently lowering in volume. And as it did, it revealed something that had been hidden beneath the lava. A series of stone pillars, which were now sticking out of the magma lake, with the largest being in the very center of the volcano.

Something was sitting atop this largest pillar. A strangely shaped object that was a mixture of black, grey, blue and yellow. A lightning bolt blade was sticking out the top and on the back of it was a blue symbol.

Author's Note:

Flash and Trixie's attitudes seriously clashing in this battle. Will they be able to overcome this, or is this the end of their friendship? And what's going on at the volcano? Only time will tell.

For those wondering about the Nefertimon Evolution, I got the design from good old Karn and his many artists. Go check them out if you haven't already. You won't be disappointed.

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