• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
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Brought to Equestria to defend it against the coming of the alien scourge, our hero must avoid Celestia's gaze while pursuing her own investigation into the alien's activities.

Check out this story's sister fic.

This is part of the 12 days of christmas, head over here to keep track of all the cool stuff coming down the pipes. If you want to ensure I can afford to keep doing stuff like this, consider backing me over on Subscribestar or Patreon.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 80 )

I'll never understand why ponies think humans would know how to help against anything. Nowhere near the first story to do the idea. Eh :/

I mean, the person evidently isnt a pony, or have very sound judgement, if you'd read the story.

“That's an understatement.” I shook my head. “Look, I don't have long. Something big is coming, and their agents are already here. Now I gotta knock you out now, sorry if this stings.”

Celestia merely frowned, and turned her neck to the side, exposing her jugular. “I must warn you that I will have to hunt you after this. Even if you are the prettiest scaled being I’ve ever beheld.”

“I’m well aware that you will have to come after me and though I’d prefer not having to hurt anyone. I rather enjoy existing, thank you very much.” I muttered before opening my mouth wide and extending my fangs. “Sorry in advance, I’ve never done this before.”

This part sounds really dumb and unnecessary, just for the sake of "plot drama". Sorry, but what's stopping our Viper Protagonist to fully explained to Celestia that there is literally a frickin alien invasion going to kill, then enslaved her ponies and other innocent kingdoms!? And she/he is summoned to help aid them and stop it from happening?

It's not like Discord didn't force our main character to keep this a secret from everypony important ( Like the Princesses and Mane Six. ), and not tell the ponies about this earlier, for some ridiculous reason.

Nor is there a hidden enemy spy around to see this, and expose our viper protagonist early.

I did. Still stand by my question. It's more of a fandom thing more than you (and f:flutterrage:k whoever is downvoting everything I say or do), so...


Have you seen the many Sc-Fi movies, shows, and games that show humanity kicking alien ass? :ajbemused:

And since the aliens are specifically in a known literal video game series. Summoning the right gamer fans that passed the impossible difficulty. Or even one of the creators/developers of the XCOM Games that made, created and know the once-fictional alien enemies inside and out, is a good start.

I mean, our MC is in a full blown extestenstial break down, a crisis of identity, and probably something else. Expecting someone to make perfect decisions under such circumstances seems down right silly.


Hopefully later on, she/he realized this, and calls herself/himself a moron and idiot for making herself/himself a "fugitive ". ( Even she/he is supposed to help everypony/everybody in the first place. )

Interesting, I like XCOM! I especially like the vipers! (I like sneks)

Wow this has a lot of potential

What? That's it? The story's description said it should be some form of adventure but all I got was just a prologue? I demand more!

I mean, slightly curious why biting Celestia was his/her first impulse when Celestia seemed perfectly willing to talk this out, and didn't really seem to be treating them with hostility.

On the other hand I was decting some lowkey thirst from Celestia, so perhaps getting the hell out of dodge was the correct move :derpytongue2:

I hope we get more of this.


Because our main character is regretfully a dang moron. :facehoof:

And secondly, Celestia just met our viper alien. So, she needs to chill first.

I mean the guy was panicked as fuck, and not making thinking intelegently. I'm sure its going to come back to BITE them in the future. :P

Crossover tag is missing.

Is this a one-shot or is the completed status a mistake?

Its basically a one shot. If someone requests more, or commissions more there will be more, but outside of that then it wont happen.

Oh this was so much fun to read XD.
And the bullshit hit chance.

Of course, there are two extremely important questions to be asked when a giant alien snake shows up in Equestria:

1. Will there be vore?
2. If so, how much?


If a supporter requests more. Cant afford to take any time out of my schedule I'm afraid.

I would like to see more because it shows quite interesting. and if I ask for a weapon it would be the crossbow from the Alien Hunters DLC

I was going to comment on the effectiveness of using the game for recruitment because of the lying hit chance. If you're playing the game on anything but easy you're just rolling the dice blindfolded

I remember many a time I had a 95+ hit chance only for the unit in question to suddenly see a spider or something and give that the highest priority instead of the big killer alien right in front of them that is absolutely going to murder the hell outta them now.

The higher difficulties make Leonard Church's look good (Alpha, not Epsilon. Though, I don't think it gets any better)

Upon request of patrons, this story is now supported by their requests. Expect another update shortly.

We've gotten past the exposition and arrived at "the hook"

The exposition and the hook are not mutually exclusive, sometimes they are both at the same time.

Chapter one didn't leave me with a reason to care about the story. It EXPLAINED TO ME the plot; it EXPLAINED TO ME the characters; it EXPLAINED TO ME the world. It didn't SHOW ME why I should care about the plot, the characters, or the world. To me the hook is why your audience should care about what you're writing.

Jesus christ man, relax.

Ok snek, EAT A PONY! DO IT, DO IT, DO IT!!! >:}

I like the ff7 vibes. Also that last bit was the most important, a shower.

Om nom nom the pony? Would that be tasty ?

11842718 Yes. Ponies are very tasty. This is canon.

I'm pretty sure... :unsuresweetie:

Interesting start, a wasted opportunity to not warn Celestia about the coming invasion.
Enemy Tactics the enemy employed units and specify how to avoid certain problems with them, like Chryssalids infestations.

Currently playing x-com on second hardest difficulty, I lost three members of the X-Com member states, but over the span of 5 ingame years I accumulated for fun almost 30 fully meld buffed Gen soldiers, 5 Mechwarriors and literally a army worth of equipment.
(Had to put the money and ressources somewhere)

Viper? Probably the best physical performance giving body, mobility, abilities and versatile nature.
Clever to make her a hermaphrodite, now vipers can be persuaded to join her with snek-offspring as reward.
Ones own race survivel over evil overlords after all.

Vipers are carnivore primary, how to feed without causing problems? Because I just know Fluttershy will raise a fuss eventually when the protagonist keeps eating Angel Bunnys offspring.

Interesting set of abilities, more than versatile enough to survive. Until Vipers get deployed, I don't see mutch recruiting coming the Vipers main characters way.

She did as much a warning as she could muster.

No need to waste food, on the other hand he might be poisonous if he was a addicted individual.
At least our protagonist has fat reserves, unfortunately Vipers are mostly muscle so it probably only last for a month or so...

Generosity comes in many forms, so is kindness and loyalty. I personally take things off rail in my stories so I look forward to reading more, though there isn't mutch yet overall.
I don't even know the name of the protagonist.
Very weird for a story to be lacking a protagonist name after that mutch time.

They havent had a real conversation with someone yet, nor a need to introduce themself so names will come.

1 like from me, with 72 total. Nice start even if I am perplexed about the main protagonist missing a name yet.
Until next chapter I guess :twilightsmile:

Refer to my below response.

Where is the story cover from? Looks pretty nice, but I don't seem to find it creator.

No idea. It was in a folder of mine for years before I used it. Reverse image search brings up nothing. The original poster may have deleted it or its been lost.

Mediator rarity... Hmmm interesting. Very interesting. I have a feeling the junkyard tennents will have their daughter for a week vacation.

If you want something funny, go check out my other new story!

“That explains how they found her and why she was so certain she’d be found in the first place,” I remarked aloud. “Must be a pretty cheap peice of magical tech if these losers were able to buy it at such short notice.”


They are dead meat, should the Viper really waste it?
Or are they some kind of example to be found?
Than again, priorities. The girl need medical attention and the viper can ask questions, while escorting if not carrying the girl.

A dislocated arm, I guess our viper hasn't a medical 101 library memory ready to set it back?

I actually suspected the use of the plasma rifle, though it's hard to tell how mutch ammo it holds and if it replenish over time.

Different kind of poisen attacks? A list would be helpful to get a tactical overview.

- Paralysis inducing
- Lethal neurotoxin
- Aphrodisiac
- Medical Painkiller

Fun fact: X-Com 1 Thin Men (Vipers in human form) lead to increase of medikit efficiency and when delivered in a counsel required, scientists find a way to use the bodys of the viper to create pain deactivating drugs.
Very efficient for battlefield use to keep fighting on or helping pain patients. Though suppressing the pain don't fix its cause, only mitigating their symptoms.

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