• Published 28th Mar 2023
  • 2,669 Views, 397 Comments

Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S9 - Banshee531

As Twilight prepares for her new rule over Equestria, the heroes look to the future and hope that it will be a bright one. Meanwhile, dark forces prepare to make sure the future is anything but bright. Who will win and what will victory cost?

  • ...

She Talks to Angel

It was another beautiful day in Ponyville and Iron had just finished his patrol. The earth pony was on his way home, a satisfied smirk on his lips as he made his way toward Sweet Feather Sanctuary. His beautiful wife seemed to be more busy than usual these days, working to make sure the animals that were recovering from any illness were relaxed enough to get back on their hooves and ready to join the outside world.

And though Iron wasn't as much of an animal pony as her, he was still eager to help whenever he could. As such, he headed down the road toward the sanctuary, only to see Doctor Fauna and Zecora were walking in the same direction. "Morning," he told them as he caught up, only to see a pet carrier. "What'cha got there?" He was a little worried that Zecora might have conjured something up and was now planning on sticking it with Fluttershy.

"It's a gecko," Fauna replied, "Zecora found him and I figured Fluttershy was the best pony to help look after him." Iron nodded as they arrived at the edge of the sanctuary. "Don't worry Zecora. Fluttershy has this running like a well-oiled machine."

But as she said that, a loud roar made them look over and see a large dust cloud in the middle of the sanctuary. "What the-" Iron said ebfore seeing Fluttershy leaping into the dust cloud, making him realize the animals had probably gotten a little out of control. "Oh, great."

Fauna chuckled as she turned to Zecora. "It might look like chaos, but Fluttershy makes it work, even with Angel running around."

"Ohhhh," Zecora hissed, "Perhaps I can help those two get along before something here can go terribly wrong."

Iron ran over and managed to grab Harry the bear by the tail, pulling him out of the dust cloud. "Okay big guy. That's enough of that." Harry roared at this as Fluttershy escaped the cloud.

She then grew to elephant size before slamming her hoof down on the ground, "ENOUGH!" This caused all the animals to stop what they were doing, the only one still looking ready to brawl being Angel Bunny. Fluttershy cleared her throat and shrank back to normal, "That's better. Now I'm sure everypony's a little exhausted from that...scuffle, so let's take a break and try to relax."

The animals all nodded and went their separate ways, Fluttershy making sure nothing was damaged during the fight. Once she was sure the koalas were okay, she noticed Fauna and Zecora as they walked up to her, "Zecora found this little one and brought him to my office, but I thought he might do better at the sanctuary." Angel bounced over to the carrier and spotted the gecko, who was currently munching on some lettuce. Then, he let out a burst of black smoke that Angel accidently breathed in and started coughing.

"Bringing him here seemed the right thing to do," Zecora added, "I've never seen geckos breathe smoke though, have you?"

"Oh." Fluttershy smiled at this, "I certainly haven't." She then took a closer look, completely ignoring Angel's attempts to get her to focus on him.

"Give it up fuzzball," Iron chimed in, "She's met a new animal, so she's gonna focus on it. It's gecko town."

Fluttershy stared into the cage as Fauna chuckled, "I thought we could take a look at his diet. Plus, it's about time for me to give all the animals here a checkup."

"That's a wonderful idea." She opened the cage and took the gecko out, the lizard not looking happy at being taken away from his leafy food. "If we really want to know what's going on, we need to make sure the problem isn't your food."

The gecko frowned, but nodded as Fluttershy gave him over to Fauna. The vet walked off with him as Fluttershy turned to Zecora. "I wouldn't worry too much. It's probably just something he's been eating." At that moment, Angel leapt onto her back and tried to climb up her hair. "Oh." She grunted, her head turning so he hung from her. "Um, is there anything else we can do for you?"

"Ahhh." Zecora smirked, "Seeing what you two do, the real question is...can I help you?"

Angel let her go and blew a raspberry at this. "You mean me and Angel?" She asked, Zecora nodding. "Oh, he's fine! We're fine! I...I just don't always have time to indulge him." She grabbed the rabbit and pulled him in for a hug. "But we're best friends!"

"Even the best of friends need help from time to time," Zecora replied, "Come visit me in my hut, should you change your mind."

She shut her carrier and walked off, "Okay, thanks!" Fluttershy waved at her, accidently dropping the bunny on the ground. "But Angel and I are great!"

"Are you sure?" Iron asked, "Because I can't remember the last time you actually spent any one-on-one time with him. I mean, have you gone bunny with him yet?" He was talking about Fluttershy's new ability to transform into her spirit animal. And while she was able to do that whenever she could, turning into a rabbit wasn't exactly useful with anything she had to do.

"Oh goodness, Fluttershy." They turned to Fauna, who was staring at a long list nailed to a tree. "Is this the list of what you do every day?" She let out a giggle, "How do you find time for anything else?"

"Between here and teaching at the school, I'm not sure I do." Fluttershy replied before seeing the gecko next to Fauna and picked him up, moving him over to an area she was sure would be an excellent place to rest and relax. "You're gonna love it here, little gecko." But when she put him down, he frowned at her, "What is it? Not fluffy enough?" The gecko pointed at his stomach, "Oh, sorry. We need to see if your food is causing your issue." The gecko nodded and went to sleep, Fluttershy smiling as she turned around.

But when she did, she was shocked to find Angel bunny smiling up at her. From the way he was presenting himself, he wanted to be cuddled and have his tail fluffed. Fluttershy hummed at this as she checked the time. "Not now, Angel." She flew off at this, Angel glaring back at her.

Iron sighed and shook his head. He could understand where Angel was coming from. The bunny had been Fluttershy's most important friend when she was only looking after a few animals and never had to feel neglected. But now, with Fluttershy's responsibilities as a teacher, sanctuary owner and protector of Equestria, it was no surprise she didn't have time for him.

"Those two need a vacation," he commented as he watched Fluttershy carry a cookie jar over to a snake.

The snake was eyeing up a baby elephant, Iron unsure if snakes even attacked baby elephants in the wild. "These snake treats are made to look like chocolate chip cookies." The snake turned to her and took a bite of the cookies, stars suddenly appearing in his eyes, "They're vegan. Pinkie Pie made a whole jar of them. They're all yours if you promise." Her face turned into a glare, "No more trying to eat Muriel the baby elephant."

The snake looked at the jar, then back at the elephant before looking back at the jar. He gave her a salute with his tail before dragging the jar into his den. Fluttershy smiled as she checked her list, only to gasp when she felt something pull on her tail. Glancing back, she saw Angel smiling at her. "No, Angel. I have too much to do."

She flew off for Fauna, Angel huffing at the sight. Fauna was currently checking on a giraffe with a neck in a bracer. The vet removed the cast and the giraffe started coughing, "Oh, careful girl. That neck is still pretty sore." Fluttershy rubbed her neck and glanced around, spotting a flamingo in one of the lakes.

"Don't forget to shift your weight, Scout!" The flamingo changed legs and as she did, the giraffe pointed at her neck.

Unfortunately, Fauna didn't have Fluttershy's animal language skills and sighed. "What does she want?"

Fluttershy read her body language and nodded, "Her neck is feeling better, but a massage every day for the next week wouldn't hurt. I'll add it to my list." She flew off at this as Fauna laughed.

"Fluttershy, I've said it before, but I'll say it again. This place would be a...zoo without you!" Fluttershy giggled at this, only to duck down when an acorn flew down and tried to hit her.

She looked up and saw the cause of the aerial attack. "Angel!" The bunny let out several noises and gestures, making Fluttershy frown, "Listen to you for once? Just what exactly is that supposed to mean?!" Angel rolled his eyes and leapt down, running off as Fluttershy tried to stop him. "Come back! I-I meant tell me, not..." She let out a groan.

Fauna giggled at this, "Well, whatever it is, you're the only one he can tell about it. Little fella just wants you all to himself."

Fluttershy looked over at her list. "Unfortunately, that's not an option."

"You really should try and make it an option," Iron added as he walked over and tried to straight out her rather messy hair. "You've been so busy lately, you have no time to do anything other than look after all the other animal's needs."

"That's because these animals need me," Fluttershy replied, "Nopony else can do what I do, so only I can do it."

"Yeah, but you're not a machine. Push yourself too much and you'll break. Isn't that what you're always telling Twilight?" Fluttershy frowned at this, clearly not liking the idea of taking a break with so much to do. "Even if it's just a day, you should try and spend some time with Angel to show him he's important."

Fluttershy sighed and shook her head, "I'll try. But with so many important things to do, it's not gonna be easy."

"Well, he's not causing any real trouble," Fauna added, only a crashing sound filled the air followed by a distressed bird, "Other than that, possibly." Another crash followed by an elephant cry erupting, "Or that. I'll just stop talking."

Fluttershy groaned at that, "I'll take care of it." She flew after him while Iron picked up her to-do list and looked it over. If he could do some of the items, maybe Fluttershy would have more time. But as he read it, he had no idea what some of these items were meant to be for, and the ones he did understand felt like she was pampering the animals a little too much. After a few minutes, Fluttershy returned with Angel on her back. And by the looks of things, whatever Angel wanted had not been something Fluttershy liked.

"You okay?"

"I'm taking Angel to Zecora's," Fluttershy replied, "Hopefully, she'll be able to fix the problem we've been having." Iron nodded as he took another look at her to-do list.

"And while you're gone, I'll see what I can get checked off on this list. But are you sure this stuff is important? Some of it looks like it doesn't need to be done every single day."

"Of course it does," Fluttershy nodded, "These animals come here hoping to find a place to rest and recuperate. I have to make sure they feel as comfortable as possible."

"Right..." Iron slowly resopnded, "Even if they get so comfortable they never wanna leave?" Fluttershy glared at him, the defender shrugging, "I'm just saying. Remember what happened with the breezies. If you make them too happy, they'll stay here forever and this place could get overrun. Unless you're planning a trip to the mirror pool, your gonna eventually have so many animals to look after it'll be impossible to do on your own."

Fluttershy sighed at this, knowing Iron probably wouldn't let up about this. She nodded and after giving Iron a kiss, she headed off with Iron continuing to do Fluttershy's work.

A little later...

Flash and Fire Heart were running around the outside of the town. The pair were working on Heart's running endurance, Flash wanting him to be able to run as much as he could fly. "Why...do I need...to be so good...at running?" The colt asked, Flash smirking as they continued to run.

"There may come a day where you can't fly. Your wing could be hurt or you're in an area that's too low or has anti-flight defenses. If all an opponent needs to do to beat you is stop you from flying, you're not gonna be surviving a lot of fights." Heart groaned, but nodded as they kept running.

After a while, they arrived at the main square where Heart was looking ready to collapse. Flash pulled them to a stop and Heart rushed over to the fountain, using the water the cool himself down while Flash went and got them something to drink. The pair sat at the fountain and looked around, seeing the ponies around them doing their day to day lives.

The flower ponies seemed to be making quite the killing. Lyra and Bon Bon were setting down a blanket for a picnic and Cheerilee seemed to be having a chat with a spa pony. And as they finished off their drinks, Flash noticed Fluttershy walking through town with Angel hanging out of her saddlebag. "About time those two got some quality time together." But in that moment, Angel held up two bottles of green stuff.

"What's that?" Heart asked, Flash shrugging.

"Not sure." He used his extra strong hearing to listen as Fluttershy spoke to the bunny.

"Not yet, Angel. Zecora told us to take it together when we got home." Angel grumbled at this, only to notice something that made him smile and pointed it out to Fluttershy. The mare turned to him and saw him pointing at Lyra and Bon Bon as the pair tapped cups before drinking. "Hmm. I suppose we could dust off the old picnic blanket. It'll be just like old times."

"What are they talking about?" Heart asked.

"Looks like they got something from Zecora," Flash replied. This made him hum, since Zecora's remedies had a tendency to cause more problems then they fixes. He couldn't help but remember the shrinking potion and shampoo situations.

"We'll drink the potion and settle in for a nice tea party," Fluttershy promised her friend, the bunny smiling at that, "I can barely remember the last time we did that. I've been so busy at the sanctuary." She then stopped, a frown on her lips. "Though I really need to keep an eye on Zecora's gecko, and Iron might still be working on today's chores. I can't dump my work on him. He has his own responsibilities. And if I leave the chores undone, the animals won't get the care they need."

"Huh," Flash commented to himself, "Didn't realize Fluttershy had so much work to do."

"Maybe we should just save the potion until af-Angel!" The bunny had taken the potion and leapt out of Fluttershy's bag, bouncing away as Fluttershy chased after him. "Zecora said to go home first!" But Angel wasn't listening, instead popping the cork and downing the green stuff.

"That can't be good." Flash got up and moved over to them as Fluttershy picked up the other potion.

"I know she said we have to take it together, so...I guess I have to." She popped the top and drank it as well as Flash and Heart reached them.

"Fluttershy, what did you just drink?" She looked at him before accidently belching.

"Oh," she blushed, "I'm sorry. And I don't know what it's meant to doooo-" Suddenly, Fluttershy and Angel glowed bright white. Flash and Heart leapt back as the lights suddenly merged and split apart in the space of a second. When it did, Fluttershy and Angel were shown laying on the ground after swapping places.

"-whooooaaaa!" Fluttershy cried, only to pick herself up and looked herself over. "Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa, hang on, hold up! Am I a pony? Why am I a pony?!" At the same time, Angel looked himself over before letting out a scream of absolute terror.

"What's wrong?" Heart asked as Angel ran over to the empty bottles.

Fluttershy then turned to her pet, "Question. Did we switch bodies?" The pegasi stared up at her, only to go wide-eyed.

"Wait," he pointed at Fluttershy, "Are you...Angel?" She...he, nodded as he looked towards the bunny. "And you're Fluttershy." The rabbit nodded, "Oh, not again." Flash watched as the two made their way over to a fountain, feeling sorry for Fluttershy having had to suffer through the exact same issue. And she had it even worse, since she had changed both gender and species.

Fluttershy hopped around, but found being as small as she was made it difficult to get through the forest of pony legs between her and the fountain.

"Whoa! Gah! Guh! Whoooaaa-whoa-whoa!" Angel was having just as hard a time, attempting to bounce around until he realized his body didn't need to do that to that. They eventually made it to the fountain and checked the water, seeing the reflection didn't match who they were. "Seriously? I'm a pony?" He smirked, "La-la-la-la! Talking is so cool."

"This is bad," Flash picked up the bottles, "Why the heck would Zecora make you two trade places?"

Angel turned to Fluttershy at that, "Do you think this is what Zecora meant to happen?" Fluttershy shook her head, then said something in rabbit speak that made Angel's eyes go wide. "How are you gonna do your chores?! Really?! That's what you're worried about?!"

"She's right," Heart nodded, "Or...he's right. This is gonna get confusing."

Fluttershy said something else in rabbit, making Angel scoff. "Well, maybe I don't want to switch back. I've only been able to talk to you since we met, and now I can talk to anypony I want!" He ran off at this, Fluttershy frowning as she chased after him as he went over to a flower stall. "Roses are red, violets are blue! You sell flowers and so do you!"

Rose and Daisy blinked at him, only for Flash to sigh, "Angel! That's enough!"

But Angel wasn't listening, now running over to a mother and her foal. "Rubber baby buggy bumpers! Rubber baby buggy bumpers!" But this just caused the foal to start crying, the mother glaring at him before walking off. "Toy boat, toy boat, toy bo-aah!" He was pulled to the ground at this, making him glance back and see his owner glaring at him. "Aw, come on!" He pulled his tail out of her grasp as Fluttershy spoke. "I am too listening! Quit being so bossy because-" He stopped with a gasp, then sniffed the air. "Are there carrots around here?"

"Focus," Flash chimed in, Fluttershy then trying to say something, Flash and Heart frowning since they couldn't understand her. "What'd she say?" He asked Angel, who groaned at having to translate.

"She thinks Zecora gave us the wrong potion, so she gonna go to her hut in the forest and get something to switch us back."

"By yourself?!" Heart asked, "How the heck are you gonna do that?!"

Angel laughed at this, "Yeah. Being able to turn into one of us whenever you want, clearly hasn't taught you what it's really like being a bunny." Fluttershy gestured that she would be fine, "Good luck with that!" Angel cackled before marching off, "I'm gonna go find those carrots!"

"Seriously?!" Heart yelped, "You can't just walk off and leave Fluttershy to fend for herself!"

"She said she can handle it," Angel laughed, only for Fluttershy to stop him again, making him glare back at her as she talked again, "I need to finish your chores?" He laughed again, "I don't work for you. And caring about other animals is a you thing. Besides, you got Iron doing it all. Let him do all the hard labor."

"You ungrateful rat!" Flash yelled, "After everything Fluttershy's done for you!"

"She hasn't done anything for me lately," Angel stuck out his tongue, "And what are you gonna do to make me? What, you gonna beat me up? You wouldn't do that to Fluttershy's body."

"I always knew you were evil," Flash growled, only for Fluttershy to jump onto his head to get eye level. She shot the transformed bunny a glare, which caused him to gasp.

"The Stare?!" Fluttershy continued to glare at him. "You can still do that? Ugh! No fair making me do your bidding against my will!" Fluttershy kept glaring at him, Angel waving his hooves before sighing, "Alright, alright! I'll go do your lame chores while you go see Zecora." Fluttershy smiled and started bouncing off with Angel heading back to Sweet Feather Sanctuary.

Flash and Heart watched them leave, Heart scratching his head. "That was really confusing."

"Try being the one getting body swapped," Flash sighed, "We'd better keep an eye on them. Especially Fluttershy. I'll make sure she doesn't end up getting stepped on and you go follow Angel. Make sure he actually gets back to Sweet Feather Sanctuary. And make sure Iron knows what's going on."

"Wouldn't Angel tell him what happened?"

"I doubt it. Probably gonna pretend to be Fluttershy to get out of work."

"Like Iron would fall for that. He'll see right through the act and realise he isn't Fluttershy." As soon as Heart said that, he and Flash's eyes went wide. "If Iron realize it's not Fluttershy he's talking to..."

"He'll instantly think she's been kidnapped and replaced," Flash gulped. "And he'll attack Angel thinking he's an imposter like Chrysalis."

"So...I'm gonna go...NOW!" Heart shot off at top speed while Flash headed for the forest, hoping to catch up with Fluttershy.

The animals of the sanctuary were all being sure to behave themselves as best they could while Fluttershy was gone. Iron was currently nowhere in sight and Doctor Fauna was busy helping a bunch of racoons, so there was nopony around to look after them. But soon enough, Fluttershy returned. "Anypony know where that useless list of Fluttershy's chores is?" The animals all turned to her, surprised by what she was saying.

"Hey, Fluttershy!" She looked up to see Fauna, "I was starting to wonder if you'd make it back."

"Fluttershy?!" She exclaimed, almost sounding surprised that was who she was. "Oh...um, yeah! Uh, that's me! Definitely Fluttershy! A hundred percent!"

"Uh...okay." Fauna hummed, "Well, Iron Core put your list over there. He did as many as he could, but he had to go out on afternoon patrol. He should be back soon."

The pegasus saw the list and frowned, "Oh...yeah." she grumbled, "There's my good old list of chores that I will absolutely not rush through because I definitely do not have better things to do." Fauna and the animals all stared at her as she glared at the list, "Well, well, well." She turned to Sandra the wolf, a smirk on her face. "Remember me?"

Heart flew down and landed in time to see Fluttershy putting a collar around the wolf and leashing him to a tree. "HEY!" He yelped, "What are you doing?"

Fluttershy turned to him, frowning, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to make sure Iron doesn't beat you to death when he realizes you're not Fluttershy!"

This statement made Fauna and the animals turn to him, "Not Fluttershy?" The vet asked.

"Yeah, that's Angel." This made them all go wide-eyed, the animals now glaring at the imposter, "Zecora made a potion that caused them to switch bodies. So Fluttershy's in Angel's body and Angel...well, you can see for yourself."

"Whatever," Angel shrugged, "I'm just doing what Fluttershy told me to do. Making sure Sandra the wolf tries to eat his veggies."

"I'm not sure this is what Fluttershy had in mind," Heart growled as Angel walked off.

"Who knows Fluttershy better than me?" He asked, making Heart glare at him. He knew he should stop this, but he also didn't know how Fluttershy would deal with the animals as they were. He sighed and shook his head, knowing all he could do was watch as Angel did the list and step in when things went too far.

Flash had followed Fluttershy to the forest, only to soon lose sight of the tiny rabbit. And as he tried to find her, he heard Spike's voice. "I hope the gem tart stall is still there again. I could use a snack!"

He flew down and then heard Twilight behind some bushes. "You nearly bought every tart they had last time, Spike. I can't imagine they wouldn't show up when there's a great customer like you." He flew out of the bushes and almost ran into the mare, "WHOA!" The mare staggered back as Flash stopped. "Flash?! What's the rush?!"

"Have you two seen Fluttershy?" He asked, then flinched at his mistake.

"No," Twilight shook her head, "isn't she at the sanctuary?" Flash opened his mouth, only for the bunny in question to appear, "Oh, hi Angel. What's going on?" The rabbit started talking, but they all just stared at the rabbit, "Do you know what he's trying to say?" Twilight asked, Spike shaking his head.


"She's saying she's not Angel," Flash sighed, the bunny nodding. "She's Fluttershy."

"Huh?" Twilight looked down at her, "Oh. Did you learn how to change your fur colour when you transform?" Fluttershy shook her head and tried to explain. "What? We can't understand you in that form. You're gonna have to change back."

"She can't," Flash added, "This is gonna get annoying." He started explaining and the pair gasped at hearing the tale.

"They switched bodies?" Spike asked, Fluttershy nodding.

"Seriously?!" Twilight yelped, "Another body switching situation?!" They watched as Fluttershy start making motions along with rabbit noises, but the three couldn't make out what it was.

"Sorry, we don't know what you want." Fluttershy face-palmed and pointed to Twilight. "Pony? You wanna be a pony again?" She shook her head and pointed at Twilight, then at herself before making a motion Flash assumed was meant to represent swapping something. "You want Twilight to do something?" Fluttershy nodded, continuing the motion. "You want Twilight to do a dance for you?" Fluttershy shook her head again.

"We're sorry Fluttershy," Twilight replied, "We just can't understand you. But let me see if I can maybe swap you and Angel back to normal." Fluttershy groaned at this, Flash having a feeling that was what she was asking for all along. "But I don't think I know a spell like that off the top of my head. I'll have to check my library to see if there's anything there."

"Now hang on there. You couldn't figure out how to get us back to normal when this happened," Flash chimed in, "How are you gonna fix this?"

"My magical library's increased a lot since then. I'm sure I'll find something."

"Well...okay," Flash picked Fluttershy up, "But I'm gonna take her to see Zecora and ask about an antidote. It'll be safer if I go with her. Who knows what she might run into in the forest." They nodded and all went their separate ways, Fluttershy letting out a sigh. "You okay?" Fluttershy tried to reply, but Flash had no clue what the reply was. "Sorry, I have no idea what you're trying to say." Fluttershy moaned again, "This must be how Angel feels all the time."

Hearing this, Fluttershy went wide-eyed, only to frown at those words. That is, till Flash added, "Don't worry. We'll get you to Zecora and get her to fix this. You'll be back to your old self in no time. And who knows, Angel might have your chores done by then."

Back at the sanctuary, Heart watched as Angel brought a metal bowl over to the chained up wolf.

He threw it down before filling it with carrots, making the wolf moan as he smirked. "And we're gonna keep at it until you start to develop a taste for it!" Sandra moaned as Heart shook his head at this. Angel checked a box off his list and read the next one, "Uh...Check Muriel's trunk." He moved over to the baby elephant, whose trunk was wrapped up in a sling.

He took it off and the elephant stretched her long nose, letting out a wimpy elephant cry before trying to suck air into it. But by doing so, she pulled a bunch of keys off a hook next to her and sucked them down her trunk. Heart gasped while Angel shrugged. "Eh, seems fine to me. As long as we don't need those keys."

"Are you kidding me?" Heart flew down at this, "Don't try and blow them out. I don't need to be Soul to know metal being pushed through a confined space at high speed isn't good."

"Let's see," Angel kept reading, "Massage Clementine's neck." He grabbed a ladder and carried it over to the giraffe, clearly forgetting Fluttershy's body came with wings, using it to climb up and pat the coughing giraffe on the back of the neck. Job 'done', he checked the list. "Get Scout to switch legs?" She looked over at the flamingo and saw it was asleep. "Eh, probably best not to wake him." He looked back at the list, "Did the thing with the thing, yadda-yadda-yadda, animals, animals, animals. All that's left is...Monitor Zecora's gecko until bedtime"?"

He looked up in horror before turning to the gecko. The little lizard breathed out some smoke, making him frown. If he had to watch the stupid thing until the sun set, he wouldn't get to do anything he wanted. "Alright, how about we do bedtime now?" The gecko tilted its head before pointing at its stomach. "Yeah, eating makes me tired, too." A smirk suddenly appeared on his lips. "Which reminds me. There's some carrot extract with my name on it." He looked around. "Okay! Let's get you fed and off to dreamland! What do you eat anyway?"

The gecko looked around, then spotted a certain cookie jar holding snake.

Angel took the gecko over to him and smirked as Antoine looked up. "What do you say, snake? Can you find something else to eat if I borrow those cookies for my friend here?" The snake looked down at the cookies, then nodded and emptied it out onto the ground in front of the gecko. The lizard started eating the cookies down and as it did, it coughed out smoke. "Eh, I'm sure that's normal."

Antoine slithered off to get something else to eat, while Angel carried the gecko over to his bed. "There you go." He put the lizard down to rest. "Problem solved. I don't see what's so hard about this job. Fluttershy is such a whiner."

Flash and Fluttershy were making their way through the forest, Flash being on the lookout for anything that might attack them. Luckily, there were no timberwolves, puckwudgies or cragadiles in sight. The bunny on his back was on constant alert, but Flash was sure they would reach Zecora's place in no time. "Relax Fluttershy. We'll be there soon." But as he said that, they pushed their way through a bush, only to hear a loud squawk.

Looking up, they gasped seeing an eagle flying down towards them.

"WHOA!" Flash leapt to the side, accidently throwing Fluttershy off his back. "Augh!" Flash picked himself up, "Wait! Eagles eat rabbits?!" He asked, only to point his sword at the bird, "Back off!" He swung his blade around, the avian taking to the air and flying off. "Cost is clear Fluttershy. You can come out now." But when he looked back, he found...nothing. "Fluttershy?"

The pony turned rabbit raced through the underbrush, terror at being so small overwhelming her ability to think straight. All she could think about was getting away from the bird, completely forgetting Flash was meant to be protecting her, which he couldn't do if she rushed off. She leapt through a bush and finally ran into something that stopped her dead in her tracks, that something being none other than Zecora.

She ran into the zebra's leg and staggered back as Zecora turned to her and smiled. "Quite a day, my fuzzy friend. Did things work out for you in the end?"

Fluttershy, panting in exhaustion, pushed herself up and started motioning for her. But alas, Zecora was just as incapable of understanding her as everypony else. "I'm...sorry, dear bunny, that things seem so grave. But I don't understand when you sign and wave." Fluttershy groaned at this, "A single link to all the world. Only one in all the land. How special she must be to you, the one who understands." Fluttershy went wide-eyed at this, now remembering what Flash had said. Angel really did have only one pony to speak to, and that pony had been ignoring him. "Perhaps if you explain what you wanted to some pony who understood. If you truly felt heard and valued, all would return to good."

As Fluttershy heard this, she realized Zecora hadn't given them the wrong potion. She had given them a potion to help them see through one another's eyes. She wanted them to swap bodies so they could see how the others lived.

"And if you were to both apologize, having learned this little lesson, I imagine that might bring an end to the friendship therapy session."

Fluttershy gasped and rushed back for the sanctuary while Zecora continued picking the flowers she had been foraging for before the bunny had arrived. A few minutes later, she heard rustling and looked back to see Flash staggering out of the bushes. "Zecora, have you seen Angel anywhere?"

"Angel, no, I haven't seen a peak. Though shouldn't Fluttershy be who you seek?"

"So you know they swapped bodies?" Flash asked, Zecora nodding. "Well, did you give them something to counteract the potion?" She shook her head, "Why not?"

"I'm sure you remember your own body switching event, and the lessons you and Twilight learned as it was spent?"

Flash blinked at her, only to facehoof, "You did this on purpose so Angel and Fluttershy would learn a lesson." She nodded, "So they're gonna switch back on their own?"

"Once their friendship is renewed and strong, only then will their minds return to where they belong."

Flash sighed at this, "That's...gonna get complicated. Especially if Angel is involved." He shook his head, "Nevermind. Which way to Fluttershy go?" Zecora pointed in the direction the bunny went, Flash galloping off, hoping he could find her before she ran into something too dangerous.

Back at the sanctuary, Angel was attempting to get into the storehouse in order to get the carrot extract he craved. But the door was locked, and he had a feeling he knew where the keys were. So instead of getting them out, he tried to push the door open just as Iron arrived from his patrol. "You're back!" He smiled, then noticed what Fluttershy was doing. "Is the door stuck?"

"Um...yes," Angel nodded, "Very stuck." He opened his mouth to say more, only to realize this was Iron. Fluttershy's husband. And he knew that if he told him that he wasn't really Fluttershy, Iron would likely want every detail of what had happened and he would never get that extract. "Could you...open it for me, hubby-wub?"

"Hubby-wub?" Iron raised an eyebrow, "Ooookay. But why not just slam it open by growing larger?"

Angel had actually forgotten he had that ability. Iron was about to charge at this, only for Fauna to walk up to them, "Angel, are you busy?"

This stopped Iron from his charge, spinning around, "What?" He asked, "Angel?"

"Oh Iron, you're back." She turned to Angel, "He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Iron turned to Fluttershy and glared at her, Angel gulping. A second later, he started to explain, Iron's eyes going wide, "YOU AND FLUTTERSHY CHANGED BODIES?!"

"Yes," Angel sighed.

"So where's Fluttershy?"

"She went to talk to Zecora to get something to reverse it. Flash went with her, so they shouldn't be too long." Iron growled at this, only for Angel to glance back at the door, "Now, do you mind opening this for me?"

"Before you do that," Fauna spoke up, "Do you mind helping me look for Muriel the baby elephant?"

"Oh," Angel pushed on the door, "She's having dinner with Antoine." This statement caused both Fauna and Iron's eyes to go absolutely wide.

"Antoine the python?!" Fauna cried, Angel nodding.

"It was on the list. Remember, Antoine wants to have Muriel over for dinner."

"You idiot!" Iron yelled as Fauna rushed up to grab him by the shoulders.

"Not OVER for dinner! He wants to have her FOR dinner!"

This correction caused the bunny turned pony to go wide eyed. "Wait, what?" Fauna and Iron ran off at this, Angel hot on their tails. Well, not hot. He was going with that, but not at the same speed.

When he arrived at the spot Antoine was, he found Iron and Fauna around the snake and saw a large elephant-shaped bump in his body. "Bad snake!" Fauna cried, grabbing the python's jaws and trying to force them open. "Open your mouth this instant, mister!"

"You alive in there?" Iron asked the baby elephant, who let out a cry. "AUGH! How could this have happened?! I thought those cookies Fluttershy got him were enough to keep him from doing this."

"Oh..." Angel laughed, "Yeah...about that." The other two turned to him, but a loud bark caught their attention and made them look over and see Sandra trying to grab some mice that were making off with her carrots. Either she had developed a taste for the veg and was angry it had been stolen, or she was trying to have the mice for a snack. Whichever it was, the mice ran off and accidently knocked over Harry's card pyramid. This made the bear roar, scaring several animals, including Scout, who started running, only for his leg to give out and make him fall. Clementine started coughing at this, only to suddenly let out a blast of fire. The flames caused one of the wooden structures to catch fire, scaring several birds until Iron stamped it out.

Fauna screamed as she rushed over to Angel "What is going on?! You did all the chores on Fluttershy's list! Huh?! Didn't you?!"

"Kinda," Angel shrugged, "Most of them...sort of."

"What do you mean, sort of?!" Iron roared as he ran to Angel. "Fluttershy entrusted you with finishing them off! I did all the hard work, all you had to do was a few simple tasks!"

"Why should I?" Angel cried, "It's not my job to look after these animals."

"Fluttershy would have already done them if you hadn't misbehaved and had her take you to Zecora! Now look at the mess you caused! Fluttershy's gonna be more busy then ever getting things back to normal!" He probably would have kept shouting, only to hear some movement, making them turn to see a very roughed up bunny crawling toward them.

"Oh my goodness!" Fauna yelped, "Is that Fluttershy?"

They picked the rabbit up, Angel looking terrified. "What's wrong with her?! What happened?"

"She's exhausted!" Fluttershy whimpered as Fauna turned to the others. "I need a jar of concentrated carrot extract! Stat!"

Iron growled at this, "It's in the supply room and the door is stuck!"

"Well," Angel scratched the back of her head, "Not stuck...just locked."

Iron glared at him at this, "You were trying to slack off and get carrots, weren't you?!" He turned to where the keys were usually hug, but found they were gone. "Angel...where are the keys?!"

"Um...Funny story?"

Five minutes later...

Angel and Iron were standing next to Antoine listening as the elephant let out a muffled trumpet sound, "So...any ideas how to get the keys out of the elephant that's inside the snake?"

"Well, you can always shrink down and let the snake swallow you, get the keys and come back out again."

Angel gulped at that, "Uh...any other ideas?" All of them crossed their arms/wings/paws ect, and turned away from him. "Okay, point taken. And I totally deserve it. I did not provide you with the care that Fluttershy would. But now you know what it's like not to get the level of attention to which you've become accustomed!"

"Not the time!" Iron yelled.

"The point is...Fluttershy is trapped in my bunny body. If we don't help her, maybe none of us will get her attention! I get that you don't want to help me. But don't you want to help her?"

The animals all glanced back, all remembering how Fluttershy was always there for them. Of course they would want to help her, even if it meant helping Angel. Sandra let out a howl of annoyance, then growled at Angel, telling him of a plan she had. It involved undoing the leash trapping her to the tree, then replacing it with a long rope. They took the rope over to a pair of trees that formed an X, with Clementine throwing one end over the crossover before the gecko brought it over to the snake and tied it around Antoine's tail.

"Here goes nothin'," Angel muttered as he nodded to Scout. The flamingo nodded back and gave Sandra the signal, the wolf rushing at top speed. This caused the rope to go tight and pull the python toward the tree. And when he hit it, the part of him holding Muriel got struck on the other side. Sandra kept pulling as hard as she could, slowly pulling Antoine's tail through the gap in the trees. And as more of him was pulled through, Muriel was pushed up his body.

And eventually, Antoine was pulled through the trees and the baby elephant was sent flying out of his mouth.

Everyone gasped seeing this as Muriel slammed into the ground, covered in...stuff. Angel and Iron flinched at this before running over to the elephant. Iron checked her over while Angel stared at her trunk. "Now we just need to get those keys out of there."

But as he said that, he noticed Muriel's trunk wasn't bulging like it had earlier after sucking the keys inside. And when Angel looked inside, he saw nothing to indicate they were in there.

"Wha...where are the keys?" But as he asked this, he heard a jangling sound and they all turned to see Heart flying down with the metal devices.

"Sorry I was gone for so long," he placed the keys back on the hook. "Cleaning the elephant snot off these things took forever." He turned to them, only to notice everyone except Muriel was staring at him with mouths open and eyes wide. "What?"

Angel turned to Murial with a glare, "Why didn't you tell us you didn't have the keys anymore!?" The elephant looked at him in anger and let out several angry cries. "Oh."

"What did she say?"

"She said she was worried if she told us she didn't have the keys anymore, we'd leave her in the snake until she was digested."

Iron wanted to tell the elephant that was ridiculous, but then remembered he had actually forgotten about the elephant when he saw Fluttershy. "Come on. Let's go help my wife turned rabbit. We'll talk about that later." He grabbed the keys at this, Angel and Heart following, the colt wearing a look of confusion.

Fauna continued to care for the exhausted bunny, only to hear a groan and looked up to see Angel pushing the carrot extract toward them. Once she got the jar up on the rock they were on, the bunny turned pegasus groaned as he slid down the side of it. "This place is so...much...work!" Fauna giggled as she opened the jar and moved over to her bag.

"Now you understand why Fluttershy is so tired all of the time," she commented, "I have no clue how she does it all. But we are so grateful." She took out a syringe and headed back to the jar as Angel leapt up onto the rock and looked over his exhausted form.

"I can't believe she does this every day!" he moaned, now understanding why she never had any time for him. "I just wish I could tell her myself." Fauna nodded as Angel opened her mouth, allowing the vet to place the extract in her mouth.

Iron and Heart arrived at this, the group gathering around her waiting to see if the extract could help. But after a few seconds, it seemed like it wasn't working. Angel started whimpering, only for Fluttershy to finally open her eyes. "You're awake!" He cried, happy when Fluttershy picked herself up and jumped up and down. She then started talking, with only Angel understanding her. "It was so hard getting to Zecora's hut? And impossible getting back? You can't believe I survive like this?" Fluttershy nodded, "Well, I can't believe you work here every day! These animals are crazy! No wonder you don't have time for me!"

"I'm still confused about who's who," Heart scratched his head.

"My life is hard?" Angel translated, "No, your life is hard!" Fluttershy spoke again, "You never appreciated me? No! I never appreciated you!" Fauna was glad she knew that they had swapped bodies or else she would be very confused right about now. "You're sorry? I'm sorry, too!" He grabbed the rabbit and pulled her close. "Come here, you little bunny who's a pony who's a bunny! Ooh!" The pair hugged one another and as they did, the pair suddenly glowed and the light swirled around as they cried out.

"Fluttershy!" Iron yelled as the light exploded off of them to reveal they had traded places with Angel hugging Fluttershy.

"Oh my goodness!" Fluttershy gasped when she saw she was back to normal. "I'm back!" She leapt for joy, "I'm a pony again!" Angel also leapt up in happiness as Iron rushed over to hug her. She hugged back before turning to her best bunny buddy. "Oh Angel, I promise to always make time for you from now on." Angel spoke back, actually glad he could now only talk to her. "What do you mean maybe I won't have to?" Angel continued to speak, making Fluttershy gasp, "You want to do what?!"

Iron and Heart raised an eyebrow at this, only for Flash to fly down, panting, "I...I finally found you!" He landed, looking exhausted. "I was hunting all over the Everfree for Fluttershy." He looked down at Angel, "Sorry I lost you."

Fluttershy giggled at this, "It's alright. Everything turned out for the best." Flash looked up at her and saw they were both back to normal, making him sigh in relief. That is, till Iron grabbed his tail, pulling him away.

"You lost my wife while she was in a defenseless bunny body, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE EVERFREE FOREST?!"

"Um..." Flash muttered out, biting his lip before saying, "Well you see...um I...well..." Iron's growling increased as Flash began to sweat. "Look a distraction!" He pointed at the sky and everypony turned to see nothing there. Flash quickly pulled his tail out of Iron's grasp and shot into the air, flying away as fast as he could.

"SENTRY!" Iron roared as everypony laughed.

Angel's plan to spend more time with Fluttershy and not compromise her busy schedule was to start being a part of the sanctuary. He joined the predator/prey support group, where he learned he didn't just need Fluttershy to communicate. He also decided to help out wherever he could, helping Fluttershy complete her chores. Though he couldn't do much with his small body, he did his best to make things easier for her.

Zecora soon returned for her gecko and was informed by Doctor Fauna that he was actually a young fire lizard, who's developing flame made him look just like a gecko with a smoking cough.

Nighttime soon came with Iron and Fluttershy getting ready for bed, Fluttershy brushing her hair while Iron was giving his Celestic Gear a quick clean. "Iron?" He turned to his wife, "Do you think I should try and hire some extra help?"

Iron raised an eyebrow at this, "Where's this coming from?"

"Well, today got me thinking about everything I do at the sanctuary. It's really important and can't be put off, but I can't keep doing it all on my own. It's like you said: I'm not a machine. If I keep doing this every single day on my own, I'll break." Iron nodded at this, "And if more animals keep showing up, I'll eventually be overwhelmed. So if I want to keep the sanctuary running smoothly, I need to find help."

"Good idea," Iron replied, "Plus, it'll give you more free time. Time you can spend with Angel, your friends..."

"And you," Fluttershy smiled before putting down her hairbrush and getting into bed. Iron did the same and the pair cuddled up together. "Tomorrow, I'm gonna start looking for ponies that can help me. It might take a while to teach them everything that needs to be done, but in the end it'll be worth it." Iron kissed her at this, the pair then holding one another and went to sleep thinking about the same thing.

Fluttershy's job was important, but it was also important for the mare to have a life outside of it. In time, the number of ponies working at the sanctuary would grow to the point Fluttershy could hopefully have a nice work life balance. She could work at the sanctuary, spend time with Angel and her friends and be able to care for the family that she would one day be a part of.

Author's Note:

Well, I'll admit this one was kinda fillery. Hope you still enjoyed it though.