• Published 3rd Jun 2023
  • 599 Views, 15 Comments

Ninas adventures - Jedi0765

Centuries after ancient equestria a lone dragoness has awoken to a strange new world that she once knew.

  • ...

Break free

(2 Months Later, Maretime day)

Things just went from bad to worse, it all started with the Pegasus magic and the Unicorns magic glitching out on the Earth pony residents causing the Earth ponies to accuse the other tribes of doing it on purpose, Sunny and her friends figured it as everypony still trying to figure out their powers but Zipp has looked into it and has brought it to their attention of the Magic disappearing because of the tribes fighting, so the friends tried to make the Earth Ponies holiday special for all tribes but an Earth pony name Posey wanted the other tribes out because of their magic. And because of this the crystals have lost almost all its magic and to top it off causing storms to appear and for a type of Black hole to appear in the streets of Maretime bay.

The Pegusi and the Unicorns moved to get away from the portal ,but the Earth Ponies's hooves got stuck to the ground by some kind of magic grip.

"We're stuck!" One of the Earth Ponies cried out as they tried to get free.

"Please let us go!" Another Earth Pony mare pleaded to a unicorn next to her, thinking they were doing it.

"It's not us!" The unicorn pointed out that it's not them doing as they saw lightning strike a tree, destroying it.

Posey tries to free her hooves with a grunt effort, but can't seem to budge as Windy comes next to her. "Can't you ponies with magic do something?!" She pleaded, for the first time in her life, she would like somepony to use their magic to help them.

"Ugh!" Windy tried to fly but couldn't. "Our magic isn't working!" she cried out.

"Aah!" Hitch cried out as he held the eggs in one of his hoofs, but the rest of them were stuck on the ground as well. "I do not like this! No! I do not!" He cried out before a newspaper hit his head before it flew with the winds.

The portal continues to grow as it draws closer to Posey and Windy, the latter tries to get Posey free, but then they fall to the portal once it gets close to them, causing the two ponies, since Windy can't fly, to scream as they fall to the void. "Posey! Windy! No!" Sunny cried out as the girls came to her, Hitch still stuck, as they saw Posey and Windy falling to the void.

"Come on, Alicorn magic! Work!" Sunny called out, trying to bring out her alicorn half.

"But the magic! I-It's gone!" Zipp called out.

"Then I'll have to try without it! I'm going in!" Sunny said with a determined expression, going to save Posey and Windy without her alicorn magic.

"Not without us!" Izzy called out, and then her horn starts to shimmer as they saw it glow.

"That's it!" Zipp said as she realizes now on how to fix this. "The magic will come back to us if we can work together!" She pointed out with a hopeful smile.

Zipp then spoke to the ponies in Maretime Bay closest to them. "Come on, Pegasi! Come on Unicorns! Help the Earth ponies!" She called out as the two tribes, unicorns and pegasi, helped the earth ponies to get unstuck.

Izzy then used her magic to get one of the earth pony stallions free as it got free from the magic grip, giving her a 'thank you' look before trotting off. Zipp and Pipp then worked on freeing Hitch as they grunt in effort, and then got him free. "It's working!" Zipp said as she and her sister started to fly and Zipp flew to where Sunny is. "YOU GOT THIS SUNNY!" She called out to her.

Izzy then came next to her as she levitated Sunny's lantern. "It's too dark in there! Take this!" She said while giving her the lantern in her magic as thunder boomed, and then Izzy's magic glitch out again as the lantern fell into the void.

Sunny is brave enough to jump and grab her lantern in her teeth as she falls into the void, leaving the rest of her friends to friends to worry for her.

Meanwhile in a cave near Zephyr Heights, the crystal has gained more cracks in the past 3 months, revealing more inside, and with cracks show a creature not seen in many years, a Dragon, or a Dragoness to be more precis, the crystal is hiding some detail but what is shown is that she has large silver horns, a set of large wings, and a tail blade, her eyes were closed and from what looks to be tears are shown to be coming down it's face, but they were frozen.

The dragoness was frozen in time for a long time, how long... Lets just say a few hundred years.

When in the crystal you are put in a sleep for the only way for you to wake up is if the crystal is destroyed and the the being trapped inside it is free from it. But that'll only happen if someone from the outside were to find the crystal but so far none have.

The only thing going on in the dragoness head is silence, for all the years shes been trapped in this crystal shes had nothing but silence, at least she did, until the visions started.

It always started the same way, with her seeing these ponies in some sorta town, with thunder everywhere and a hole in the streets sucking everything in, then with another pony with translucent wings and horn diving in, then with the next few the visions being more blurry, but she makes out some green energy coming from the ponies with no wings or horns, then after that the vision just end.

But today something is different, the vision is more clearer, after the first vision ends some new visions appear, the first being the image of five ponies with 2 being Earth ponies, 2 being Pegusai, and 1 being a Unicorn, the next being a dark figure in the shadows with its back turned to her, she wasn't able to make out any detail but the vision started to turn black but the figure turned it's head to the side only for her to see pure white eyes, eyes that were full of hate.

Then her head started to feel like it was clearing up, like the very thing that was keeping her asleep was being lifted. She started to feel her claws, her tail, and finally her eyes, what she didn't know was the crystal on her neck was starting to glow.

More cracks started to appear on the crystal as she started to get control of her body with every crack, with every crack came a weird feeling. It felt like she was in a new body, it was still the same but something was different.

Back to Sunny, she was successful in rescuing Posey and Windy from the black hole thanks to her Alicorn Magic and was making her way back to the black holes entrance, but there were a few obstacles in her way, a few stringers and debris that were pulled into the black hole, and what was worse her magic was starting to glitch out again.

"No,no,no,no,no, c'mon!" Sunny exclaimed with some difficulty with keeping her magic stable. "Just a little bit longer and I'll be home free."

When she was only mere inches away from the entrance her magic glitched away, leaving her to fall into the void, there she did what anyone with common sense would do, she screamed her head off.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" She started to scream as she fell out of control, her ticket out of there getting smaller the farther she fell. When she was getting farther away from the opening she stopped screaming and, with some tears staring to well in her eyes, close her eyes, almost as if accepting her fate. She knew there might not be a chance for her to make it back to the others, but as long as her friends were safe, she was fine with that, her only regret would be to leave her friends as soon as she got to be their friend.

But before she could fall any further she started to feel her magic come back to her, and the next she saw was a bright flash.

"Take care of her Sunny, please..............."

Back on the surface, the earth ponies are free thanks to ponykind working together as Posey and Windy are levitated out of the portal as the ponies watch in awe as they are placed safely on the ground as the magic sphere fades.

Once Posey and Windy are safe, the ponies and the rest of the Mane 5 are looking at the portal, they grow worried for Sunny since she haven't made it up yet. "Sunny?" Izzy called out worriedly as she looked at the portal.

And then suddenly, a magic rainbow flew out of the void as Sunny flew out after it before the portal closed. The ponies watched in amazement as the rainbow made its way right into the Crystal Brighthouse. Inside the Brighthouse, the magic vines appeared in the walls of the Brighthouse before heading into the Unity Crystals, which gives off a magic explosion as the magic vines spread from the Brighthouse and into the rest of Equestria as the Earth Ponies saw their hooves sparkled green once the vines made contact with them. The Earth Ponies watched in awed as their hooves sparkled.

Hitch laughed as the magic vines came to him as well as he laughed."That tickles!" He said after feeling the tingly sensation of the vines "I know, I know! I totally agree with everything you guys are saying." He said to them, but was caught off guard at what he just said as he drew closer to his critters. "Did you just... talk?! Did I just... understand you?! Whaaaaat?!" He said in amazement and shocked at the same time as one of Hitch's birds chirped at him, telling him something he should know. "Wow, that's a lot of information. Well, nice to meet you, Kenneth. I'm Hitch!" He introduced himself as the bird continued chirping to him.

Back to Posey, she looked at her new green glowing hooves and gently tapped the ground, creating roses out of thin air, "Flower power...?!" she gawked in awe as two more Earth Ponies used their new magic to restore the tree that was destroyed from the lightning strike.

Hitch watched in amazement as the rest of their friends came to them as they saw this new magic Earth Ponies can do now. "Earth Pony Magic!" Sunny smiled in amazement next to Sunset and Hitch.

"But that's never happened before!" Izzy grinned as she hopped next to Sunny.

"Maybe when we come together, we can create new magic." Zipp theories with a smile.

"You're right, Zipp." Sunny said as she continued. "Actually, you were right about everything. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I should've been a better friend and listened." She apologizes to the pegasus for not taking things seriously. "I was just so focused on hoping magic was okay that I lost sight of everything else." She said as she came close to her. "Can you forgive me?" She asked her.

Zipp chuckled at Sunny's question. "Obviously." as Sunny laughed as she gave Zipp a hug.

And then they heard Queen Haven's voice. "Zephyrina!" She called out as the Mane 5 turned and saw Queen Haven coming to them with Thunder and Storm behind her and Cloudpuff. "There you are! My hoofness, what an ordeal!" She exclaimed of what had happened. "Gather your things. We need to hit the sky if we're going to make it back to the palace by sundown." She said to her, wanting Zipp to return to Zephyr Heights so that she can train to be a true princess.

"Mom! I'm not going back with you!" Zipp stated, as she doesn't want to go.

"We agreed that you were to resume your studies." Queen Haven reminded her daughter of their talk from the other day.

"My place is here in Maretime Bay with my friends." Zipp said while looking at her friends before facing her mother. "I just need more time to figure things out. To investigate magic. To explore who I am before I take on my royal duty. And... you know what? I think who I am is somepony who likes figuring things out." She spoke from her heart, having found her purpose on staying in Maretime Bay other than flying as she likes to discover new things and figuring out.

Queen Haven give her daughter a proud smile, understanding her daughter choice, and proud of her. "Yes, you certainly are, my little princess investigator." She said while placing a hoof under Zipp's chin as she placed her hoof down.

"Mom? Would you do me a favor?" Zipp asked her.

"Anything, darling." Queen Haven answered, going to do anything for her daughter.

"Would you mind just calling me Zipp for now?" Zipp asked, wanting her mother to just call her Zipp instead of 'Princess'.

"Of course... Zipp." Queen Haven obliged her daughter's wishes with a smile as Cloudpuff crawled to the rest of the Mane 6 as he barked at Hitch, who is the only pony who can understand him.

"I'm sorry, it's a what?" Hitch asked Cloudpuff again as the dog barked again, and then the Mane 5 saw the egg Hitch was holding shakes as it sparkled up as it began to hatch. Once it hatched, a magic dust cleared out as a baby dragon cooed at them, the baby dragon is a green baby dragon with a light green underbelly. He has four horns which all curl backwards with swirls on them. He has low, long ears with pink insides. He has a pair of bat-like wings. "A dragon...?!" Hitch said in amazement as did the rest of the Mane 5.

"But dragons haven't been seen in Equestria for generations!" Sunny stated with an exciting tone and barely contained herself at how cute the baby dragon is.

The baby dragon cooed as he hugged Hitch as Hitch smiled fondly at this baby dragon.

"He's so cute!" Izzy cheered, squealing at the baby dragon.

"Adorbs!" Pipp added as she takes a closer look at the baby dragon while he and Hitch are hugging as he got on Hitch's back with Hitch helping him as he cooed and hugged his back as the Mane 5 smiled at the baby dragon cuteness.

"Hey, everypony." Posey said as she got next to the Mane 5. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I acted." She apologized to them for her attitude and how she treated other ponies "I think I just felt…"

"Left out?" Zipp answered with a forgiving smile.

"Yeah! Exactly..." she admitted, her ears drooping in sadness, "And I let my feelings get the better of me which nearly brought that black hole and almost destroyed Equestria."

"Well, we'll make sure you or anypony else won't feel left out again," Sunny promised, and then looked at her friends, "Right, guys?"

They all spoke and nodded in agreement at this.

"Pipp? Would you mind...singing your new Maritime Bay song?" Posey asked, turning over a new leaf and wanting to start things fresh.

"I will on one condition: if you'll sing it with me," Pipp said with a smirk as she presented her lucky microphone.

"I'll do the harmony!" Posey said excitedly as she and the rest of the mane 5 went back to the stage to continue where they left off before...things went bad.

But what nopony knew was that the ponies of Maritime Bay weren't the only ponies aware of the the events that happened there.

In a secluded part of Equestria, there was a tall, dark castle that only a few ponies knew about.

And inside of the throne room of said castle, there was a tall mare that was looking at a screen that showed Maritime Bay.

"Hah. Those little ponies finally figured out how to stabilize the magic," she said to herself. The mare had a long, slightly curved horn that was colored paler towards the tip. She was deep purple with dark blue eyes and glittery blue eyeshadow. Her mane was white with light streaks of cyan and was parted into two side sections with thin braids wrapped around her ears.

"Took them long enough," she said before giving off an evil smile, "And now that they have, it's time to take back what is mine!"

As the mare laughed evilly, she spread out a pair of wings, revealing the fact that she was...an alicorn.

After she was done with her evil laugh she then opened a new panel showing an unconscious Dragoness, who was now out of her crystal, and the Alicorn had her eyes on this specific dragoness. One who's power she wanted for herself all those years ago.

"And it seems that the brat that I've been searching for has finally awakened, now is the time to take both the magic and both dragons. Wouldn't you say so old friend?" Smirking she turned to her left to see a pair of white eyes with nothing but pure hatred in them.

The story of The Dragon is about to begin.

Author's Note:

And here it is, Dang this took longer then it needed, thank you to JesusG0987 for the MYM finale parts, it saved me the headache.

Now the true adventure can begin, and it looks like Opaline has another partner instead of just Misty, lets see what happens.

Hope you enjoy and I'll catch you guys on the flip side.

Comments ( 10 )

Someone that Spyro and Cynder defeated and now Nina has to fulfill her own destiny. I hope she goes full out Light Form and blows away Opaline with a powerful blast destroying her body and soul. She defeated Malefor thanks to that power, so why can’t she do the same?

There are two options: either Spyro is Opaline's servant in his dark form, or this is some kind of reincarnation of Malfor. And in the portal, either Cynder or some remnant of Spyro's mind, separated from the main, corrupted body, addressed Sunny.

Recovering from allergies but I'm doing ok, how are you?

I'm slowly sorting out my studies, but otherwise everything is fine. Thanks for asking.

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