• Member Since 27th Aug, 2022
  • offline last seen Last Sunday



Rarity is the absolute picture of sophistication, grace, elegance and class, and her forte lies in the halls of high society, so when she somehow wakes up alone in a jungle with nothing but her saddlebag of supplies and some nasty surprises awaiting her, she has some huge hurdles to overcome.

The monster hunting village of Miliesu that she finds herself in has its own problems, as well; she will need to come to terms with the new world she has found herself in and the changes it is making in her before she can help them overcome the problems they are facing.

Will she be able to overcome her own self doubt and discover the root of Miliesu's plight?

For any who would are unfamiliar with Monster Hunter and would like to see the monsters for reference, you may see them in these two videos:

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 37 )

before i dig in note it is more common practice to post one chapter at a time rather then all at once

I've read this far and so far I am well entertained. As a huge fan of Monster Hunter, I'm getting a kick at how Rarity is slowly working her way through Low Rank.

This area seems to be similar to Monster Hunter World from what I've seen so far. I'm also curious to see if the anomalies Twilight was talking about at the beginning are related to why Rarity ended up here. Heck, speaking of MHW, this isn't even the second time (discounting the movie) that a cross-dimensional plot has taken place. Though, if I were to hazard an educated guess, I'm betting an elder dragon did it. :raritywink:

As for Rarity herself, I like her characterization so far. She's dainty, but she's shown plenty of times that she'll step up when the situation demands it. Her change in body appearance also makes sense when the mirror is taken into account. Though, I imagine it's easier to write her with hands than hooves. I'd call shenanigans that she speaks the same language, but given the game did it too, I'm not bothered by it.

The only thing I am bothered by is the harsh language. I wasn't ready for all the F-Bombs, and neither was Rarity it seems. Other than that, having a blast.

Moving on!

I know, but I wanted to write the entire story and be sure I could complete it… free of artificial deadlines or outside influences on its direction. I suppose I could ration out the chapters slowly, but if they’re already done…

Heh, I'm getting a kick out of Rarity learning the ropes. Her selection of weapons almost matches my learning curve. I was grinning at the stickies in particular.

Weird to see some of the monsters described using real-world examples. I'm not sure if tyrannosaurus was ever used. Makes me wonder if dinosaurs existed in Monster Hunter or not.

Moving on!

Glad to hear you’re enjoying it! I hope you continue to! Sorry to catch you off guard with the profanity - I will warn you, the tag is there for a reason, mainly there are a few characters that are (very) prone to it, and situations that lend themselves to it as well. I hope it doesn’t turn you off too much.

I can tell you it’s in more in the interest of character building and setting the tone of scenes than in shock value, though I’m sure people will naturally disagree and hate it.

Rarity really needs to learn about layered armor. Though, she'll probably spend so much time specking herself out that the hunt will be over.

Nothing like a near death experience to bring out the best and worst of people.

Oh I hope this doesn't sound rude but can I make my own fallow up story to this one? It won't be Canon. I mean it will but it would take place in its own universe where the events of this story are the exact same. If not can I at least us this story as a reference for my own mlp x monster hunter story?

Not quite sure what you have in mind - if you mean like making something like a sister story in the same universe, by all means, feel free! If you’re looking to change it to something completely different, I’m ok with you using it as a reference. I guess it depends what exactly you had in mind. Feel free to send me a message with your ideas and I’ll let you know a little bit more in depth.

Ew, a one cart mission. I hate those.

Rarity gets her first failed mission and some interesting tidbits on how this mess started. Looks like my first hunch was right.

Though, seeing how each monster has a different color when using their abhorrent powers, I'm suspecting that the Elements are involved too. I guess we'll see.


Ha! Knew Rarity would love layered armor.

I like the concept of stuff from the Monster Hunter world not working right in Equestria and vice-verca. Curious as to why Rarity didn't change back into a full pony or Syd for that matter. Cinnamon would fit right in with the Abyssinians, so no questions there.

Looks like we have our elder dragon culprit. Time to cut it down!

Its a good thing Dash didnt try to RainNuke that Ibi, cos there wouldnt have just been a hole in the forest, there wouldve been a hole in the planet. :rainbowderp:

If only all Teostra can be diced apart like that. At least Rarity can make the Emperor's new clothes!

Heh, everypony got Final Fantasy V jobs.

Pretty good finish to this fight. Not sure if there's anything left to carve after that.

And done.

I had a lot of fun reading this. Even if the ponies at the end were OP, it was entertaining to watch them work together. Tons of neat weapon references, too. Some of my favorites got to make an appearance.

Overall, a pleasant way to spend my Thanksgiving week reading this. Makes me want to boot up my nearest MH game right now.

Thanks a ton for the read and the comments! I’m glad you enjoyed the story, especially with the OP stuff at the end, I was a little anxious about throwing that in there, but I had fun writing it. Kudos on the FFV/FFTactics recognition. Also hope you got a chuckle out of the joke ‘final’ chapter. Thanks again and happy future reading!

A dragon-like wyvern with large green scales that are more like plating. It has a single horn, has wings that are more insect-like than dragon, and its tail is long and thin with a pincer at the tip. It attacks using electricity, as well as swiping with its wings or physically charging hunters. It is extremely aggressive. -CAUTION- Of note is that its wings, when electrically charged, can flash prismatically. Be cautious not to be distracted by their beauty. An astalos will not stop attacking while you admire it.

that might be problem for Rarity.

is Rarity in the New World or the Old World?

“Please, just Syd. And listen, with Renny, you can’t be pleasant and polite. You have to be foul-mouthed and rude just like she is. Get in her face. Shove other people aside. Show no manners. It’s all about you. If she wants to be nasty to you, be nasty right back. That’s how you get in her good books. Show her you’re not a pushover, that you can stand your ground. If you want her respect, you have to earn it. That’s how she sees it.”

That would work with Griffons too:rainbowdetermined2:

“Pinkamena Diane Pie!” Rarity scolded. “I told you to hit it in sensitive spots, but I can see what you’re planning, making it lean forward like that!”

“I’m just going to shoot its tail, Rarity, sheesh!” Pinkie waved her off. “Talk about overreacting!”

Rarity looked at her suspiciously. “Fine.”

Pinkie aimed and shot. The teostra bellowed across the night sky.

THAT WAS NOT ITS TAIL!” Rarity yelled.

“Oopsie!” Pinkie smiled. “Guess I aimed too low. Oh well! Better luck next time!”

Who wouldn't take the shot?:pinkiehappy:

While such mundane clothing was a far cry from her usual faire, she was quite sure that dresses and gowns were ill-suited for use in jungles. Regardless of the setting, however, she still could not prevent herself from repeatedly looking over the mirror to make sure everything about her appearance was in order before she returned to more important matters; namely, survival.

Wrong fare.

She hadn’t seen much in the way of edible looking plants yet, though she had passed by some small animals and heard birds and rustles in the canopy above, so there must be something to eat somewhere. Unfortunately, all the tips she had learned from Applejack about what to eat and not eat had revolved around “eat only things that you can recognize”, which wasn’t very helpful when the number of things you could recognize was zero.

Side note: One important line to draw: If it can beg for its life, it should automatically be off the menu.

Argh, what is wrong with these bodies? Do they not run on plants at all or something? It barely felt like I ate anything! That would have been quite substantial back home! Stupid body.

To be entirely fair, Ponies in Equestria are, what? about three or four feet tall? They are substantially shorter than the average human, either way. Of course she'd need more than usual. Also, though some herbivores are rather enormous back on Earth, that's partially because/to allow them to eat pretty much all day to get a;ll of the nutreients out of what they eat.

Ah, shaddup, you! :flutterrage:

The wolf-lizard was limping her way.

Its head was missing half of its scales, and one of its eyes looked as though it had been burned away; the scales going down its front leg were also burned away and it was limping on that leg, but its teeth were still deadly sharp. It growled and hissed at her as it moved, and it sidled up alongside her body as she lay there, her muscles too weak to move.

A Tigrex, perhaps? I don't think it's a Zinogre. :rainbowhuh:

Rarity looked around and wiped the sweat from her brow. The light was beginning to fade, but she had made the absolute most of her day, that much was certain. Next to her lay the remains of the wolf-lizard, barely recognizable any more; she had removed as much of the meat as she could, cooked it and wrapped it in large leaves, then stored it in a satchel she made for her food. After removing the meat, she had harvested as much as she could from the remains as she made her gear, which she now looked at with pride.

T: Fun fact: Pirateth uthed to (pirates used to) carry dried meat in a container called a Boucan. Henthe (hence) why they're called Buccaneerth (Buccaneers). Or "boucaneerth" (Boucaneers). :twistnerd:

An extremely loud grunting snort, punctuated by a snarl, came from somewhere in the distance, and it was all Rarity could do to keep from crying out in surprise. She kept extremely still and quiet as she heard something heavy and large slowly lumbering through the trees to her side, behind the tree she was sitting at. She desperately wanted to peek around the tree to see what it was that was approaching, but she knew that if she gave away her presence it could very well be the last thing she did. Whatever the creature was, it was heading in that direction, and Rarity held her breath as she heard it stop and sniff the air. It gave another large snort, and then moved on past her tree toward the beehive. It was what appeared to be a giant bear, easily twice Rarity’s height, with turquoise fur and what seemed to be almost like a shell on its back. It grunted and aimed its huge red-tipped claws at the hive, ripping the nest open and pouring angry bees out like water. The bear didn’t seem to care. It scooped up a large comb of honey and sat down to eat, seemingly oblivious to the fact that it was being stung thousands of times.

Arzuros, right? Aren't those in Generations and Rise? :unsuresweetie:


Just a tip: If you use [hr ] you get

The monster was easily three times her height, pinkish red in color with grayish black fur along its back, and resembled something she had heard of called a tyrannosaur. It violently shook the raptor in its mouth before tossing it upward in the air and catching it with a vicious bite that severed the head from the remainder of the body; the monster gulped the body down while the head flopped to the ground limply. Rarity found herself wondering if it was the raptor that slashed her arm. However, her next thought was much more sobering as the monster turned its gaze toward her.


The monster, however, did not get past making its first step. Faster than Rarity could realize, another creature had arrived in the area. Just as large as the tyrannosaur, this monster appeared to be a hybrid of a sort - it had a white furred squirrel body, scaled claws, and a head resembling a snake, and it had leapt out of a tree and attacked the tyrannosaur with a piercing hiss. Electrical energy sparked from the fur of the squirrely monster as it nimbly sped around the lumbering brute, biting its hulking body with territorial hissing, while the tyrannosaur flared its nostrils and raised two dorsal fins on its back; Rarity went slack-jawed as she saw the tyrannosaur’s maw open to spew a torrent of flame at the snake-squirrel. She was snapped from her daze, however, by an unfamiliar voice yelling behind her.

And Tobi Kadachi.

Both from World. Where the heck IS she?! :rainbowhuh:

“I was going to suggest something to eat, but it was something with meat in it… and I’m guessing that you don’t eat meat?”

Rarity laughed heartily. “When I first arrived here, no, I didn’t. But, survival being what it is, I had to try it, and I’ve found that I have quite a taste for it. So, what were you going to recommend?”

a lot as long as I stay around you.”Zoologically speaking, most animals on Earth are capable of consuming meat.

As to where she lives... Well, i could bring up the pigs and the sandwich, but I won't bother.

Cinnamon looked surprised, as did Aerylla and Zuny. Shaking her head, Aerylla mused, “Will the surprises never cease with you? I had assumed you’d be herbivorous, given your resemblance to other herbivores. I guess I will be learning a lot as long as I stay around you.”

“Don’t worry about that,” Aerylla interjected. “Breakfast is on me, and we’ll continue to help you out until you get settled and can find a source of income. We understand what it’s like to be displaced and lose one’s home and possessions, monster attacks result in that frequently enough in neighboring kingdoms.”

Well, as they say, those that pay together stay together. :ajsmug:

“Very well! I’ll be back with your orders shortly!” Zuny said brightly. And with that, the energetic, furry little cook was off to her kitchen in a blaze of speed.

Rarity watched her new friend leave, then turned and entered her new home. It was what she would describe as rustic, or possibly in other terms messily decorated, and she knew that she would have her work cut out for her in making it work in her style. But in terms of livability, it was very comfortable looking. There were a couple of beds, a suitable bathroom, a small kitchen area, plenty of shelving, a large storage chest, and weapon and armor racks as well. Rarity walked through the house, taking in her surroundings and stopping to appreciate the generosity that Leonys was showing her in allowing her to stay here free of charge while she found a way to earn money. With this thought in mind, she made her way back out to the street and set out to begin searching for work.

Well, she gets better lodgings than the Player Character.

To quote a video by Curious Archive,

I'm staying in an accomodation that my host assures me is in no way a hastily converted storage room.

The ceiling doesn't seem... particularly waterproof, but even in these humble lodgings I can smell the promise of discovery.

Or maybe that's just the smell of dirty laundry.

Rarity approached the forge with her bag slung over her back, kitted out in her jagras armor and equipped with her bone weapons, with a grim and determined expression on her face. Reneris was sitting beside her forge with a cup of coffee and chatting with someone as Rarity neared, and she took notice of Rarity almost immediately, and not with fondness. She stopped her conversation and scowled.

“Hey, looks like ya found someone else’s shit to wear! Even fits ya! Good for you! Yer ma would be proud for the first time in her life, I’m sure. Now piss off, I’m busy.” She made to turn away, but Rarity didn’t give her the time.

“Oh, get over yourself, bitch. I tried being nice and polite, but apparently that doesn’t work around here, so we’ll do it your way. You want me to be rude? Fine. See the shit I’m wearing? I made it. In the middle of the Celestia fucking jungle, after I melted a jagras’ face off with acid berries and then beat its head in with a fucking rock. Then I cut its skin off with its own fucking claws. You ever do that before? No? Just sit here with your little hammer and hit shit, I bet. Do you know what I did before I got here? What my job was? I was a fashionista . Sorry, you probably don’t even know what that is. I was a fashion designer. A seamstress. And then I got stranded out here.

And I made these,” she pulled out her blades, holding them for Reneris to see, “out of that same Celestia damned jagras! And I used my wimpy-ass prissy little seamstress’ tools to make them! And you know what?" she held her dual blades with her magic and shook them, not caring that Reneris’ eyes went wide with surprise at the floating blades as she continued her tirade, “ These killed a deer just fine, and this, ” she said, shaking her sword similarly, “cut a velociprey almost in half, right before another of the four that were attacking me almost slashed my arm off!” For added effect, she held up her gashed armguard, with her stitched up wound still visible below. Reneris looked at her arm and blanched, then back up at Rarity with wide eyes. Rarity continued with vigor. “So, miss full-of-piss-and-vinegar, I will not ‘fuck off’, I just want to talk about trying to make a Celestia damned living here!”

Rarity finished, taking a deep breath as her adrenaline was now flowing freely and her heart was beating unbelievably fast. Reneris was openly gaping at her, the friend she had been talking to was slowly clapping, and far behind she could hear Sydreol’s voice yell That was epic! amidst hysterical laughter.

That was absolutely SAVAGR! :rainbowlaugh:

“Yeah, the decisions can be overwhelming,” Sydreol said, as though he was reading her mind. “You just gotta give it a try, spend a little time with Jorahn in the training arena, and you’ll see what feels right for you. It sounds kinda funny, but you’ll probably have three or four weapons that will just click with you.”

Well, hey; Twilight only had one that clicked.

“Ugh, tell me about it,” Rarity lamented. “I practically had to give myself a mental meltdown just to converse with her. But, in a way, I’m glad I did. It felt… liberating, I suppose. I think, deep down, part of me just, I don’t know, kind of liked letting go like that.” She paused and thought about it deeper. “Maybe on occasion I need to step back from being so polite and proper, and be a little racy and raunchy and swear up a storm instead. Sometimes. Rarely. Probably when nobody is looking and listening.”

Or maybe on someone who DESERVES it. :pinkiecrazy:

“No, nothing wrong - if that’s what you want, I’ll use it! I only ask because that’s muslin; it’s normally used for making test patterns and designs, not for actual finished products. It’s just a very plain and cheap material; it’s actually what I’ve been using for bandages and such so far as well, it’s just that disposable. Like I said, if it’s what you want, I’ll gladly make you something, but I do want to give you the best I can offer after all you’ve done for me.”

“I live in the forest, Rowrity, anything super nice that you make me would get ruined super fast. Colors would get dirty and muddy, delicate cloth would rip and tear, smooth feeling cloth would quickly become rough and ragged, and I don’t want to see a beautiful outfit you made get ruined like that.”

T:Thome (some) of the nithe thingth (nice things) about muthlin (muslin):
It'th thoft and abthorbent (It's soft and absorbent), and it breatheth (breathes) very well.

“Absolutely!” Cinnamon bounded over to the fabrics with the energy of a kitten and pawed through them enthusiastically, eliciting a laugh from Rarity. She held up a bolt victoriously. “This one!" she announced loudly.

“Absolutely!” Cinnamon bounded over to the fabrics with the energy of a kitten and pawed through them enthusiastically, eliciting a laugh from Rarity. She held up a bolt victoriously. “This one!" she announced loudly.

Rarity inspected it before nodding in approval. “That’s satin, it’s much more suited to making clothes for you. Not only is it much more soft and lustrous, but it won’t stick to your fur, so it’s even more ‘purr-fect’, as you might say.” She giggled at the pun.

T: It'th altho wrinkle-rethithtent (it's also wrinkle-resistant) and hypo-allergenic:twistnerd:

“Yep!” Cinnamon beamed. “And it’s all your fault! Ya can’t blame me for being so happy, this is seriously the best night ever!”

It would only be a fault if it was a bad thing. :ajsmug:

Some appropriate music?

She moved a short way away and repeated the process, once again right next to the sleeping monster, then again a little further along its body, then snuck back to Cinnamon. She took a moment to inspect her handiwork: a sleeping, glowing pukei pukei surrounded by three blinking, highly explosive shells that she was about to shoot with several blasts of shrapnel. Life was good. Well, hers was. The pukei pukei’s wasn’t. Not for much longer.

This ought to be good... :pinkiehappy:

“I guess you wouldn’t really know about the added benefits of Zuny’s food. Her cooking actually gives you an added boost to your physical, mental, or other capabilities. I don’t know how she manages, but it does. It might boost your physical strength, or make you just a little more agile than normal, or maybe just give you a little ol’ boost of flat out luck, but it’s indispensable to eat here before heading out on a hunt. Come to think of it, you might want to talk with Renny about some decorations and armor abilities. You’d be surprised what they can do for you on hunts.”

“Interesting…” Rarity mused, tucking into her meal and noticing a subtle strength filling her as she ate.

[Rarity] will remember that...

Rarity sniffed loudly and smiled, gratefully accepting a hug from Faan. “Dammit, you guys are all too good to me.”

“Just be glad Reneris isn’t around to see or she’d be flipping out. And we’re not being too good to you, we’re just looking out for you. And considering how you’ve just killed a dangerous monster for us, I’d say it’s mutually beneficial. So, don’t think of it as us giving you special treatment if that makes you feel uncomfortable.”

You know what they say: Those that slay together stay together. :ajsmug:

Almost instantly she heard a low growling noise emanating from the shadows far ahead of her. She had no idea what odogarons looked like, but nothing she could have imagined would have prepared her for the beast that emerged, snarling and slavering at her. The massive monster appeared like a cross between a dog and a lizard, and had double rows of claws on its feet; it was covered in blood red scales, and had jaws filled with enormous dagger-like teeth. What terrified Rarity most, however, was that when it appeared, it was already glowing a fierce green.

Aaaaand cue the music! :yay:

The massive saber toothed monster pounced into their midst with blinding speed, giving them little time to react; Rarity was able to roll away just in time to dodge a swipe from its claws as it landed, though Cinnamon was knocked away by its wing, and Sydreol was battered by its tail as it landed.

Hit it!

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