• Published 12th Nov 2022
  • 2,958 Views, 355 Comments

A Dark Knight Over Canterlot - Battwell

Darkness personified. Vengeance incarnate. How does one who embodies such ideals work with those who embody Harmony and Friendship?

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"So, do you mind telling me what's up with you?" Sunset asked, breaking the awkward silence between her and Twilight. The cold, winter night seemingly getting worse as the wind was starting to pick up as Twilight, Spike, and Sunset all made their way down the walkway, snow covering their shoulders and any other part of their bodies as they trekked towards Sunset's apartment.

Twilight hadn't said a word since they had all left Canterlot Mall, she just couldn't find the words to at the moment. Seeing what Cozy Glow could've been had she had the chance to be reformed hurt Twilight, made her feel inadequate being the Princess of Friendship.

Trixie, Starlight, even Discord had the opportunity to turn their lives around for the better, and yet Twilight never got the chance to offer that to a young filly? That didn't sit right with her. Why would the Princesses not console her about this? Did they not respect her as a Princess? She wasn't technically royalty, she was only considered a Princess because of her wings.

Luna and Celestia are related by blood, and Cadance was adopted by the Solar Monarch when she was young, so she was royalty in that regard. But what about Twilight? She had been thinking about this ever since Cozy was sent to Tartarus. Sure she used to be Celestia's faithful student, but other than that, she wasn't even royalty. She was only addressed as a Princess out of respect.

Hay, even her brother, Shining Armor, was royalty due to being married to Cadance.

If that was the case, then what made Twilight so special? Why was she meant to be a Princess? She would outlive all of her friends and any others she would make by centuries. But even then, would she still consider herself worthy of the title of Princess?

Twilight sighed heavily, all of her stress and resentment weighing her down, "I-I don't want to talk about it, Sunset." She replied, sounding dejected, which worried Sunset even more.

It was then that Spike decided to pipe up, "Come on, Twilight. You have been acting weird lately, ever since we stopped Cozy and sent her to Tartarus you've been quiet, secluded, and overall just not yourself." He recounted as he peeked his head up from Twilight's backpack, "Plus, all that stressing about the other Twilight and--"

Whatever Spike was about to say would never be heard as Sunset suddenly interjected, cutting Spike off, "Woah, woah, woah, hang on." Sunset said as she shook her head and waved her hands to stop the conversation, "Let's rewind it, Twilight, you were stressing over our Twilight?"

To Sunset's surprise and shock, Twilight actually snarled when she finished her sentence.

"Your Twilight," The Princess of Friendship scoffed as she picked up her walking pace, getting further away from Sunset.

"Twilight wait!!!" Sunset shouted before running towards her friend, who was clearly angry about something. "C'mon, talk to me!" She pleaded, trying to get her friend to talk to her.

Twilight however, was in no mood to talk, "Sunset, I don't want to talk about it!"

Sunset, finally having caught up with her friend, positioned herself in front of Twilight to block her path, "You may not want to talk about it, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't talk about it!" Her stern expression softened as she put a hand on her friend's shoulder, "I'm worried about you, Twilight. I want to help you, so tell me what's wrong."

"Why? So you can just replace me again?" Twilight replied spitefully before scoffing and walking around Sunset.

The Equestrian stood there, confused beyond belief before she turned around to see Twilight's retreating form, "W-What the hell does that mean?!" She yelled, expecting a response from the angry Alicorn.

Twilight's body snapped around to face Sunset, but before she could yell a reply, a sudden gunshot sounded off nearby, causing the girls, and dog, to flinch. Sunset, knowing what a gunshot meant, decided to grab Twilight's wrist and booked it out of there.

"Come on, Twilight! We have to get out of here!" Sunset shouted with urgency in her voice.

Twilight was confused, "Why? What's going on?"

"Nothing good, someone could in trouble or hurt. We have to call the police!"

"Someone could be hurt... And Sunset wants to RUN?!" Twilight thought to herself mentally. She was about to tear Sunset a new one, when a sudden thought came to her. This was it. This was her chance to prove that she had worth as not only a Princess, but as a friend willing to help out anyone in need. She had no clue why Sunset was running away, they defeated The Dazzlings and other magical threats, even without her help. "No, I'm the Princess of Friendship, and I won't abandon anyone, or any creature ever again!"

Twilight suddenly planted her feet onto the snowy ground and broke free of Sunset's grip. Taking the girl's confusion as an opportunity, she tossed her backpack, with Spike inside, to Sunset and made a beeline for where the gunshot sounded off.

A building with a radio tower installed on the roof.

Sunset's eyes widened in horror as Twilight made her way towards the building, "TWILIGHT!!! NO!!!" She shouted before placing the backpack, and Spike, on her back and ran right after the foolish Alicorn.

Up inside The Batwing, a strange signal suddenly appeared on the navigation HUD inside the vehicle, which caught Batman's attention.

He clicked the earpiece inside his cowl and spoke, "Alfred, I've got--"

"I know, sir, I’m tracking it, too." Alfred's voice cut him off, revealing that he too was getting the same signal as he looked at the map of Canterlot City on the Batcomputer. "It appears one of the radio towers in the city is putting out a strange signal. Seemingly jamming all forms of communications in the surrounding area."

Batman scowled, his expression hardening as he tapped the screen, specifically where the signal was coming from, "Riddler's making his move, I'm heading there now, Alfred." He explained before nose diving The Batwing downward and activating the boosters.

"Understood. Be careful, Master Bruce."

Twilight walked through the building, wondering where everyone was. She searched the lower floors and made her way to the top floors of the building until she reached the floor below the roof. The Princess of Friendship was nervous, but put on a brave face.

She was coming around a corner but stopped suddenly when she heard the sound of voices.

The Alicorn turned Human poked her head around the corner and let out a small gasp at what she saw. There were three men standing above an injured man, he was grasping his right arm, it looked badly hurt. Twilight didn't understand what was going on.

Were these guys just bullying this man for no reason?

Twilight scowled, she didn't like bullies. Believe it or not, Twilight used to be bullied just for being Celestia's student. Ponies used to call her names, push her around, tease her, all because she was... special. Her frown deepened, she was going to put a stop to this.

And she would have too, had a hand firmly grasped itself around her wrist.

Twilight turned around, only for a light amber hand to cover her mouth. Sunset gave Twilight a glare that actually surprised the Princess.

"Twilight... What the hell were you thinking?!" Sunset whispered to her naïve friend, "You could have gotten yourself killed, you moronic Pony!"

Twilight's eyes widened. Killed? She could have been killed? "W-What are you talking about, Sunset? These are just your run of the mill bullies, that's all." She tried explaining herself.

Sunset looked at her as if she were insane, "Twilight, those aren't bullies. They're criminals!" She whispered harshly before adding, "This isn't like Equestria, where things can be solved with a song and dance. No. If you go out there, you could die."

Twilight was at a loss, all she wanted was to prove her worth as a Princess, maybe she was in over her head.

Her thoughts were broken when both she and Sunset heard the sound of the hostage's voice, "I swear, I'm the only one here. Look, My boss gets a call that the tower starts acting funny, right? So he sends a guy over. But he never shows. Probably went home for the night, lazy bastard… Anyway, when he doesn’t report in, he sends me over. There’s no secret plan here, fellas. I'm just doing my job." The clearly terrified hostage reassured his captors, hoping that they would believe him.

One of the goons was about to reply when suddenly, his Walkie-Talkie sounded off. He removed it from his belt and answered, "Yeah boss?"

"What's taking you imbeciles so long?!" The voice of The Riddler shouted over the Walkie-Talkie, "The signal is live but I don't have a complete connection! Did one of you idiots drop the device?! If you dropped it I swear..."

"Uhhh, no boss, we've kinda hit a slight setback." The thug replied.

Riddler was now annoyed and curious, "What kind of setback?"

"Some tech company sent a worker here to check on the tower. We got 'im here, but we don't know what to do with him."

Riddler groaned over on his side of the Walkie-Talkie before replying, "Isn't it obvious, you dunder-head?! Do you want a step-by-step tutorial on what to do? Well here you go! Step number 1: Take out your gun. Step 2, and listen carefully, this next step is very important. You take the gun.... AND YOU BLOW HIS BRAINS OUT, YOU DIMWITTED DROPOUT!!!"

Twilight, Sunset, and Spike all collectively gasped. Whoever this person was had no problems with taking the lives of other people. Their looks of horror only got worse when they all saw the thug take out his gun and aim it at the hostage's head.

Twilight, having seen enough, rushed around the corner and reached out her hand in an attempt to stop the criminal.

"STOOOOOP!!!" Twilight shouted just as Sunset and Spike rushed in after her to stop her from doing something stupid. All three Riddler Thugs turned around and aimed their guns at the three friends.

That's when the lights went out.

There was only darkness for no longer than a few seconds.

But a few seconds was all that he needed.

When the lights turned back on, the three Riddler Thugs screamed while Sunset Shimmer gasped in shock. Twilight and Spike were confused at the sight before they saw what the criminals were afraid of. What Sunset was shocked about. Even though they had no idea what was going on, they could tell that a sort of presence had entered the room.

Because there, standing in the middle of the room.

Was Batman.