• Published 7th Sep 2022
  • 274 Views, 6 Comments

Sunrise Over Manehattan - LateWork23

Previous Princess Celestia decides she wants to take her girlfriend, Daydream Lullaby, on a romantic date. Unfortunately, the news that Celestia retired hasn't reached all of Equestria yet. Or the fact that Daydreams parents don't know their dating.

  • ...

Chapter 3 : Making the most of it!

The ride to the motel was an experience to say the least. Luckily, a janitor that worked at the hotel was nice enough to let the two escape through the back door when they found that the paparazzi ponies were there, waiting for them like sharks lured to fresh chum. The pair waved down a taxi cart and although a few bits short, managed to get a ride.

Daydream looked out the window as the taxi drove, then looked over to Celestia. Her ears were down, and she looked genuinely upset at not just the situation but... at herself. Daydream placed a hoof on her back and tilted her head, giving her a small smile to try to cheer her up.

''Hey... It's okay, Tia. There are loads of fun things for us to do still.'' Daydream said, holding up her hoof a little bit.

Celestia looked at her, then down at the ground. ''I...I know, but I really wanted this to go off without a hitch. And the way you looked so... just...amazed with everything.''

Daydream felt her heart sink a little bit. Truly, it wasn't her fault, Tia was probably too excited to double check to see. Daydream knew that she tended to...rush into things sometimes. ''...Tia,'' She started. ''I'm just happy to be with you. No matter what happens, as long as you're by my side, I don't mind where we are.'' She gave her a soft smile. Celestia looked back up at her and smiled back. ''...As cheesy as that may sound.'' Daydream looked to the side with a light blush.

''...Alright. ...It's still a shame about the hotel, though.'' She sighed.

Daydream let out a soft chuckle, holding a hoof up to her mouth. ''...The gesture still means a lot, Tia.'' She had to sit up a little bit to bump her head against hers. ''We'll make the most of it.''

Celestia perked up a little bit, then took Daydreams hoof into hers, squeezing gently. ''...We'll make the most of it.'' She said, with a firm nod. ''Plus, this...Is only just a small bump in the road! I still have loads of stuff planned. We'll just need to travel a little bit farther... And judging by the cost of this taxi, uhm... I hope it's alright if we walk?" She scrunched up her nose a little as she smiled nervously. Daydream snickered a little bit, then nodded. ''I don't mind one bit, Tia.''


They arrived too the motel, and it was certainty...something. The neon sign at the check-in on the side of building flickered occasionally and a gruff looking stallion sat, reading a magazine. There was a bag of what Daydream hoped was trash and not a body, and the general condition of the motel was grimy. Still, though, she was optimistic and genuinely excited for whatever Tia had planned. Daydream was the first to exit out of the taxi, and then Celestia, who already had the suitcases. She trotted over and offered to take them, and Celestia go check in. With a nod and a quick peck on the check, Celestia trotted over to the check-in building and approached the counter.

''Uh, Hello! I'm here to check in!'' She smiled, as brightly as she could. The stallion looked up, then down and then back up with wide eyes. He set the magazine down as he quickly stood up, as if at attention.

''P-Princess! Uh,'' Then he paused, looking at her with a puzzled expression. He opened his mouth to speak, but she stopped him with a raised hoof.

''I'm, ah, retired. I suppose it hasn't gotten to everypony yet...'' She chuckled, nervously. ''Uh... ...Celestia is the name.'' Celestia lightly tapped the counter. The stallion blinked a couple of times, before turning around digging through a box. Celestia let out a sigh of relief as he pulled out a key and slid it towards her, with a nod.

He coughed a little bit, looking past her shoulder and then at her. ''So... Who's the mare?"

Celestia paused. She was about to reply with a 'nopony', however stopped herself. She was retired, and that meant that she didn't have to worry anymore, right? So, with a proud smile she grabbed the room key and held her head up high. ''My Marefriend! We're spending some time in the city.'' Celestia almost stamped her hoofs after saying it. The stallion still seemed a little confused but nodded, understanding and grabbed his magazine.

''Well, uh, congrats. Enjoy your time together.'' He said, already invested in his magazine. Celestia nodded and looked down at the room. Room 12. She trotted back out and over to Daydream, who was outside and looking up at the sky. She had one suitcase on her back and holding the other with her magic. She smiled at her approach, perking up a little bit.

Celestia took the suitcase off her back, the two starting to walk towards the rooms. Celestia unlocked and opened the room, holding the door open for Daydream with a small bow. Daydream chuckled, trotting inside and turning the light on. The inside of the motel was what you would expect. Tacky pictures hung on the wall, yellowed wallpaper and musty carpet on the floor. The room smelled like cheap perfume and cigars, with a light hint of cinnamon in the air. There were two beds inside of the room, and to the back was presumably the bathroom. There was an old television resting on a similarly old table, and under it was a minifridge. Celestia walked in and jumped on one of the beds, shifting a little before sitting up, a pillow pierced through her horn. Daydream removed the pillow with her magic, chuckling a little bit as she set it aside.

''It's very, erm...'' Celestia looked around, tapping her chin with her hoof. ''What's the word... Homey?" She tilted her head.

''Homey is...Certainly one word to describe it.'' Daydream paused, then looked under the bed. ''Uhm...Check the beds for bedbugs before we go to sleep tonight.'' She mumbled. Daydream got up and lifted the mattress with her magic. She glanced over at Celestia, who was already rifling through the mini fridge.

''...Are these free?" She squinted her eyes at a can of Blue-Bull. Celestia looked over at Daydream.

''Normally they aren't, but...'' She had to sit up a little bit to even attempt to look inside of the mini fridge. There weren't any price tags on any of the drinks inside, so they were either provided by the motel or costed way more than they should. Daydream watched as Celestia shrugged and opened the Blue-Bull, taking a long sip before scrunching her nose and coughing, wheezing.

''AGH- Shoot- Why is it spicy-'' She held her hoof over her nose. Daydream snorted, then started to chuckle. Celestia scrunched up her nose as she looked over at Daydream.

''Have...Have you never had a Blue-Bull before, Tia?" Daydream sat up a little bit, a small smile creeping on her lips as she stared at her.

''I've- Yes! I just haven't had one in a while...Agh, I think some shot up my nose, Blegh-'' She rubbed her nose as she walked over to the bed Daydream was sitting on, sitting down next to her and shaking the carbonation from her nose. ''Agh... I used to drink these when I had to prepare for a long meeting... I say drink, but I really mean chug.'' Celestia sighed, setting it down on the nightstand next to the bed. ''I'd usually crash at the end of the day, that's why I eventually had to stop.'' She shuddered a little bit. ''So many cans...'' She mumbled.

''Well...'' Daydream started, shuffling closer to her. ''Luckily, you don't have to drink anymore of that stuff. Or worry about meetings or... anything like that.'' She looked down. From what Celestia had told her, it was certainly a doozy. And emotionally draining from the sounds of it. She couldn't imagine the weight of an entire country resting on one's shoulders, nor having to put on a smile 24/7. She could respect her because of that. Putting on a brave face even though the situation was grim and being a leader was something Daydream admired and aspired to be and tried to do, even as a teacher.

She felt a soft wing wrap around and pull her closer. Daydream looked up at Celestia, smiling softly and sitting up. She kissed her check, then rested her head on her neck. She could feel her tense up but relax, her head resting on top of hers. Though they were in a dingy motel, Daydream couldn't feel more at home when she was with Celestia. She was warm, quite fitting for the alicorn who could raise the sun. Behind her stoic and calm demeanor was a genuinely bubbly and adventurous pony who, although could get in-over her head and act quickly, could always make Daydream smile or laugh. One of the many reasons she loved her...

Her thoughts were interrupted by Celestia's light yawn. She moved her head and laid down on the bed, pulling the covers over her. ''We got a big day tomorrow- I want to be up bright and early for us to make the most of the day!" She announced. Despite the mix-up, Celestia did in fact plan a big day ahead for the two of them. Daydream smiled, then settled down for bed as well, pulling the covers up to her head.

''Well, I can't wait. I'm sure you've been dying to show me.'' She let out a tired chuckle as her horn lit up, going to turn the light off. She paused upon hearing Celestia's soft snoring, blinking a couple of times. ...Wow. She never knew how fast she could fall asleep. She shook her head as she smiled, then turned the light off.

''Good night, Tia.''