• Member Since 24th Apr, 2021
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Important notice: unless stated otherwise, every single cover image for every single one of my MLP fanfics is drawn/painted by me.


Grief is a regular part of the regular pony's life, but with each loss, something new can be made.

An Izzy x Sunny x Zipp fic, written for Omegathyst's Hot Pony Summer contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

I woulda replaced Zipp with Pipp, and let Hit h have Zipp.

Still a good read though.

What an adorable fic! I loved it

This is a rare kind of story: one that leaves me speechless in the end. Everything about this was perfect, the way the romance was handled, the theme losing family and finding another, the meta joke in the middle about G5 ships...

But I'm to tried to say more, so I'll just wish you best of luck with the contest and give you a Derpy :derpytongue2:

Oooh, pony polyamory? Yes please! Looking forward to reading for the contest!

A wonderfully fluffy cuddle-fic if I ever read one:heart:. The pacing was a bit quick at times, probably from the fact that this one-shot was written for a contest which is usually somewhat based on speed-writing. I'd love to see an expanded fic that plays with this same idea over a longer period of time. the idea of Izzy of all ponies coming from a broken childhood is particularly tragic. It's not the first time though that I've seen pony characters both canon and fan-made stories suggesting that Equestria is hardly the utopia it pretends to be. I can only hope that the upcoming show can handle some of the more adult topics like death and loss with a little more finesse than G4's sometimes ham-hoofed attempts.

Congrats on winning 1st Place and the Lesbian Romance Award in the Hot Pony Summer Contest! This fic gives a unique feeling that is very rare from fics on this website, with Izzy's backstory and her date with Sunny being the best parts of the story. While I don't really ship Zipp with anypony because of my headcanons, you wrote her in a very believable way in regards to her backstory as well. You developed these characters and their relationships with each other really well. Thank you for participating in the contest!

From pony races wayward and distrusting to pony polyamory between the three. Sunny's really making a difference. :D

I loved this. You tackled the serious subject matter with respect and care. Every pony had a voice here and it all flowed so naturally. Thanks.

She liked to think he'd be proud of her. She was sorry he couldn't be here to see the recent return to harmony.

oof, yeah! that is quite a thing to be sorry about. poor Sunny!

Indeed, Sunny could smell coffee brewing and eggs cooking in the pan.

always love ponies cooking eggs it is always so fun

"Back when I lived in the Bridlewood Forest, I had to learn to cook for myself when I was pretty young.

oof! and Izzy is the only one of the three whose parents we never saw or even heard mentioned in the movie…

"Guess it figures; my dad and Sprout's mom always thought he'd be the first one to become a dad. Don't think they would've ever expected this, though."

hehe, yeah! both to Hitch being the first of them to be a dad and to this being a bit unorthodox

It took Sprout's dad when we were about three...Between you and me, I think that's why Phyllis is so overprotective of him. You know...why she spoiled him so much?"

that certainly would explain it! 

Sunny giggled. "Thanks. I think." She nudged Zipp's nose with her own. "You're pretty great, too."

The pegasus princess scoffed, but for a brief second, Sunny could have sworn that she saw a pink tinge to her white cheeks.

augh, the nose nudge! too cute!

"Her name was Java Heartbeat. We dated for a little while! Nice pony." It looked like she attempted to swish her tail, but the long hair had weighed it down into the ocean. "You'd probably recognize her if you saw her; she was the unicorn with the beret."

oh, the sad Beat pony? she was so cool! also quite a contrast with Izzy 

"I was ten when I kissed a pony for the first time. Another filly." Izzy shrugged. "I don't know who saw us or how it got back to them...but when I came back home, all my things were outside."

oof… to a ten-year-old? 

Izzy's impossibly large, impossibly pink eyes were soft and warm in the sunlight, glittering from the bits of spray from the warm water around them. "Me, too."

so true

Growing up, the grown ponies in the small town had looked at Sunny and Hitch with knowing smiles. Sunny remembered them cooing "What a cute little couple!" or "Aw, puppy love." At least a few asked her father whether he was going to eventually pay for their wedding or not.

ah, heteronormativity… i mean, preaching to the choir, but ugh, it’s so weird how normalized doing this to literal children is

Hitch gave a sigh, and when he opened his eyes, he looked relieved. "Okay. Good. I feel the same way." That was the afternoon they'd invented their super duper secret hoofshake that no one, not even Sprout, knew.

haha, take that, Sprout!

"Huh..." Sunny had never thought of it that way. "I guess. But then again, when you think about it..." She reached forward, nudging Izzy's bracelet with her hoof. "In a way? So do we."

aww! do love that connection between them

"And hey; we brought harmony back to Equestria! Sounds like you have all the time in the world now."

The unspoken words that followed that were And I want to spend it with you. Something Sunny found herself agreeing with whole-heartedly. "I can't wait."

and they lived happily ever after, the end, is how i’m imagining it

Pipp had been delighted; she'd raised her phone and asked "What shipping name do you think sounds better? 'Sunizzy,' or 'Izunny?' Ooh! How about something like 'MagicSunandMoonshipping!?'"

dang for an influencer Pipp is surprisingly bad at shipping names!

Most telling was that, while Zipp seemed fine whenever Sunny was on her own, she'd immediately grow tense whenever she and Izzy were together.

very telling!

"Like my parents?" Understanding blossomed in Izzy's eyes. It hurt.

"Yeah," Sunny murmured. "Like your parents."

oof! what a deeply ironic misinterpretation this is

"I know! That's me; talented, beautiful, generous Princess Pipp."

So humble, too, Sunny thought with a chuckle.


"And that's...not the right way to deal with that. It's not what a princess should do, and it's not what a detective should do." She finally looked up, a look of stoic resignation on her face. "This is my problem, not yours. I care about you both; give me some time, I'm sure I can learn to be happy for the two of you. You think you can give me that chance?"

aww, that is our stoic Zipp! i can just imagine it

Izzy had begun bouncing up and down in her seat again, buzzing with excitement. "I am right a lot! Not all the time, but like...three out of four times!"

hehe, pretty good ratio!

The sunlight woke Sunny first one day. Both Izzy and Zipp were early risers, so it was a rare time when she got to experience being sandwiched between the two mares while they slept.


She thought of her father. What would he say, knowing that his daughter wasn't just friends with a pegasus and a unicorn, but dating them at the same time?

i mean honestly, i can’t think of a better definition of success. (bleh, i really have to get around to finishing my G5 prequel idea where it turns out Argyle was in a triad with Alphabittle and Haven back when they were young adults trying to reunite the pony tribes…)

"That, I don't know," he'd admitted. She'd always loved that about her father; he wasn't like other grown-ups, pretending to know everything. He always admitted when he didn't know something; he loved to learn. It was something she'd gotten from him. "It's a mystery; a puzzle wrapped in an enigma."

aww, full circle with the beginning! love it

"All that matters is that it's here. We feel it. And it's important. So never forget it, and never let it go."

And Sunny had no intention of doing so.

as she should never! really savor and cherish every one of these moments, Sunny!

this is how i imagine all of G5 now! the movie, and then this story, and then our three mares live happily ever after with no problems. it is a very nice thought, in my opinion. thank you for this wonderful fluff!

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