• Published 22nd Aug 2022
  • 1,656 Views, 51 Comments

Solar and Lunar - marmalado

So...how do the sun and the moon move in G5, anyway?

  • ...

Alicorn Training For Newbies

The sun rose over the horizon, with Sunny's guidance, of course. The alicorn couldn't help but yawn as she tried to wake herself up, and she nearly lost control of her grip on the sun in the process.

Once her duty was done, she flew back to the tree house and stepped inside, the smell of slightly burnt toast filling her nose as she made her way to the kitchen. Izzy sat at the table, happily munching away on a piece of toast that she was levitating.

"Good morning, Sunny. Did you move the sun?" Terra asked as she levitated another plate with eggs towards the table.

"Yup! Right after Izzy lowered the moon."

"Good job. Now eat up. We have a long day of training ahead of us."

"What're we doing?" Sunny took a seat at the table and levitated a piece of toast.

"Well, I thought we would start off with some spells. Basic ones, of course. This way, you both can have a strong magical arsenal for your journey to find the other three saviors."

"Like nighttime spells?!" Izzy asked excitedly.

Terra chuckled. "Yes, like nighttime spells. But as you can see, it is the daytime, so we cannot practice those spells just yet."

"Aww..." Izzy folded her ears downwards.

Once the trio was done eating breakfast, they made their way outside, relishing the cool breeze on their faces that also touched the grass and made it rhythmically sway back and forth.

"Let us start with teleportation." Terra nodded. "Have either of you teleported before?"

"I have!" Izzy said. "It was a little hard, though. I felt all dizzy afterwards."

"That is very common, Izzy. It takes some time before a unicorn, or even an alicorn, is able to teleport flawlessly." Terra explained. "The main knowledge behind teleportation is visualizing where you would like to go in your head. Once you do that, it will come naturally to you."

She pointed towards the tree house. "Try teleporting yourself over there."

Izzy gave a small "mm" of hesitation, but lit up her horn nonetheless. In a bright purple flash, she was gone, and Sunny watched as another bright purple flash signified her arrival at her destination.

Once Izzy teleported back to the group, she smiled. "Hey, I didn't feel dizzy this time!"

"Well done." Terra clapped her hooves together. "Your turn, Sunny."

Sunny followed Izzy's lead and performed her feat of teleportation successfully.

"Very good. I must say, you two are learning quite fast." Terra smiled. "Next, let us try some telekinesis."

She conjured up about twenty simple cube-shaped blocks, ten each of which laid in front of Sunny and Izzy.

"Try to levitate all of these at once. Remember, when levitating objects, relax your body and remain calm."

Both fillies tilted their heads at the sight of the objects, then got to work. Terra was surprised at how unisonant they were, lighting up their horns at the same time and moving the blocks in illustrious figure-eight motions with ease without them bumping into each other. It filled her with a sense of hope and promise.

Sunny and Izzy shared a glance with each other, then tossed the cubes into the air. A blast from Sunny's horn changed some of the cubes into orange leaves, while a blast from Izzy's horn changed the other cubes into star-shaped plush toys, which promptly collapsed to the ground.

Terra couldn't help but clap once again. "Wonderful job. Now, let's move on to some more complex spells."

As she rattled off a list of spells, ranging from the mundane like Accelero to the complicated like transfiguration, she watched as Sunny and Izzy performed them near-flawlessly. It was rather surprising to her, seeing these fillies who were once terrible at magic get used to having it again, and with hardly any stumbles, to boot.

By the time Terra's verbal list was completed, the sun sat high in the sky, indicating that was lunchtime, or close to it. But there was one more spell she wanted to teach her students first.


"Yes, Sunny. In the event that we need to travel for supplies -- or when we leave to find the other three ponies -- we must transform into the race of the respective pony that lives in each town in order to fit in."

"Ooh, like changelings!" Sunny's eyes sparkled. "Teach us, teach us!"

Terra nodded. "Close your eyes, and imagine the Earth pony mare you would like to be. Sunny, do not think of what you looked like prior to your ascension."

"Why not?"

"You will be with me for quite a long time. If we were to travel to your hometown and you were disguised as yourself, in your original race, then you would most certainly draw attention to yourself."

Sunny gave a displeased frown, but nodded anyway, understanding what Terra was talking about. She was already a bit of an outcast in Maretime Bay, but being an alicorn, especially one with magic, would only make it worse, and she didn't want that.

She closed her eyes and thought hard about the ponies she had come across in Maretime Bay and what they looked like, mentally making a checklist and crossing ponies off. She knew she had to come up with something original, something that didn't look like any of the residents of her hometown. Something...a little different.

Slowly, her horn became enveloped in illustrious magic, and her body shimmered as she transformed into an Earth pony with forest-green fur and a pale grey corkscrew mane and tail. She had also obtained a cutie mark, in the form of a pair of dice.

Throughout the transformation, Izzy watched in awe, and immediately got to work on making her own Earth pony alter ego. She transformed into an Earth pony with light yellow fur and a bubblegum-pink mane, and like Sunny, also obtained a cutie mark, only in the form of a flower vase filled with all sorts of flowers.

"Umm...I have a question." Izzy asked, spinning around in circles to admire what cutie mark she had gotten. "We don't have magic in these forms, do we?"

Terra nodded. "You do. I am not quite sure what magic you have as Earth ponies, though."

"Didn't Earth ponies have magic back in Ancient Equestria?" Sunny asked.

Terra tilted her head. "Earth ponies were well-known for their strength and stamina, but as far as I am aware, they did not have any other powers."

"Well, I do feel stronger! Like I could take on...uhh..." Izzy looked around. "That tree! If it were alive and stuff!"

Sunny giggled. "Me too!"

"Very good. Now, try changing into a unicorn."

Almost immediately, the two fillies (or mares, now) transformed into unicorn ponies, keeping the same colors.

Terra opened her mouth as though wanting to suggest they make up two new ponies, but then closed it and smiled. "I certainly am not surprised that you two are getting the hang of this quickly. Can you transform into-"

The pair changed their races from unicorn to Pegasus within the tap of a hoof.


Terra blinked a couple times, then clapped her hooves together. "Very well done."

Sunny and Izzy transformed back into their usual alicorn forms, giving each other a hoofbump and sharing a giddy laugh.

"Let us head inside for some lunch before we continue."

Izzy immediately began booking it for the tree, another giddy laugh emanating from her as her hooves touched grass for a moment before she took flight. Sunny followed suit, feeling rather hungry herself.

As she took a bite of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Sunny tilted her head as she watched the news on television. Surprisingly, there was nothing on her or Izzy's disappearance, although she supposed that was for the best. After all, if Terra managed to get caught, it wouldn't bode well -- for her or for the fillies.

Izzy was busy licking her hoof free of peanut butter, giving small giggles here and there as she felt it stick to the roof of her mouth.

"Hey, Terra?"


"What other spells are we gonna learn?"

"No more spells, Sunny. We will hone your Pegasus abilities next." Terra levitated her plate into the sink. "Both of you have displayed some wonderful flying skills, but I believe we can go a little further than that."

"Sho we're gonna go up to the cloudsh?" Izzy asked, a clump of sandwich in her mouth. "Cool!"

"But I thought the Princesses of Ancient Equestria were magic users." Sunny pointed out. "They weren't really known for speedy flying. At least...that's what my dad told me."

"It is very true that the Princesses who once ruled Ancient Equestria were quite reliant on the unicorn part of their magic, to a very tragic fault once Cozy Glow, Chrysalis and Tirek took advantage of that reliance to best them in battle." Terra explained. "But I do not want you two to grow up like that. An alicorn carries the traits of all three pony kinds. It would be a waste to have wings but to not be skilled in using them. And the same goes for your Earth pony magic, as well."

Sunny nodded. She had to admit, flying did seem kind of fun, and very freeing. She thought about her roller skates, a present that her dad got for her and adjusted accordingly as she grew older. It seemed to be a remnant of her Earth pony past now, and her heart was momentarily filled with sadness as she thought about whether she would have to give up rollerskating for flying.

Rollerskating doesn't sound very princess-like to me. She took another bite of her sandwich and absentmindedly went back to watching television, where a news anchor was reporting on a group of bunnies who once rose to fame for doing tricks.

Several minutes later, the trio were outside once again, staring up at the calming blue sky with its equally-calming fluffy white clouds.

"Follow me." Terra commanded, taking flight and heading for one of the clouds. Izzy and Sunny followed suit, easily flying without bumping into each other while also going at a steady speed. Once they landed on the cloud, they awaited for their mentor's instructions.

"Now, I want to guide each of you through the sky naturally. Izzy?" Terra nudged the little filly. "You are first."

"Um...okay, but..."

"Do not worry. I will give you tips as you are flying."

Terra flapped her wings and began hovering in midair, Izzy following her lead. The sight of being so high up caused a wave of nervousness to crash down upon her, but she forced herself to stay hovering. As the older alicorn gestured to her to begin flying, she did, flapping her tiny wings and soaring through the air.

"Make sure you go along with the wind currents. Allow them to guide you as you fly."

Izzy nodded, still feeling a little nervous but placing her full trust in Terra. She could feel the wind slightly pushing her forward, and so she eased her speed a little, allowing it to guide her in flight. Maybe, like the moon...I need to work together with the wind to fly? she thought.

She flapped her wings a couple times before leaving them still and splayed out, allowing the wind to let her glide across the sky. With this a success, she was able to turn on her side, spin, and even let her wings rest momentarily.

Terra's eyes widened as she saw the sight from behind, and quickly soared over to Izzy's side. "Very impressive!"

"I just needed to work together with the wind, like I do with the moon!" With a joyous holler, Izzy soared away, leaving Terra trailing behind once again. The comment warmed her heart and caused her to blush, a smile creeping on her face before chasing after the filly to make sure she didn't fall.

After a good twenty minutes or so of flying, Izzy and Terra returned to the cloud where Sunny was waiting. As Izzy began to tell her friend all about her experience, Terra couldn't help but smile once more.

They are going to grow up to become great princesses someday. I do so wish you could see them, Princess Twilight.

It was Sunny's turn to fly high in the sky, and using Izzy's tips, she performed quite well. She had to admit, though, that she was a little awkward in the sky due to being so used to keeping her hooves on the ground, and a small part of her began to prefer staying on the ground instead of in the sky.

The afternoon turned to the evening, and the three alicorns were eating HLTs (hay, lettuce and tomato), with the lettuce and tomato having come from a plant that Sunny had managed to grow using her Earth pony magic.

"Being able to grow plants with a simple stomp of our hooves...why, we certainly never had that..." Terra mused. "But I do suppose it comes with the territory. And you seem to have a wonderful handle on it, Sunny."

"Well, I was an Earth pony." Sunny shrugged. "Still kinda weird, though."

Izzy swallowed her sandwich bite. "I love being able to grow moonflowers and stuff! They're soooo pretty to look at, especially with glitter!" She gasped. "Could I make glitter flowers?! I wanna try!"

Terra laughed. "I do not think such a thing exists. But you are welcome to try your hoof at it after dinner."

Those words were all the filly needed to begin scarfing down her meal like it was going to grow legs and hooves of its own and walk away.

Sunny, on the other hand, began to grow bored and listless, and ate her food in the same way. While it was nice that she was able to grow plants and fly and do magic, and she was very appreciative and grateful of being one of the few magic users in a world with no magic, she couldn't help but think about what she would have to give up when she grew into a proper ruler of Equestria. It had been sitting in the back of her mind for a while, but the lessons she had been taught pushed it to the forefront. Still, in spite of her worries, she had put on a smile for Terra and Izzy -- a smile that had been only a small part of a mask she had donned.

Once she was done with her meal, she quickly excused herself and made her way up to her room. She spotted her roller skates sitting on the far side of the room and magically levitated them over to her, making her way downstairs.

"Hm? Where are you going, Sunny?"

"Oh, just...out."

Terra's eyes drifted to the roller skates that were caught in her student's magical aura, and gave a small smile. "All right. Just be safe, and stay close to home."

"I will."

The filly took a seat as she put each skate on, one by one. After tying those up, she put on her leg pads and helmet, and went outside.

Although the night was not her domain, she couldn't help but admit that its cool breeze felt nice on her fur. She took flight, heading for the pathway that was just east of the daisy fields. Once she landed, she tapped a skate on the ground, giving a small smile.

Now this is gonna be fun!

The pathway snaked past the river, which wasn't very far from the tree where the trio had made her home. Sunny had figured she would be safe here, with no rogue unicorns or pegasi passing by.

She pushed one hoof backwards, and almost as if on instinct, the other hooves followed suit. Her mane and tail billowed backwards as she let out a series of hollers, enjoying the freedom she felt. Even though Terra had told her not to go far, she felt thrilled to be able to go anywhere she wanted within that radius.

Buck professionalism. Buck expectations. Surely Celestia let loose from time to time...right? And after all, she was but just a filly. And Terra seemed to approve.

As she skated, her gaze drifted to her wings, and she opened them, keeping them splayed out and steady. A wingbeat or two increased her speed slightly, making her thrilled.

It's almost like flying, but on the ground! she thought, gazing up at the moon. It seemed to welcome her presence, and she couldn't help but wave at it, its glow only serving to boost her mood.

After what seemed like hours of skating in circles on the pathway, she suddenly felt herself careening forward, and she collided on the ground face-first, the lower half of her body flopping down after a few seconds of delayed reaction. As she lifted her head up, she glanced back, but couldn't really see the source of her fall. Nonetheless, a giggle burst forth, and it eventually turned into a full-on belly laugh as she turned onto her back and stared at the sky.

To her surprise, the sky was mostly dark, but the stars seemed to appear whenever she looked at a dark spot, which she found rather odd, and she had to wonder if the sky was playing a trick on her. Nonetheless, it was calming to look at, and she couldn't deny that it made a wave of drowsiness wash over her after such an exhilarating skating session.

Get back home before Terra finds out you're missing! her brain screamed at her, attempting to fight the drowsiness that was making her eyes droop. But it was proving to be a fruitless battle. Her horn lit up with magic in an attempt to teleport, but the magic sputtered out just as fast. She knew that she had to get home, but whatever physical capacity she had to do that was nonexistent.


She was too tired to recognize the voice calling her name, nor make out the figure that flew in the sky and seemed to be gazing downwards at her. Her eyes closed, and she slipped into the darkness.

Sunny's eyes opened ever so slowly, and she bolted upright in bed.

Where...what happened...how...

Her mind swimming with questions, she spotted the light of the night filtering into her room. The alarm clock that sat on her nightstand read 6:00.

Oh shoot, I gotta raise the sun!

An unceremonious yelp accompanied a tumble out of bed, and she found herself on the floor yet again. As she glanced at her hooves, she found that her skates weren't on her -- and perhaps that was a good thing, because even as tired as she was, nopony would sleep in roller skates.


It took her a few moments to recognize the voice and the figure that was illuminated by the light, but once she did, she gave a surprised whinny. "I-Izzy?!"

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay! C'mon, we gotta go lower the moon and raise the sun and stuff!"

"Wait, what's going oooooooooon!" Sunny didn't get to even finish her question before she was lifted up in Izzy's magical aura and dragged out of her room and out of the house.

"Izzy, put me down!"


Izzy did as she was told, causing Sunny to take her third tumble in the span of only a few hours, collapsing onto the ground.

"Oh! Sorry about that." Izzy said. "Whenever you're ready, 'kay?"

Sunny stood up and wiped some dirt off of her cheek, then shook her body out in an attempt to rid of any other dirt that was on her. "Okay, ready."

Together, the two fillies worked in tandem once again to signal a new day in Equestria. Izzy couldn't help but notice that Sunny, as hard as she was trying, was faltering, and while she wanted to ask her what was going on right then and there, she didn't.

She asked afterwards instead, as they were heading back to the house.

"I forgot to bring the stars out to play, so I went out to do that, a-and that's when I found you! I knew Terra would get mad, so after I brought the stars out, I decided to teleport you back home and put you in bed!"

Sunny didn't respond.

"Is something wrong?"

"It's...I'm...well..." The filly of the sun faltered. "Before I left for the daisy fields, I packed my bag, and I put my roller skates inside, 'cuz I love rollerskating, and I wanted to keep on doing it even as a princess. But Princess Celestia and Princess Luna...they didn't do stuff like that, at least from my dad's research. I-I mean, maybe they let loose from time to time, but...rollerskating, as a princess? It sounds...wrong!" She could feel tears streaming down her face. "I don't wanna give up rollerskating, Izzy! I love it so so much! Do I have to stop it just because I got wings and a horn now?!"

As her friend began to sob, a shock of pain stabbed Izzy's heart like a needle. She knew she couldn't relate to Sunny's love of rollerskating, but now that she mentioned it...Izzy knew there were things she most likely had to give up now that she was going to become a future ruler of Equestria.

My unicycling, for one thing. Mom always told me what would happen when I grew up. Always telling me that arts and crafts were for foals, while Dad supported me by saying that full-grown mares and stallions do it for a living... The pain grew bigger, and it made her stumble a little as she walked, squeezing her eyes shut so she wouldn't start crying too.


Sunny gave a sniffle as she looked at Izzy.

"No matter what happens, promise me. Promise that we'll never, ever give up the things we love when we become adults." After a moment of silence, she snapped, "Promise me!"

"I-I promise!" Sunny blinked. "Just 'cuz I'm a princess doesn't mean I'm gonna give up rollerskating!" She gazed up at the sky. "It's what Celestia would want, I think..."

"And I'm not gonna give up my unicycling for anything! No matter what Terra says!" Izzy gazed at the sky as well. "Whoever 'Princess Luna' was, she probably had fun sometimes too. And to me, that's okay! You don't have to be professional and stuff all the time, right?"

The two fillies stopped walking for a moment and shared a long and tight hug, feeling their tears of anxiety and sorrow turn into tears of happiness and joy.

"Thank you, Izzy. For bringing me back home." Sunny smiled. "I really wanted to get back, but I just felt too tired. And the night sky was just so calming to look at..."

"D'aww, I try my best." Izzy waved a hoof. "The night sky has that effect on ponies, you know."

Linking their legs together, they began to make the journey back home, not fearing any consequences that Terra might give them, if she gave them any at all.

"Goodness, that is quite a tale. I am glad you are safe, Sunny."

"I'm really sorry. I was just gonna skate around the pathway a bit, but it felt so freeing, and then the night sky...the night sky-"

"Do not speak another word, little filly." Terra cooed. "Come and take a seat. Let us discuss your worries."

Sunny and Izzy did as they were told, coming up to Terra's side on the couch and allowing her to wrap them in the embrace of her soft and feathery wing.

"The princesses were very professional. After all, they had reputations to uphold." she explained. "But they also had sides to each other that would surprise most anypony."

"Like what?" Izzy asked.

"Princess Celestia was often known for being bored of Grand Galloping Galas. I recall a time where Princess Twilight told me about Discord bringing Smooze to the party, and Princess Celestia was thrilled that the Gala had livened up. The same had gone for when Princess Twilight and her friends were first invited to the Gala." Terra mused. "Princess Celestia was known for her love of exciting thrills and adventure. When I first visited Silver Shoals, in fact, I saw her partaking in a sport she had lovingly called 'fruitball'."


"It is like...oh, what was it called, now...soccer, I believe, but with fruits. I played a few games with her. She is quite good at the sport. But, um, I digress." Terra cleared her throat. "She told me stories of what she had done since retiring. Ziplining, jungle tours, snorkeling...she was discovering all sorts of new activities each and every day. But she also told me of all the joyous times she had with her former subjects, and how the burden of being uptight became hard to bear."

Sunny's eyes widened, her brain absorbing every word Terra said, but drowsiness soon overtook her.

"Princess Luna was much the same way. It took a lesson from Twilight Sparkle on one Nightmare Night for her to learn how to have fun with her subjects after her freedom from the Nightmare's influence, but even so, she preferred more low-key activities, such as seeing theater productions and relaxing at the spa. She, too, told me stories of what she had been up to during retirement...oh, the movie plots she used to spoil." Terra couldn't help but chuckle. "But you see, like her sister, Princess Luna also had to uphold the burden of being a leader, and that meant she was often unintentionally intimidating to other ponies because she was not used to interacting with her subjects."

Now it was Izzy's turn to widen her eyes, as she too hung onto every word of her mentor's. However, like Sunny, she also began to grow exhausted.

"Both of you are free to enjoy the activities you once enjoyed prior to becoming alicorns. But you should always remember that there is a time for work, and there is a time for play." Using her wing, Terra stroked the manes of both Sunny and Izzy, causing their eyes to begin drooping suddenly. "I will always support you every step of the way, no matter what you do, and no matter where you go. Please do not forget that."

It didn't take more than a couple seconds for both fillies to fall soundly asleep. A smile forming on her maw, Terra grabbed them in her magical aura and took them upstairs.

As she tucked Izzy into her bed, Terra couldn't help but eye the various crafts the filly had been working on that were sitting on the table. Some of them looked to be a work-in-progress, but others appeared to be completed. One in particular appeared to have gemstones embedded into it, which shone radiantly in the sunlight.

A loud snore startled her, and she quickly whirled her head back to find that the filly she had tucked in was now starting to snore from her fatigue. Smiling once more, she took Sunny and closed the door.

Upon tucking Sunny into her bed, Terra eyed the skates that laid next to it, grabbing one in her magical aura and examining it. These would have been great to have when I was younger...to be able to see the sights of Equestria by riding on roller skates... She didn't have roller skates growing up, but looking at them now, they certainly looked fun to use.

She set the skate down and left the room, letting Sunny rest and allowing both her and Izzy to take the day off from training. Whatever Earth pony magic training they had to do could wait a day, she figured.

Soft wingbeats were the only sound she heard as she flew downstairs and went outside, settling down in the fields and basking in the warmth of the sun.

They will grow up to be good princesses, indeed.

Author's Note:

Soooo, uh...Make Your Mark Chapter 2 came out. And, uh...I'm not sure if I'm gonna incorporate it into this fanfic or not. Maybe it would make a good sequel story.

Anyway, I hit a load of writer's block with this one, so sorry if it looks cruddy. I tried, at least. But hey, at least now I know not to juggle more than one fanfic at a time. And yes, the parents of Sunny and Izzy will show up again...just not in this chapter. Hang tight, and thanks for reading so far!