• Member Since 19th Apr, 2015
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Haoryu Changer


One second she was about to taste the sweet and delicious victory she's been yearning for since she was imprisoned.

"You're a pony yourself, aren't you? I'd be damned if you were the next one to bring my downfall, pony."

Instead, she's tasting the Castle floor as her mind began to fully understand the situation she was in. All decisive thoughts were thrown out the window. There was only anger and pain.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 35 )

Aww, that was good! I always loved the idea of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow staying together as friends. Or even a taking a trip to see Tirek's homeland.

great story thank you so much

Any plan of a sequel? :rainbowderp:

That they were… perhaps… friends?

They aren't real friends Cozy.
And they never were

Thank you so much for making this! I've always wanted those three to finally, you know...
I just love this so much!

Is it bad I actually prefer this ending to the one we got in canon?

Welcome back. I’ve read your first story on this trio before and it was pretty good. This one is no different.

No, canon ending and last season's true villain is bad writing

Absolutely gorgeous story. If there’s more, then sign me up!

Hiya there, Haoryu Changer!

I have a few thoughts. Mostly positive ones, don’t worry.

First off, I love this story! I can’t really describe how it feel about it overall, so let me just point out a few things I loved.

  1. Your narration. It flows perfectly and fits the tone of the tone of the story really well. That opening line is everything! The narration is purely from Cozy’s point of view, and I read this in her voice. It really does feel like a Cozy who has given up on everything and just settled on survival. Nicely done.
  2. Your Luna is adorable. She’s insanely cute. Bone-crushing hugs that would make Pinkie proud? Mischievous pranks that would make Discord proud? Sign me up!

    All the thoughts made Cozy feel dizzy, and she nearly fell to the floor. But to her surprise, Luna caught her in her hooves and gave her a sympathetic look.

    "Or we can have a sleepover!" Luna suggested.

    But then, in the middle of her slumber, Luna turned over and used Cozy as a pseudo-stuffed animal.

    Luna told her about her mischievous plan that night to invade Celestia's dream and prank her.


    The sun goddess woke up in a sweat, terrified about the global ban on all cakes made by Twilight Sparkle. She was bitter after that, for the absurd time of an hour, but didn't do much else. That was a fun night for Cozy and Luna both.

    “It was just a little prank. You can thank Luna for that one,” Cozy said. Luna nodded proudly at Cozy Glow.

    Many tend to forget that Luna is a pretty mischievous pony. She was, after all, the one who installed all those traps and pranks in the Castle of the Two Sisters. (Celestia, too, has a mischievous streak. Honestly, both sisters would get along so well with Discord.)

  3. Let’s talk about the main character. Cozy Glow is perfect. At the beginning of the story, she starts out sadistic and murderous. (”She wasn't a murderer. But this time, she may have had a good reason to. There was no way back from the dead after all.”) Then she gets backstabbed and loses her sense of direction, focusing on survival and solitude. And then she slowly drifts away from evil to good on the sliding scale of morality. She undergoes character development, too! (Which is pretty hard to achieve in just 14k words, so congrats.)
  4. Tirek and Chrysalis were pretty well-written, too. Obviously, neither of them are reformed, strictly speaking. But they’re not threats or actively evil anymore. That’s a thin line to thread, and you wrote them perfectly in the third act. Chrysalis hisses and spits, barely containing her feelings, while Tirek is formal and polite, knowing the fragile position he’s in.
  5. This little call-back from ‘The Beginning of the End - Part 1’:

    Tirek smirked. “See? He gets it!”

    Lord Tirek: A changeling? [to Cozy Glow] See? She gets it.

    This little call-back from ‘Frenemies’:

    She loved a good backstabbing. It was dramatic, intense, and sadistic.

    Cozy Glow: Ooh... I love a good backstabbing!

    These little call-backs from ‘The Ending of the End - Part 1’:

    Cozy Glow: Where’d you get that? A daily affirmations calendar? Yeesh.


    Cozy Glow: That’s the problem with you magic-types. You’re so reliant on all your special power, you forget to use your brains!

    This little call-forward to ‘The Last Problem’:

    Cozy looked down and noticed the armor Gallus was wearing. "Oh, you're a royal guard."

  6. Your pacing. Every part of the story was moving at the correct pace. You nailed down the passage of time so well (a long time, apparently - nine moons)
  7. Your grammar. Rarely do I get to read a story and not have to point out any grammatical, punctuation or vocabulary mistakes. Your English is stunning, which makes me more immersed, actually. So thanks.

Now, as much as I enjoyed this story, I do have to point out something that bugged me.

Luna was the one who answered her. "Celestia and I are retired as princesses," she told her, pointing to herself. "Twilight is now the ruler of Canterlot and we are on vacation traveling the lands."


Slack-jawed, the Princess of Canterlot slowly turned to the filly that sat beside her named "Blank Slate" and was about to say something.

Twice you mentioned Princess Twilight as the ruler of Canterlot, which is not true. She’s the ruler of all Equestria. That bothered me a little, but in no way did it impede my ability to enjoy the story.

I have more to say, but this comment is getting long enough as it is, so I’ll end it here. Just know that I love this piece and I’m creating a new bookshelf, because it doesn’t fit anywhere else. Congratulations, An Obvious Treachery, you’re the first entry into ‘Best of Long Shots’.

Slight edit: In the time it took me to write and post this comment, this story made the featured box, got 26 more upvotes and 9 more comments. Just wanted to point that out.

See you around, dear author! :heart:

Absolutely lovely fic! :twilightsmile:

Her new journey set on a different path was just about to begin.

hope there'll be a sequel, with this obvious of a sequel hook

this is one of, if not the greatest cozy glow story ive ever read. i feel like i have to say more, but what else do i need to say?

Why didn't she hide her appearance before letting Celestia and Luna in?

‘Cause she didn't know Celestia and Luna were coming in. She thought it was just a random someone seeking refuge from the storm. Cozy said it happened often.

Finally! A good reformation story! :pinkiehappy:
I'm so glad they found a better way to be buddies.

Same here! Hence why I wrote one of the stories I thought of. I wished this happened in actual canon, though.

I'm glad you guys enjoyed!

Not at the moment, no. But maybe one day. I do have another chapter in the back of my head that I might write in the future, but we'll see.

Glad to see you again.

Exactly as 11334335 said. She doesn't really care about her appearance with the exception of her wings which make her an alicorn. She could also make her horn vanish but then she wouldn't be able to do magic without others suspecting her.

I love your review of my fic, thank you so much!

You're right, she isn't just ruling Canterlot but all of Equestria. I should change that soon.

I have more to say, but this comment is getting long enough as it is, so I’ll end it here.

Don't be afraid to send the most you can in the comment section. Us writers really enjoy our comments/reviews!

But again, thanks for sharing your thoughts. It means a lot!

This is a great story!

Tirek and Chrysalis turning on Cozy does make sense and is a good reason for her changing the way she did, although the thought of a child living alone in the cabin and making those deals at the village like that is something I find unintentionally funny. I really liked the trio's reunion and how it was practically like a bunch of old friends getting together. It was a lot of fun.

Overall, I really loved this one.

One I got confused about.. she casts magic how? Is she still alicorn or she's now an unique pegasus dabbling in arcane magic, or it's a feature of bell?

This was great, it was absolutely not what I expected.

All in favor of making this the new cannon *raises hand

Pretty much, yeah. The ending for Cozy and her allies in the show was crap.

Nicely done. :)

Not bad but even so, I'm a little surprised Tirek and Chrysalis could trust each other at the beginning more that they could trust Cozy Glow


They trust each other because they're both past villains for Equestria. Cozy is too, which is why in canon they made it so far with only minimal fighting, but in this AU they betray her because she's a pony.

Thanks for reading, Kichi!

Really loved this. So great and always glad to see the trio reformed.

I want to see a sequel of this

"It's a new celebration in Canterlot featuring all of Twilight's closest friends," Celestia explained, "Twilight nearly replaced the Grand Galloping Gala with it before I persuaded her not to. That would come with certain consequences I'm sure she wouldn't want."

You'd have to host all the nobles at your new party for one. I mean, can you even imagine?:rainbowderp:

Along with Sombra's (especially compared to the comic version).👎

Turning her head back to the landscape in front of them, she knew it was time to forget that place for a while, starting now. Who knew what they were going to encounter? If it was going to be difficult obstacles or mild annoyances. She did have her life ahead of her. Looking back, she was glad she stopped Tirek and Chrysalis. They could have failed and wound up imprisoned for life or worse? Even if they had won, how long would it have satisfied them? In retrospect, she would have probably gotten bored sooner or later ruling her own little empire, but who knows?

Or they could have all been turned to stone

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