• Published 31st Jul 2022
  • 428 Views, 11 Comments

Flim Flam's Famous Freakshow - Jest

Rarity has fallen on hard times, and now finds herself a correspondent for a shady newspaper. Worse still, she has to lower herself to 'reviewing' a freak show. Though perhaps this is the start of something amazing.

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The Two Headed Mare

Rarity’s pen became still, and she watched in amazement as the curtains parted to reveal the strangest scene she had ever seen. There before them, seated behind a piano was a two-headed unicorn mare who held a ukelele in a foreleg. Their eyes, all four of them, were a deep purple color, while their fur was a lighter shade of the same color.

It was impossible to see their cutie marks from her spot at the back of the audience, but Rarity could see most everything else. Like the slightly sad expression on one of the head’s face, one not shared by the other who was smiling faintly. Their manes were nearly identical, with short, straight-cut bangs, and a pair of purplish-pink strips running through their deep blue manes. The only difference was the way they parted them, with each head doing so in the other direction.

Save for that small detail, and their different experience they were almost completely identical in every way. It was like an extra head had simply sprouted from the same neck, leaving the pony slightly front-heavy in the process. Rarity couldn't be certain of this, however, as the performers before her wore a ruffled pinkish purple dress with black stripes. This piece of clothing covered everything below their necks, down to their knees.

“Good evening-” began the smiling head.

“Everyone,” finished the slightly sadder one.

“Tonight we will be singing for you all,” “One titled have you seen my sister?”

Their horns then lit up in unison, and a jaunty, upbeat tune emanated from the stage area. One made possible by the pair using their spells to compensate for their lack of an additional foreleg. Magic plucked the strings of the guitar and pressed the keys out of reach of the lone limb.

“Have you seen my sister?” “Dang, she's gone and wandered off again.” “I’ve been looking high and low.” “Where'd oh where'd my sister go?”

Alternating between lines, the pair sang immaculately together, with barely a breath between the start of one and the end of the other. In perfect harmony, they played the two instruments in a happy, almost whimsical song about searching for their sister. While they continued, Rarity found herself increasingly transfixed, though not morbidly so.

They were beautiful, Rarity realized.

Their appearance was different, obviously, but they had such enchanting voices that perfectly matched each other. All at once, Rarity felt as though she was standing upon the bow of a ship, listening to the siren’s song. Though this particular tune felt a bit forced upon them, they played it perfectly, giving it their own unique charm.

In no time at all, it was over, and the pair wore either a smile or a neutral expression while bowing slightly. Rarity awkwardly joined the applause, only now aware of how long she had been staring without even blinking. She tried to think back to what she had experienced and write down something poignant but nothing came.

Cute, Dazzling, gorgeous, beautiful, pretty. And other such synonyms for beautiful. Rarity had to stop herself before adding more to the growing list, turning her attention back to the stage.

“Was that not wonderful?” Flim asked.

A few of the crowd hooted or stomped their hooves in agreement.

“I knew you’d say that but don't worry. The show’s not over yet. We will be wheeling out the brand new state-of-the-art camera and for just five bits you can get your picture taken with these two dazzling mares!” Flim continued.

Applejack appeared at the corner of the tent, the strong pony pulling a large table upon which sat a strange wooden box. Upon reaching the midway point, Applejack stopped, and pulled open one side of the cube. She then began unpacking the equipment and setting up the odd contraption.

“Step right up, start a line right here and in no time at all, you’ll get your own completely unique memorabilia of this memorable moment,” Flim exclaimed.

Rarity shot to the front of the tent, reaching it just after an excitable filly and her mother, Rarity’s eyes never leaving Twilight and Sparkle. The pair awkwardly turned around on the piano bench, positioning themselves behind and next to a chair set aside for the audience.

“Ladies and gentlemen have your bits ready please,” Flim continued, the stallion standing off to the side of the stage, an empty bag in hoof. “Once seated please do not move until our talented operator signals that it's okay to do so. If you ruin the photo by moving you will have to pay for another one. These chemicals aren't cheap you know!”

Applejack leaned a forehoof out from under a heavy black blanket and waved the first group in after they had paid. Rarity immediately took the two ponies' spot in line, watching as they sat before the sisters. The filly struggled to stay still, but after a bit of prompting, she sat motionless, waiting patiently for her picture.

“Hey lady, where're your bits?” Flim demanded.

“I’m sorry, what?” Rarity replied.

Flim rolled his eyes. “I know you’re from the paper we hired but you still gotta pay like everyone else.”

“Oh right, of course,” Rarity murmured, pulling several bits from her bag. “There you are my good stallion.”

“Thanks,” Flim remarked emotionlessly.

Rarity turned her attention back to the sisters and the ponies seated before them. One of them was quiet, and reserved, not speaking a word to the paying customers. The other was carrying on a whispered conversation with the grinning foal. This was interrupted when Applejack extended a hoof, upon which was a large black and white photograph.

The mother and daughter pair exchanged polite goodbyes with Twilight and Sparkle, one of whom remained quiet. Seeing her chance, Rarity trotted up to the bench and extended a hoof.

“Hi, my name’s Rarity. I know you were introduced earlier but Flim never mentioned who had which name,” Rarity offered.

Twilight and Sparkle both sported a confused expression before smiling, one wider than the other. Together they took Rarity’s hoof and shook it in their own, to varying levels of enthusiasm.

“I’m Twilight,” offered the more upbeat of the two.

“And I’m Sparkle,” muttered the dourer of the duo.

“It is wonderful to meet you, say-” Rarity began, only to be interrupted.

“Sit down so Applejack can take the picture. We don't want to leave all these fine people waiting now do we?” Flim shouted.

“Oh um, right. Of course,” Rarity sat back down, quickly making herself presentable before whispering out of the side of her mouth. “Would it be possible for me to interview you two wonderful ladies?”

“No.” “Yes.”

“What are you doing,” hissed Sparkle under her breath. “She’s just another gawker come to stare at the freaks.”

“She isn't,” whispered Twilight.

“If it makes you feel any better I’m more interested in your music, than your personal history,” Rarity offered.

“See? She's not like the others,” Twilight offered.

“Your too kind Twilight,” replied Sparkle. “She's just going to hurt us, same as the rest.”

“Would you give me a chance, please?” Rarity pressed.

The tent was quiet for several seconds, with both Rarity, and the two sisters remaining perfectly still. Then, just when Rarity was convinced that her offer would be shot down, Sparkle spoke again.

“We want half of whatever you make from the interview. If you don't make royalties, then we’ll take whatever you get for doing this bit of PR for Flim Flam,” Sparkle demanded.

“Sparkle, that's too much,” hissed Twilight.

“I’ll do it,” Rarity answered.

“Good. Meet us at our wagon in two hours. We need time to talk, and prepare,” Sparkle continued.

“You have a deal,” Rarity exclaimed.

Author's Note:

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