• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Seven Fates

That girl that writes things you may or may not read. TG stuff, probably. Avatar of my batpony Evening Script by baladeAdvent.


Comments ( 1881 )

"character concept of Filly Anon,"

Calling this a character concept is an insult to actual characters.

Are you talking about this specific filly Anon, or the generic shitpost filly anon?

Both. Anon in every use is shit and an insult to actual characters.

"Midget angry swearing pone"
Say no more, i'm in

:pinkiecrazy: the misinterpreting had begun, soon they will think she was abused~

Tell them Nemo, tell them how you slept in a crate~ put Celestia in hot water.
she deserves it for forgetting to send the phyc evaluation

I like it. And if you like it, that's the only opinion you need; your own.
As a wise mare once said, "Opinions are like plot holes. Everypony has one, nopony wishes to see what horse apples fall out, and everypony turns their nose up when they hear somepony else's."

I'm right behind you.

Setting Blueblood on fire repeatedly....
I really don't see the conflict here! :duck:

Can only claim it to be accidental so many times. Plus, think of all the scuffed floors.

This is honestly a fresh take on a character, or character "concept" I suppose, and I really like it so far. Love how they seem more grounded and not just freaking out or being a massive asshole randomly.

Okay I am amused and I look forward to more of this!
Though when is Anon going to run out of fucks to give and just I don't know tramatize Twi or something?
I imagine that will be a logical conclusion once she gets fed up with being treated as a foal.

I am inside your walls

welp there you go, Blog post to featured box :P

Eating a burger with no honey mustard
Eating a burger with no honey mustard
Eating a burger with no honey mustard
Eating a burger with no honey mustard
Eating a burger with no honey mustard

"Harmony itself acted"? I certainly hope not, because if it did then Harmony and Celestia are legit evil and abusive. I'm guessing Celestia acted like she did him a favor when she just exchanged death for prolonged misery and dismorphia.

"Past Sins"? I hope to God this doesn't go down the route of trying to say he deserves this, because it just seems cruel. Plus Celestia seems just horrible for just assigning somebody a new name they don't want and trying to force them into being Twilight #2, rather than taking responsibility for fucking them up or making Blueblood not be horrible.

Again, "Harmony" being behind Nemo's current state just seems to refute the very idea that Friendship is Magic. Just about any other result could have been better, but turning him into a Filly is just humiliating. Being a colt would still have been bad, but tolerably so.

And interestingly, the only pony who seem actually nice is Starlight. Seems like that might be significant.

I mean, Nemo didn't want to die, nor are they going to be miserable. And if they were just healed and granted the ability to understand ponies, it'd actually be fairly cruel to them and the ponies they befriended. Without proper medical care, which a human likely wouldn't be able to get at a horpsital, especially if pony medicines were incompatible with his biology, a minor injury could become an extended problem. Compound that with the longer lifespan of ponies, and Nemo/Anon would grow old before his friends reached middle age.
Hell, although they're upset about changing species, they aren't going to be experiencing body dysmorphia. This isn't a 'torture the protagonist' story.
Nah, whether or not Nemo/Anon deserves anything of this doesn't really come into play. Nemo's concerns tie chiefly into whether the ponies around them would accept them for what they were, what they had to do to survive.
Nor is Nemo slotted to become Twilight #2. They might have some Twilight-like attributes (namely being a huge nerd despite lacking a formal education), but they are very much their own person/pony. They'll still possess some of the mischievous attributes of the generic Anon, but not as much of the sociopathy.
How would it be humiliating? I'm not accusing you of it, but you must understand that from where some stand, it comes off as somewhat misogynistic an attitude. I mean, I get that from a cisgender (God, I hate that word, but it's apt in this case) perspective, losing your Johnson might be emasculating, but that operates from the basis that Nemo's gender identity was male.

Being turned into a child does have its humiliating bits, I won't deny, but forces of nature don't necessarily act how we expect them.

That said, you are right that Anon does seem to favour Starlight in their interactions, while Twilight is being stubborn with her misconceptions. Very much a good big-sister/friend role for her.

Honestly I always thought the question of pony lifespans to be interesting.
I feel like it is fair to say they live a good deal longer than us humans but the question then becomes by how much.
Personally I like to ballpark it around 300 or so judging by Granny Smith but it would could be shorter or longer by a fair margin.
Your 500 or so year lifespan is perfectly fine to me.

Why it seem like such a bad thing is because it seems like its an unnecessary extra step on the part of Harmony and/or Celestia. If he had to have his species change to be healed, or because he went from the human world to the pony world it would make sense, but making him female seems like whoever did it specifically to take something away from him so there'd be one less thing connecting him to his own sense of identity. It'd be the same if a it was the other way around.

I say this because Celestia comes off as herself just trying to make Twilight #2 by sending him off to study and seeming unempathetic. That and just saying she's changing his name because she doesn't like it.

La historia en si es curiosa hasta donde por el momento se a desarrollado, puedo ver interacciones raras y eventos inesperados debido a la naturaleza que parece va a tener está historia, lo único que no me termina de convencer en su totalidad es por mi odio (racional o irracional) a Starlight, pero eso es puramente cosa mía, nada de que preocuparse, por lo demás buena historia.

Celestia isn't perfect.

The name-change thing is presumptuous, but Celestia has millennia of being put on a pedestal and running the country with more-or-less absolute authority.

Personally I think there is a good case to be made for Celestia doubting herself when it comes to raising a talented filly. Sunset Shimmer became an arrogant bully. Twilight was a shut-in nerd with no friends--which for a future Princess of Friendship says something. It's not like her previous negligence, presumptuousness, and obliviousness didn't hurt her own sister and turned her to evil before. Or led to her stepping in when Luna's guilt gave birth to the Tantabus.

Twilight and her friends on the other hand generally have good family experiences. And Twilight's support network can generally be relied on to pull her out of any studious tunnel-vision she falls into.

I think he meant, that gender change can be seen in his eyes as being forced to be someone you are not, which is bad for many factors (reverse the gender please and see it from the perspective of someone who was a man or woman all his life and suddenly he is forced to lose part of what made him biologically male or female and if you want psychologically don't see it as misogyny or misandry) see the comments to be able to better develop the story and have new ideas

Oooh, time dilation fun.
Well, as long as you don't do what BoopyDoopy did/doing with similar concept, I think you'll be fine.

You will now be seeing me every chapter.

Nice story

What was it that Boopy did?

damn, you left me hankering for more.

How was one supposed to even react to something like that?

Jumping up and down in happiness? Suddenly finding out you just went from having some 60 years to live, if lucky, to 380 is one hell of a reason to celebrate. Specially if one is not religious.

Interesting how this is developing, can't wait to read more :twilightsmile:

Enjoying this so far!

I believe WolfWaffe is referring to Boopy Doopy's story Beyond Me. I'm curious as to what exactly he is referring to as well.

That said, I'm pretty sure I've also seen an extended pony lifetime in Snakeskin Ducttape's My Life as a Bipedal Quadruped. And the 1,000 day pony year in Greenhorne's Trust Once Lost. It's not that uncommon a concept.

Living longer is generally one of those good things, but also very scary if you're not comfortable about the body you're living in. Dealing with a 9-month long winter can't be fun either. Nor is having to wait 36+ human-years before you're considered to be 21 years old again. Heck, we could be looking at decades of puberty. Depends on how quickly ponies mature.

Dude3 #32 · Jul 8th, 2022 · · 1 · Prologue ·

Without any assistance, she climbed over the edge of the crate and hopped down to the floor. "Ah fuck, I can't believe she's done this!" she grumbled

This is the best start!


That, basically. I was talking about Boopy Doopy's 'Beyond Me', where a year lasts around 1000 days, ponies portrayed as idiots and throws a 9-years-old filly into The Great Political Game.

Sudden D&D was quite jarring, specially with the same numbers, but interesting nonetheless. You get bonus points for Equestria using a sane measuring system and healthcare :twilightsmile:

Anon, beating the competition by far, actually is aware and willing to go to a psychiatrist. This is so damn rare to see!

As a Canadian, I'd feel weird incorporating a privatised/corporate healthcare system into the usually-utopian setting of Equestria. As for D&D, I've actually incorporated it a bit into previous stories of mine. Admittedly it's usually not as blatant.

And yeah, a self-aware Anon is a bit of a rarity, isn't it?

Anon being fine with seeking mental help would be another obvious sign of maturity to everyone but Twilight.

Twilight really is too incompetent to be a princess. Celestia explained the situation and she refused to believe it simply because she didn't understand it. This is a pony who knows an adult changeling can look like a child, so metamorphic changes shouldn't be beyond logic for her. And if she had done her thinking properly, she not only would have understood the differnce in calenders, she would have realized that not all species age at the same rate.

I like your take on Anon's question mark being for runic magic.

To be fair if an 8 years old started telling you how she's actually an adult alien of the kind that grows up, learns as an adult, procreates and dies by the time they're 15 anyone would be hard pressed to accept that easily.

Hell, an 8 years old, considering the pony 150 pony years lifespan, it's equivalent to a 1.5 years old in ours, considering 80 human years. Imagine a toddler trying to tell you they were sexually active and an engineering student?

Onward rolls the Friendship Express... let's avoid derailing, shall we?

I see you are using Dungeons and Dragons spells for the story.

Just borrowing a few of the rituals. :pinkiecrazy:

soo.... would celestia tecnincly be anons new mother? if so will this come up?

Nah, if anything you could say that Anon is closer to a child of magic [and Harmony]. I don't believe that they would be ready to accept a pony as an adoptive mother; they value their memories of their original mother too much. She might accept guardianship from Twilight, or at the very least adoptive sisterhood, but nopony, not even Celestia could take her place in Anon's mind.

magic being a supportive mother by giving anon the means to light things on fire.
All hail princess anon! Alicorn of magic!

I love how you're characterizing Anon. Also I like the D&D references. Magic that everyone can use is my favorite type of magic system.

Rituals and the explanation for them are directly pulled from dungeons & dragons along with the component pouch. Although I wonder if the component pouch can spawn things as it can in d&d.

Nah, in this context you'd still need to possess the individual components to put in the pouch. That'd be too easy, otherwise. Mystra help them if they wanted to attempt 'Find Familiar'. I've never been clear on just how much charcoal is involved in 10gp worth of charcoal, incenses and herbs, so I can only imagine how much would be needed, although I imagine the incense would probably be the most expensive component.

The day Anon learns Commune will be a day the alicorns will hate.

To be fair, Twilight is known to reject reality that she can't comprehend and substitute it with her own. She was given information by her mentor, decided it was wrong because she didn't understand a force nobody has understood for a thousand years, and then came up with her own flawed theory and data to support it because she is "Purple Smart" and is a "genius".

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