• Member Since 8th Sep, 2021
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My Little Pony lover and aspiring writer.



Roseluck's life was somewhat boring, stuck in a rut. Opening the stall she shared with her foalhood friends at the local Ponyville market, serving customers, shipping large flower orders to their destinations, tending to the garden, taking inventory, paying rent... Although she loved her job as a florist, she craved some excitement in her life.

But luckily she has a trip to Manehattan with her friends for a decorative flower contest, something that always got her out of her routine. However, when she gets there she notices something strange, many ponies are behaving strangely, they are staggering, they have clear signs of lack of sleep, and they almost seem to have no energy. Driven by curiosity, she plunges headlong into a conspiracy that threatens all of Equestria, perhaps the entire planet.

But luckily, not only has she stumbled upon this conspiracy, she has also gotten in the way of somepony who can stop this whole mess. He calls himself the Doctor, and it's clear to Roseluck that he's the strangest pony she's ever met, but he also seems to be the most extraordinary. Will Roseluck and the Doctor be able to protect Equestria?

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 49 )

my name is rose Roseluck

In fact, the most exciting event she had ever experienced (not counting the return of Nightmare Moon or Discord) was almost six months ago when a stampede of rabbits destroyed their flower garden, and more than exciting it was devastating, after all, she and her friends depended on those flowers to pay their rent. Luckily, Twilight offered (rather, begged) them to accept half of her salary from Celestia and buy the lost flowers herself as compensation for what Applejack did, who offered them a discount on Apple Family products for two months.

So this is during the time in season 1 or 2 and I did remember the rabbit stampede that was something else

Squinting, she tried to make out the object in the distance, and if she had to guess, it resembled a blue phone booth, something that puzzled her. Those booths had not been very common, not even in the city that saw them born, Manehattan itself, and their magical communication technology was obsolete, since they could only communicate with stations that had the necessary arcane antennas, and to top it off, it could only be within a radius of two kilometers, and in a city as big as the metropolis that never slept, it was unfeasible. Even now, Roseluck didn't know of communication technologies that used magical phone lines, since they were superseded by radio, though the common pony still used letters. Long-distance communication was still in development.

Wow that's all way technology already I mean look at the technology they have in G5

"Rose, you're exaggerating things" said Daisy as she rolled her eyes. "It's just an outbreak of equine flu."

Look Who's Talking you three are the most dramatic ponies in Ponyville

Okay this is a very interesting starting of your story so it looks like Roseluck and her friends are going to Manhattan for a flower convention after the excitement going on throughout the two season they needed a break once they got to the city they prepared their stuff for the competition but Rose been kind of paying attention to the other ponies because one of them looks like they're in a bad shape and apparently things got really weird the next day it's the same problem that the other Pony had and they keep repeating the same word and the others don't even notice what's going on but good thing the good old Doctor Whooves is here to check out what's going on but Rose was still convinced that she should do something as well but the doctor told her not to worry but something tells me something is going to go wrong well let's find out what's going to happen next time

Yep, it takes place approximately two months before the end of season 2.

Yes, the technology the series showcased always seemed to be of a steampunk setting, blimps, trains, maybe loudspeakers, but the main means of communication is still newspapers and carriages still use ponies. The g5 was a giant leap in technology and a setback in others (remember they don't have trains or blimps). I wanted to keep things simple here as well when it comes to technology, at least in this day and age :trollestia:.

Yes and no, in this alternate universe her only episode of drama was the incident with her flowers, and that was because they were at the end of the month without enough money to pay the rent and now they had no way to pay it. I'd get dramatic about that too :rainbowderp:.

Thank you! I hope you enjoy this story :scootangel:.

"The laundry is in the basement of the hotel, I think it's obviously going to take a while" Daisy replied with a shrug. "You're exaggerating a lot."

Speak for yourself Daisy when it comes to crazy things you shouted the horror the horror

" We're upgrading her. She'll join us in the hive and she'll be stronger. "

Oh shoot is that a changeling

"Get out of here!" yelled the pony, still holding that rod alight.

Just like how the doctor and Rose met each other she got herself in trouble and the doctor save her

"Doctor who?" Rose asked as she followed the pony up the stairs.

One of those mysterious question that's never going to answer but that's how the doctor rolls

"Yes... it's just... it's bigger on the inside."

"I know" said the Doctor with a smile. "Welcome to the TARDIS, Rose."

Classic reaction when people went inside the Tardis for the first time

Wow this is pretty intense so Roseluck was getting up but she was asking where Lily go and Daisy told her that she was helping that Pony who was unconscious and went to the basement which that's not a good sign so Rose went downstairs to see if she can find Lily but unfortunately when she got to the bottom the pony was spitting something on Lily and Lily was being possessed and whoever those creatures are there possessing the other ponies and Rose was about to be possessed until the doctor showed up and using the sonic screwdriver paralyzing mindless ponies and Rose couldn't leave her but unfortunately there are more coming so both of them had to run and apparently mainhattan is affected by whatever those creatures are so they ran out of the building and the doctor ran inside the blue box and to her confusion why in the world did he went in there but unfortunately she doesn't have any choices so she ran inside and it turns out it's not just a blue box what she answered is a time machine called the TARDIS so I wonder how the doctor and Rose are going to deal with the infection I guess we'll find out next time

I know, Daisy is sometimes a little blind and sometimes exaggerated :rainbowlaugh:.

Maybe yes, maybe not :trollestia:.

A classic.

The most she'll get is a fake name :rainbowderp:.

Someday someone will take it easy when they first walk in?

I'm glad to hear that, that was my intention, for it to be intense.

"Those things, as you call them, are Symbiotes."

Ohh it's kind of like Venom

" We should have figured it out, the technology you have access to is not available in this world. You can come through, follow us and we'll take you to the heart of the hive. "

Well that was easy ahh who am I kidding nothing is never easy

The two stopped a few meters from the edge of the pool, whose black waters began to move and create ripples that crossed the surface before something emerged from the center. Roseluck opened her eyes, resisting the urge to back away as she watched the monster rise from the waters. A gigantic dragon head, or so it seemed, was coming out, but it didn't have any kind of scales. Its skin was as dark as the rest of the pool, smooth and drooling, its jaws had teeth, although they seemed to be an extension of its skin, for they had nothing in common with the teeth she knew, a crest of fine spines, running slightly down the neck, ending with completely red eyes, contrasting with the rest of its offspring.

Boy that kind of reminds me of the movie from the pagemaster the paint dragon kind of almost remind me of that

The Doctor frowned further at the word 'war', remaining silent for a few seconds before speaking.

Yeah that's right and if I remember correctly before he became the Ninth Doctor he was the War Doctor and he never wanted to remember that doctor again after what he did

Roseluck watched in terror as the Doctor was imprisoned, the Symbiotes surrounding her, she was finished. Her eyes went to the sonic screwdriver, an idea starting to form, but the presence of those things around her intimidated her. The mare closed her eyes tightly and took deep breaths, she couldn't afford to panic, if that thing was true, everypony's fate... no, everycreature's fate was at stake.

Yep not just only ponies will be affected but Griffins yaks hippogriffs dragons changelings kirins Buffalo's bat Pony Crystal Pony they will be affected by those symbiotes

"Of course I'll stop you, I'm the Doctor and that's my job" he said turning around to look directly at the queen. "And you made a grave mistake in turning down my offer."

Yup and when the doctor means it he means it and basically he will find a way to stop them

The possessed Lily moved forward, opening her mouth, several tentacles coming out and preparing to infect a new body. Daisy tried to escape, but was held back by two possessed ponies, with no choice but to watch as the thing that had possessed her friend came after her, and before long, she would be just another puppet.

Ohh poor daisy she never stood a chance don't worry you too The Doctor and Rose will save you guys

Whoa this is really getting good so Rose was still pretty amazed about how big the TARDIS is they have a mission to do apparently Manhattan is already infected that by those being called the Symbiotes so the doctor has to find their Queen and try to negotiate with it but the problem is he doesn't know where she is but Rose has an idea that's somewhere Underground of the hotel where the jacuzzi is a perfect place for those things since it's a heated place and no sound he never thought of that before so they teleport themselves right over there and once they got there they met up with the queen so the doctor try to reason with the queen what they're doing is wrong taking their freedom away but apparently the queen doesn't care the only way to survive is to take effect to every creature in this world and the doctor told her that they can leave without anybody dying and find another place to live but unfortunately the queen refused and it try to kill the doctor but Rose got the screwdriver and activate it and saving the doctor and he knows he already lost them already so he made promise to the queen that he will stop them meanwhile back at the hotel Daisy was still waiting for the other two come back not knowing what is going on she went downstairs where a lily said she was going to but when she found her she said the same thing like the other ponies side and before she knows that the Symbiotes took effect on Daisy and now she is now possessed by it so now what the doctor and Rose are going to do I guess we'll find out next time

"Disappears here and appears there" said the Doctor, close to Roseluck. "Wonderful technology, don't you think?"

Nothing is wrong here per se, but I feel I should point out that teleportation is one of Twilight's signature spells, especially when highly stressed and she lives in the same town as Roseluck... so Roseluck might have at least seen it once or twice. Or did Twi not do that much in and before the timeframe this is set in?

Other point: Why do you keep writing 'spa' in all caps?

Roseluck opened her eyes, resisting the urge to back away as she watched the monster rise from the waters. A gigantic dragon head, or so it seemed, was coming out, but it didn't have any kind of scales.

Would a dragon the size of the one from "Dragonshy" be large enough to host The Queen? What about Torch?

A teleporting pony is one thing and the TARDIS is quite another, plus, at this point, Roseluck has only seen Twilight teleport once. The spa thing, sorry, I wasn't sure if it was uppercase or lowercase :twilightblush:. Let's say the queen hasn't discovered dragons yet, she's only in Manehattan yet :trollestia:.

I was inspired by him, yes :trollestia:.

With the Doctor, nothing is easy, ever.

I never saw that movie :rainbowderp:, any resemblance is just coincidence.

An event so tragic that he never wanted to talk about it again.

Ponies are not the only inhabitants of the planet.

And I love when he gets serious.

She was doomed :fluttercry:.

I'm glad to hear that :twilightsmile:.

A few minutes later, he stood up, the last moments of consciousness he had were of sheer terror before he found himself attached to the hive. Once the process was complete, he made his way to the train as the possessed entered as many cars as possible. In a few hours, the cities closest to Manehattan will join the hive.

Oh dear if they don't stop the Symbiotes they're going to kill us all

Babs Seed snuggled against her older sister's fur, both of them in the little filly's bed, their eyes never leaving the door. Outside, through the window, came the roars of those things, spreading through the city like a plague, but that did not concern them at the moment, they had something much worse in their own house.

Oh no babs seed she's already had enough problems with bullies now aliens this is really not her day

Whoa that was close so it looks like the Symbiotes are on the move and positioned them self to affected not just only Manhattan but around Equestria but it looks like the doctor and Rose figure out do you use the Sonic sound is to use the radio station signal but they need to get through from the possessed ponies luckily they got through and started recording the Sonic Screwdriver sounding inside the tape hopefully this will send out the signal throughout Manhattan and it looks like a did back at the hotel it looks like the ponies including Lily and Daisy are free from the Symbiotes including the conductor is also free and stopping the train and Babs seeds and her older sister mother is okay as well and it looks like the symbiotes have left due to the sound but something tells me it's not over yet I wonder what's going to happen next guess we'll find out next time

Kill would not be the right word, control would be :trollestia:.

Luckily, this won't be the end of her.

Stay tuned, we're almost done :scootangel:.

Wow, this story was a lot shorter then I expected. Please respond to this comment.

Roseluck took one last look at the black masses, despite what she had done, she felt sorry for the queen. With a sigh, she followed the Doctor to the TARDIS, eager to see her friends again.

Lonely creature in the world now

"It's just that I haven't stopped thinking about the Doctor."

I've always thought she really wanted to go with a doctor and probably she kind of likes him

Roseluck blinked and turned her head. Sure enough, at the door was the Doctor, who was staring at her, smiling and greeting her before turning and leaving. Immediately after, and after looking at her friends, she went after him, following him through the corridors to the outside, already illuminated by moonlight, seeing how he approached the TARDIS, in the same place she remembered. Rose started running with all her might, her heart beating rapidly in her chest.

yeah once in a lifetime and she went for it

Wow that was a pretty interesting story of the doctor so it looks like everything worked out the Symbiotes have disappeared after that loud sonic wave and they check out of the queen and apparently not as strong and intimidating blames the doctor for the extinction of her kind and the doctor still wants to offer her the chance to survive but unfortunately it refused and just disappeared and with that there's not much they can do and he took Rose back to the hotel and she said her farewells with the doctor and thank him for everything which the doctor thank her for her assistance and once again he disappeared Rose couldn't help but felt like she could have said something but she wanted to make sure her friends are okay which they are and they apologize for not believing in her but everything is all right later days Rose couldn't stop thinking about the doctor that she could have gone with him but then he showed up and that was nice of him to support her but then the doctor asked her if she wants to come along on a journey through time and space and her friends told her to go for it because this is one chance to go out there and with that decision she went for it and she said goodbye to Lily and Daisy and she's off on an adventure with the doctor and whatever they go this will be an exciting and probably dangerous Journey well I would say this was a pretty awesome story keep up the good work

By the way the song that you saw is song by Billie Piper during the time she sang on the soundtrack called Pokemon the first movie

This story couldn't go on any longer, but more is on the way. And I always make sure to reply to all comments :scootangel:.

The Doctor is always a lonely being, no matter how many companions he brings with him.

While not something I rule out, I can't promise the Doctor feels the same way. I never really got into that part of the series, I mean, a 900-year-old or older being falling in love with a 19-year-old girl? Not for me.

Those opportunities should not be wasted.

I'm glad you liked the story :scootangel:.

Wait Roseluck is 19? I thought she's a little bit older I mean the Pony age especially like the young adults I can't even tell their ages it's kind of confusing I mean the baby like the cake twins and young kids like the Cutie Mark Crusaders and like almost like teens like sandbar at least those are easy to guess

I mean the doctor did say Some left me. Some got left behind. And some… not many, but… some died. And that's one of the most unfortunate event what happened to his previous companions and I'm sure that hurts a lot

I was referring to the Rose from Doctor Who, Roseluck will be 23 or 24.

That's why I say. No matter how many companions he has, one way or another, he always ends up alone one more time. Not to mention that being the last of your kind makes you a loner whether you are accompanied or not.

"...I'm the Doctor, by the way. What's your name?"
"Nice to meet you, Roseluck. Run for your life!"


I'm not going to exterminate them without even giving them a chance.

A Dalek pokes its head in: "Found you!"

Having a suspicion of what was going to happen, Roseluck caught herself in time as the TARDIS began to travel, coming to a stop in no time.

Given, that it moves through time as well... I wonder, what the above really means...

Yay, let's celebrate :yay:!

Daisy gave her friend a smile and smiled.

OK. What :rainbowhuh:?

Very true to "Doctor Who", might I say!

A little mistake I made, sorry!

Being a fan of Doctor Who, I would feel bad if it didn't feel true.

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