• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 52,600 Views, 3,527 Comments

Project: Sunflower - Hoopy McGee

As the Earth is under threat, humanity reaches out for one last hope of salvation.

  • ...

Bonus chapter: Project: Parody. Sunflower on a budget.

"So, that's it," Doctor Velchiek said, leaning back and smiling at her.

"That's it?" Erin asked, amazed. "Seriously?"

"Yup! That's all there is to it."

"You want me to disguise myself as a horse-"


"Pony, right. Disguise myself as a pony and infiltrate this new world to gather information?"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Sounds freaky weird. I'm in."

"All right, come with me, and I'll take you to the costume department."

"Costume?" Erin asked, confused. "How could there possibly be a costume that would make me fit in over in Ponyworld?"

"We spared no expenses," Dr. Velchiek said. "Well, that's not true. We're on a pretty severe budget, after all. We had to cut some corners. Still, I have no doubt you'll be surprised by what we have for you!"

Erin was surprised, all right, when she finally saw her 'disguise'.

"This is it?" she said, with some annoyance. The costume looked about right for a kid's birthday party, but she couldn't see fooling anyone with it, let alone a real pony. Her legs would fit into the costume's front legs, and the immobile back legs would just be dragged along stiffly as she walked. She'd have to use her hands inside the enormously oversized head to operate the eyes and mouth, like a giant puppet.

"No, we're also sending surveillance equipment with you," Doctor Velchiek replied. "Here's a digital voice recorder and a video camera. Try and record as much as possible! Also, here's a high-tech inter-dimensional communication device!"

He handed her a cheap, plastic walkie-talkie.


"Try it on, my dear! Try it on!"

Feeling like an idiot, Erin tried on the costume. The enormous head actually had room for her to move around a bit, and she could see out of the mouth, which gaped open like an idiot's. There was even room on the inside for a small water bottle, attached to the top of the headpiece like in a gerbil's cage.

"Cozy," Erin said, but unfortunately Dr. Velchiek didn't pick up on the sarcasm.

"Glad you like it! Now get through that gate!"

"What, now?"

"Yup!" he said, and shoved her.

Erin stumbled into Ponyworld and almost smacked into a tree.

"What in the hay are you?" a local pony asked.

Erin, only able to see the pony's orange hooves through the mouth-slot of her costume, replied, "Oh, I'm just an average pony. Honest."

"Ya don't say," the pony said doubtfully. "Well, Ah'm Applejack. What's your name?"

"I'm Erin," Erin said. "Wait, no, don't call me that. Um. I'm... Sunflower. Yes, that's it. Sunflower. Pleased to meet you!"

"Pleased to meet you too, 'Sunflower'," Applejack said flatly, and held out a hoof. Erin stuck her foot out, and AJ shook it.

"Y'all want an apple?" the pony asked.

"That's okay," Erin said. "I'm not hungry. Hey, is there a town near here?"

"Sure, Ponyville," Applejack said, and Erin stifled a snort of laughter at the name. "Just head thataway."

"Thanks!" Erin said, wandering off and occasionally tripping due to her poor field of vision.

Rainbow Dash landed next to Applejack as she watched the poorly-disguised human wander off.

"What the heck was that?"

"Ah don't know. Ah reckon' it's some sort of spy in a pony costume. We should tell Twilight."

Meanwhile, back on the road...

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!" a voice suddenly said, and Erin screamed a little in shock.

"Hi, I'm Erin. I mean, I'm Sunflower. Nice to meet you," Erin said, then took a couple of pictures of the pink hooves she could see outside of her mouth-hole.

"You're one weird pony, Sunflower. But I've seen weirder! I'll throw you a party when you least expect it. Bye for now!"

Erin kept walking until she reached Ponyville, and then decided to ask if there was a library. Several of the ponies she asked either fainted or ran away screaming, but one, a grey pegasus with strange eyes, pointed her towards a large tree.

"Thanks, pony!" Erin said as she walked away.

"You're welcome, alien!" Derpy said, waving at Erin's retreating figure.

Erin finally reached the weird-looking library. She contemplated how she was going to knock for a minute, and then just decided to bump her head on it repeatedly. Or, rather, the costume's head. She didn't notice that, in doing so, one of the badly-attached eyes fell off.

The door opened, and a little purple dragon looked up at her.

"Whoah, what the heck are you?" Spike asked her.

"I'm a pony," Erin lied. "What are you?"

"A dragon."

"I don't believe you," Erin said.

"Neither do I."

They were at a standstill for a bit, and then Spike said, "Twilight? There's some weird creature in a bad pony costume here to see you!"

"What?" came the distant voice, and then a purple unicorn trotted into view, freezing when she saw Erin.

"Okay, right," Twilight said evenly. "Apparently this is how my night is going to go. What are you supposed to be?"

"A perfectly normal talking pony person," Erin said, feeling a little frantic. "Hahahah!"

"No, you're not," Twilight said.

"Yes," Erin insisted, "I am."

"No. You. Are. Not."

Erin scrambled around inside the costume's massive head until she found the walkie-talkie.

"Doctor Velchiek!" she hissed into the cheap plastic toy. "I think my cover's been blown!"

There was a long pause, and then Doctor Velchiek said, "Don't forget to say 'over' when you're done talking, Erin."

"Oh, for goodness... Look, I think they're on to me. I should tell them I'm not a pony!" She waited a few seconds, then rolled her eyes and said, "Over!"

"Absolutely not! We have to go ahead with the mission!"

"I really think-"

"I didn't say 'over', yet!"

While this was going on, Twilight was watching this strange, poorly-disguised creature apparently having a heated argument with itself inside of its obviously false head.

"Say, Erin, are you really dead set on telling them you're a human? Over."

"I think I should. They aren't buying this crappy disguise. Oh, um. Over."

"Do you see a small metal box in the head piece with you, over."

"Yes, I got it, over," Erin said, grabbing the box.

"Please open it up and take one of the pills inside, over."

"Why?" Erin asked, suspiciously. "What does it do? Over."

"Oh, nothing. It will just help you obey my orders without question, over."

"No deal! Over!"

"Then you force me to activate the override!"

The back half of the costume whirred to life as a small taser set on a telescoping mechanical arm snaked out and zapped Erin lightly in the back.

"Argh! What the hell?!"

"Now, do what I say or I zap you again!" Doctor Velchiek said. "Over!"

"Oh, forget this!" Erin snapped, pulling herself out of the costume as quickly as she could and kicking the blasted thing out the door.

She turned to face the unicorn, smiled weakly and said, "Surprise! I'm not actually a pony."

"I never would have guessed," Twilight said dryly. "Would you like some tea?"

"That would be lovely, thanks," Erin said.

They became friends, defeated the Smooze Black Tide, and everything was all happiness and rainbows forever!


Deep in a cave on the far side of the Everfree forest, an ancient and trapped creature sighed. One of these days, it would break out of its prison. But, until then, it just had to continue on like it always had.

"One million, three hundred and fifty thousand, four hundred twelve bottles of cider on the wall," it sang, "One million, three hundred and fifty thousand, four hundred twelve bottles of cider! You take one down and pass it around, and there's one million, three hundred and fifty thousand, four hundred eleven bottles of cider on the wall!"

Comments ( 555 )

Silly self-parody chapter. :twilightoops:

I'm sorry, but I refuse to apologize! :pinkiehappy:

Arzoo #2 · Oct 8th, 2012 · · ·

In all fairness, a walkie-talkie that works between dimensions probably IS really high tech and expensive...


I like the setting of TCB... some of the stories in the setting are extremely misanthropic, but I think the basic setting is pretty inventive, and a great way for people to get their own human OC's ponified (thus the popularity, I think).

Still, I couldn't resist poking a little fun at it, and I really hope I didn't offend anyone :twilightsmile:

Amazing story! This story is definitely one of the best if not the best story on this site. You make the characters believable and entertaining, the plot flows nicely and as bad as things seem in your story it doesn't become all misanthropic. Keep writing, you definitely have a knack for it. I look forward to reading the sequels and any of your other works. :twilightsmile:

There will be a full-blown sequel to Project: Sunflower some time in the future.

some of those side stories could be fun, especially if they run into alternate Earths or Equestrias. (Hello Infinite Worlds!)

...what? :unsuresweetie: is this supposed to be like before they made all those fancy gadgets to turn her into a pony? :facehoof:

"Now, do what I say or I zap you again!" :moustache: FOR SCIENCE!!!



lol. I love parodies! And I love this story! Which means DOUBLE THE LOVE!

Your story was one of the best i've read! I look forward to a potential sequel (and hopefully the romance sub-plots won't bother me TOO much) and your future stories!

You deserve a watch!

Dude, it took you 32 chapters to finally realize what the audience wanted? About time. :trollestia:

Bahahaha! Yet somehow it went better than in the original story.

I don't know if you caught the humor in what you just said. But I think you did.
Okay, so here goes. Beautiful story. Fantastic. Magnificent. And quite good too! :pinkiehappy:
I shall wait with bated breath for your next tale!


Question 1: Did you ever have Writer's Block while writing this story?

Multiple times. Many times, I feel it was because of my self-imposed "chapter a week" deadline. That kept me motivated, but it also kept me pressured. Quite often, I knew where I wanted the story to go, but had no idea how to get there. Often, just saying "Sorry guys, I need more time on this chapter" was enough to clear the block and get me working. Then again, other times I needed to write a silly stream of consciousness story that gets tons more popular than my "main" fic :pinkiehappy:

Question 2: What are you learning in College as your major (I'm not exactly good with College specifics, as I'm still in High School)?

Majored in? Nothing, really. I went straight from High School to get various tech certifications and got into technology support for a major corporation. That worked out for me, but it was a very different world back then. This was pre-internet bubble burst, back in 1998. That path may not work so well these days, in this job market. I'm currently enrolled to go back to college starting next year, but I haven't settled on a major yet.

Something to keep in mind: Any degree is better than no degree. In a down job market, employers will receive a lot of resumes. The first thing that many will do to cut down on that number is to take all the ones with no degrees and just toss them. Sounds brutal, and it is. Get any degree, but keep in mind that you're not stuck with that as your permanent career choice. My wife has a degree in biology, and she works in finance.

Question 3: What was your favorite part of the story (it can be a chapter)?

Favorite part to write? I'd say the three chapters where Malachite revealed himself, took over Erin, and eventually got banished, leaving Erin exposed and her cover blown. So many things I'd set up, all giving way at once. I hated doing that to the poor girl, but I'd been anticipating that for so long, and it was so exciting to write.

Second favorite, the chimera. That was also a lot of fun to write.

Thanks :twilightsmile:


May the Grace of the Valar Protect You

Shire Folk

Make a sequel! Erin's adventures studying magic!!!!!

You just summed up your entire story in less than 2000 words. And it's a parody. :pinkiegasp:

*analyzes the last chapter* Seems legit... :rainbowhuh:

In this version, the Blike Tide was just a really big BP oil spill! :rainbowlaugh:

Of course, you now have to do the DBZ version of the story.

The Tide pulled itself together and revealed it was... MAJIN BUU!!! Celestia powered up her greatest attack: SOLAR FLARE!!! But it was no use! She was only Super Alicorn Level 2, and she needed to be at least Level 3 and do the Fusion Prance with Luna to even stand 5/7 of a chance of victory!

*blinks* That... actually has incredible troll potential... :trollestia:

1408339 :rainbowlaugh: at the end. I thought it said defeated the Smooze instead of Black Tide.:rainbowwild:

Wait... would you allow us to try to make a full out PARODY of the fic, continuing from this? XD

HAHAHAHAHA!! This is great! I'd say more but my mind's a little fuzzy due to lack of oxygen from laughing so hard.
Yeoman, out

oh god this was so silly I love it forever.

Looking forward to more from you! This was absolutely incredible!

Two words:
Lyra the human.


Just to make sure...

I have an idea for Project Harmonics to open a window to an alternate Earth. In an underground top secret location on that alternate world where there is an organization called the SGC.

So is it alright if I do that?

Well, I thoroughly enjoyed the ending of this story and the silly little bonus chapter at the end. I admit, I chuckled a little at it. :pinkiehappy:
I loved the whole experience and I am glad that we are not going to see the last of this story. Congratulations on making it this far and I wish you luck with your future works! I am looking forward to them!

Poor Machalite.:rainbowlaugh:

I loved this story, and absolutely cannot wait to see what you've got in store for us next. I'd say you're probably one of my favorite authors on this site.

Until whatever you release next.

Okay, I laughed. Good parody!

So it seems.:rainbowlaugh:

And nice work.:pinkiehappy:

Mine's a headcannon, 'cause I'm the artillery in a battle of wits

... HAHAHahAhahahaha!!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:
This was just crazy and insnae! xD I loved it.

Oh, Celestia... My sides, they hurt! :rainbowlaugh:

A really good and original story overall.


Do the Asgard show up at the end?


Oh my god is this chapter funny, I was reading out in public while eating breakfast and I could barely keep myself together.

1412561 Yeah, I mean, to the 'OP' alicorn OC, everyone is forgetting she knows NOTHING about magic, how to work it, etc. I don't expect her to learn anything but Telekinesis for quite awhile, and even then, she'd struggle. XD (At least, that's what I'm thinking. I don't know, maybe she's good at one part of the magic, but not the other, or something.)

Nine chapters in... SO AMAZING :fluttercry:

It's only a joke, even twilight, Luna, and Celestia laughed at it. If anything it's more like a parody of the cliche. It's funny because she made the same ridiculous mistake so many other people make with pony generators, it's just that hers makes real ponies.
Silly Erin, you're not a princess. :trollestia:

You're the one that brought us "Interview with a Princess", kind of figured that you liked Celestia. When the villains are more popular than somepony who embodies goodness you know there are problems.
Still thank you and one last question, this is the second (or perhaps the third) story in which the human character is from Minnesota, I'm take it you from there?

Why can't I favourite/like stories more than once?
Because this chapter alone deserves it. Badly.

1412832 Deal! :pinkiehappy: I'm not going to start on that until I finish my current story, though.

If you refuse to apologise for writing this.... well THIS, then I shall be forced to refrain from apologizing for sincerely enjoying it!
Take that! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Fluttershy_umad.png

1412832 It only has a mention in a list on TV Tropes. I (or anyone else) haven't had time/a chance/motivation/knowledge/skills to write a full entry for it yet, like other pony fanfics do. And no one's paying attention to the P.C. picture of Erin I made! Oh well. BG's required more skill to make.

1412832 um... I have one problem. I haven't the foggiest clue where the group is. :twilightsheepish:

i think the sequal to this is where another human enters the other 'new world' they recently discovered. I think we should call it Grovea! i think the next main character's name is Brandon...


And that's how the states got their shapes Equestria was made!

Carry On


That's one of the side stories that I'm writing, Erin as a human in Ponyville. Here, just as a special preview, here are my first few chapter titles. You can probably guess what a couple of these are about, but the others are a surprise :twilightsmile:
Erin's interview (expanding on the interview she did at the end of chapter 30)
Erin the Human
Down on the farm
Red Apples

I have some Mane 6 (and other ponies) on Earth stories planned as well. I'm going to be a busy, busy writer for a while :pinkiehappy:

I know there was only one thing I could think of during this chapter:

Also did you can that idea for the Alicorn clones story? I though sounds neat :pinkiesad2:

1413801 Project: Sunflower now has a bare-bones TVTropes entry by yours truly. :pinkiehappy: Go give it some Wiki-love!

1416390 Thank you! I added it to the FiM fanfics index list, and added one trope. Hoopy, please advertise this TV Tropes page to all your readers!

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