• Published 1st May 2022
  • 10,595 Views, 657 Comments

The Prodigy Emperor - The Toaster

A new life, a new future and a new chance. Grover VI the Prodigy; the last hope of an empire.

  • ...

Intrigue and Hidden Passages

When asked what the true gem of Griffonia is, many might say that it is the thriving port of Skyfall, one of the most productive cities and one of the busiest ports in the entire world. With its trading ships sailing to all corners of the globe and trading goods and currencies.

Or maybe they could answer Romau, the eternal city that stands firm and outlived dozens of empires and kingdoms. With its city as rich and prosperous as entire kingdoms combined.

Others would say Griffonstone. The Cradle of Griffonkind. The nest of the gods where they created the first Griffon in the world at the top of the tree of life.

But scholars know the true answer, and that answer is the Yale Rectorate.

The Duchy of Yaledom was vassalized under the rule of Grover I. Safe in the heartlands of the Empire, the Dukes maintained close contact with the Emperor. Under these circumstances, Yale was able to provide higher education to the Empire's growing nobility.

With time, they grew in prestige and wealth, and students from all over the continent came to learn. With time, however, the local nobility grew even poorer. Griffonia was changing, and the Industrial Revolution had begun. While factories sprang up and manufactories spurred on in the cities, the nobles continued to rely upon their comparatively undeveloped lands to provide for them, and Yale was losing its place to other cities within the duchy which had taken a greater initiative to industrialize.

It was two hundred years later after the founding of the University that the ducal rulers finally sold their title and rule to the University of Yale itself to save themselves from poverty. Grover III, who was attempting to unify the realm, likely wouldn't have taken kindly to such a large shift in politics, especially one so close to Griffenheim. So as to not provoke action from the Empire, it was decided that the title would be kept alive, if in name only, by the first Rector and father of modern Yale.

Now in the present he flew through its long, ancient interconnecting corridors, he could see room after room containing dozens of shelves crammed with books. One of the most knowledgeable territories in the empire is an understatement.

Yale is a bastion of knowledge and advancement. Being the source of a thousand years of discoveries made by trial and error of a species that even at its apex, continues to evolve and innovate constantly.

At least that's what the members of 'The Shinning Beacon of Science' say about themselves.

But the reality, as well as the stories taught in its former salons, unfold differently from reality.

Yale lived in almost a social segregation, between the elite class that lived and studied in the halls of the several universities scattered in the rectorate and those that worked in the industries and farms of Yale. With university students being the de facto leaders and unofficial lords of the nation, the commoners have the chance to be pocketed at one of the prestigious academies, ensuring a prosperous and luxurious future. But only 10% of all applicants make it through, and far fewer make it through the tough, competitive school life at one of the most respected institutions in all of Griffonia. Its libraries are unparalleled, though, and it holds a strong tradition of academic excellence.

Yale's academics specialize in Science and Philosophy, but in recent years, some feel that the curriculum is outdated, out of touch with reality and the common griffon, or even contradictory or stagnant. Regardless, Yale continues onwards with its grand scientific vision.

But this wasn't the time to think about that, in Mikusian's mind, he had to keep his mind clear of any thoughts in order to appear more presentable. As the Rector Magnificus Mikusian, he was expected to be the embodiment of the values of all the Academies and universities in the Rectorate.

Taking a long breath. He would walk down the marble stairs on his way to the university's exit while ignoring the commotion around him, with students and employees rushing to put the finishing touches to the university's decorations and make the place spotless for the coming Emperor.

A student with a clipboard and paper would fly in and land right next to him, accompanying him on his hurried walk to his destination. "R-rector Magnificus s-sir! y-your arrival is most u-unexpected here, but I can assure you that e-everything is going as pla-"

"Cut me the formalities and bring me up to speed, I've wasted enough time fixing this ridiculous powdered wig to waste any more."

"Y-yes sir! By now the great hall has already been stocked with-" He began to speak as Rector continued to cross the halls of the academy, he kept his expression firm as he tried to keep up with his companion's nervous babbling.

Mikusian liked to think of himself as a perfectionist, a griffon who when put to task would go above and beyond in the execution and precision of anything needed for the good of the academies and their students.

But this was too big for him to be a perfectionist, precision was necessary, but the scale of the preparations divided his full attention and made precision much more difficult as he delegated his attention.

"-And finally, you have important visits from high-ranking representatives of the Bruma and Gamia garrison." This made him raise an eyebrow while maintaining a sullen expression.

'The militaristic fanatics then.' He scoffed. The Universities of Bruma and Gamia lie in the West. Bruma's faculty believe in the strength of tradition and specialize in the Social Sciences. They teach to preserve societal values, that one must go forth into the streets to learn and bring change. They reject harmony and socialism as nothing but Equestrian attempts to export their way of life. For this, they are very popular among the masses. Same with Gamia, however, it has a different outlook. Its biological studies are second to none, perhaps because researchers here believe in the pure, unhindered acquisition of knowledge. Already, they push the boundaries of ethics, to put aside morality in the name of progress. Still, they yearn to stretch the line further, to even eliminate it, to achieve their full potential, and soar to new heights.

Neither is quite satisfied with the more liberal aspects of society and has close ties with the local Prelate of Arcturius. Each also receives additional funding from nearby Romau, seat of the Archonate of Eyr, and holds strong ties to the clergy.

"You are dismissed." Abruptly he stopped and stared straight ahead much to his student's confusion.

"But Sir...?" He looked at the spot his Rector was giving so much attention to in curiosity, and his face showed absolute shock. "O-o-oh no-"

"Ferdinand Dawnclaw" Mikusian snarled, as he never took his eyes off one of the most feared and respected Griffons in the entire Empire. He was at the end of the hall and at the entrance to the building, the officer in a clear cordial discussion with what looked like a priest from Arcturius.

The Student dismissed himself quickly, wanting to avoid coming into contact with the dreaded officer, while the Rector took a deep breath. And he marched towards the unexpected visitors.

The Albino didn't seem to have seen him approaching even with a clear line of sight he showed no sign of noticing him, which to Rector meant one of two things; the rumors reporting the poor eyesight he contained, or that he was ignoring him on purpose. He didn't know how to react to the latter.

As he approached the priest he was talking to, he showed surprise at the veil but had a smile and lowered in reverence. "My Rector, it is an honor to see you at such an important moment."

He gave a weak smile as he nodded to the priest, he was young, around 22 to 24 years old. He had two yellow eyes and light purple fur. He was the Prelate of Yale, personally chosen by Archon Proteus III, and a Member of the Academic Council.

He was young but already bore the best qualities of the followers of Arcturius, A Smith who can burn away impure elements through war and forge together what is fractured. A Warrior loyal, honorable, and unflinching in conflict.

"Really Rector, it is a great honor to be present at such a prestigious and culturally important academy." His smile immediately fell upon hearing that voice, turning around and being greeted by the cocky grinning albino, his scarlet eyes piercing Rector's soul like a dagger.

Magnificus didn't have a high opinion of Dawnclaw, his hatred of the soldier not coming from his charming personality, but rather what he represented. His crucial role in hunting down intellectuals in the following years after the failed republican revolution earned him a reputation, which was only cemented by the massacres he carried out in the Feathisian-Cloudburian skirmishes with the remnants of the defeated rebels. But the Rector couldn't deny the qualities he carried, he was both respected and feared in equal measure for a reason. He was always in the middle of the chaos, in the thick of the fighting side by side with the soldiers under the gunfire and death. The discipline he instills in his troops is second to none, soldiers may fear him for his reputation but they follow him out of genuine loyalty. They hold an unbreakable trust in him.

His warrior skills and military record against the Republicans were not what caused the most fear, but his huge network of contacts and friends. Ferdinand had managed on the basis of favors, friends, and comrades within the armed forces creating his own small military faction within the army itself. Whatever happened directly or indirectly in the army, Dawnclaw would know.

"Prelate, Oberstleutnant. To what do I owe the pleasure?" he said, trying to maintain a persona of firmness and politeness.

Even so, he would have to keep up appearances, Dawnclaw was a fearsome being, but civility must be maintained before the faculty.

"My Rector, I was on my way to inspect the cathedral when I came across Sir Ferdinand, charming fellow if i say myself!" He would say with an innocent smile as Dawnclaw gave a respectful bow.

"You honor me, Father, I just believe that a devoted follower of Arcturius deserves his due respect."

"You've shown him your respect more than once Ferdinand. You carry his favor in battle!"

"You are too kind Father Michael."

"As much as I would enjoy hearing both of you complimenting each other for the rest of the evening like two lovers on their honeymoon I would like to hear your business into my college Oberstleutnant." He said in the most sarcastic tone he could muster, unexpectedly, the Prelate just burst out laughing and the Officer rolled his eyes.

"Straight to business, I see. Not surprising, you must not place much value on the pleasures of life outside your books." Before Rector had any chance to rebut, he would continue. "But understandably, with the Emperor's arrival imminent, you wouldn't want to waste time with small talk and miss out on a chance to impress His Majesty."

The Albino placed one of his claws over his uniform, and took out an envelope, holding it out to Rector who raised an eyebrow at the action, hesitant to take it "May I inquire what's in it?"

Dawnclaw sighed as he tapped the envelope in the air while showing clear irritation. "It's not poison if that's what you're doubting."

"I have not hinted at anything that would lead to that conclusion."

"Your face says otherwise."

This time it was Rector's turn to feel irritated as he snatched the envelope away, leaving Ferdinand with a smug smile symbolizing his 'victory.'

Opening the envelope and looking inside, he produced a key. Not holding back his confusion he looked back at Dawnclaw, asking an unspoken question.

"That's the key to a safe with half a million in golden imperials." He said with a smile as Mikusian's eyes widened.

"Ferdinand, are you trying to bribe me?" He asked in utter disbelief, not believing the implications the commander dared to make.

"Bribe you? No no... This is a donation, an Incentive to Yale's research and facilities."

The Rector didn't buy it, as Dawnclaw showed mockery in his expression and relaxation in his stance. But he decided to humor the soldier.

"I'm feeling a 'but' in this"

The empire official's smile only grew. "You really are an intellectual." He chuckled quietly to himself. "Yes, as these funds will go towards the Gamia Academy."

"I take that's why the Prelate is with you?" He raised an eyebrow as he glanced at the religious figure, who so far had been content to just watch the back and forth of the Rector and the Obelutnant in silence.

"Indeed!" Michael exclaimed as his wings flapped excitedly. The young Prelate not managing to contain his emotions. "Dawnclaw is not only willing to fund but also donate troops to garrison the research centers. His interest in the new young souls and their protection is most admirable!"

Red flags flashed through Magnificus' mind as he flicked his eyes between the Albino's 'gift' and the two griffons in front of him.

He didn't need a genius to see what the military was after. It wasn't well-intentioned obviously, but to think he'd be so bold as to try to occupy a gym head-on? And in front of their leader? Ferdinand's Audacity had no end.

But he couldn't refuse a 'donation' without good reason, and at the moment he had nothing but suspicions of ill intent. But on what grounds would he veto such an action? A war hero and a priest want to help protect students and on top of that finance their studies, what image would he be passing by refusing?

Mikusian found himself in a difficult position, torn between accepting the supposed donation for the academy and his suspicions about the ulterior motives behind it. He was going to play along. But he is not fooled, not easily. He would let such a 'donation' pass for the moment, not being able to interfere with a private donation, but would keep a close eye on Dawnclaw and his intentions, whatever they may be.

After a moment of contemplation, he put on a diplomatic smile, acknowledging the gesture. "Your generosity is appreciated, Oberstleutnant Dawnclaw, and I assure you that the funds will be put to good use in our research and facilities. We welcome any collaboration that can benefit the education and safety of our students."

Ferdinand nodded, seemingly satisfied with the Rector's response while the Prelate beamed with happiness "Excellent! I knew you'd see the value in this partnership. Gamia and Yale will work hand in claw for the betterment of the empire!"

While putting on a diplomatic front, Mikusian couldn't help but be wary of the situation. He knew that he needed to gather more information and find a way to protect the academy's autonomy and integrity. He had a feeling that Dawnclaw's interest in the Gamia Academy went beyond merely safeguarding students.

But before he could continue, he felt a strong wind at his back, looking back he saw another student landing behind him with haste and concern on his face.

"My Rector! The Emperor has just entered the state borders and will be here in a few minutes!" He could feel the scarlet eyes boring into the back of his head, carrying their registered smug smile.

"Looks like you're needed elsewhere, we won't hold you back any longer than necessary." He nodded to the prelate who smiled warmly back and then gave Rector a low bow. "Let's go, Father Michael."

"My rector." He bowed and followed Dawnclaw.

'What are you planning Ferdinand? What do you want with all this?'

The Rector would fly off after the student, leaving them both behind. Who walked towards the exit.

"I told you he would give you permission, Mikusian is a good griffon."

"That's good, the project will be able to proceed as planned."

The Prelate looked very hesitant "I hope you're right about this Dawnclaw, the plans you're suggesting.... If you're right, we can change the course of history. But if it's wrong...."

"Trust me, Father Michael. Weihe and Auferstehung will bring us all the answers." His scarlet eyes glittered. "The Empire will be saved, one way or another."

"My lord- i mean Grover, I respect and admire you above all else." The Diamond dog asked as taut sweat trickled down his coat. "But this is a BAD idea! We shouldn't be doing this!"

Grover just rolled his eyes. "Relax Loudbark, I know what I'm doing and I know these walls like the claws in my palm." He looked behind them.

Both were crouched behind a bush in the garden of the imperial palace. Having come many times already and having decorated every tree and bush that dominates the scenery. Even so, this did not reassure the Diamond dog.

The Dog had become a great rejuvenation for Grover, proving himself to be a faithful helper and friend. Nights were no longer lonely violin lessons in the moonlight or awkward conversations with guards who were either too scared or too nervous for small talk. Finally, he had someone his own age who had similar interests to play with day to day.

Studies were no longer boring as before, they were still shit, but Loudbark was very well-versed in that area and always gave him a paw whenever he could. Not to mention that he also began to be trained by Uncle Proteus, becoming his training partner.

And now partner in crime.

"Even so! We shouldn't be here! We promised Proteus that we'd be sleeping by this time! If he finds out...."

"He won't relax. I know what I'm doing, and aren't you curious too? Imagine the things we might find there." The Griffon commented with a smile as he worked his way under the massive wall that surrounded the imperial palace.

"But... Why? I thought you were content in just being in the imperial palace!"

That made Grover stop, turning around and looking at his friend. "Content?" He scoffed impatiently. "Rufus, I never have seen anything outside of this palace, I have never met or seen anything that I read in books outside of the balcony of my room. I want to explore! To see the world!"

"I fail to see how sneaking out would help you. Rather I think it would make it even more difficult for you to leave. Could you imagine if your father finds this out?" Loudbark responded with a poker face.

"Just trust me ok?!" He exclaimed impatiently, taking a moment to compose himself before he continued. "Look, we are just gonna go, in and out really fast. I saw the Changeling envoy's going up and down in one of the buildings down in the street by here. And I want to check it out. I WILL go, with or without you." He said seriously while sitting by the wall of the palace. "So? Will you come with me or not?"

"You know the answer Grover. It is my duty to follow you whenever it is stupid or no."

"Good soldier." He answered with a smile, while slowly pushing a bush with his claws, revealing a....

"A... hole?" Loudbark asked with his eyebrows raised. This was unacceptable! This was the imperial palace, it was supposed to be one of the sturdiest and most maintained structures to protect the royal family and their vassals, and there was a hole in the wall?? This was a security threat!

But his train of thought would be cut off when he would only see the back of the future emperor and his tail hitting the sides of the hole, with the rest of his body already inside the wall. "Huh... How strange... The hole- ugh.... It was supposed to be bigger..." Loudbark tried to avert his gaze, not daring to stare back at the heir as he blushed in embarrassment.

"I have a bad feeling about this...."

"Shut up and let's go!" Before he could continue he felt his paw being grabbed tightly and pulled into the hole.

"Wooooah!" The children's eyes sparkled as they looked at the building in front of them, it was absolutely alien compared to the entire city around them which contained classic griffon architecture; concrete houses, glass windows, and bricks. The building they faced contained black walls and instead of being checkered, it looked like a vase or imperfect cone shape. With several holes around and strange flags hanging; white background with a symbol of three crooked horns connected together, and a pair of blue wings coming out of them.

"The flag of the Changelings...!" The Diamond dog exclaimed. With the heir nodding.

"Chryssy already told me a little about what their houses were like, but seeing it myself..."

Loudbark responded with an 'ooooh' as he scratched his chin. "Do you know the queen of the Changelings?" It didn't surprise him that his lord knew such powerful people, but it was still something new to Diamond Dog all the same.

"We're kind of close friends" He would smile at his friend as he walked towards the building. Being followed by Loudbark who remained completely hesitant.

"Hey G, are you sure this is a good idea? We are already in big BIG trouble to be in the open like this without any guards or notice to the others..."

"By Boreas sake Rufus, yes i know. But i already did this two other times, it's not difficult to sneak past the guards. A few weeks ago i did this path and it was all good."

"Yes, because you were little before." The Heir opened his beak to retort, but the shadow of a figure passing between buildings ahead caught their attention.

"To that window! Hurry!" Grover exclaimed as he bolted for the building Changeling with Loudbark, who quickly followed suit, his heart pounding in his chest. They reached the window and crouched below it, trying to stay hidden while they peered inside.

Inside the Changeling building, they saw a spacious room adorned with unique and mesmerizing decorations. The walls seemed to shift colors and patterns, and strange crystal formations glowed softly, illuminating the chamber. Changelings with their shapeshifting abilities were moving about, and engaged in various activities.

It was so alien, yet so fascinating at the same time. Where industrial might was fused with magic. Griffons were never the most magical creatures, meaning their culture focused more on technology. Yet they still used magic crystals for special weapons and emergency messages.

Changelings were almost a fusion. It was so strange but so beautiful.

Grover couldn't help but be curious about the matters being discussed in the building, as it seemed to involve some internal issues within the Griffon Empire and the continent as a whole.

"I wonder what they're talking about," Grover whispered to Loudbark, his eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before them.

"This is not right, Grover, we should leave." Loudbark urged, feeling increasingly uneasy about their intrusion.

"Just a little longer. I want to see if there's anything important. It might help us understand what their intentions are with us." Grover explained, his curiosity getting the better of him. 'Or me in that matter.' He added in his mind.

As they continued to watch, they overheard snippets of the conversation but all of it were more gibberish than proper sentences. The advisors were discussing with each other around a table with the map of a continent, it was not Griffonia. It was Equss, their home continent. More specifically, their nation with many arrows pointing towards a big nation by their border in the west. Being too far away, they couldn't catch a glimpse of the name, but the situation seemed more complex and precarious than Grover had imagined. This was not only a mere diplomatic mission, but a military council discussing war plans.

But why in an embassy in the middle of a foreign Empire? And what they were planning? What was the significance of this particular nation in the West? And most importantly, how did this affect their homeland and their own people?

Feeling a mix of curiosity, responsibility, and a desire to protect his home, Grover wanted to learn more. He whispered to Loudbark, "We need to find a way to get closer and listen more. This could be important!"

Loudbark, though still apprehensive about the whole situation, recognized the importance of the information they might uncover. "Alright, but let's be careful," he replied, trying to keep his voice as low as possible.

The two friends carefully moved along the side of the building, searching for another vantage point that would allow them to listen in on the conversation without being detected. They finally found a slightly open window on the opposite side of the room they had been observing.

With great caution, they approached the window and peeked inside. From this new angle, they could hear more clearly what the Changeling advisors were discussing. But, before they could continue their spying upon the council, they heard a loud 'thump' behind them. Looking back alarmed, they found two guards staring straight at them, two pairs of blue orb-like eyes penetrating their souls and making them yelp in alarm.

Caught red-handed, Grover and Loudbark froze in fear as the Changeling guards confronted them. One of the guards, a tall and imposing figure, stepped forward and spoke in a stern voice, "What are you two doing here? This is a restricted area."

Grover's heart raced, and he tried to think of a quick excuse. "Uh, we got lost, and we were just trying to find our way back," he stammered, hoping the Changelings would buy his lie.

The guard didn't seem convinced and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Not seeing to recognize both youngsters. "Lost, huh? Two youngsters in the middle of the night, sneaking around a diplomatic embassy? That doesn't sound very believable."

Loudbark, feeling a surge of courage, decided to take a different approach. "Look, we didn't mean any harm. We're just curious about your culture and wanted to learn more. We're from the neighborhood and didn't mean to intrude."

The other guard, a bit smaller than the first one, seemed to soften slightly at Loudbark's words. "Curious, you say? Why would a Griffon and a Diamond dog be interested in Changeling culture?"

Grover saw an opportunity and quickly spoke up, "I've heard stories about your people, and I wanted to see it for myself. We mean no harm, I promise."

The guards exchanged glances, seemingly unsure of what to do with these unexpected intruders. The larger guard, however, remained stern. "You'll have to come with us. We need to report this to our superiors."

Grover's heart sank, realizing they were in serious trouble. "Please, we didn't mean any harm. Can't you just let us go?"

The Changeling guards didn't seem convinced by Grover's plea, and the stern look on their faces indicated that they were not willing to let the youngsters off easily. The larger guard spoke again, his voice firm, "I'm sorry, but we have strict protocols to follow. Despite both of you looking like little hatchlings, intruders in a diplomatic embassy must be reported to our superiors for further investigation."

Loudbark glanced at Grover, worried about the consequences they might face for their impulsive decision to spy on the Changelings. He knew they had to be cautious in handling this situation. "Is there any way you can just let us leave...? Please...?"

The smaller guard seemed a bit more sympathetic, but he still followed the protocols. "It's not up to us to decide. You'll have to explain yourselves to our superiors, and they'll determine how to proceed."

Grover swallowed hard, realizing that they had no choice but to comply.

The guards motioned for them to follow, and the two kids obediently did so. They were led through the Changeling embassy, which was even more mesmerizing and intricate up close. The walls seemed to pulsate with magic, and the entire place felt like an enigma wrapped in mystery.

As they walked, Loudbark couldn't help but ask, "Do you think they'll report this to the Griffon authorities right...? We could get into serious trouble."

Grover sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation. "We are already- Pardon me for such words, in deep shit."

Eventually, they were brought before a set of massive doors, resembling those he would find in the entrance of the palace and important rooms. When both guards pushed the doors open, they found themselves into what it looked like a massive... Bedroom...?

"Your majesty, we implore your forgiveness for interrupting you in your daily routines, we however have a situation...."

'Your majesty...?' Grover asked himself with risen eyebrows.

"What situation in damn tartarus would require my-" An absolutely furious Chrysalis would appear by the doors, her hair messy and a brush still stuck in her hair while she roared in anger, stopping middle sentence as her eyes hit both of them. "Grover...? What the hell are you doing here?"

Both guards widened their eyes and looked at the only griffon in the room in a state of absolute shock. "THE PRINCE GROVER??" Many changeling heads popped up by the walls, doors, and even roofs in curiosity at the commotion in the royal suit.

Grover sweatdropped as he felt the hundreds of eyes directed at him. "Daddy is gonna kill me."

And Loudbark could only facepaw in response.

Author's Note:

Grover is gonna get the spanking of a life-time by either his father or Chrysalis haha

Prelate Michael

Rector Magnificus Mikusian (Yes that is his name)

Also, expect some minor errors, this is me who we are talking about after all.