• Member Since 13th Sep, 2016
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Jack Daniels

Some day you will find me, caught beneath a landslide, in a champagne supernova in the sky.


Twilight wakes up one day to see that a plain door with her name engraved on it has appeared in her room. She's not sure where it came from, why it's there, or where it leads if it leads anywhere. Soon curiosity turns to fear as she is left with questions and no answers. The most terrifying aspect of it all is that the door seems to possess a will of its own and she can feel its sinister intentions.

Written for the A Thousand Words contest.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

Minotaur got her.

A terrible fate no doubt. :twilightoops:


Praise Him. (Note the minotaur thing was from a Dr. Who episode -- "The God Complex")

> “Dark” tag.
> “Horror” tag.
> Rated “everyone”.

Yeah I was a bit put off by that too, but nothing actually came up that warranted a stronger rating. Still feels weird for sure.

Vaguely reminiscent of The Enigma of Amigara Fault...

DRR... DRR... DRR... :pinkiecrazy:

Curious. I honestly can't tell if this is an effective case of using the reader's imagination against them or not quite doing enough to make it work. Though I do have to wonder why Twilight didn't, you know, talk to any of her friends about this (aside from needing to fit the word limit, of course.) Either way, enjoyably creepy. Thank you for it and best of luck in the judging.

Thank you for reading, and I'm glad to get solid criticism from someone who's work I enjoy so much! I'll try to keep some of those potential plot holes in mind going forward. I found that it was definitely a concept I would have liked to go more into (if not for it being a thousand words). Maybe I'll try something similar again in the future. Horror can be pretty fun to write and I definitely want more practice!

A plain brown door with a brass knob and no other distinct markings, save for the words Twilight Sparkle engraved neatly into it.

the door! was it made for her?

That didn’t seem right though. The eeriness of something like this didn’t fit into what she was used to from those two.

dang, but that would make for an even sicker prank!

Most physical objects when held in magic tended to have a certain feel, different from what you might get if you held it directly in your hooves, but still consistent.

aww, that's my headcanon, too!

Twilight was becoming more and more certain that this door didn’t belong here. Not just in this castle, but in this plane of existence.

it does seem quite illogical even in the context of a magical land of ponies

It was getting late, so Twilight resolved to at least try to get a little sleep. However the thought of sleeping in the same room as the door was too off-putting, so she settled for taking one of the guest bedrooms down the hall.

aww, it is convenient that Twilight lives in a giant, empty castle with a ludicrous number of rooms for the number of creatures who live in it

If Twilight had to liken the sound to something closer to pony comprehension, then it would be a choir of voices singing (talking?) discordantly but in perfect harmony. They didn’t speak any language Twilight had ever heard and yet she could understand them perfectly. They were beckoning her towards the door.

oof, that is very unsettling to imagine

The fear she was feeling was overwhelming now. She could sense the seething mal-intent in the voices, and she knew with absolute certainty that whatever lay beyond that door wanted to do terrible things to her, and that were she to cross that threshold she would never return.

between this and Twilight's innate sense that the door is so wrong it doesn't belong in this plane of existence... that is fascinating!

Twilight reached a surprisingly steady hoof forward, turned the knob, and walked through.

She never returned.

oof, love how the definiteness of this statement makes it hit hard! great way to end it with the pieces that were set up, with everything going up in (red glow!) metaphorical flames as Twilight is forced through the door by forces beyond her grasp.

there is something delightfully meta about all this! the door is an intrusion into the reality of the story's world. it makes no sense in the internal logic of this world, or even narrative logic in general. there is no character arc or motivation to drive the decisions in the story. Twilight's fate is to go through it, never to return, because the story dictates that that is how the story must end (it's literally labeled with her name!), and in the end she succumbs to it.

and of course, another way to interpret how she never returned is because the story ends at that point. there is no place to return to! it, Twilight, the door, and everything no longer exist now that the story is over.

lovely stuff!

Thank you so much for giving this a look and a place in your contest. Hope to participate in another one again! :twilightsmile:

This is actually so awesome! My first ever reading! I am ecstatic beyond words. This is so cool! Done with such an amazing voice too.

That's pony and wolf for ya! 🥰

Author Interviewer

I absolutely adore the description of the voices. :D

Thank you so much for taking the time to do a review, it's always appreciated and your's was super well articulated! I really didn't expect this story to get that much attention, but its been looked at by two great reviewers which is so crazy to me and also pretty exciting! :twilightblush:

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