• Member Since 12th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Dec 13th, 2022


Writing is just pain leaving the spirit...


Luna forgot something on the moon. A magical artifact that even now threatens to destroy the entire lunar body! And Twilight only has a month to get there and stop it from doing just that!

Can our intrepid hero manage to create a whole space program from scratch? Perhaps with the help of her friends, the magic of friendship... and untold trillions of bits from the royal treasury... maybe she just might succeed!

Or the moon will explode. Maybe.

Story written as a prompt for Bean's Writing Group!

Cover art from this hilarious video.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 57 )

Copycat :rainbowwild:

E🅿🅾🅽🅸🅴🆂 🅸🅽 🆂🅿🅰🅲🅴❢ With Cool Jazz Soundtrack Courtesy of Kamasi Washington
You go to Space. A collab with the amazing and lovely Cynewulf. Seriously, go follow her now.
Super Trampoline · 2k words  ·  29  18 · 526 views


lol I love how people downvoted this comment I would have thought the :rainbowwild: would have made clear I was joking.

Consider crediting/linking the source for your cover art? For those wondering it's the thumbnail for Argodaemon's video "Rocket Surgery", which you should totally check out btw.


That said I'm legally obliged to dislike any story I see with ratings or comments disabled. It's very well written, I just can't support the practice of preventing people from seeing other people's rating and must therefore express my displeasure in the only way I can.

EDIT: Apparently ratings aren't shown until certain popularity is obtained, I wasn't aware of this and thought all blank ratings meant the author had disabled them. Since this is not the case, proven by the appearence of ratings, I've changed my dislike to the like I thought this story deserves.

The bloody fuck are you talking about man? Are you on some sort of drugs? Because maybe they could help.

I just double checked if I remembered correctly but Ninja didn't disable ratings on any of his stories. Technically I didn't check whether he disabled comments on his other stories but there are definitely comments on them so most likely he didn't disable them after the fact.

On your point about crediting artists, I can only say, it's often a waste of time. He probably still should have done it but I can't honestly say I blame him for not doing it.

I approve of this chaos, it is wonderful.

In the back, Derpy was no better. The duct tape broke free, and wrapped itself completely around her, creating an odd, silvery cocoon that just… floated in the dead center of the ship. For some reason.

I have a feeling this is a reference to something.

FYI, the ratings don't show up for stories until they reach a certain amount, giving the appearance that they may be disabled, but aren't actually. On this story, they certainly aren't disabled, and obviously neither are the comments. You have probably just downvoted needlessly then.

Huh. I thought I added the credit. At least, I posted the source in the setup stage of the fic. My bad. Will fix.

Also, I don’t disable ratings or comments.

Celestia hit the ground with a dense, anticlimactic thud, and the sun winked out.

Sequel maybe?

At first I thought the story was going to be a massive Omage to pigs in spaaaaaace from the muppets. Either way it was good regardless

Nah, speed of light in Equestria can't be that slow or Rainbow Dash would be doing stunts where she catches up with - and passes - her own image.

please continue

Sci Twi's freakouts are the best part of this for sure.



I don't think this guy gets it. Which is dumb since anyone on this site long enough knows how the ratings and comments work.

This was a great deal of fun and general mayhem.

Beyond silly.

Light years beyond.. for certain lengths of light..

Totally a fun read 😄

Funniest thing I've read in a while. Thank you very much for that!

Now if only we could get Argodaemon to animate the whole thing. :p

Well, that was a big rambling of insanity.





I see blank ratings and assume ratings are disabled, no one ever said anything about it so I had nothing else to go on. Looks like I have some stories to remove dislikes from, including this one. Sorry for the mix-up and take the like I should've given!

Greetings! I am here to offer what assistance I can. It's a rare occurrence to be in a situation with only one viable option. If you find yourself In one, then it might be helpful to consider the problem for about five minutes. I don't mean brainstorm ways to solve the problem, I mean thinking about the different aspects of the problem itself. This is sometimes called 'Hold off on proposing solutions'. It originates from a study of problem solving in a group setting. The only difference between the experiment and control was an additional instruction to discuss the problem as throughly as possible before proposing solutions, but groups in the experimental category were far more likely to arrive at the optimal solution.

Let's say that after five minutes mulling over the problem there still isn't more than one option that's viable. You arn't in any worse of a position than before. You've spent five minutes but the time is only 'wasted' if you don't get anything out of it. At a minimum you've gained certainty that there weren't better options, usually you gain more utility than that, albeit it can take many forms. Maybe it's a deeper understanding of the problem, or identifying environmental factors. A particular solution might be infeasible but you realize a way to make a minor improvement in the option you do employ. Maybe a song and dance routine would be grossly inappropriate in this particular case, but years later you find yourself in a similar situation where it's a perfect fit.

I see a lot of value in the freedom of choice and the importance of information being accessable in enabling an informed decision. The more of both there are in the world the better a place it is to live in.

I masterpiece of surreal humor! I loved it!

It's talented fans like yourself who even after the end of the show will keep our beloved ponies alive 5EVER! (That's even longer than 4ever!)

Twilight blew it...

Derpy was at a constant angular speed, therefore, had no change in angular position along the central rotational axis...

Everybody knows that...


With Discord in the mix...who in the hell knows what the damn gravitational constant really is? He wanted to mess with it to get rid of an asteroid once already, when he was on the U.S.S. Enterprise...

Nice David Bowie reference, and I feel like the accidental stowaway may have been a nod to Pratchett and the Discworld space program. Enjoyable all around.

Lol. Just lol. What more can I really say? Bravo! :rainbowlaugh:

The fact that he could downvote a story, probably should have tipped him off that the downvotes are not disabled.

Jesus that was magnificent. I was half expecting them to ask Night Vale for space tips or something, because this entire story feels like it could easily fit into a Welcome to Night Vale plot.

when i saw the cover art my mind immideatly brought me back to the game grumps when arin and dan did the toad voice and said "launch the nukes!"

Standard Kerbal Space Program player.

Characters go to Space fics are't exactly a new idea. Heck actual TV shows have the plot of "Non Space Characters in Space". Like Gillian's Island in Space! Or Josie and the Pussy Cats in Space. I think "In Space" is actually a trope at this point!

Any how as far as "In Space" Stories go this was a fun one. Nods to another fic, suitably crazy and the managed to defeat the lastest "Sealed Evil in a Can" like it was a season finale!


I think "In Space" is actually a trope at this point!

They apparently moved it to the "Just For Fun" namespace since I last checked, but you are correct.

This was very enjoyable and I demand a sequel stat.

Surely that lightspeed test would more accurately measure the speed of sound...
Oh. Right. Insane magic horse physics. Carry on.

One of the Treasury Ponies hissed. “Neither the Space Program nor the Moon’s Destruction was budgeted for this year. The Treasury does not support this turn of events.”

"Wait, does that mean you did budget for Nightmare Moon? Discord? Chrysalis? Everything?"
"Not specifically in all cases, but the disaster budget does have some leeway. However, in the wake of Sombra's return and subsequent rampage, it is tapped out for this year."

“Thorax is really interested in helping out with this stupid ‘Space Program’ business,” he said.

"Chrysalis would've loved it too."
"She would?"
"Getting to lord over all you ponies from on high? Of course. I can just hear her: 'Who look like ants now?'"

“Of course!” Pharynx laughed. “The Changeling Empire has had its own space program for years .”

Or she already had one. Well then. :twilightoops:
... Oh. Right. a lack of Cherry Berry will put a crimper on things.

Luna scoffed. “Do not be ridiculous! Those went extinct even before I was imprisoned on the moon!”

I have several questions.

“Well, that’s just silly!” said Derpy, shaking her head as best as she could with a roll of duct tape holding it against the ship bulkhead. “How could it be worthless?”

Best. Pony.

She added, in a whisper, “All according to plan…”

"Bull pucky, Sister."
"You're lucky none of the minotaurs stuck around to hear that."

Delightful madness throughout. Thank you for one heck of a ride.


"Chrysalis would've loved it too."

I will never not be mad that someone beat me to that idea... :twilightangry2:

go to space

"G stands for Gravy!" -Professor D. I. Cord DDSPHDMYOB

I feel seen in this story somehow.

11226333 What, he couldn't defend his thesis for his EIEIO?


I don’t see how you could possibly make that sort of connection. Nope. Not a single thought occurs to me. Must be your imagination.



Which is dumb since anyone on this site long enough knows how the ratings and comments work.

I've seen a surprising number of writers on this site that have been around for six+ years without realizing how the last three slots on the feature box work. They proudly crow that their story has been featured multiple times, apparently never noticing that the dates when their story was "Featured again!" are the exact same day they posted a new chapter, every time.

Given major site functions like the feature box are apparently obtuse enough for multiple people to be confused by it, I'm willing to give someone who's only been here for a bit over two years a pass on not understanding how the early vote counts work.

The spiteful downvoting thing, though, that just defies logic. If you think the ratings aren't going to work, why would you bother voting? :rainbowhuh:

Twilight blinked once. She sipped her tea once more, even as a bolt of lightning punched the air to (unnecessarily) dramaticize the other Princess’ statement.
“Dash, stop that,” she sighed.
The answer came back from somewhere outside. “I told you it was a cliché!”


“Physics, schmysics!” Twilight scoffed. She blanched, but managed to keep her composure despite such a horrible curse being uttered by herself. “It can’t be that hard. There’s no way your laws of physics can be that different from our own!”

Better brace yourself.
Within ponyland the laws of physics are merely loose guidelines...

One of the Treasury Ponies hissed. “Neither the Space Program nor the Moon’s Destruction was budgeted for this year. The Treasury does not support this turn of events.”

The bad news: The space program will be canceled.
The good news: The moon's destruction will be canceled, too.
:twilightoops:: "That's... actually okay. At least for now."

“Expertise?” she asked. “You have… expertise?”
“Of course!” Pharynx laughed. “The Changeling Empire has had its own space program for years.”

EChangeling Space Program
The space race is on, and Chrysalis is determined to win it. With an earth pony test pilot and a hive full of brave-but-dim changelings, can she be the first pony on the moon? Inspired by Kerbal Space Program.
Kris Overstreet · 318k words  ·  1,900  20 · 26k views

Every inch of the vessel oozed Equestrian design and style.
It was called Princess 1.

Let me guess: The windows are shaped either like hearths or horseshoes?

The crowds cheered to see the crew approach the craft.

They obviously walked in slow motion.

And last was Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt and pilot for the mission. Mostly because she said she’d cry if Twilight said she couldn’t go, and also had licked the ship and called ‘dibs’. Dibs being a sacred law of ponykind, that was the last word to be had on things.

Yup, sounds indeed like a pony thing. Human Twilight is probably weeping in a corner right now.

Derpy smiled, chagrined.
“Um… I might have gotten stuck loading the ship into the cannon…”
Dash frowned. “How?”

Just remember who you are asking and you'll have your answer.

And with that, the crew departed.
All except Derpy. Who was still taped to the wall.
“I’ll just wait here then…”

She will still manage to mess something up, won't she?

“I quit. Tell the Princess I'll found my OWN space program. With science. And physics!”

Good to see at least one individual managed to stay at least moderately sane...

Literally, smoking. Black plumes rose slowly from what looked to be the burnt-out husk of a vast stone structure, now reduced to a mere outline of stone bricks. No single wall in the entire building remained over three feet tall.

Did she leave the stove on?
Edit: What?! I was only joking, but I was actually right?

“And… the moon would eventually get a very nasty black mark from all the fire. Enough to be seen from the planet below. Eventually.”

Luna: "Also, the electricity bill would cause most mortal ponies a hearth attack."

Good story!
I enjoyed reading it.

One small suggestion though:
I would have put in into several (at least two) smaller chapters. It's way too long to read at once.

Question, so how expensive was space for ponies? And can they recover from the moon going boom?

Sci-Twi: I'm going to the one place that hasn't been ruined by pony physics. SPACE!

Also the CMCs should be a LLP.

This deserved far more likes than it actually got. This was great!

Dash waved one hoof disdainfully. “I can learn! It can’t be that hard!”

Ignoring her, Twilight sighed. “I just don’t know how to solve this problem. There just isn’t any spell that can teleport us across the gap between Equus and the moon. It can’t be done!”

This is the moment you'd expect to see the ponies breaking out in a musical number about not giving up.

“Let me guess,” Princess Twilight asked, “you found out she was completely insane and evil?”

“More ‘really lonely and clingy’, but yeah, kinda…” Sunset brushed a lock of hair out of her eyes. “I bounced after the third or fourth tea party. Either way, it was a long time ago. Bad memories.”

“What happened to the rocket?” asked Princess Twilight.

“Scrapped it,” said Sunset, sighing. “Most of it blew up on re-entry. I sold what I could to recoup the losses and turned what was left into an art project for Professor Arcane Appellative’s class.”

It really speaks volumes about how immature Sunset is that she ignored a basic scientific discovery over pursuing her childish goal.

"I discovered space travel. Should I pursue and leverage this discovery for fortune and fame? Nah, I'm upset because the meanie-weenie princess won't let me be a princess!"


It really speaks volumes about how immature Sunset is that she ignored a basic scientific discovery over pursuing her childish goal.

There's definitely at least one universe where Sunset capitalized on her invention... and it probably just ended with her dropping an orbital vessel on Celestia as Plan #341 to take over Equestria. :rainbowlaugh:


It is amazing how Sunset was better as the hero than she was as the villain.

I wonder if deep down her "villainy" was just some cry for help, considering how bad she was at being the bad guy.

This was a fun one Having the human Twilight be confused by Equestria's laws of "physics" was brilliant:rainbowlaugh:! In fact how both Twilights acted thoughout was brilliant...and Luna...and Celestia... and Sunset...and Derpy...okay everyone acted was brilliant!

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