• Member Since 12th Apr, 2021
  • offline last seen May 24th


I like ponies, books, writing books, books about ponies, and writing books about ponies.



This story is a sequel to Legends Never Die: A New Age

Sunny Starscout has disappeared, and her friends are frantic. While everypony else reluctantly agrees that the earth pony is not somepony they can trust anymore, her friends refuse to accept this fact and resolve to find Sunny and lift her of the curse they are sure has been placed on her. However, they are warned that, if they assist a traitor, they themselves will be considered traitors in their own right. Meanwhile, Sunny is held captive in the company of three of Equestria’s worst villains who have dark plans for the land once they succeed in taking it. Assisting them are two ponies who have dark intentions of their own. Sunny is still recovering from the effects of her curse and has no hope left for the future… until she discovers the plans that these villains have for her friends. She needs to find them and warn them. All of Equestria will be at stake.

WARNING: Contains no relation to My Little Pony: Make Your Mark or My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale. This is strictly related to events that happened after My Little Pony: A New Generation.

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 106 )

But so was the filly. And while she couldn’t do anything big right now, she could work little thoughts in through the cracks. She visualized gently pushing a thought down the tunnel that connected her mind with Sunny Starscout’s: Magic is dangerous and cannot be trusted .

Cozy glow manipulated kid you and the others won't get away with it


FOR ALL:twilightangry2:


The filly reared and knocked all the figures down, throwing them across the room. She kicked the lamp out of the way and knocked over the whole stand. With a wordless cry of rage, she flew down the shaft for the lift - Permafrost had already left as soon as she started her tantrum. Her eyes landed on the pictures by the door, one of them slightly tilted.

So that's what happened to her house cozy glow was having a meltdown

Okay cool so that means we are looking back before Sunny starscout was being controlled so it looks like Chrysalis use her magic to connect hers and cozy together so cozy glow can talk to Sunny in her head and that's how she's manipulating her and getting control of her right now they are preparing to strike but it looks like cozy glow is starting having emotional breakdown knowing that everybody got their happy ending how come she never gotten and she took her frustration to everything they've got the elements of harmony and destroyed Sunny's lighthouse still it looks like she's in Conflict about everything but why should we felt sorry for her she did this to herself but maybe their still hope for her maybe

This is pretty good.

Comment posted by Irispony deleted Apr 20th, 2022

Oh boy this is really not good apparently whatever the spell did to Sunny is really taking it affect on her by chrysalis and all the poisonous thoughts from cozy glow and she can't even tell them what's going on it's forcing her to stay quiet it looks like the legions of Doom are planning on how to go through this whole ordeal so far during the disagreement about sunny and with all the wanted poster all over Equestria the element of surprise was gone but somehow they will figure out how to manipulate this whole situation I just hope the others can figure this thing out before the Legion of Doom get to them

“This doesn’t change the fact that she walked away,” Zoom interrupted, “to our worst enemies, no less!” She sighed and addressed the six ponies on the throne room floor. “Look, I don’t want to think that Sunny did anything wrong anymore than you do, but this is serious. We don’t know what she could be doing with them, mind controlled or not. If anypony sees her again, we won’t know if she can be trusted. We have to take action.”

Oh okay so that means if they can't even control their own body not only that don't even remember doing it and I'm not even in control we just shoot them great advice

“It’s not that,” she assured them. “But… doing this would mean we’re charged with treason, so… I mean, would Suny really want us to do it?”


And I don't know that is a very tough situation

“I don’t care if the whole world’s hunting us down,” Hitch declared heatedly in a final tone. “I am going to find my friend and I am going to prove to all of you that she’s innocent.” He whirled around to face the others. “Who’s with me?”

Everypony raised their hooves, matching determined looks on their faces, and Zipp led the way out of the throne room.

Well that means flurry heart hitch Trailblazer Izzy moonbow pipp Petals zipp storm and spout are now wanted just to save Sunny from being wanted by everybody and proving her innocent

Well it looks like the situation is getting more difficult than before so Queen Haven Alphabittle and Phyllis wanting to know what just happened and they told then what happened to Sunny and she was not in control of her own mind but I'm fortunately with this freaking law she is automatically a traitor to Equestria giving the items to the legions of Doom and it looks like Izzy and the others were outraged about that decision and flurry heart wants to prove that Sunny is innocent so the others despite everything that they are going to get in trouble as well they don't care they're going to save sunny and prove her innocence let's just hope the others can find a loophole into this

“That, I don’t doubt,” came Zipp’s voice as she lowered herself into the room, followed by Pipp, who was double-checking to make sure that her phone was tucked under her wing. Flurry noticed that, while she was in Zephyr Heights, Pipp would frequently let her phone out of sight, but as soon as she stepped outside the city limits, she kept checking to make sure she had it on her. Flurry didn’t blame her - losing her phone while they were walking to the Crystal Empire had clearly taken a toll on the young pegasus.

Yes losing a phone sucks I remember my first phone when I was a kid my God it was a nightmare because my parents were very angry at me

Nice job on your new chapter, bookhorse125. I like it! I'm giving you six stars for doing a good job. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Try something new, take a chance, just believe it!” Pipp started singing, and Zipp groaned, flapping her wings to hover just off the ground so she could clap her hooves over her ears.

Izzy grinned and sang along. “Let out your light, shining bright, can’t you feel it!”

Hey I knew I recognized that song

to be honest I thought that was catcy

Also, that book cover you made is amazing!

They reached the bottom of the staircase, and Flurry looked around until she found yet another wooden door with a sun and moon carved into it. As she reached for the handle, she froze. The tip of her horn illuminated a small coral pink feather caught in the hinges.

Oh no cozy glow she was here dang it

Okay so it looks like flurry heart and the other Friday to move out but it looks like the word is already spreading that not only Sunny are also wanted but now the others are also as well but it looks like flurry heart figure out another way and apparently there was a old door lead to the castle of the Two Sisters witch I'm surprised it's still intact kind of but unfortunately she knew that pink feather somewhere and it looks like cozy glow found something what she was looking for I wonder what could it be I guess we'll find out next time

For some reason, that made both Zipp, Hitch, and Sprout a bit more grumpy, and Sprout muttered under his breath, “She couldn’t protect Sunny.”

Ohh ouch

“Flurry said this place was riddled with traps,” Pipp said modestly, shrugging. “And it’s not like giant pockets of air form under the earth everywhere. And the fact that Sunny was there, unguarded… it just seemed like too much of a coincidence.”

Yeah I figured that would be too easy

Nice job on your new chapter, bookhorse125, I really like it! Hope to see more of your chapters soon. Keep up the good work! Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.

So it looks like they are traveling through the castle of the two sister so far nothing out of the ordinary which surprisingly this Castle is still standing a little as I said before but then they heard a noise and what they found was sunny but unfortunately pipp it's a trap because that would be too easy and it looks like there was like a huge cave in luckily all the ponies are safe and they continue on through the castle meanwhile cozy glow and chrysalis and permafrost are nearby and it looks like they set up the traps and right now they are not too happy they past the traps and now they're worried about flurry heart so they need another plan to get them and cozy glow is really messed up kid

Aiding, conspiring, or joining enemies to Equestria qualifies as treason. Anypony charged with treason may be brought in for a trial, but for them to be proven innocent, there must be more than just testimonies, especially by ponies who may have developed a bias for the accused. Anypony charged with treason is considered an enemy to Equestria, so aiding, conspiring, or joining them also qualifies as treason.

No that’s pretty much it. It’s also worth noting that the punishment for treason is either death or 5 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Mind controlled.

Whenever Sunny felt Cozy Glow take over her mind, it felt as if another channel opened up in her head, a… connection of sorts.

If it could work one way… why not both?

Ohh I think I get it she can use that power against cozy glow very clever

Sunny carefully, gently worked her way around the barriers and walls surrounding Cozy’s mind. She didn’t want to control her - that would be cruel and wrong. And there was no way she would be able to pull that off without the pegasus filly noticing. She merely wanted to understand - what made this pony tick, what did she want, why did she want that, what her plans were.

That's always been such a huge question about Cozy glow what really made her go crazy

She was sitting at a campfire with the filly and the changeling as they laughed together and plotted evil plans together and just had fun together, and she could feel the void inside her filling up, and it was the best feeling in the world, so content and full and happy …

Wait a minute is that chrysalis I mean it makes sense because she is using that magic as well

Whoa okay it looks like things are looking a little up right now so it looks like the legions of Doom are going to go for Plan B but while everybody was out it looks like sunny was able to connect the mine link so the other ones who put her into but apparently whoever was mine was if not just only cozy glow but it was the other two as well apparently she put her powers through all four of them so they can share mine with each other so it looks like she's going to use that advantage and see what makes them tick again that's pretty clever what she did hopefully they won't figure it out and I hope her friends will get there in time I guess we'll find out next time

Good job on your chapter, bookhorse125. I really enjoy it. That was a very touching moment with Zipp and Pipp, it really made me happy. If you want to do really important things in life and big things in life, you can't do anything by yourself. And your best teams are your friends and your siblings.

Chained, perhaps, but defeated, definitely not. Permafrost was given a glimpse at the powers of an alicorn, and Sunny now has a counterattack against her captors.

This was actually a pretty sweet chapter between two sisters so it looks like they finally went back to Maretime Bay but unfortunately they cannot be seen by other ponies because now they are traitors to Equestria because of Sunny So they're in hiding in her Lighthouse until they figure out what the next move is but it looks zipp and pipp having the moment together and everything's been happening they will always have each other's back and they will figure out how to get Sunny back but I wonder what they're going to do next I guess we'll find out next time

Flurry never learned how to cope about Sombra. Looks like she went with the bury the hatch method on that memory.
Thought I don't think that's actually Sombra, maybe Chrysalis? Unless it's the real Sombra.

In a way, Cozy was right. Flurry might be an Alicorn, but she's no Element of Magic. Though she might be the only strong enough to oppose Chrysalis and Tirek in a fight.
Flurry is already in the same position as Celestia. Both failed in something important, but will do everything in their power to fix it.

Hopefully once this story ends, the Legion of Doom finally learns to give up, because persistence can often lead to insanity for repeating it over and over.

So far so good on the new chapter, bookhorse125 it's going very good.

Sunny did , she thought. Sunny and her friends… Sweet Celestia, I wish I had friends like that. I wish I had somepony to count on . She took a deep breath. Everything she ever had was gone now. And she was scared. She was alone, and the only ponies she could count as friends…

Poor flurry heart she really felt alone in this new world she's in again kind of reminds me of how Captain America felt

Wow again poor flurry heart she really felt like she failed everybody including sunny but it was a good thing that Izzy comfort her even though the situation was very dangerous they just need to support each other what it looks like Zipp and pipp found the Journal of the two sisters and we did her the story about Nightmare Moon and all those stuff and yeah still sad but flurry heart was about to say something until they heard somebody was here I wonder who Could That Be and where did hitch and Sprout go

The sun was hot above them, and Cozy Glow put a hoof in front of her face to shield her eyes. If this was brutal now… how had it been when Chrysalis was in charge? Was it even more miserable? How had her subjects stood it? They didn’t , she reminded herself. They unfairly kicked her out and painted her as the bad guy - which I guess she kind of is. But she was trying to be a good leader, and now they’re getting rid of everything she did. How is that fair?

Well let's see if she tries to force them to steal the love from ponies and creatures and even try to hurt them and lied about the whole situation so yeah what she did is very wrong

Oh no apparently cozy glow and Chrysalis are trying to get half the creatures against the other ponies and it looks like Tirek is also out and about which that's pretty risky for him to do that knowing that there's not that many creatures out there like him and whatever they're planning that looks like they are gathering of the creatures too go to a war again I just hope The Others Stop them well I guess we'll find out next time

Izzy bit her lip. “I only know what Zipp and Pipp told me… You went to go see what was going on in the Castle of the Two Sisters - there was a strange noise, and you went to investigate. The villains weren’t there, but there was a giant black crystal, and when you saw it, you freaked out and sort of… fainted.”

Ohhhh oh no does that mean King Sombra is coming oh dear that's not good

It's strange seeing the colorful changelings since we already seen the unreformed ones causing messes. Though why did Cozy find the Queen familiar? Somebody from the past that managed to live as long as they could? Otherwise, I don't know why this detail was included in the first place. I can only hope that the current Queen was perceptive enough of this random colorful changeling that came out of nowhere, or that she even knew Cozy for whatever reason. Though I guess they did find them suspicious if that changeling was trying to spy on them.

I imagine that while they sow distrust on the pony's image, they want Sombra to clash against the ponies to get him on their side. How will this unforeseeable variable play out exactly? Will Cozy be on the mark or not. More importantly, the only one with the power to face him would be Flurry Heart.

Also, to that point that Cozy tried to make that nobody ever gave them a chance...well, she's wrong. They were given a chance.
For Chrysalis, when the changelings got colorized, they wanted her to join them and most likely still be their Queen since Thorax had no experience. Yet, she ditched the value of her changelings no longer needing to feed or hide to survive. Chrysalis was too fixated on her own ways and rejected the valuable asset the change brought.
For Tirek, he completely ditched his brother. Forgo the possibility that Friendship can yield power and stood alone. And then went on a spree to rob ponies of their magic, their livelihood for his own selfish goals. Considering he wanted to beat his father and rule in his stead, they're most likely gone by age as well as his brother. The location of the Centaurs might've even changed as well.
For Cozy, she was the assistant of Twilight Sparkle herself. Respected by many and trusted as well. Yet she ditched it all for her Megalomania craze.

From Cozy's perspective, she sees themselves as villains because they weren't given a chance, yet it's because they never extended their own hooves to accept the chance, that they were rejected. Berry Twist, Discord, Sunset and Starlight all accepted the friendship that was offered to them and changed with it.
That was longer than I thought, but I wanted to get it off my chest.

Ok so apparently flurry heart fainted for 2 days and it's because she saw the Dark Crystal that reminded her of King Sombra which she doesn't want to talk about it but it could be the thing that will help them to do if it freed the mine controlled of the crystal ponies and the ponies back in season 9 premiere maybe this will help Sunny to break free from the Mind link from chrysalis well let's hope that will work and seriously flurry heart really scared about King Sombra after what he did but sooner or later she has to talk about this it's really killing her inside well we'll find out next time

Trauma identified. She knows she can't ignore this forever since Sombra is out and about.
I like that Zipp took command near the end

There - a memory of Cozy Glow sitting on a picnic blanket in an apple orchard with three other fillies - a white unicorn with a curly pink and purple mane, an orange pegasus with a short magenta mane, and a yellow earth pony with a red mane and a huge pink bow. The unicorn picked up a flashcard with a picture of three diamonds on it and showed it to Cozy Glow.

Aww the Cutie Mark Crusaders I really miss them so much

Oh wow that was pretty sad so back at the dungeon it looks like sunny wanted to use that mind link again to see what the other creatures our thinking but mostly she wanted to see what cozy glow is thinking but she only overheard the plan about what's going on outside even though the information is kind of useless for her because she can't really get out but it's enough to know what is happening especially her friends on now fugitives because they wanted to prove Sunny's innocent and also she saw something inside of cozy glow that she felt bad for her that this kid was all alone no friends no family and apparently she really wanted to get rid of magic once it for all so everybody can be equal to each other so I don't think that's not how it works but maybe somehow she can convince them somehow well I guess we'll find out next time

The CMC, ouch, it must've hurt Cozy knowing they're long gone. The Apple family might not even be a thing anymore, who knows.

Chrysalis mind is a fortified wall most likely because of her own mind manipulation. Tirek is strong willed, but he's not suspecting this counterattack.
Cozy's was probably the easiest because she already had her doubts.

In a sad way, Sunny is the only one that can relate to Cozy. Sure, Sunny has friends now and is an alicorn, but before her own adventure, she was the town's crazy for spouting things like friendship between tribes. Would've made her extremely unpopular. Only Hitch stayed true to her and to bail her out.

Since they think that Sunny is still beaten, I wonder what her next move will be?

I only started reading this today, because I didn't know the sequel was out, but damn, this is good... here, have a cookie! 🍪

Same here. Nice job on your new chapter, bookhorse125, I'm starting to enjoy it! I hope Zipp, Pipp, Hitch, Sprout, and Flurry will rescue Sunny. The one thing you've gotta do is that you need to always do the best you can do, no matter what the given situation, no matter what comes up against you. You do the best you can do, and you never give up. Never quit.

I hope they'll find Sunny and bring her back.

Haven gave him a small smile and took his hoof. “For what it’s worth,” she said, “you don’t have to prove yourself to me.”

Awww that's sweet 🥰

Anypony else ship Haven and Alphabittle? No? Just me?

You're not the only one I actually do as well

Well at least things are looking up so Queen Haven tried to find any loophole that they can find to save her daughters and their friends but unfortunately she didn't find anything and she was getting frustrated but thankfully Alphabittle came over try to reassure her that she will figure this thing out and trying to help her to get some rest and it was a pretty sweet moment between these two and now she fell asleep but he took her to her room so she can sleep so the next day it looks like zoom and thunder finally found any loophole that this would help the daughters and her friends out and hopefully this will be enough

Even with emotions running high, Izzy is doing her best to keep the group together, because that's what Sunny wants.

Even in the afterlife, the original mane 6 still have an eye on the situation, if those lights are really them or not.

If Flurry really feels the pressure now, she's currently the powerhouse of the group. We will see how she fares against the Legion of Doom. Though if a fight does happen, this could be Sunny's chance to counterattack during the chaos. With whatever plan she's got.

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