• Published 6th Jul 2022
  • 170 Views, 2 Comments

Hope Blooms - BirbNerd17

In a world where everypony has a cutie mark, what will happen to the pony who can’t get one no matter what she does?

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Chapter 2: Hospitalized

Willow opened her eyes to a dark room, electronic beeps and whirrs surrounded her. She flicked her ears gently at the noises, she looked around the room, she felt so sore. The room was painted light yellow, butterfly stickers covered the small window that adorned the left wall. She looked to her right, sitting in a chair fast asleep was her mother. It was no wonder, the moon shone bright outside the window, so it was clear that night had fallen.

“Mom…” Willow whinnied softly, her eyes glazed with pain.

In an instant Willow’s mother was at her side. Holding tight to her daughter, neither of them spoke a word, just sat there in a warm embrace for a long while. Then Willow’s mother spoke.

“Oh Willow Bloom I’m so happy you’re alive!” She whinnied.

“Barely,” Willow said with a small chuckle.

Willow turned an stared at her back, her right wing was torn to shreds. She gently pulled back the blanket with a single hoof. Her back legs were covered in bandages.

She touched them with a single hoof, wincing in pain.

“Oh Willow Bloom,” her mother said, setting a hoof on her daughter’s shoulder, “it’ll be alright…”

“What if it won’t?” Willow asked, fear in her eyes.

“It will.”


Willow was sat up in her hospital bed, the hospital food sat on a plate in front of her, it was gross looking, all slimy and sticky. She pushed it to the side with a scrunched up face. She heard small footsteps entering the room. Even without seeing her Willow knew who this was. She almost jumped out of bed in excitement.

“Cella!” she whinnied.

The little Unicorn trotted over to her bedside, her prosthetic back leg squeaking with each step, she looked back at it, and annoyed at all the squeaking took it off, then turned back to Willow as she set it against the wall with her magic.

“Good to see that you’re feeling better Willow!” She whinnied happily.

“Yeah, and I’m happy to see you Cella, I missed you.” Willow said.

“I’m glad to hear that, I brought you a gift.” She said floating a small box over with her emerald magic, she set it on Willow’a lap, “open it!” She insisted.

Willow looked the box over, a small light blue ribbon tied together the two sides on the white box. She gently grabbed the ribbon in her teeth and pulled it off. She gently pulled the top of the box off with a hoof. Inside was a small necklace with a pendant attached. A small Crystaline heart.

“I thought it might be nice for you to have a reminder that you will always have me as a friend. So that if you ever feel alone you always know you have me.”

“Thank you Cella,” Willow said hugging onto her friend.

Willow and Cella sat chatting for a while, laughing about old times and telling each other silly jokes. A pony might mistake the two for sisters they were so close, or maybe one might mistake them for young partners.

The two had always been best friends, when they were young they met at a playground, Cella fell off the swing and broke her prosthetic, while older foals laughed, well, Willow was different.

“Do you need help?” The Pegasus filly asked the small unicorn.

“I’m okay! Just a little scrape!” She whinnied.

“You’re really tough!”

“You really think so?”


“Oh look, three legs made a friend!” An older colt taunted.

“Shut up meanie!” Willow said, spreading her wings wide and puffing up in anger, “you leave her alone!”

“What you gonna do little fledgeling? I bet you haven’t even learned to fly yet!” Another Colt snorted.

“Oh you’ll see!” She said, flapping her little wings, now hovering in the air, she barely had to flap to stay afloat.

“Oh look the fledgeling can fly!” The first colt mocked.

Willow flew a little higher and dove at the colt, actually knocking him over. Now staring on top of him she turned to his friends.

“Who’s next?” She asked.

The two foals gulped and ran off.

“No wait! Don’t leave me! Guys!” The colt that Willow was standing on called to his friends.

Willow got off of the colt, “Run away little foal.” She said, gently nudging him with a single hoof.

The colt ran off and Willow turned back to Cella, “Are you sure you’re okay, your leg thing looks broken.”

“It is.” Cella said with a small sigh, “But I’m okay! All thanks to you.”

“Well that’s good. I’m Willow Bloom, Nice to Meet you,” Willow said, holding out a hoof on greeting.

“Nice to meet you too, I’m Cella Strings.”

The two fillies walked and talked for a while.

“So you were born with only three legs?” Willow asked.


“What’s it like? Not having a leg.”

“I can’t imagine it’s too different, I was born this way, I’ve never known any different.”

“Are you ever off balance?”


“Wow, you’re really cool!”

“I’m just living my life.”

“That doesn’t mean you aren’t cool. And I’m not talking about your legs when I say that.”

“What are you talking about then?”

“Just you in general!”


Willow sat at the window sill of her hospital room, she had to use a wheelchair to get there because her legs were still hurt. She sighed, staring at the world outside. She heard a knock at her door.

“Miss Bloom?” A doctor asked from outside the door, “may I come in?” She asked.


The doctor opened the door, we have some news for you about those scars on your flank. We don’t want to scare you, but we have some results that may not sound great. It’s noting dire, you will be completely fine physically. Would you like to know?”

Willow sat for a moment, “Yes.”

“Alright, now we can’t be sure, but some of our results suggest that your scars may be a cutie mark.” She said.

Willow sat still, “w-what?”

“We can’t be sure but that’s what it looks like.”

“I-but, A cutie mark represents your talent, your special purpose, I-I-I-“

“Willow Bloom please calm down.”

“I can’t calm down, what am I gonna do, Everypony has a cutie mark! It helps them know where to go! What to do!”

“You do have a cutie mark though.”

“A scar isn’t a cutie mark! And if it is, we’ll what does that say about me?”

“I’m good with physical therapy not cutie marks, so I don’t know. But whatever it is you should ask a cutie mark specialist, they’ll know best.”


The doctor left and Willow sighed. I’m a wreck, and all because I was stupid enough to fly up high during an Ursa attack,” she sniffed, “I should have known! I did a project on them!” She scolded herself.

She heard the door creak open. Little pattering hoof steps approached her and a little colt hugged her front leg.

“Sistew!” He whinnied, holding on to her tightly.

Willow turned to see her little brother Spark Skygkider hugging on to her and her parents entered the room. They looked at her with love in their eyes.

“Willow Bloom sweetie how are you doing?” Her mother asked.

“Doing alright.” Willow responded.

“Well that’s good, because we’re going home, and on the way we have a surprise.”