• Published 4th Feb 2022
  • 12,767 Views, 488 Comments

Sunset Shimmer & The Temporal Rift - Lunaria

Sunset Shimmer really did not expect to wake up several years in past before she left through the mirror. Now she'll have to make due with her new reality, as well as two pestering princesses that won't leave her alone.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - Dangerous Sunshine

Chapter 4
Dangerous Sunshine

Sunset groaned, even expecting it, waking up early was never a pleasant experience for her. The knocking on the door, however, would not relent; something that was expected given professional level the castle staff operated under. She shuffled about to get up on her hooves, wincing in the process. Her body being sore in several places should hardly surprise her, having spent the night basically sleeping on the floor.

She sighed as she made her way over and opened the door, stretching her neck to get the kinks out in the process.

"Morning Cloud Thorn," Sunset said while suppressing a yawn.

The mare in question just blinked and stared at Sunset.


Cloud shook her head. "Nothing Lady Shimmer."

"Right, well. Going forwards you don't need to wake me up anymore."

Sunset levitated over her newly purchased alarm clock.

"I picked this up yesterday, which should save the headache for both of us."

"I see..." Cloud glanced at the clock. "I'll make note of it then and not wake you up in the future."

Sunset turned around and floated the clock over to her desk, she hadn't actually set it yet, predicting that she'd at least get a personal wake up call this morning as well. Her eye caught the weird floating ball of magic over her bed; it looked about the same as the day before.

She'd need to come up with a way to hide it if she couldn't figure out what it was and dispel it. The few magic scans she'd dared to run in her sleep deprived state the prior evening had revealed little. It was too complex to quickly discern what it did or its purpose... yet Sunset couldn't help but speculate that it had something to do with how she ended up in the past.

She'd need to take the day to dig up any relevant research she could possibly find, though she doubted she'd find anything substantial. Sunset hadn't exactly heard of anypony successfully time travelling outside of a closed loop... except for Starlight Glimmer that is. Even so, she never got all the details from Twilight's former student.

"If there was nothing else Lady Shimmer?"

Sunset turned to face Cloud again, she could feel a blush coming on from having completely forgotten about the maid.

"Oh, um, no; that will be all."

As the maid departed Sunset set off to get started with her day, a nice warm shower did sound lovely.

Cadance yawned as she sat down in her usual spot at the table. Yesterday had been surprisingly enjoyable, if a bit weird.

"Did Raven give you today's itinerary Cadance?"

Cadance looked up and met Celestia's eyes. "Yes, I left it in my room though."

Celestia nodded lightly. "That's fine. But just to go over it then..."

Cadance had to hold back a groan.

"We have a meeting to attend, both of us, likewise I need to have a personal meeting with you later this evening once I've taken care of my other duties... there are several things the two of us need to go over."

With a sigh she leaned against the table. "And we can't talk about any of them now?"

"I prefer to not mix my duties and spending time with those I care about."

Now that was a lie if Cadance had ever heard one.

"Very well aunt."

She wanted to make a remark about how she was the one bringing up work in the first place, but managed to restrain herself. It wasn't really Celestia's fault she was so swamped with work, running a kingdom was a lot of work... and not something Cadance was looking forward to engaging with herself.

Her eyes got drawn to a door opening and a familiar amber unicorn strolling in. Cadance almost chuckled at the bags under their eyes.

With a yawn Sunset sat down. "Morning Cadance, morning Princess."

Celestia shook her head, her lips curving slightly upwards. "Up late studying again?"

Sunset noticeably flinched at the remark. "Maybe a bit... it seemed important though."

Celestia hummed.

"In fact, I'll not be there for lunch most likely. I'll need to research a few things in the Starswirl The Bearded wing."

Celestia blinked. "I don't think Starswirl did the kind of enchanting you're trying to pick up."

Sunset smirked. "He might not, but there are works there by more authors than just him. There are a few interesting things I need to reference and look up."

Cadance wasn't sure if she should interrupt the discussion or not. She knew she'd heard the name Starswirl before, probably in her history classes, but she didn't know exactly who he was. Regardless, it was nice to see that Sunset was still her new, outgoing, self.

Instead she left the student and teacher to talk magic theory, turning her attention to a maid and ordering her breakfast. Knowing what a bore the rest of her day was likely going to be, she figure she'd treat herself.

"So, what is this meeting you wanted me to sit in on anyway?" Cadance asked the alabaster alicorn besides her, as the two of them were walking down one of the castle's many corridors.

"We are finishing up this years decisions in regards to general agriculture: You know, what food should be grown, where it should be grown, that sort of thing," Celestia smiled.

"That sounds... quite dull."

"Oh it is, don't get me wrong, I hold no joy for it. The entire process takes several days at least, all of which is spent with quibbling nobles and entrepreneurs. The best part is that when all is said and done, this year's planning will look remarkably like the one from the previous years!"


Celestia snickered, "That is the life of a princess, my dear niece."

"Some days I do wish I never grew this horn," Cadance grimaced. She considered poking her horn for effect, but decided against it; it was somewhat sensitive she had learned.

Cadance couldn't help but to glance at the interior décor of the halls they passed. Everything felt so over the top, to the point that it was a waste. She'd asked about it once, in which Celestia had said that it needed to be so, if only to make a statement to other nation's visiting diplomats. But she couldn't help to feel that all the priceless pottery, paintings, and silks that lined the halls were all just so passé. If she ever got the opportunity to dictate the castle's décor then she'd make it plain and easy on the eyes.

"So, what should I expect out of this meeting and what should I do?" Cadance asked, turning her head to face Celestia.

"Well, for today I just expect you to just sit in and listen. While you're a princess in title and technically you do have power, should you choose to use it, you're still new to everything relating to statecraft."

Celestia gave her an encouraging smile before continuing. "So this will mostly just be a learning experience. As for what to expect? Well, I suppose it will mostly be nobles bickering, of note is that Sir Blueblood is likely going to push something preposterous again, if rumours are to be trusted."

"Ugh," Cadance let out. "I met him a while back, his son is annoying enough to be around, and he himself seemed quite insistent on pushing us together."

Celestia frowned. "Yes, I have taken notice of that, try to ignore it as best as you can. Blueblood junior is quite the charming colt... though I suppose he's more of a stallion these days, where do the years go?"

Cadance scoffed. "Charming? I get that you're trying to see the best in all ponies aunt, but I find him insufferable."

Celestia grew quiet for a bit, her face growing more stoic. "Don't be so quick to judge those you don't know Cadance. Blueblood junior might not be the nicest pony to be around, but he's quite adept for his age. What you see at parties and events is a mask he puts on, and he would prefer not to."

"But why? If he didn't want to be a stuck up then he could just stop."

Celestia sighed. "It's not quite that simple, he's a noble. As such there are certain expectations placed upon his shoulders, especially since he's set to inherit the country's most powerful noble house one day; You're in many ways more alike to him than you might think."

Cadance almost tripped on her hooves, her and that stuck up colt, the same? That was absurd. But then, she supposed her aunt might have a point, it's not like he had chosen to be a noble, much like how she hadn't chosen to become a princess.

"Besides, he's done all he can to get away from his obligations," Celestia let out a snicker. "He sought out a private meeting with me some time ago, and we came to an agreement: He'd be trained as a diplomat, after which he'd mostly serve Equestria as a foreign diplomat. He might not be as upfront to others anymore, but I have known him since he was just a young colt, he'd rather spend his days sailing airships than bickering with nobles."


Celestia looked over to her, given her one of those looks which made her feel like the older alicorn knew something she didn't. "It's likely the two of you will end up working quite a lot together in the future."

Cadance could only let out an undignified grunt at that. She knew she was going to end up being in a mostly diplomatic position once her training was finished, Celestia had been upfront about such. She could, of course, step in and do more princess duties if she wanted, but it wouldn't be expected of her to do so. And honestly? She'd rather have the extra free time to... to what?

She wasn't really sure what she wanted out of life now, if she was being honest. Sure, her eventual duties would eat up some of her time, but she didn't exactly have any plans for what to do with the rest of it. It had been easier back when she was living in a small village in the middle of nowhere, she was set for life with weather duties.

"I... know things have been difficult for you Cadance, and that this might not have been what you wanted," Celestia eventually let out with some trepidation, the two having walked in silence for a while.

"That's partially why I think you'll make a good princess, if I'm being honest. Those who desire power are seldom the ones who will use it well."

Celestia slowed down her pace, almost coming to stop. "And, it's re-assuring that you're here should the day come that I am not," Celestia wore a flat expression. "There might come a day when I'm not around, when I can't rule. At that point I'm glad that there is someone else who can take over in my stead, someone that my ponies can look up to and place their trust in."

Cadance could feel chill roll down her back as Celestia once again picked up the pace and passed her. Her, being in charge of Equestria, alone?

As if reading her thoughts Celestia spoke up again. "You don't need to fret about it Cadance, I don't plan on kicking the bucket any time soon. I just don't want Equestria to be without a leader should it happen, I care too much about what we- what I built over the years," Celestia flashed her a small smile over her shoulder.

Cadance couldn't quite put her thoughts in order on the matter, from the way Celestia talked it certainly sounded less theoretical than her assurance proclaimed. Were alicorns not immortal? Celestia had been around for many centuries, though she didn't speak of how old she actually was. It made it hard to discern the alicorn's actual age.

Was that why Cadance herself had turned into an alicorn? Was it a cyclical thing? Should one alicorn get near the end of their life, another will rise to continue? As far as Cadance was aware, the only alicorn that had ever been around was Celestia. Of course there were more in myths and legends, but actual recorded history only went so far back.

Cadance licked her dry lips. "Were there other alicorns?"

It was brief, but she could see Celestia flinch as she walked. At first Cadance didn't think she'd get a straight answer, but eventually a sigh escaped her aunt's mouth.

"...Yes, and perhaps one day I will tell you more of her."

The rest of the walk continued in silence. Cadance wanted to press further, now that she knew there had been others like her, she had this rising desire of wanting to know more. So little was actually known about alicorns, and for so long the only frame of reference had been Celestia, a mare that could turn the cycles of day and night on her own. As far as Cadance was aware, she herself didn't have such powers.

Eventually they reached the formal hall in which the discussion was to take place, as they pushed the door open and trotted in, Cadance could see the many faces of the nobles turning to face them; most of them were unicorns.

What followed was a dull period of waiting as the remaining few participants slowly trickled in and sat down in their seats. Cadance had hoped that Celestia's claims about the nature of the meeting were false, if only to make it less of a bore; she was not so lucky. She barely knew the name of any of the ponies in the room. She was certain that most, if not all of them, had introduced themselves to her at one point or another, but it was really hard to tell them apart when they all acted the same.

The meeting had barely started before several of them got into fights over minuscule differences in tax or profits, or arguments about who should be granted gains from what. As far as Cadance could tell, there weren't just nobles at the table. There were also those who were, though lacking in title, just plain wealthy. The only reason she could tell was because they acted slightly differently from the well established noble houses.

It was an hour in or so--at least that's what it felt like to Cadance--before Celestia spoke up. "Now, before we move on to finalising the notion, was there anything anypony else wanted to add or bring up for discussion?" Celestia asked, silencing the room with her voice. Cadance found it quite impressive.

At that, a pony did rise and prepared to speak. Cadance could only cringe as she realised who it was: Blueblood. While house Blueblood might be one of the oldest in the country, and certainly the most wealthy and powerful, modest, they were not. The old fart of a stallion had been extremely rude in his suggestions when they last spoke, suggesting that he'd convince Celestia that she'd marry Cadance and his son.

After that the stallion had excused himself to go and pester Celestia's prised student about something, Cadance could just smirk at that memory: Sunset had given him quite a verbal lashing. At the time she had seen it as more signs to how rude she could be, but now? Well, Blueblood probably deserved it, whatever he had said that ticked her off.

Maybe she should actually try and pay attention to what he was saying though, rather than taking part in day dreaming?

"...as such, I propose quite simply that the crown should re-acquire all currently owned private farmland. It would then evenly divide it up among noble houses so it can be properly be put to use, rather than wasting away," the stallion had a smug smirk on his face as he finished.

The entire hall was quiet after hearing the proposition, seconds turning into minutes. Cadance wasn't quite sure exactly what Blueblood had actually proposed or why it was taken this way. But it was quite clear from the rest of the room that this wasn't merely a faux pas, but something quite outrageous.

Eventually another unicorn from across the table spook up. "Sir Blueblood, while I know our two houses hardly get along, you should know quite well what it is you're proposing here."

"Of course, it's all for the benefit of the crown and the starving commoners," he replied.

Cadance rolled her eyes, Equestria hadn't had anyone starve for centuries; and even she wasn't stupid enough to think that just producing more food would even solve such a problem, should it even exist.

"Yes, and as we both know, my family owns the majority of all farm-able land in Equestria, be it currently put to use or otherwise. What you're proposing is for the crown to essentially step in and completely ruin a political rival," the mare had a snarl on her face, the disdain for the proposition was clear.

"Oh? And I'm not sure why that should be a problem, the land is clearly not put to use by your family. In fact, your family seems completely disinterested in these matters if your daughter is any indication," Blueblood smirked while pointing his hoof to the pegasus with white and purple mane that was seated next to the unicorn.

Looking them over, said pegasus had a scroll in front of her and a quill in her muzzle, clearly having spent the entire meeting taking notes or writing. Cadance hadn't realised they were a noble, so few noble families were of any tribe other than unicorn, and if a foal was born that didn't fit, they were often disowned. Cadance loathed the practice, but Celestia had claimed there was little she could do about it.

"You dare-" the unicorn started, before her daughter put a hoof in front of her muzzle.

The pegasus put down her quill and raised a hard stare against the offending unicorn across the table. "You're quite quick to judge others Sir Blueblood," her words laced with venom. "But tell me, where is your spawn? I don't see junior here taking interest in the politics of his country or family. But maybe he has more sense than you do?"

The indignation on Blueblood's face was clear to Cadance, but the pegasus didn't let him get a word in. "When I was his age I was already taking an active part in the direction this country is heading, when was the last time you could say the same for your son?"

"You dare!?" Blueblood all but yelled across the room.

"Oh yes, I do indeed dare," the pegasus raised to answer. "Just like you seemed to dare to claim the rights to that which has been in my family for centuries, that we rightfully purchased and acquired from the crown."

She slammed her hooves on the table. "What you did here today is nothing but a complete insult to not only my own house, but also every other noble at this table, who you aimed to drag into this scheme of yours!"

Cadance sighed and collapsed her head against the table as the squabbling continued. If there was one thing she was certain of, it was that Celestia had been right about these proceedings. She really, really, couldn't wait till they were over.

Cadance sighed as walked through the statue garden. She really needed a break from everything. Not only had the meeting dragged on for several hours extra, she'd been forced into more etiquette lessons shortly thereafter. Her brain felt like complete mush.

Gently she flapped her wings and took to the air. There was a mild breeze, something that she found quite refreshing. Gliding more than she was flapping she started circling around the large hedge maze.

She let out a content sigh; there was something about flying that was just relaxing on a deeper level. It let her simply take a back seat and enjoy the moment as it were, rather than worrying.

She wasn't quite sure how long she'd been at it when she finally landed; her wings having grown sore. Glancing to the horizon revealed the sun starting to hang low. She didn't feel like heading in just yet though, so she set off down the garden's gravel road. Celestia had wanted to speak with her again about something, but that wasn't until after sunset.

Her eyes travelled to the castle as she walked along, the towers and spires seemingly merging with the sky when you were so close. Sometimes she pondered why a city like Canterlot was considered a unicorn city. Sure, it was mostly populated by unicorns, both at present time and historically, but a city built on the side off a mountain just screamed pegasus.

The ability to just leap off of the side of the city and be immediately in the air, far above the ground... something about that just spoke to her on a personal level. It was probably that same type of feeling which drove the creation of cities like Cloudsdale an Las Pegasus.

She smiled as her eyes travelled back towards the garden. Clearly she wasn't the only one enjoying the evening, a mare painted like the horizon was enjoying tea in a gazebo. It was the small moments where she could just relax and be herself that made her days now. She didn't want to forget her roots as a pegasus, nor did she want to drown in the position hoisted onto her.

She closed her eyes and spread her wings, a sigh escaping her lips. They were sore, yes, but that also spoke to them having been used. She'd never really been able to explain that feeling to the other earth pony and unicorn foals as she grew up. Not that she'd been much better at understanding unicorns when they talked about their horns. She did now though, having gotten-

She froze.

She turned her head to the side and glanced behind her, eyes widening. How could she have forgotten? She set off at a trot towards the gazebo, a nervous smile working it's way across her face.

The amber mare with red and yellow mane smiled at her as she approached. "I was wondering if I should have called you over."

"Sunset," she said, chuckling awkwardly. How could she have forgotten? She was even the one who asked her to spend time with her. "I hope you haven't waited for long...?"

She just smiled and waved her off with a hoof. "No I just got here myself."

Cadance let out a sigh of relief as she took the seat opposite to the unicorn. "Sorry for being a bit late, I needed to clear my head."

Sunset nodded. "It's fine, really," she lifted the kettle and poured her a cup.

Cadance tilted her head as she accepted the drink. "I figured we'd be surrounded by servants for this."

She could see a smug smile on the unicorn's features as she chuckled. "No I dismissed her after she brought the tea, I figured between the two of us there must be at least one grown mare somewhere that can work a kettle."

It was still a bit jarring to see just how different Sunset acted. A comment like that could have just as likely been spiteful, yet there was nothing but a playful tone in her voice, and a smile on her lips.

"I'm sure we can manage," she didn't really know what else to say.

Sunset lifted her own cup and took a sip, before frowning and putting her cup down.

"You know, I used to be so enamoured by this stuff..."

She took a sip herself, recognizing it in an instance as something she'd had with her aunt at multiple occasions.

"I think I was just fooling myself," Sunset shook her head. "This tea just isn't on my flavour palette."

Cadance reached over and picked up a cookie from the plate resting at the center of the table. "Do you want us to order something else from the kitchen?"

"No, not really. I'm not a child, I can manage."

She hummed, it was true Sunset had been shockingly cordial. Some of the earlier interactions she'd seen the mare have could easily have been described as foalish anger tantrums. Though, in cases where some of the nobles were involved... it was probably justified.

"How did your research project go anyway?"

Sunset shrugged. "No progress yet I'm afraid, but I'm hopeful I'll work something out."

She tiled her head and smiled. "I'd offer to help, but I figure it'd be way out of my league."

Sunset chuckled, causing her smile to slowly morph into a frown. The unicorn slowly turned her gaze towards the setting sun and her namesake.

"To be honest Cadance, it's probably out of my league too."

Celestia was sorting her documents as she entered. Quietly she closed the door and made her way over to her aunt's desk. It didn't take long for the older alicorn to turn her attention towards her.

"Cadance," she nodded towards her. "Sorry about the late meeting, I know you've already had a busy day as is."

She nodded and sat down. "You had a few things you wanted to talk with me about?"

Celestia frowned. "I... yes."

The expression surprised her, it wasn't often her aunt appeared so troubled.

"It's about... Sunset."

"Ah," Cadance nodded.

Celestia turned her head upwards, her eyes staring off into the ceiling. "This might be a bit strange to ask but, do you think she's appeared... different?" She turned her head down and meet Cadance's eyes with her own. "...lately I mean."

Her gut reaction was to say yes, obviously Sunset had been acting strange. In many ways it was almost as if a completely different mare had come and just replaced the unicorn wholesale. Gone was the mightier-than-thou attitude and snide remarks, gone was the temper that could flare at any moment.

The hateful comments about how she didn't deserve to be a princess had also faded. She shivered, her wings ruffling as she recalled the words she used to hear when the two of them were in private; When Sunset could be certain no one else heard. Now though? It was as if a new personality had surfaced.

She was obviously the same pony though, the way she spoke with passion about magic was unchanged. The only difference there was that it wasn't used as a way to be above others. You'd never make it as far as Sunset had without some passion for the arts, it was just more plain to see now. Still...

Celestia didn't ask things without reason, she'd never ask plainly for what she wanted to know. So the question was, what was her adopted aunt after?

She let out a hum. "Maybe a bit?"

It wouldn't surprise her in the slightest if Celestia wanted to set something up between the two of them, she'd tried that before. And yet... Sunset had been the most approachable and the best company when she seemingly arranged something herself. Yesterday had been nice, as had tea been earlier in the evening.

It was with a sinking feeling that she realised that Sunset was probably the closest thing she had to a friend right now... and she didn't want to lose that.

"Anything in particular?" Celestia asked.

And if she didn't want to lose what they had... she had to convince the ruler of all of Equestria that nothing was wrong or abnormal with her student. To do otherwise would likely set the two off into another shouting match, something Sunset might blame her for.

"Well, she seems a bit more relaxed than usual?" She tried her best smile.

Celestia nodded.

"And, um, I guess she's more outgoing."

"And she wasn't before? She's never been one to shy away from social encounters," Celestia frowned.

"Ah, well... it's more that she's herself? She tend to be quite... unapproachable at parties and such?" If she was being honest, she was doing a terrible job selling the idea that Sunset was her usual self; lying had never been one of her strengths.

"I suppose that's true..." Celestia turned her head, her eyes lining up with a painting on the wall.

After not hearing anything else from the other alicorn for several minutes she had to voice her own question. "...is there, well, a reason why you're asking this?"

Celestia sighed, with a small smile she meet her eyes again. "There is, some of her recent behaviour have made me... worried."

Her mind wandered to the exchange at breakfast the previous day, were books from the restricted section really that serious? It wasn't as if Sunset wasn't a competent sorceress.

"No matter," Celestia shook her head. "I've been pondering putting Sunset in charge of your magic education."

'Ah,' there it was, what her mentor was actually after.

"Haven't we tried that before?"

Celestia let out a deep sigh. "You're right, we have. Which is why I'm asking you now if you'd be okay with giving it a try. I'm not so callous as to try setting this up again without your approval."

It certainly was something worth considering. If she'd been asked this just a few days ago she'd have screamed no; probably slammed the door too for good measure. The lesson she'd had with Sunset the other day had been unconventional, yes, but... it had also been fun?

"Sure, that sounds like fun," she smiled.

Celestia visibly recoiled, not by much, but it was there. "That's... I thought you'd be more against it."

She shrugged. "If you think she can teach me and not make fun of me again, then I'm willing to try."

She could feel her aunt's eyes boring into her. "You're more mature than I sometimes give you credit for Cadance. Not just anypony would be willing to look past the things she said to you."

It was true that grudges never really were her thing, but having Sunset as a teacher? Honestly it was more about getting away from dusty boring old books. She'd been right in her assessment of how book heavy and boring her magic classes had been, so if there was another path? She'd gladly take it.

Celestia relaxed on the other side of the table. "I'm glad that's worked out," she brought forwards a folder in her magic grip. "Because we have several more things to go over, and it's already getting late."

"You did say that..."

"Now, I don't expect you to make any decisions on this matter today, but it's been a long time coming," Celestia gestured towards the folder.

Cadance picked it up in her own magic and flipped it open, inside was a bio of a pony, complete with a mugshot.

"I don't understand?" She turned her eyes up to meet her aunt's.

"It's high time you got your own guard detail."

She almost dropped the folder from her magic grip. "Guard detail?!?"

"Yes, as you know-"

"I thought Captain Shield was in charge of that, I don't need a bunch of guards trailing after me all day!"

Celestia chuckled. "You need not worry about that dear, and you're correct, Captain Stout Shield has been in charge of that position up until now."

"Then what changed?" She raised her hoof.

Celestia shook her head, a smile on her lips. "Nothings changed Cadance, it was always meant as a temporary solution."

Not finding the words she wanted to express, she put her hoof back down on the floor again.

"Like I said, you don't need to worry, nothing will change in the near future."

"...But things will change, won't they?" They always did.

"Yes, eventually. As you grow into your role as a princess, many things will change. How involved you want to be with your personal guards will be up to you, make no mistake. But to not have a guard detail at all? That is not an option."

With a sigh Cadance turned her eyes back to the folder and started flicking through them. "You want me to pick out a few of these then?"

Celestia nodded. "Stout Shield, while a great stallion, is getting up in the years. His position as captain of your guard was always a temporary one, but it is one he'll carry out till his retirement. He'll be training his replacement, is the idea."

Cadance tilted her head. "Isn't that a bit..."


She nodded.

"It's not seen that way, if anything it's seen as an honour. Both to train the next generation, but also to learn from someone so experienced. Captain Shield has seen more than most in the guard, he'll make for a great symbol to aspire to."

With a sigh she started flipping through the folder, mostly just looking at the photos. Despite the young ages, everyone looked so serious in the photo.

"What you have there," Celestia nodded towards the folder. "Is a selection of ponies from our officer school. What you are to do is select a group of ponies that you feel you'll get along with. They are novices in their role now, but you need to think ahead to where they'll be a decade or so from now. Since these are ponies you will be interacting with several times a week, it's important that you get along with them; don't be afraid to call for interviews if you feel you need to."

Cadance gulped. "This is... a lot."

Celestia smiled. "I'm aware, but it's another part of your training. I want you to focus on this task till it's done, and you've done well enough being introduced to the daily court affairs already. So until you have selected your guard detail properly, I'll not require you to attend most state related meetings."

At least there was some good news she could cling onto. She really didn't like the notion of having a bunch of guards following her around, even less so having to pick them out herself. It sent a shiver down her spine, the way Celestia talked about it. Train them with the notion of who they would be a decade from now?

"I..." She couldn't find the words she wanted.

"I know it might seem overbearing, Cadance. But you'll perform this role with excellence too, of this I have no doubt."

She weakly nodded, what else was there to say? If Celestia had already decided on it, there wasn't much room to argue. She could feel a wing draping around her back. Glancing up she registered that at some point Celestia had gotten up and walked over to take the spot beside her.

"You know I have my own guards too, do you not?"

Again, she nodded.

"It comes with the position, and it makes those around us feel more at ease. I promise it will not be as bad as you're imagining it being."

She wiggled a bit, had she appeared to be in such distress? "Sorry, I'll... I'll make sure to pick out a good set of ponies."

Celestia smiled and slowly walked back towards her side of the desk. "Of that I have no doubt, niece."

With a sigh she closed the folder and took it under her wing. She'd take a look at later when she had more of a mind to it.

"You're aware of the current guard units we have, correct?"

She frowned. "The solar guard and... um, the night guard?"

"Lunar guard," Celestia corrected. "We'll be forming a new third unit here. It currently does not have a name, but I'm leaning towards the royal guard."

"Because I'm a princess?"

"In part, yes, but it extends beyond that. Currently the solar guard exist to perform all duties related to me, as well as guarding the capital during the day. With this restructure, once it's finished, I plan on moving over a lot of mundane duties and personal over to this new unit."

She could feel the pressure building. "Doesn't that mean I'll be in charge of more of those things...?"

Celestia nodded. "By extension, yes. But in practice it will all be managed by your captain and their subordinates."

Celestia was about to continue before she closed her mouth. "I apologise, this is already much on your shoulders I suppose. You need not worry about any of these complicated matters that are still years off, for now simply focus on picking ponies you feel comfortable being around."

Slowly she nodded. "If that's all then...?"

Really, she couldn't wait to get back to her room and stuff the folder in a drawer somewhere and forget about it. Probably also followed by collapsing on her bed and the sweet embrace of sleep. All this stuff was future Cadance's problem, she decided.

"Ah, there is one thing," Celestia smiled. "Some good news, I swear," she continued after seeing what was probably a very unrefined expressing plastered on her own snout.

"I got you a position as a foal-sitter."

Her eyes widened. "Pardon?"

"Yes, I know it sounds a bit unconventional but, well, remember how you asked me for things to do a few months ago? Specifically things that didn't involve any 'snotty nobles or stuck up parties', I believe you said."

She could feel her cheeks heating up, she had said that.

"I understand living in a castle like this can be somewhat comparable to living in a gilded cage at times; especially for a pony your age. With your status as a princess I'd imagine it would be hard to find ponies your own age to relate to."

It had been, it's why she'd complained to Celestia in the first place. Ponies were either trying to get favour by interacting with her, or were too intimidated by her status. It didn't help that everypony else that she knew since before being an alicorn lived halfway across the country. And yet...

"Why a foalsitter?" She had to ask.

Celestia smiled. "A foal will not care if you're a princess or a pariah, as long as you meet their needs."

She could feel a frown settling in. "I don't know anything about taking care of a foal though, in fact I'm not sure if this is such a great idea..."

Celestia shrugged. "It may not be, I admit. But I think you should give it a try, it will give you an excuse to get out of the castle every so often."

She nodded, that was true... The question was if taking care of a foal was worth getting more free time and getting some fresh air.

"Night Light, the father, works at the royal observatory. So I'm familiar with both him and his wife, they are lovely ponies and I think you will get along well with them."

"They're not nobles, are they?"

Celestia shook her head. "No. Both of them are doing quite well for themselves with quite prestigious positions, but neither have a title."

"I'll consider it."

She pulled up her blanket with a sigh, the soft bed beneath her promising rest for the weary. Yet all her mind did was race, all the things Celestia had told her repeating in her mind. When did her life get so complicated?

There was not a shortage among the fillies that she grew up with when it came to wishes to become a princess, "just like Celestia" they'd say. Yet somehow it had been her that had been picked for the task. It was not something she'd ever choose for herself if given the choice. Her mind travelled back to that fateful day...

Her staring up the enchantress in that dank cavern that made up her basement. The only light coming from a few candles as well as that enchanted necklace resting around Prismia's neck.

She'd stood bravely against them, not because she fancied herself a hero, nor because she was a leader. No, she was there because she refused to accept that love could be turned and used for something so wicked and selfish.

Prismia's gray coat had glowed pink with the sheen from the necklace, full of absorbed love. Something she'd taken in into herself in order to stop the enchantress from stealing more. She could remember the rush of taking in so much magically charged love into herself, how her body had tingled all the way out into her feathers.

Cadance sighed and rolled over to her other side. There wasn't any reason to delve on the past. Prismia had eventually asked for forgiveness, and promised to improve herself in order to gain the affection of those around her the same way as everypony else. It had taken them a while to get there, with both firm and soft guidance from Cadance herself.

She didn't regret doing what she'd done, and she never would.

But becoming a princess? That wasn't something she wanted. In that weird plane of light and stars, beyond the love, Celestia had met her. She spoke of having made herself worthy in the eyes of harmony, fully embodying the concept of love.

The horn wasn't so bad, she could definitively get used to the horn now when she was learning how to use it.

But who thought it was a good idea to put somepony like herself on the throne?

"You don't deserve what you have."

She could still remember the words, the expression of utter despise on the face of the unicorn that uttered them, a memory that had seared itself into her subconsciousness. She could still remember the flick of their tail hitting her face as they left.

It wasn't the first remark she'd heard, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.

She shivered as she lay there in her warm and excessively oversized bed. She was in the warmest and safest place in all of Equestria, yet all she could do was cry. The worst part about it all, the thing that stuck out to her the most, it was that she'd been right.

Sunset had been right.

Maybe she'd do better as a foalsitter, at least that was more in her league.

Author's Note:

Oops, all Cadance!

I know a lot of you probably read this primarily for unicorn Sunset, but I needed to build up some of the other characters too. This was a good time to focus a bit on how Cadance and Celestia interact, for uh, a variety of reasons.

Next chapter we'll be back to following everyone's favourite amber unicorn.

As for this chapter itself? There were several things I wanted to focus on, but Cadance's backstory snuck in there too. I'm taking some inspiration from that chapter book, but given how brief it all is, I basically just have to expand upon it wholesale. I'll like bring it up where appropriate to flesh it out even more, but given that this isn't really Cadance's story we'll see what that amounts too.

I do want to focus on some of the notions implied by the chapter book though. Mostly because it brings to light what Cadance's personality and struggles might have been back when she was younger, before she fully grew into her role.

I'm also sorry about the delay in this chapter coming out. My new job is demanding more of my time, so I've got less available to spend on writing horse words. I still plan on seeing this story through till the end, but updates will be rather sporadic.

I'm sure this chapter has a bunch of grammar issues and similar too, but hopefully not enough to get in the way of enjoyment.