• Published 24th Jan 2022
  • 3,011 Views, 304 Comments

Godzilla: Equestria's King of Monsters - Microsoft_2016

A collection of chapters of the King Of The Monsters defeating fellow villains within the MLP series.

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Chapter 5: One Headed Creature vs. Four Headed Creature

Once again, it was a sunny day in the wonderful town of Ponyville that resides in Equestria. There was nothing much going on and things were pretty quiet. Up on a hill, Twilight was practicing another magic trick and was using Spike as a test subject to analyze results. She had her horn lit up and she was really trying to make a suit out of a rock and stick, but she was really struggling. However, that didn't stop her from trying to master this. Spike stood there with a confident grin and waited for Twilight to perform her trick. He watched her turn the leaves into a suit, the stick into a baton looking thing, and the rock into a hat.

Spike looked away for a second and Twilight had to tell him to refocus his attention back over to her. Spike brought himself back to reality, but a simple noise made by Pinkie derailed it. The hat turned back into a rock and hit Spike on the head, knocking him down completely. Everything else disappeared too and Twilight had to lecture him on how important this magic trick was and that it required full attention. Spike looked over at Pinkie and said that he couldn't help it because of what she was doing over there. Twilight looked down past the hill and saw Pinkie running around with a scared expression on her face looking up into the sky as if something were to fall while having an umbrella hat on her head as protection. After a few seconds, Twilight scoffed and moved along to another part of town.

She clearly was acting like her normal usual self, right? Twilight thought about it in her mind and it left her very conflicted. Spike was very sure Pinkie was acting extra weird and that made Twilight go down and investigate why Pinkie is acting like that. So, she asked Pinkie what she was doing and Pinkie told her that her tail was twitching and that she knows what that means. Twilight obviously had no idea what that meant and told Pinkie she had no clue on what that meant. Pinkie explained that the twitchy tail was to warn her when things start falling out of the sky and encouraged Twilight to take cover.

Twilight laughed that off and told her it wasn't supposed to rain. However, she was met with an unpleasant surprise. Out of nowhere, this frog comes flying and hits Twilight smack dab in the face. That thought freaked her out and Pinkie made some joke. Twilight paid no mind to that and Fluttershy spoke up to say that she was sorry for doing that. She gave this long explanation and Twilight didn't exactly want to hear it. All she wanted was a simple apology and not some sort of super long detailed explanation about where Fluttershy was going as if this were a college essay presentation given at Harvard. After a few seconds, Fluttershy said her goodbyes and took off for Froggy Bottom Bog in the Everfree Forest.

Pinkie pointed out that Twilight had the frog on her face and Twilight decided to play smart-aleck by saying if her Pinkie Sense told Pinkie that as well. Pinkie told Twilight that wasn't the case and it was just something she saw on Twilight's face. She disappeared and Twilight told Spike to move his ass and practice somewhere else where there's no distractions from Pinkie. Spike thought it was so cool that Pinkie was able to predict something and then it came true. Twilight was annoyed at that though. She thought it was absolutely ridiculous and she really wished Spike didn't always believe everything he hears because that can lead anyone down a very dark road.

Twilight downplayed it and told Spike it was just a coincidence. Pinkie came back and said her tail was twitching again. So, she said that something would fall. Twilight laughed that off and kept walking. However, she fell right into a ditch and Spike exclaimed that she fell into a ditch. He asked Pinkie if it was safe to help her and Pinkie told him he would be fine since her tail stopped twitching. Pinkie walked off again and Twilight growled in frustration. Spike laughed and expressed how amazing it was. Twilight brushed that off and Applejack asked why she was hanging out in a ditch. Spike looked at Applejack and told her that Pinkie predicted it.

Twilight stuck her head up and scolded Spike by saying she did not and that two coincidences in a row was a lot more believable than twitchy tails. That freaked out Applejack and she hid under the cart. Spike went up to her and told her it was fine since Pinkie already predicted it. Twilight asked with suspicion if Applejack believed in Pinkie Sense as well. Applejack got up and explained to Twilight that for the citizens that have been in Ponyville for a long time, you come to learn the fact that whenever Pinkie's tail starts twitching, you better start paying attention. Pinkie came back and said that her ears started flopping.

Spike ducked for cover and asked what that meant. Pinkie looked at Twilight and said that she'll start a bath for her. Twilight was confused and simply laughed that off as she watched Spike and Applejack back away a little. She went on about how ridiculous it kept getting as time went on and literally as she was saying that, some pony with a cart came strolling by and splashed Twilight, covering her in mud. Twilight growled in frustration and she went to take that bath in order to clean off the mud from her coat. Pinkie went around the corner and explained how different body parts tell her different things that are about to happen. So Twilight asked if there was anything going off, but Pinkie said no except for her shoulder which meant there was an Alligator hiding in the tub.

Twilight was baffled at that answer and when Pinkie pulled out the Gator, she shrieked in fear and stood on the edge of the tub. She couldn't believe that there was an Alligator hiding in the tub the entire time. How come she didn't get bitten yet? Those creatures have very sharp teeth and can cut deep into your skin. She told Pinkie that was dangerous, but Pinkie told Twilight that this was her pet Alligator, Gummy, and he had no teeth in his mouth, so he posed no threat to anyone. Twilight finally believed her and moved on. Once she was done cleaning up, she told Pinkie that she still didn't believe in this Pinkie Sense crap and that it was just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. Pinkie asked Twilight about what part of it was unbelievable and that she practices magic, so there was no difference.

Twilight was highly offended by that statement and took that as a challenge. She then went on a crate and attempted to explain the difference between magic and Pinkie Sense, but Pinkie didn't quite exactly agree. Pinkie explained that multiple body parts can twitch at the same time and that's what she calls combos. Twilight laughed at that statement and walked towards her library. Pinkie mentioned one combination that would say that a beautiful rainbow would appear, but Twilight didn't believe that. Pinkie warned her that a combo was going on and Twilight looked at her strangely. Apparently, Twilight didn't watch where she was going and was met with the door slammed in her face. Spike was carrying out some books and was doing the backup noise school buses do whenever they are in a Cul-de-sac. The door swung closed and Twilight looked like a paper cut-out a pony that was glued to the door.

She fell to the ground and told Pinkie that she thought that particular combo meant beautiful rainbows. But Pinkie said she had them mixed up and the one she just had was to watch out for opening doors. Pinkie asked Twilight if she was okay and the latter muttered to herself how she just couldn't believe it. Pinkie looked at her and told her she didn't believe because she doesn't understand. That gave Twilight an idea and she went down to her science lab to analyze Pinkie Sense. Of course, it would go as well as you would expect. Nothing happened while being under experimentation. Twilight voiced her frustration with that, but Pinkie explained that she didn't control it, it would come and go at random times.

Twilight thought that made absolutely no sense at all and Pinkie told her that sometimes, you just have to believe in things that don't make sense. Twilight did not like this. She was not going to believe something that could not be explained with science. For all her life, she was told that the only things to believe in were the ones that could be explained. That was the philosophy she lived by. But now, Pinkie derailed that entire thought process by having things occur at random times. Twilight got up in Pinkie's face and told her that there was no way she was believing something that had no explanation to it.

Pinkie said she had something and Twilight got excited, but it turned out to be nothing. Pinkie's stomach growled and she said that she was hungry and that it was time to eat. Twilight had enough and unplugged the machine. She said she didn't even care anymore and Pinkie walked away. She was about to go through the door, but then she started twitching again. Twilight stared at her, but then she got the door slammed in her face again and she disappeared from sight. Once again, it was Spike. Except this time, he was wondering where Twilight was at. He asked Pinkie if she's seen Twilight and she said yes. The door closed and Twilight looked like a paper cutout glued to a door but she had an angry expression on her face this time.

Spike saw her and asked what the heck she was doing back there and Twilight groaned in pain. She glared at Spike and asked if both him and Pinkie planned this. Spike was confused and asked Twilight to clarify what she meant. She got off the door and she expressed her frustration by mentioning how ridiculous all of this was and it made absolutely no sense whatsoever. She stared at the door and declared to Spike that she had to figure it out. Pinkie was in the middle of town and Twilight was watching her as if she was on a safari hunt and looking at a strange animal Jurassic World style. She wrote down some notes and Spike came to ask Twilight what she was doing.

She grabbed Spike and asked him with frustration if he knew that it was not a good idea not to sneak up on ponies. Spike looked at her and asked if that was what she was doing. Twilight gasped and tackled Spike to the ground. She explained that she was doing scientific research on Pinkie and was determined to get to the bottom of it. She gave it some scientific name and it left Spike confused. He was told to keep quiet and Twilight noticed Pinkie was on the move again. She saw her rolling around in the school playground and noticed that she was itching her nose. Spike wrote that down and Twilight noticed Pinkie hide behind a horseshoe signifying that something bad was coming.

Twilight told Spike that Pinkie is acting like if there is something about to fall from the sky, but that was only when she had a twitchy tail. She was scratching her nose, so clearly nothing bad was going to happen. However, she failed to notice that she wasn't ducking for cover, she was in fact hiding from a very dangerous thing coming. Spike saw that said thing and retreated as he did not want to get stung by bees today. Twilight told him to get back here, but it was too late as she got stung multiple times in almost every part of her body. She had to get bandages for it and she eventually moved on to the next event. She was looking behind some hay at Sweet Apple Acres and saw that Pinkie was sniffing a flower. Spike asked what that meant and Twilight told him that it probably meant it smelled good.

She saw something and then told Spike in the exact sequence of how it happened. Spike remembered that was the combination warning anyone to look out for opening doors. So, he hid behind some hay and Twilight laughed at that as if that was the stupidest thing she ever heard. She couldn't believe how Spike still believed this stuff, but she was about to find out the hard way of when you don't listen to Pinkie. She showed Spike that nothing happened, but then, a door suddenly opened from the underground and sent Twilight tumbling down the stairs. Applejack was happy to see Twilight down here and told her how happy she was that Twilight came to visit her new apple cellar. However, she really didn't get a response from Twilight.

She asked Twilight if she was alright and Twilight had to be put into a wheelchair because of the injuries she sustained while falling down the stairs. The next location was at the park and Spike used the lever to help Twilight look through her binoculars so she could see what Pinkie was doing. She noticed the twitchy tail and Spike repeated it to himself. Then, he absolutely freaked out as he knew something was about to fall from the sky. Twilight told him to be quiet, but Spike ran off anyway. Twilight was disgusted that Spike still believed this and said he was overreacting, but she got a nasty surprise for saying that.

A flower pot fell on her head, followed by a large anvil, then a cart full of hay, and finally a giant piano. It turns out that the mail delivery service dropped some stuff and it so happened to land on Twilight's head. To say the least, the boss was not happy with the workers and he let them know. Pinkie was playing with her tongue when she saw Applejack show up. She asked Applejack what she was doing and Applejack said she was taking the apples she was carrying to her new apple cellar. Applejack asked Pinkie the same question and Pinkie answered with saying that she let Twilight follow her all day without her knowing. Speaking of which, Twilight came up to the two of them full of rage and was angry that Pinkie knew all along, yet didn't say anything.

She demanded why Pinkie wouldn't tell her and Pinkie said that it would spoil the secret. Twilight was in confused shock for a second before growling loudly in rage. Spike asked Pinkie nervously if her tail was still twitching and Pinkie told him it was all good. But then, her entire body started shaking. Spike got worried and asked Pinkie what that meant. Pinkie said she had no idea since she never gotten it before, but she knew something big was going to happen. She shook even more and declared that this doozy was going to occur at Froggy Bottom Bog.

Meanwhile, deep in the North Celestial Ocean, Godzilla was sleeping once more. He soon awoke though as his scales lit up alerting him that there was a threat nearby and he had to respond to it. Godzilla growled with anger and swam up to the surface as fast as he could. He looked out at Manehattan and released a massive roar letting everypony know he was back at it again. He began walking through the city and headed towards the Everfree Forest where the threat was.

In Froggy Bottom Bog, Fluttershy was dropping off some frogs, but she was unaware of the Hydra swimming behind her, ready to make an attack. Twilight, Spike, Pinkie, and Applejack all ran through the Everfree Forest and tried to get there as soon as possible so that they knew Fluttershy was safe. Pinkie's body shuttered again and Twilight asked with a snarky remark if she needed a jacket, but Pinkie said she was fine. Her body twitched again and Spike asked Applejack what she thought happened to Fluttershy. Applejack responded with saying she hoped it was nothing, but Spike insisted on knowing what she thought. Applejack replied with her trying not to think about it and hope for the best. Spike said he wasn't trying to think about it either, but he couldn't help it. He began speculating on what could've happened and suggested that maybe she just exploded for no reason.

Applejack doubted that and that caught Pinkie's interest. She speculated that maybe Fluttershy exploded twice and Spike asked if that could actually happen. Applejack told him no and kept walking. Spike kept on speculating and Twilight finally had to stop him and tell the both of them that Fluttershy was probably fine and they had nothing to worry about. Applejack said that she hoped Twilight was right for the sake of Fluttershy and then she saw Froggy Bottom Bog. All of them began looking and Spike eventually found her. He gave Fluttershy a hug and she was a little surprised by that. She had told them where she was going, so why were they acting like they had no idea where she was at and searched everywhere for her? It definitely puzzled her for sure.

Twilight thought it would be a good idea to brag and there was suddenly green smoke that formed around them. Applejack walked away as Twilight went on and on, completely obvious to the fact that a Hydra was standing right behind her. She was coughing quite a bit and wondered where that smell was coming from. The group was scared and Spike told Twilight to look behind her. She looked up and the Hydra gave a loud roar as it found some prey to feast upon. Godzilla's scales lit up some more and he ran faster as the threat finally awakened from its lair. The group began running, but Pinkie stood there terrified. Twilight ran back to get her and dragged her out of there before the Hydra could eat her.

The Hydra kept slamming its heads down on the ground, but it kept missing them each and every time. Spike got stuck and yelled for help. Twilight ran towards him and just as she took off with him, there was a loud roar in the distance. Godzilla had arrived and was ready to fight this four headed monster. The Hydra looked confused for a second and then let out a roar of its own. This allowed Twilight and the others to get away from the Hydra and up the hill. They looked back and saw that Godzilla and the Hydra were running right towards each other ready to fight. They collided with each other and they began to fight. The Hydra tried using its heads to attack Godzilla, but the Kaiju took its two center heads and slammed them right into the ground creating a shockwave that blew some stuff back.

The group ran away but Twilight was lagging behind. The Hydra began running towards Twilight, but Godzilla slammed him to the ground. The Hydra got up and bit Godzilla in the neck with its head and dragged him to the ground as hard as it could. The Hydra ran up the hill and took out most of the stepping stones to get across to the other side. One of the heads cried a little bit before roaring in pain which shook the ground. Pinkie told Twilight to jump, but Twilight said she'll never make it. The Hydra roared again and began to make its way towards her. Twilight looked down and was nervous. The Hydra was inching closer and roared at Twilight. Pinkie told Twilight she had to take a leap of faith.

Twilight gulped nervously and backed herself up a little bit so she could have some running room. After she did that, she was off to the races and accelerated as fast as she could in order to get away from the Hydra. The Hydra was about to knock Twilight off, but then it got hit with Godzilla's atomic breath and that drew its attention away. The Hydra roared at Godzilla and ran down the hill to fight him. Twilight jumped but she was just a little short and began to fall right into the bog. She thought she was going to die, but a huge bubble caught her and sent her back up right to the other side. She crashed into the wall and felt a bit dizzy.

After a few seconds, she smiled and the group cheered with joy. Then, they heard roars in the distance as the Hydra was still fighting Godzilla. They looked and watched as the two creatures battled it out. The Hydra knocked Godzilla down to the ground, but he got back up quite quickly and built up his atomic breath. After a few seconds, he released it and the Hydra dodged it with its four heads. It rammed into Godzilla and he began to fall to the ground which unintentionally started destroying things in sight, including the rocks above the group's heads. They all dodged it and Godzilla fell into the bog, completely disappearing from sight.

The group got worried about where their King was, but they were soon relieved when they saw him pop out of the swamp. Godzilla roared and pushed the Hydra down into the water. He submerged the Hydra and battled it out in the water. The Hydra tried getting free, but Godzilla brought back down and attacked it even more. It bit at all of it's heads and was successfully able to bite each and every one of them off. Godzilla then picked up the Hydra and threw it where Twilight had fell but thrown back up by the bubble. The group was surprised by this revelation, but they didn't bother interfering. The Hydra started growing its heads back, but Godzilla acted fast and blasted his atomic breath right down the throats of each and every head that was decapitated.

He threw up the rest of the body in the air and destroyed it with his atomic breath. The Hydra was no more and Equestria was safe once more. Godzilla looked at the group and gave them a snort. Twilight went up to him and petted him on the snout. Godzilla let out some smoke from his snout and turned around to leave. He let out a mighty roar and began to walk away heading right back for Manehattan. This wasn't as long of a battle for him, but the job got done anyway. That was a fairly easy battle and was not difficult as he expected. He guessed that Hydras weren't really that great at fighting other monsters and would get defeated relatively easily. However, that didn't really matter to him. The mission was complete and that's all that mattered. Now, he could return to slumber.

Author's Note:

AN: Well, we've reached the end of another chapter! I know this one was a little bit shorter, but Hydra's don't shoot out beams or anything from their mouths like dragons or even King Ghidorah and they couldn't fly either, so my options were limited. But Godzilla defeated it anyway, so that's all that matters really. This is the final chapter covering Season 1 and we're now moving on to Season 2. That's where Godzilla will face the next major villain: Discord. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Next Chapter: The Lord of Chaos! When the Draconequus Discord gets free of his 2,000 year old prison, he returns to Equestria with a vengeance. He set out to rule the world with eternal chaos once more and is determined that no one shall ever stop him again. However, Godzilla feels his presence and sets out to fight him. Will Godzilla be able to put the Lord of Chaos back in his stone prison, or will Discord find a way to contain the King Of The Monsters?

Until then, my fellow readers