• Published 7th Jan 2022
  • 1,720 Views, 23 Comments

The Once and Future Elements - WaywardSon

"An Age of Darkness will come when the lessons of Harmony are forgotten. When Equestria reaches this darkest hour, the Protectors of Equestria will return to lead the way back to Harmony." -- The Final Prophecy of Princess Flurry Heart

  • ...

2. Legends Remembered

Six Months Later

“I’m serious, Phase. I don’t like the whispers we’re hearing off the street.” Comet Streak walked beside Phase Shift as they left the conference room. Ponies left in twos and threes, eagerly speaking of the status update they’d all just heard on the project. “Blitz’s gang is seeing more and more unfamiliar faces around The Lot. I’ve diverted two “lost” climbers around the upper caves just last week. There’s a huge uptick in underworld jobs being offered and completed. I’m telling you, we have a lot of eyes getting very interested in this area lately.”

“I know, Comet. I know.” Phase floated a crystal tablet in front of her, reading intently over the figures scrolling over its surface. “We’re at the most critical phase of the project. What do you suggest we do?”

Comet frowned. “You know what I’m suggesting, Phase. I told you in your office, I told you in the meeting, and I’m telling you now. The corps must have detected the increased magic flow into the area. For the good of the project and everypony’s safety, we need to relocate, and soon.”

Phase snapped her head up from the data display, staring hard into Comet’s eyes. “Absolutely not! We are so close to our goal right now. If we have to pack up and relocate it will set us back months, maybe years. We can’t stop now. Not without a clear threat in sight.”

Comet flared out her wings, raising her voice. “Damnit, Phase! I’m telling you we’re not going to see a clear threat until it’s blasting down the front doors! That’s not how the corps work at this level. You brought me in on this project because you wanted my expertise in matters of security, well this is what it’s telling me!”

Phase Shift faced her friend head on, the teal glow of her magic highlighting both of their muzzles. “I brought you in on this project because you’re my friend and you said you were committed to seeing it through, no matter what! Now I’m telling you we could be only hours away from achieving our goal and you want me to pack it all in over whispers and rumors! I thought you were serious when you told me this was the most important thing we could do for Equestria.”

Comet tensed and with a quiet shink sound chrome blades extended between her flight feathers. She stared hard at Phase. “Fine,” she said, the blades disappearing back into her wings. “I’ll go double-check our defenses and check in with Nonpareil in case they learned something new. I hope your test goes well.” She turned and started walking away.

Phase winced when Comet turned away, taking a steadying breath. “Comet, wait–”

“I know you run this place, Phase,” Comet interrupted. “But for the rest of the day, try not to talk to me. We’ll both be happier.” She spread her wings and flew off down the hall before Phase Shift could answer.

Phase put her hoof to her forehead, wincing further. “Damn it!” With a sigh she turned and hurried on to the main lab.

Phase Shift trotted into the lab with the holo environment already active, passing straight through the illusion of an ornate stained-glass window and into a grand throne room, lined with columns and dominated by a tiered dais capped with a single throne. She shook her head, noting the purple, six-pointed star insignia gracing the top of the throne’s back. Activating her comm crystal, she called out, “Spider, is this your work?”

“Actually, this was our idea,” came a reply from further in, Starlight stepping out from behind the dais. Sunburst stepped through the opposite wall. “You said you wanted to make sure you had Twilight Sparkle at the peak of her influence, and that was definitely when she and the Council of Friendship ruled Equestria during the Golden Age of Harmony. Spider made the base design, and we were tweaking it from memory.”

“They have no appreciation for my artistic touches,” said Spider through the comm. “It was all, ‘there wasn’t a door there’ or ‘she had a seat for Spike next to her throne’ or ‘none of the stained glass had beer logos worked into them.’ I’m starting to feel unappreciated.”

“Enough!” Phase said a bit too sharply. All the others fell quiet, looking back at her. “We need to reset to the throne room of Ponyville Castle. I’ve gone over the numbers from the last few tests, and that’s going to be our best home location.” She took a few more steps then stopped, looking at Starlight and Sunburst, then to the room around them. “Now, Spider. This should be our final test, and I’m not going to put it off longer than we have to.”

Sunburst stepped forward even as the walls started to twist and fade away. “I don’t understand. I thought the data was suggesting the Golden Age would be the best time period to achieve maximum synchronization.”

Phase shook her head, turning toward them both. “The odds might be slightly higher, yes, but the numbers don’t suggest that to me. I can just feel that Ponyville Castle will work better. Call it a hunch.”

“If you say so,” Starlight answered. “I assume you want me to handle the introductions. Sunburst and I can–”

“That’s okay, Starlight. I’m going to take it solo. You two should switch over to observer mode and keep an eye on the session.”

The walls blurred, then winked out of existence, leaving the bare crystal circuits of the lab walls behind. A moment later a smaller, but still grand, round room of blue and purple crystal walls formed around them. Tall windows surround the room in rows to the arched ceiling, where a massive set of tree roots hang suspended over the center of the room. Tiny crystals hang from all over the roots, twinkling in the light and revealing images within when viewed at just the right angle. Directly below, a round table made of a huge slab of crystal sits at the room’s center. Around it, evenly spaced, seven modest thrones circle the table, facing in toward the middle, and each other. The top of each of the six larger thrones displayed a different symbol: the cutie marks of the Defenders of Equestria.

While the walls rearranged, Sunburst and Starlight exchanged another meaningful look, holding it for a long moment, expressions changing as if having a discussion. Starlight turned back to Phase Shift. “Are you certain that’s wise? After all, they are our friends. If anypony can ease their transition into this time, it’s us.”

Phase sighed, turning back from the throne room details. “That may be the problem, Starlight. We’ve been trying to ease them in gently so far, with mixed results. But that’s not what we did with you, or with Sunburst. We’ve got the models of their minds as close to the originals as we can hope to achieve. Maybe the shock you experienced is necessary for the process to work correctly. If not, you two can be here in an instant to ease them in.” She floated a stylus over the crystal pad, tapping in a few notes. “Trust me. I’ve run the numbers on this. It’s going to work.”

The pair exchanged another glance. “If that’s really how you want to play it, Phase,” Sunburst said, “you’re the boss.” Starlight still looked doubtful, but nodded and stepped close to her friend. “Switching to observer mode. Good luck, Phase. I hope this works.” The two of them vanished in a blink of the eye, leaving Phase Shift alone in the throne room.

She stopped, noticing the quiet surrounding her, and simply savored it for a moment. I can’t remember the last time it was this quiet. There’s always something needing my attention. She took a deep breath, pushing away thoughts of her shouting match with Comet Streak.

“Ready whenever you are, boss lady,” Spider chimed in through comms, breaking the spell of the moment.

She rolled her eyes at the address. “Alright, ‘Juicy’, let’s get started.”

Starlight and Sunburst’s giggles echoed over the comms.

“Whoa there, Phase! Point taken! No more of the ‘boss lady’ bit. I promise. No need to say the rest.”

Phase smiled. “Alright, Spider, then let’s get started. Bring up the holo avatars for all seven. Put them in their seats.”

One by one images shimmered into existence in order around the table, quickly resolving into Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Spike. They sat in their respective thrones, immobile, looking like an image from one of the crystals above. “Looking good, Spider,” Starlight chimed in. “They look exactly like I remember them before Twilight moved to Canterlot.”

“Thanks, Starlight. Glad to see you know quality work.”

“Cut the chatter,” Phase ordered, walking slowly around the table, looking into each pony’s face. “Load the behavioral and cognitive models. All constructs in full awareness mode, all behavior restraints disabled.”

“Sure thing, Phase,” Spider answered. Moments passed before he added, “Models compiled and ready. Environment and character models stable. Ready to proceed to testing on your word, Phase.”

Phase Shift closed her eyes, focusing on the equations needed for the program about to start. Her horn glowed teal, the crystals inset long its length building up an internal light. “Activate room casters,” she whispered. “Focus through me.” A low hum surrounded her, the magic aura around her horn getting brighter. “Begin holo resurrection… now.”

She discharged the magic from her horn in a bright sphere of power growing out from her form until it encompassed the avatars around her. Magic flowed from the walls and ceiling, still adding to the bright sphere, until every section of the room was filled. After a brighter flash, the light faded away.

Phase opened her eyes, steadying herself against a throne. Around the table the figures blinked and looked around at each other, smiles forming as they looked at their friends. Phase took a deep breath and stepped up to the table, floating the crystal pad before her. “Good morning, Princess,” she said, bowing her head to Twilight Sparkle. “Good morning, everypony. Can you tell me where you are?”

“We’re in the throne room of my castle,” Twilight answered, glancing at her friends, gathering murmurs of agreement. “Just outside Ponyville, in central Equestria.”

“Very good. And what is the date?”

They exchanged another questioning glance. Pinkie Pie jumped up and spoke quickly. “It’s the day before the Summer Sun Celebration in the year 1275 Post Founding.” She smiled a little larger than it seemed a pony really should be able to do.

Phase nodded, noting the answer. “Excellent.” She switched to her comm crystal. “Begin upload of historical information from 1275 PF to present.” Turning her attention back to the group around her. “I have some news for you all, however. It isn’t actually 1275.”

Rainbow Dash scoffed, flying up to hover over her seat. “Of course it’s 1275. Everypony knows that. What year do you think it is?”

“By your calendar, it’s the year 10191. Nopony’s used the Equestrian Founding calendar for over four thousand years, though.” She pauses, letting them take in the info.

Fluttershy gasped, her eyes growing wide. “If that’s true, does that mean we’re…” She trailed off with a whimper.

Phase nodded slowly, sympathy creeping in at Fluttershy’s reaction. “Yes, I’m sorry, I’m afraid it does.” She turned her response to all the ponies. “You, the ‘real’ you, are deceased. We’ve recreated models of your minds and personalities into a holographic frame, so we can interact with you.”

Fluttershy started to cry.

“What possible reason could you have to do such a dreadful thing?” Rarity shouted indignantly.

“That’s some bad business, messin’ with the dead,” Applejack added.

“What were you even thinking?” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“Oooh, it’s almost like time travel, but on fast-forward!” Pinkie cheered with glee. All her friends turned and glared at her and she stopped giggling mid-bounce. “I mean, grrr, how could you?”

Twilight Sparkle flew up out of her throne, hovering over the edge of the table. “Hold on, everypony,” she urged her friends. “Let’s hear her out. I know the idea is upsetting, but she must have a good reason.”

“Thank you, Princess,” Phase said. She checked the upload status on her crystal pad. “You should be getting a lot of the background information momentarily. My friend Spider is loading the history from 1275 to present into your memories, and it’s nearly done. But the short of it is simple: Equestria is in danger, and it needs its Protectors, according to the prophecy of Princess Flurry Heart.”

Twilight blinked. “What prophecy is that? When did Flurry Heart start receiving prophecies at all?”

Phase tapped her pad. “According to legend, at the end of her days, Princess Flurry Heart spoke of a time when ponies would forget the lessons of friendship and unity from the Golden Age of Harmony, and Equestria would fall into an age of darkness. She said when Equestria reached its darkest hour, when the ponies had their greatest need, the Protectors of Equestria would return to lead the way back to harmony.”

The room fell silent as the group took in that statement. Twilight landed in front of Phase Shift, glanced back at her friends, then asked, “What are we supposed to do to help? Shouldn’t the reigning alicorn be responsible for addressing magical threats?”

“It’s a bit more complicated than that. It’s not a magical threat, exactly, and even if it were we haven’t had a reigning alicorn of any kind for about three thousand years.” Phase tapped on her pad and made a sweeping motion with her hoof over the top toward the center of the table. An image flew into the air and expanded, showing a detailed map of the world. In the center, glowing a pale yellow, Equestria stood out from the other nations. “On paper we’ve been a democratic republic since then, with regular elections to choose leaders and lawmakers. In reality, though, only the corporations and extremely wealthy individuals wield any real power.”

Spike flew up over the table, pointing at the floating map. “What does that have to do with what we need to do to help you?” he asked simply.

Phase nodded, refocusing her thoughts. “The problem is that everypony is divided worse than ever before. Far from just three tribes arguing, it’s almost everypony for themselves. Most ponies work for a corporation their whole lives, living in corporate housing, eating corporate food rations, and letting the corporation cast their votes for them. Many more live in poverty, barely able to feed themselves. With lives like that, they never have time to consider others or make friends or even spare a thought to making Equestria a better place.”

“Aren’t you and your friends trying to make Equestria a better place?” Fluttershy asked. “You had the time to put this all together, didn’t you?”

She sighed, nodding. “We could only do all this because we have some wealthy backers who believe in the cause. In doing it, we’re all criminals.”

Twilight’s eyes grew wide. “Criminals? You mean this isn’t funded by your government?”

“No, of course not. The government is controlled by the corporations, and they want more of the same. They profit from keeping ponies divided. If they ever find us, we’ll be arrested, or killed.” Phase sighed, turning away from them. “As everypony seems to love reminding me lately,” she added quietly.

Rarity stepped forward, raising a brow. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you. What was that last bit?”

Phase shook her head, snapping herself back to the moment. “It’s nothing, just… My head of security, Comet Streak, she’s insisting we’re close to being discovered, but she doesn’t have any solid evidence. She keeps pushing for us to move to our back-up site, but that would set us back by months.” She rubbed the base of her horn. “I’m sorry, that doesn’t have anything to do with you. We should get back to why we need you in Equestria.”

She turned back to find seven pairs of concerned eyes focused on her, with all of them standing or flying next to each other. Twilight Sparkle looked around at her friends, each giving her a little nod, before she stepped forward and reached a hoof out to Phase Shift. “I don’t know if we’re the ones to save Equestria this time, but I think we can help you. Come over and tell us more about Comet Streak and your other friends, and yourself.”

She looked between them all, thinking of dozens of reasons to say no and continue the experiment. “Alright,” she surprised herself by saying. “Where should I start?” She walked into the middle of the group who circled around her.

Two hours later, Phase Shift left the lab. For the first time in months, her crystal pad was nowhere to be seen and a smile touched her lips. She walked past her office, heading right down to the security hub.

The doors opened to reveal Comet Streak standing at the commander’s station, watching video feeds and the three officers coordinating data flow. The pegasus glanced over at the door, rolling her eyes when she saw who it was. “Nothing more to report, Director,” she said curtly.

“I know, Comet. I just need… I’d like to talk with you, if you have a minute.”

“I'm really very busy here, Director. Maybe I can get back with you tomorrow.” Comet tapped a few selections on the control console in front of her.

Phase sighed, “Comet, please, it will only be minute, I promise.”

Comet’s shoulders drooped and she closed her eyes, tapping her hoof slowly on the edge of the console. Ten taps later, she opened her eyes. “Alright, one minute. Step into my office.” She stood and led the way to the small private office on the edge of the control room, Phase following close behind.

“Thank you, Comet,” she said as she stepped inside, the door closing behind her.

“I told you before that I didn't want to talk anymore today, so say what you have to say and get out.”

Phase closed her eyes, drawing in a slow breath, then opened them again. “Comet, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I dismissed your concerns, and I’m sorry I questioned your commitment. I only said that to hurt you, and that was wrong of me. You’ve been part of this project from the beginning,and you’ve been my friend even longer. You’re the best security expert out there, and if you say there’s a threat I should take that seriously.”

Comet took a step back, eyes wide. “Alright, I wasn’t expecting that,” she admitted. “Where did that come from, Phase? It’s not like you’re any less stubborn than I am.”

Phase blushed at the question, nodding. “I know I am. Let’s just say I had a talk with somepony who reminded me that a good friendship is worth fighting for, and that sometimes that fight means admitting when you’re wrong.”

Comet smiled slightly. “You’ll have to introduce me to this miracle worker sometime. Alright, Phase, apology accepted. No, no!” She held up a hoof as Phase started moving in closer. “I’m still not a hugger, but I’m glad we’re on the same side again. We are, aren’t we?”

Phase laughed. “We are. In fact, that’s the other reason I came to see you. Our final construct test was completely successful. We’re ready to move to the final phase, if my Head of Security clears us to proceed. I know you have concerns, and I want to give them a fair hearing before committing everypony to a huge step.”

Comet Streak nodded slowly, moving around to sit behind the desk. “Alright. You’d best settle in. There’s a lot to cover.”

Phase Shift looked over the lab, nodding. The ponies under her had done an excellent job setting up the final phase, and it showed. Stasis pods were wheeled out of the room, leaving the seven figures seated in the thrones around the central table. She walked around it, gently touching the warm and solid flesh of their cheeks as she passed. Returning to the largest throne with the six-pointed purple star at the top, she activated the comm crystal. “All departments report status for final phase.”

“Comet Streak here. All points of entry secure. Internal security on high alert. External sensors show all clear.” Phase smiled and acknowledged the report. One by one, each department reported their readiness.

A private comm channel chimed in. Seeing the source, she muted the rest and accepted the call. “I thought you might want a word.”

“Ready for another hard question, Phase?” Starlight asked eagerly.

“Anytime, Starlight.”

“When you talked with Twilight and the girls, you seemed to agree that somepony from the present time would be better candidates for Protectors of Equestria.” Starlight took on a more confidential tone. “Personally, I think you and your friends are natural choices. Are you certain that going ahead with the quantum resurrection is a good idea?”

“Absolutely. I agree their lessons are more important for spreading friendship again, and my friends and I will all do our parts. However, there’s one thing Twilight and her friends can bring to Equestria better than anypony else.”

“And what’s that?”


The line was silent for a moment. “Understood, Phase. Good luck. And don’t forget, if this works Sunburst and I are up next. I’ve waited a long time to hug some friends.” The comm line disconnected.

“In position to begin,” Phase said through the comm. “Spider, load full construct data, with no behavioral restrictions. Total autonomy mode.”

“All constructs ready, Phase. Room casters at full power. Proceed with activation phrase at your discretion.”

Phase Shift stood beside the throne of Twilight Sparkle, looking at the motionless form there. She closed her eyes, imagining the runes of the activation phrase. Her horn glowed cyan, brighter than ever before, and she looked to the lavender face beside her. Leaning in close, she whispered, "Princess Twilight Sparkle, it is Equestria's darkest hour. You are needed."

Comments ( 22 )

Vey interesting. Nice work!

Will there be a squeal?

Whoooah, come on, that was AWESOME. Let's start off by pointing out all of the good things, because there's plenty to go
I adore the subtle world-building, just snippets of everything that's happening on the outside reflecting on what happens on the inside, bravo!
This first point also feeds into the second, the pacing in this was...marvelous and spot on. You introduced each and every single character, gave them something to do, something to say, some form of impact, explained the plot and it all moved like molten butter.

I do agree with Starlight Nova, if you ever feel like expanding this premise into a short fic or a longer one, count me in. I'll definitely dig into it if it's written like this!
Despite the rush you were in to submit it, it's still very well written, and I honestly found minuscule details to fret over grammar-wise. 9/10 descriptions hit the mark, with a few being kinda confusing (But maybe I'm just dumb).


She rolled her eyes at the address. “Alright, ‘Juicy’, let’s get started.”

I demand to know his full name!

“Oooh, it’s almost like time travel, but on fast-forward!” Pinkie cheered with glee. All her friends turned and glared at her and she stopped giggling mid-bounce. “I mean, grrr, how could you?”

One line of dialogue, Pinkie had one line of dialogue, and she knocked it out of the park. Given the tone of the story thus far, I wasn't expecting it and I had an honest giggle.

All in all, a really good short fic! Thank you so much for writing it!

That was anti-climatic.

Short but incredibly solid. Very well done.

Hm, I will say I'm confused. Perhaps this was my own thought of where the story was going, but in the simulation with Twilight and the others it appeared to me that Twilight was implying that Phase and her friends would be the new Defenders of Equestria.

She turned back to find seven pairs of concerned eyes focused on her, with all of them standing or flying next to each other. Twilight Sparkle looked around at her friends, each giving her a little nod, before she stepped forward and reached a hoof out to Phase Shift. “I don’t know if we’re the ones to save Equestria this time, but I think we can help you. Come over and tell us more about Comet Streak and your other friends, and yourself.”

She looked between them all, thinking of dozens of reasons to say no and continue the experiment. “Alright,” she surprised herself by saying. “Where should I start?” She walked into the middle of the group who circled around her.

This one confusion aside, I want to express just how much I enjoyed this story! It was incredibly intriguing in concept and I loved the execution. The futuristic setting has so many possibilities and I think you did a great job of setting up a world for this story to take place in. Regarding that, don't feel pressured to build too much lore or world-building; some stuff is better left to imagination of the reader, and I think it is more intriguing and engaging that way.

Anyways, thanks for the fun read! Really super duper enjoyed it.

That's fair. I would have liked to flesh that scene out more, but ran out of time before the contest deadline. If I put out a sequel I will definitely clarify.

10191? That sounds familiar... :twilightsmile:

I was hoping someone would catch the reference. Just a little nod.

Oh my word, I need MOAR!
That was stupendous, an absolutely wonderful read!

I smell a Dune reference in here somewhere...

That said, I hope you decide to continue this with another story!

I smell a new fallout Equestria level story here.

Please sah! Can we 'ave some more?!

This sounds like the beginning of a much longer, and just as impressive saga, one I would love to read. And it sounds like I'm not the only one

Ooooh, I hope there's more planned.

Excellent work, I add my vote to the can there be more party.

Phase shook her head, turning toward them both. “The odds might be slightly higher, yes, but the numbers don’t suggest that to me. I can just feel that Ponyville Castle will work better. Call it a hunch.”

it is nice to see the two eras contrasted in the eyes of this future civilization. seems that Phase Shift is also more drawn to the canon period, rather than the post-canon Friendship Council!

She rolled her eyes at the address. “Alright, ‘Juicy’, let’s get started.”

nice payoff to the setup in the first chapter, always great to have moments like this to round out your characters

“Oooh, it’s almost like time travel, but on fast-forward!” Pinkie cheered with glee. All her friends turned and glared at her and she stopped giggling mid-bounce. “I mean, grrr, how could you?”

Pinkie Pie is always fun for this kind of thing

She said when Equestria reached its darkest hour, when the ponies had their greatest need, the Protectors of Equestria would return to lead the way back to harmony.

ah, the "king under the mountain", a classic motif for a reason

to repeat what i had to say at the end of the first chapter, an intriguing start! and given its publish date i do wonder if you meant to write something longer originally, as the story does end right as it feels like it is just beginning. hope you do continue writing!

Howdy, hi~!

Okay, this was super interesting as a concept. I love all the little pieces of worldbuilding and ideas thrown in here. It's an amazing premise and the characterization of the OCs was on point, which is difficult to pull off. I genuinely wish there was more since I can't help but want to sink into the world that you've created in this fic, however, that will be for if you decide you want to come back to this.

Either way, excellent read, thank you~!

I would really like to see more of this one.

Look at the date. 10191. Same year as when the first Dune novel does. There's probably more though.

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