• Published 27th Feb 2022
  • 246 Views, 18 Comments

Ponies: The Legend Begins - DougtheLoremaster

On the island of Celestia Nui, legends tell of six mighty Ponies who will awaken the Great Spirit; Celestia and banish the shadows. Join them as they find their masks and utilize the elements to defeat Nightmare and let the sun shine once more

  • ...

Toa Fluttershy, Spirit of Water

On the sharp, coastal rocks she sat, watching the waves as they ebbed and flowed. For a Ponytoran she was an average height and a mare like all of her clan. Her body was sleek and well-suited for water-dwelling, with purple areas adorning her arms and legs, though the rest was a pure blue. The Kintoran kept an avid watch; scanning the waves with her bright green eyes, as though waiting for something, or someone.

Suddenly a circle of whirling water appeared below her, and her eyes narrowed in anticipation. A ball of solid rock, as big as her hooves came shooting out of the vortex, and quick as a flash, the Kintoran reached down and picked up a strange stick. It was a long mahogany pole, with two copper catchers, one on each end.

Whirling it like a baton, she deftly swung the tool out and caught the rock with a grunt, panting heavily from the amount of strength she expended to keep the rock in the catcher until it stopped spinning. Whew.

“Hey, Spike! How is the Kohlii training going?”

Turning, Spike had just a moment to gasp before she found herself enveloped in a pair of massive forelegs, as a Pony that towered over her, grabbed Spike up in a hug. Protesting profusely, to no avail, Spike tried to answer her friend, barely gasping out the words.

“It’s going…well…Toa Fluttershy!”

Releasing her friend, Toa Fluttershy gave a cheerful giggle. Spike was in awe as the moonlight rays bathed the Toa in the light of the silvery orb of the night. She stood a head taller than a Turaga and twice as tall as any Ponytoran; her armor, a dark blue hue as it lay upon her light blue underbody. But what stood out were her pair of peculiar wings.

Unlike most Pegasi, the Pegasi of Kinkoro possessed wings, not for flying but for gliding through the water and none were more magnificent than those of the Toa of Water herself, Fluttershy.

Out of the water, her wings held the appearance of an avian. Metal forged in the shape of fluffy feathers. But only when out of the water. And Fluttershy was truly at home in the water. Suddenly, a loud scream of terror from the beach broke the silence.

Spike turned to see where the sound was coming from and saw much to her horror that a massive Tanakava was about to pounce on the village Turaga. The Turaga lay prone, her staff, laying just out of reach on the rocky beach.

A loud splash was then heard and by the time Spike had turned her head, Toa Fluttershy was halfway to the rocky shore. Her once feathery wings now resemble the spiny fins of a fish. Revealing why she had earned the nickname “the Mermaid of Kin-koro”, Fluttershy tore through the water, practically flying beneath the waves as she raced towards the shore.

Bursting forth from the waves, Toa Fluttershy floated upon her feathery metallic wings once more, folding them across her barrel causing a blast of icy water to jettison towards the vicious predator. The jet of water slammed into the Tanakava; knocking it to the ground, and knocking loose the infected mask from its face.

It was then Fluttershy’s voice boomed out across the shores, the Kanohi Waiata on her own face glowing with a dazzling sapphire light.

“No, you do not attack Ponytorans! Now go, there is no food for you here.”

As the glow faded from the Great Mask of Beast Taming, the Tanakava lumbered off into the nearby waves and Fluttershy raced over to the fallen Turaga.

“Are you alright?”

Chuckling lightly to herself, Turaga Meadowbrook slowly rose up from the sandy ground. Her voice though grainy from age was carried with a serene grace of many seasons.

“Heh heh. Were I in my youth, I could’ve easily bested that beast-”

Her voice dropped to a crazed whisper.

“But those days are gone, gone with the many tides.”

Glancing at the Toa of Water, she nodded, suddenly brightening.

“For the best though, it would seem. Wasn’t it, Starswirl?”

Though addled by memory corruption caused by injuries in her past, Meadowbrook was still considered the wisest Turaga when her wits were about her. Her moments of clarity were always just what was needed in any given situation and were never to be pushed aside. Toa Fluttershy knew and respected her for this, as did all the Kintoran. Not knowing who this Starswirl was, Fluttershy just smiled kindly at the elderly Turaga.

“Right, Turaga Meadowbrook. Definitely for the best.”

Laying on her back, Toa Fluttershy gazed up at the sky; fascinated by the sudden appearance of five new stars of varying colors. That star is supposed to represent me. Fluttershy remembered the Turaga pointing at the yellow star and saying that signified Fluttershy’s arrival on Celestia Nui. If that’s me, then are those…

“Hey, Toa Fluttershy.”

A sweet, yet energetic voice tore through her thoughts, causing Fluttershy to grin. It had been only a few weeks since her container was found and opened by Spike; the ever-excitable mare overjoyed and eager to make a new friend, helping to rebuild her. And as soon as the last piece was snapped into place, Spike had immediately started teaching the Toa about Kohlii; a sport the Ponytorans created to celebrate the three virtues: unity, duty, and destiny.

“Hey Spike, that was some nice effort earlier.”

Spike laughed and sat down next to her, before giving a sigh.

“Yeah, but it’s nowhere near your level.”

Spike was a Kohlii enthusiast and for the longest time, she didn’t have anypony to talk to about; no Ponytorans seemed interested in the sport. And then came Fluttershy, who upon being shown the basics, proved to be a natural at maneuvers and scoring. And most importantly, she didn’t mind playing with Spike when there was free time in between fishing and protecting her koro. Fluttershy just scoffed.

“That’s because you get too nervous when others are watching. You’re a great goalie.”

For what seemed like hours the two lay there discussing their favorite pastimes before Spike asked her.

“So what were you doing earlier anyway?”

Fluttershy gestured a hoof to the stars that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

“Watching those.”


Nodding, Fluttershy replied.

“Yes, the night I arrived, Turaga Meadowbrook told me that yellow star represented my coming to this island. There were no other stars at the time so it makes me wonder…”

“You think there may be other Toa?”

“Wouldn’t it be great?”

Spike couldn’t explain why, but she felt her heart drop. Wasn’t she enough of a friend for Fluttershy? Why did she need another Toa like her? Before Toa Fluttershy, Ponytorans just ignored Spike’s attempt to socialize.

“Yeah. Great.”

Fluttershy looked confused.

“Spike is something wro-”

“The stars! The stars. She is calling out to you!”

Turaga Meadowbrook came scurrying over the rise, shouting and waving her staff excitedly.

“The Great Spirit, she calls to her Toa!”

Spike was silent, sitting there, as the Turaga gestured to the mysterious wall of legends within Kin-Koro, telling Toa Fluttershy about others like her. Meadowbrook wove a vivid picture; as she spoke of the icy depths of Gen-Wahi and the Toa of Ice, Rarity, wearer of the Kanohi Hjelpe; the Great Mask of Assisting. With her armor of snowy white, the Toa of Ice wore a necklace from which she could summon and control the harshness of winter.

In the murky and humid jungle of Lo-Wahi, Toa Dash soared on Pegasus wings designed for slicing through vines at breakneck speeds, seeking the next thrill. Her command over the winds was unrivaled and she would not hesitate to unleash a storm if it meant defending others. She wore the Kanohi Sadakat, the Great Mask of Loyalty, granting her great strength when near her allies.

Under the ground in the Lau-Wahi tunneled Toa Pinkie with the spiked claws she wears on her forehooves, mining raw protodermis to be shipped to Gen-Koro to be processed. The bearer of the Kanohi Leeande, the great mask of Smiles, she has the command over the Earth itself and to increase the morale of allies around her, causing them to cease hostilities.

In the great deserts of the Hon-Wahi, Toa Applejack with her great physical strength could shatter solid rock, possessing the Great Mask of Truth-Telling; the Kanohi Macantacht, granting her the ability to see through illusions.

And then there was Toa Twilight, the Toa of Fire. Her fiery temper and impulsiveness were as legendary as her command over fire and all its aspects. The wearer of the Kanohi Bulai, the Great Mask of Defending; she was able to generate a shield against all damage for a short time when defending others but not if fighting alone.

“...The Toa must unite if you are to achieve your destiny. You must seek out your sisters.”

Fluttershy grew excited, her yellow eyes glowing brightly.

“Sisters, I have sisters? Spike, did you hear that? I have sis-Spike?”

Spike was nowhere to be seen as Toa Fluttershy turned to share her excitement with her best friend. Looking around frantically, Fluttershy finally turned to the Turaga, and asked her.

“Have you seen Spike?”

Running out of the little hut, Fluttershy began shouting.

“Spike? Spi-iiike! Spike?”

Toa Twilight was lost, and rather annoyed at her surroundings. She looked down at her sword; dull and glinting metal in the moonlight filtering down through a hole in the cavern roof. For the past many hours, she had been going in circles in the rocky caves dotting the shorelines and every turn seemed to taunt her with a dead end. She was tempted to just set her surroundings ablaze if only to relieve her frustrations. She bottled those urges and muttered angrily.

“This mask better be worth this, great spirit.”

She paused. Was that sobbing she heard further into the cavern? What in the- Was there another in here with her? Lost like she was? And what was that noise?

A sickening, squishing sound along with the sounds of padded feet could be heard coming from the dark recesses of the cave and seemed to be heading towards the sound of the crying. Toa Twilight swore under her breath; she couldn’t ignore a creature in need, and from the sounds of the sobbing, they were scared, too. Muttering about what a pain being a Toa was, Twilight ran off into the darkness to find and protect the source of the tears.

In the short time she had known her, Fluttershy had learned of all of Spike’s ‘hideaway’ areas; places where Spike went to be alone. Having checked the usual places, the Toa only had a single cave left to check.

Toa Fluttershy poked her head into the cavern and called out.

“Spike, are you in here?”

“Fluttershy, help us!”

“We urgh, blast you foul beast, could use a little help, here!”

Toa Fluttershy’s oil ran cold. Spike was in danger and not just her but another as well? Her eyes narrowed in anger; no creature messed with her friends. She folded her wings in front of her, and a massive wave of roaring water shot forth from them. Diving into the water, and rushing forward, Fluttershy’s wings changed to sharp spiny fins; dodging stalagmites as the wave surged through the cavern.

Toa Twilight stood, body glowing a bright golden glow, in front of Spike who hid behind her. In front of the Toa a massive frog-like beast sat, covered in a viscous black liquid. Again and again, the beast slapped her with its whiplike tongue in an attempt to get to the Ponytoran behind her.

Not good. My fire has no effect against this thing.

“Urk! Blast you foul beast!”

“Spike, are you in here?”

From behind Twilight, Spike shouted.

“Fluttershy help us!”

Twilight grunted as she felt the blows increase in intensity blow by blow.

“We could use some help! Argh! I can’t hold it back forever!”

Moments later the sound of rushing water reached the Toa of Fire’s ears. Oh no. Not good not good not-Ungh! The swift-moving wave slammed into Twilight as a bladed creature leaped from them. Twilight wearily stood drenched in water, her sword dull and lifeless; the flame having been extinguished. She watched as the creature attacked the massive frog, causing it to back down in submission, before turning towards her.

A pegasus? But didn’t I see-

Oh my goodness are you alright?”

Twilight just spat out a mouthful of water in defiance, stumbling to keep her hooves on the ground, as the world spun around her. Her breathing was greatly labored as she gritted out the words.

“It’ll take…more than that…to defeat…me.”

Her body crashed to the rocky cavern floor as she finished her words. Spike gently tapped her, but it was no good, there was no response. Toa Twilight was completely unconscious. Fluttershy looked startled and yelled at Spike.

“Let’s get out of here, Spike. C’mon help me get her to the Turaga.”

Walking down the rocky beach, Spike strode alongside Fluttershy, the latter carrying the unconscious form of the towering Toa of Fire on her back as she spoke.

“Spike, why did you run away?”

Kicking a hoof at a wayward pebble, Spike looked disheartened as she muttered.

“You seemed so excited to go find the other Toa. I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”

Stopping suddenly, Fluttershy gently mussed up Spike’s mane with her hoof.

“Kohlii-head. Like I’m going anywhere without my little mare.”

Stunned, Spike blinked.


Toa Fluttershy just laughed.

“Well, I’m not leaving my best friend behind, so that means you have to come with me. It’ll be fun!”

“But what if we get in a fight?”

“I got your back, girl. I’ll protect you. Think about it, we can explore the island together. I bet we’ll even visit the birthplace of Kohlii. You could even show them your moves!”

“Hon-Koro? Are we really going to visit Hon-koro? I might get to meet Big Mac, the reigning champ! Oh wait, I still want to help, isn’t there something I can do on our trip?”

Fluttershy knew from the glint in Spike’s eyes, she had her raring to go. Playfully, she suggested.

“Hm, well you could always scribe the tales of my heroisms so when we return we have stories for our wall.”

“That's a great idea, I can totally do that!”

Glad to see Spike happy again, Fluttershy once more started towards the Turaga’s hut.

“Come on you, let’s get this mare to the Turaga.”

That heat feels nice.

Twilight’s eyes flickered to life and she looked towards the source of the heat she felt; a campfire. Her body ached, and she groaned, placing a hoof to her head.

“Urgh, what happened?”

Spike spoke up and pointed at Toa Fluttershy.

“You knocked unconscious by Fluttershy’s wave.”

Narrowing her eyes, Twilight spat out a single word.


Fluttershy looked bashful as she apologized.

“Yes, sorry about that.”

“Cute joke. I just let my guard down against that frog-thing while heroically defending you. That’s all.”

Spike glanced at Fluttershy in surprise at the outburst.

“No really, it was-”

“Stop lying, Pegasus-”

Fluttershy’s voice boomed within the hut as her mask glowed a bright sapphire.

“That is enough! Sit down and be silent!”

Instantly, Twilight sat down and glared menacingly at her, but didn’t say a word. After a moment's silence, Twilight spoke softly.

“What did you do to me?”

Tapping her mask as it ceased glowing, Fluttershy smiled.

“Kanohi Waiata, the Great Mask of Beast Taming.”

“Are you calling me a beast?”

Fluttershy shook her head.

“Perhaps not a traditional Rahi, but your actions just now were rather beastly; regardless it worked. And Spike isn’t lying it really was my water that knocked you out”

Just like that, the fire in Twilight’s eyes died down and her anger dissipated like smoke.

“I know that.”

“But then why argue?”

“Because my pride wouldn’t allow it.”

Turning to Spike, Twilight seemed to struggle to utter an apology.

“I…I’m sorry, about yelling at you, Spike. I’m just so frustrated and I’m trying to find something important. A mask.”

“A mask?”

Twilight sighed in slight annoyance but bit her tongue.

“Like yours, but red, like mine.”

Fluttershy looked pensive as she instinctively reached up to touch her own mask.

“A red Waiata? I’ve never seen one. What about you, Spike?”

Shaking her head, Spike seemed a bit nonplussed at the idea.

“No. I think I would remember seeing that. What about you Turaga Meadowbrook?”

Straightening up in a sudden moment of lucidity, the addled Turaga spoke quickly and excitedly.

“The Cathedral is the place to go. The Organ plays the tune of interest!”

“The Cathedral? The Organ?”

Fluttershy turned to Twilight and explained what they were.

“A network of caverns with massive stalactites and stalagmites. The organ is the name of a coral formation in the far recess of the grand hall; a section of the Cathedral. Hm, this isn’t good.”

“Sounds simple enough, where is this Cathedral?”

Shaking her head in dismay, Fluttershy gave a response.

“At the bottom of the cove.”

Leaping to her hooves at the mere thought of being submerged, Twilight yelled at her.

“The bottom of the- under the water? Are you insane?”

Turaga Meadowbrook spoke up again, her voice barely a whisper as if in fear.

“But that isn’t the real issue.”

“What could possibly be worse than going under the blasted water?”

“Turaga, what’s wrong?”

The Turaga looked stricken, her face, one of horror as she spoke, reaching up to touch the gash in her armor from long ago, as though reliving that moment.

“Nightmare’s Kraken plays the Organ. Nightmare’s Kraken. That foul monstrosity.”

Fluttershy blinked as Spike spoke up.

“O-kay, well if Fluttershy goes down there, with her mask and control of water, she could easily grab the mask.”

“Starswirl water, my water, it has no effect! Flame, flame is needed!

Twilight’s eyes went wide for a moment as the name sounded familiar. Starswirl? Isn’t that the name of the old geezer in Magi-koro? Does this crazy mare know him or something? Neither she nor Fluttershy noticed the slip of the tongue Meadowbrook had made, but Spike did, though she kept it to herself. My water? What does she mean?

Fluttershy’s words however cut through both of their thoughts.

“Not good, if it isn’t affected by my water element, then the blue waiata will be useless as well. Hmm. I suppose I could carry you on my back, um…wait what is your name anyway?”

“You can do that?”

Taken aback by the desperation in Twilight’s voice she stammered out.

“Y-yeah, I can do that.”

Rising to her hooves, Twilight seemed preoccupied as she shouted suddenly before storming out of the tent in a sudden motion.

“Great! Let’s go.”

Fluttershy called out to her in surprise.

“Wait, you didn’t tell me your na- oh, whatever, come on Spike. Let’s go help the strange fire pony.”

“Are you sure about this?”

Twilight stared over the edge of the rocky cliff staring down into the crystal clear water, trying in vain to see the bottom and shivering. Fluttershy just laughed gently.

“Oh don’t worry so much, now put your hooves around my neck. Yes, just like that.”

Fluttershy waited for Twilight to comfortably hang onto her back before spreading her feathered wings wide. Twilight shouted suddenly.

“Wait you have feathers, they won’t-”

Fluttershy had already begun her gallop towards the cliff edge, calling to her passenger.

“Don’t worry. Just trust me.”

With that, Fluttershy leaped from the cliff, straight up into the air before unfolding her wings again, and diving straight towards the water at breakneck speed. Twilight closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable crash that never came, instead, opening one eye she beheld an amazing sight. The water parted when sliced by Fluttershy’s now fishlike fins forming a bubble of air around them. Twilight couldn’t believe it. They were flying under the water.

As Fluttershy dove down into the inky blackness of the cove's darkest depths, Twilight’s fear gave way to awe, as the light from above no longer filtered down but the seafloor was illuminated by lightstones, pulsing softly as they sat there; as though guiding the way.

Coming to rest amidst a circle of lightstones, Twilight grew worried again; wouldn’t the water come crashing down on her again? Would she drown at the bottom of the sea? I can’t swim, I… Her fears vanished as Fluttershy’s wings flared out and a vortex of water formed a tunnel towards a strange rocky cave in the distance.

Turning back towards a gobsmacked Twilight she grinned; seeing the shocked expression on Twilight’s face.

“Hey, you ready?”

Twilight blinked and shook her head.

“How did you, that’s amaz- I mean, yeah, whatever. Let’s go.”

Stomping past Fluttershy towards the cave, Twilight missed the expression of excitement that graced Fluttershy’s face. She was getting through to her.

Following the lightstones, Twilight couldn’t help but feel their placement was a bit…deliberate. She voiced her concerns, gesturing at the lightstones..

“Did you place these?”

Fluttershy shook her head.

“No, I’ve never been here. Though now that you mention it, aside from Spike, the Kintoran aren’t able to swim this deep. Hm-”

Glancing at the walls, Fluttershy was silent in thought for a moment.

“Perhaps they were left by The Ones-”

Twilight interjected, grumbling under her breath.

“That Came Before…yeah, yeah. Those Turaga are hiding something.”


“It isn’t important, let’s get going- What in the name of Celestia?”

The tunnel opened up into a vast cavern that could only have been a cathedral. Rocky formations of coral formed what looked like pews and in the back was a large structure resembling an organ. And as though sitting at the organ a monstrous tentacled Rahi waited, slamming its tentacles down on the ‘keys’ as though playing a real organ.

The instant they stepped into the room, the furious motions of the tentacles ceased and the creature rose to its full height; causing Twilight to balk in fear. This was no mere Rahi, this was a Toa Killer.

The term Kraken was an understatement, the monster stood almost ten times the height of the Toas with each tentacle being easily twice as wide and nearly three times as tall. Bulbous with a dark blue hide that seemed to writhe and squirm disgustingly beneath the surface of its flesh. Twilight’s blood ran cold. We can’t win.

“I’ll distract it, you find the mask.”

Fluttershy was surprised at the statement.

“What but-”

“No! You listen to me, I’ll distract it, the two of you find the mask. Now move.”

Twilight’s voice dropped to an overtly serious tone, one of deathly urgency. Fluttershy blinked, she suddenly understood. Twilight knew what she was suggesting. Alone she had no chance, but she didn’t want Fluttershy to get hurt. Looking in Fluttershy’s eyes, Twilight said sternly.

“You asked me to trust you. I did. Now trust me. Go find the mask.”

A massive tentacle lashed out towards them, and Twilight’s mask glowed a bright gold as she held aloft her now flaming sword to block the obscene blow. She shouted out.

“Go. Now! Both of you! Argh, that's all you got, you freak?”

Fluttershy nodded and snapped at Spike as she started off to the side of the Cathedral.

“C’mon Spike, we have to hurry!”

Rushing to follow her, Spike shouted out.

“But what about-”

“Just do it, Spike! We have to find that mask.”

Behind them, Twilight screamed in rage as a blast of flame erupted from her sword; the monster screeched in pain, while Fluttershy searched for the mask. Frantically she covered the cavern as the shouts and screams of Twilight filled the cave, finding nothing. That’s when she glanced up and realized the mask was embedded in the creature’s back. She called out

“Hey, um, Found it!”

Grating her teeth as blows rained down, Twilight called out.

“Great, where…urgh *gasp*...is, ungh…it?”

“On its back!”

Twilight grunted as another flurry of blows slammed into her; she was at her limit.

“Of course it is.”

“I can distract it if you want.”

Twilight grimaced. Fluttershy could distract it, but if it turned to attack her, she wouldn’t last long against this monster; even Twilight’s strength, which was mostly her refusal to give in, was barely a flickering candle amidst the storm in front of her. Her foreleg was sparking, her servos were whining. She couldn’t take much more, but she had enough in her for one more jump. Gritting her teeth, she made the call.

“Do it!”

And pray I don’t mess this up. Her doubts were washed away as Fluttershy blasted the beast with a superheated jet of water; calling out to her.

“I believe in you!”

Hearing these words gave Twilight’s aching joints a momentary release from pain as she tensed them. A sudden burst of energy flowed throughout her being. The instant the beast turned to swat at Fluttershy in annoyance, Twilight leaped up as high as she could, landing midway up the creature’s back. Immediately she took off, galloping up the colossus’s back, racing to retrieve the mask.

Fluttershy dodged a strike of a tentacle as big around as she was tall and suddenly froze as a group of tentacles shot towards her. There was nowhere to run. I believe in you, please hurry.

Twilight, seeing this, made a mad dash for the mask, reaching out for it as the monster launched its attack on Fluttershy. With claws of fire enveloping her hooves, Twilight wrenched the red Waiata free of its fleshy binds and slammed it onto her own.

The red mask sank into her original, melding with it and vanishing completely as Twilight desperately shouted, her mask glowing a bright golden once more.


The words reverberated throughout the cavern, as the tentacles halted just inches from slamming into Fluttershy. Panting heavily, Twilight gave a smile. We did it- oh what now? The cavern roof began to shake threatening to come toppling down at any moment. Our fight. The cave; it's causing it to collapse! There was nowhere to run, wait behind the Organ, was that a tunnel? It would have to do. Calling out to the beast she shouted.

“Brace the ceiling!”

Barely waiting as the monstrosity reached out its many tentacles to hold the ceiling, Twilight shouted further commands.

“Fluttershy, Spike, head for the cave behind the Organ!”

Seeing they were moving too slow, Twilight raced painfully over to them and praying her hooves wouldn’t fail her, slung Spike over her flank before her and Fluttershy raced to the only possible exit.

Fluttershy and Twilight leaped into the open tunnel as the roof and walls behind them came crashing down, blocking the tunnel mouth. Behind them, the screeches and wails of the Kraken told them the monster had breathed its last breath. Twilight panted wearily as she looked at Fluttershy for a moment.

The Pegasus was busy shaking off the debris on her wings and checking on Spike who was insisting she was fine.


Fluttershy turned towards Twilight in confusion.


You wanted to know my name. My name is Twilight, sister.”

Fluttershy grinned widely as she reached out her own hoof to bump Twilight’s outstretched one. Sister? She could get used to that, and as Spike furiously scribbled a record of the events that just transpired in the glow of natural glow moss, Fluttershy replied.

“Well met, sister.”

Comments ( 6 )

Crossover.... eh... what game/movie/anime/cartoon are you using? I don't see in the description.

Fair enough let me fix that.
Edit: fixed

So I'm making a wild guess here that spike is meant to be Maku?

She is actually meant to be Hali. Though I have a bit of artistic liberty with her (Spike) as a chronicler. I do have a good reason, however, and I hope you stick around. If this goes over well, I have plans for the various generations, though that is well away for now.

Im loving this story so far, i was too young ti get into bionicle when it came out, but the lore is some of the best storytelling ive seen in a while. And this fic is no different. I cant wait tk see where it goes.

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