• Member Since 5th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )


Zipp is a cryptosister. This will end well, surely.

Audio reading!!!!

Brainstormed in the SFNW Discord. Thanks to Derek, Axxuy, Grey Vicar, Rolling Thunder, and Angius as major contributors.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 51 )

At least it's not NFTs.

read to the end

Yeah, crypto itself is just the horrifying amount of pollution caused by deliberate inherent inefficiency. NFTs managed to take it to a new low by adding art theft.

god no why sock

As usual, because he can! :trollestia:

"It smells worse than butt."

I'd ask how she knows, but I guess this is an idea for the other account.

something something, post-workout locker rooms?

Tired of my sister's crummy Bitcoin? Now, your favorite royal sister, Pipp Petals, is starting her own cryptocurrency, PippCoinTM! :heart: :heart: It's fast-growing, it's secure, and it's 🎶me-me-me-meeee🎶~~! Click here to sign up for updates~! Pipp Pipp hooray!

i am finally free from my sister's shadow. i shall rise up at last. just pipp. just pipp. just pipp. just pipp. 2752402


Mad because broke! You made me tell my Pippsqueaks lies and now they're furious at me! They all bought Bit Coin and now it's worthless..." It dawned on Pipp, her face turning red in rage. "They bought it from you! All this money was my Pippsqueaks' money!"

"Well, not... all of it."

Haven barged in.

"Good news!" the Queen said. "I've put the Sovereign Wealth Fund into Bit Coin!"

Zipp and Pipp looked at each other, horrified.

Oh. Oh no. Oh this did not end well. You weren't lying in the description.

Overall, absolutely silly and oddly disturbing. I giggled and had a good time reading it.

I guess so...

All zoomers know how to do is eat ass, tiktok, eat hot chip and lie

I mean, I'd buy 10 bucks for the memeyness alone

This is simply glorious and so friggin' scrumptious of a read! Comedic to a T, just that nice bit of sauciness, everything is perfect! Hope ya didn't mind, but I couldn't resist making a reading of this hilarious fic of yours!

Audio Linkyloo!: https://youtu.be/FMogOYugVVo

(I don't mean to offend anyone with this comment in any way!)

Hooray! Thank you! Looking forward to it!

Oh Sock. Oh Zipp. Oh goodness...

This could've all been avoided if Zipp had just used some stand-in to get the funding for the facility. A catspaw, if you will, or a sock...

Well, yeah. :derpytongue2: Delightful silliness. Thank you for it.

And she may have lied about eating ass?

This isn't a sockno, nor a sockwhy, except maybe for the last line?
I mean, it's pretty fair and makes excellent sense in an entertaining way.
It's the opposite of a plothole story.
ADDED: The only problem was that you didn't include any wallet addresses in an author's note to receive crypto tips. :trollestia:

Yeah, this was intended as a straightup story with a few jokes. No major "noooooooo!" intended.

Yeah I've tried to a few times and it's just not for me. Certainly at the very least an acquired taste so to speak

You are a monster. Bless you, Doctor Socktopus.

Why didn't they find out that Equestrian bits back the
were made from Actual gold and silver

How much about daily life in, say, pre-Celtic Britain do we really know? History drops lots of details.

Haven, in her most melodious Queen Voice, said, "They're called 'enneff teas'."


You can't just skip over the revolution of the proletariat. That's always the best part!

"Smells like butt..."

If you can keep from suffocating from laughter long enough...

0.33 in...


When your hero is the deposed royal you can, and perhaps should...

This reminds me of one of the best roasts in communist history: external-preview.redd.it/HSwayc4JiuEWoU4XURQkhbR66qrAj2SVXtZcqxBC9lE.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=84cd70b2620975d4062e85d01c0175deb630484d

Zhou Enlai basically says, "sure, I grew up privileged, but I've abandoned that to help the people. You on the other hand, have abandoned the people to help the privileged.

oOoOO (Air Horn noises)

And turning online games into MLMs. Don't forget that.

Haven, in her most melodious Queen Voice, said, "They're called 'enneff teas'."


Damn, this is good as hell.

Haven, in her most melodious Queen Voice, said, "They're called 'enneff teas'."

Lemme follow real quick cuz a nigga DYIN rn

¡Silly ponies! Everypony knows that the best investment is TulipBulbs. ¿Would you like to buy a few?

Haven, in her most melodious Queen Voice, said, "They're called 'enneff teas'."

The sound I made was not human.

Ahhh what Equestria would be like with Bitcoin

Pipp fumed, frowning.

"You're cute when you're mad," Zipp said.

"I am not!"

"Mad because small."

"Mad because broke!

Injecting some sibling teasing amidst the crackfic shenanigans really makes it for me. :moustache:

Have a follow!


Sorry Pippster... but it seems like Zipp still beat you to it.

"Mad because small."

Jealous of tall

This fits Pipp too well. Great story

I'm not sure which was better: The laugh I got from reading this, or ...

Enneff Teas. Clearly, I need to send my RPG players on a quest for special teas for the queen ...

I don't know why this was in the trending stories list all of a sudden but it was a fun read, and nice fungible tale :moustache:

Enjoy your ban, robo-thot.

I've listened to your reading of this!

Damn you for introducing me to the "mad because small" series! :twilightangry2:
I've spent over an hour watching that, and there's still more!:applejackconfused:

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