• Published 4th Jan 2022
  • 4,710 Views, 247 Comments

"Hey Twi..." - Flint-Lock

Sunset needs help...and Twilight isn't responding.

  • ...

Entry #22

Hey Twi. It’s me again.

Still nothing? I understand; knowing you, you’re probably busy fighting an eldritch horror with rainbows.

Anyways, the girls and I had a pretty good time at the lake. Rarity spent a lot of her time lounging in the shade in a bikini. As you might guess, she became very popular with the boys(and quite a few girls).

Fluttershy and I walked along the shore and fed ducks. Shy, being Shy, actually managed to cuddle a few ducklings (lucky bastards).

Rainbow and AJ had a contest to see who could swim out the farthest. They both made it about halfway across the lake before a lifeguard told them to knock it off.

As for Pinkie, well, she spent most of her time building a massive sandcastle. Once she was done, she then started kicking while yelling “Down with the monarchy! Glory to the Sand Republic!”

I’ll never understand that girl. That’s probably for the best.

Once we’d toweled ourselves off, we headed back to Sugarcube corner for some shakes. Everything was going fine. It was a beautiful late spring day, the birds were singing, the sun was shining, and everything was perfectly, wonderfully mundane.

I was enjoying my milkshake with everyone else, listening to Dash brag about how she was “as fast in water” as she was on the land when I suddenly had the worst headache I’ve ever felt in my life. How bad? Take the worst migraine you’ve ever had, double it, and you’ll get a pretty good idea of how it felt.

When I looked up, I noticed the girls were staring at me. When they asked what was wrong I told them I was fine, that’d probably just been brain freeze, that was all. That’s when I noticed our little group was missing a certain rainbow-haired tomboy.
I asked where Dash had gone off too. Everyone set down their shakes and just stared at me. At first, I thought I’d broken some kind of obscure human taboo. I mean, it’s happened before(though, in my defense, how was I supposed to know that sniffing people was considered weird?). Then AJ asked, “Who’s Rainbow Dash?”

That caught me off guard. I reminded them about the girl they’d been talking to less than a minute ago.


Seriously confused, I tried to remind them about the rainbow-haired egomaniac they’d known for years. Nothing but blank stares.

We didn’t talk much afterward.

Eh, I’m not too worried. It isn’t the first time Rainbow and the girls have pulled a fast one on me

I am still not forgiving them for that stunt they pulled with the food coloring.