• Published 20th Nov 2021
  • 1,745 Views, 59 Comments

Hawker Culture - Mica

In an increasingly diverse Equestria with equally diverse dietary needs among citizens, the Canterlot International Food Court allows multiple species to eat together in harmony.

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Well-fed subjects

Have you ever been to the kirin food stall in the Canterlot International Food Court?

It’s on the west side of the food court, right next to the unicorn desserts stall. It’s stall number 17, the one called Summer River’s Kirin Food.

If you ever do go there, sit at a table nearby, turn your back to the stall, and plug your nose.

And if you listen closely, you can almost hear the flavor of the food as it’s cooked.

The tip of the metal spade clanging against the wok. The sizzling of batter as it’s poured into hot oil. The thump sound of noodle dough as it’s tossed in the air and falls back down on the floured surface.

Through decades of mandated vocal silence, the kirins learned to express themselves through any other method possible. Even music was limited—the bamboo recorder was the only permitted instrument—so kirins resorted to other subtle, non-musical ways to voice themselves that evaded detection.

The kirin chef, having lived under the vow of silence most of his life, still speaks few words. Point to the dish you want on the fluorescent-illuminated menu at his stall, and he’ll just nod his head and get to work.

But listen. He speaks to you the recipe as he cooks. He can express a million words with just the rhythmic motion of his cooking utensils. Each tool is like a part of his voice. The spade is like his tongue, moving along the wok, like the roof of his mouth.

With a fiery nirik hoof, the chef warms up the wok burner.

First, you hear the percussive tapping of metal against metal. Then the sound of liquid, sizzling onto the wok, with a thin, high-frequency trickle that must be like a drizzle. Then the impact of something hard against the edge of the wok—a sharp “crack”, and then more sizzling. Then the scraping sound of metal against metal, warping to and from very high frequencies and screechingly high frequencies. You hear the chef’s hooves shift, the friction against the floor making a sound. It’s a rough sound. There must be a thin layer of dirt or dust on the tiles.

And at the end, even before you open your eyes, unplug your nose, and turn back around, you can already guess he’s going to say. “Order number 45, one medium egg fried rice with mixed vegetable.” 5 Bits.

Changelings traditionally did not have any concept of “food.”

Food, in the traditional sense of the word, passes inertly through the gullet of a changeling. The love from others is their sole source of energy.

But as changelings became more assimilated to the pony ways of life after their reformation, they’ve began to fit the pony concept of “food”: tangible consumable physical items, into their cultural identity.

Ask ten changelings in Canterlot the reason for this change, and you’ll get eleven different answers. Some may say that creating a peaceful changeling food culture helps to distance themselves from their marauding past. A few may say that they don’t want to be seen as “love-sucking creatures.” Even if they still do consume love for nourishment, but by “sharing” instead of “consuming.” It’s a fact of their anatomy that they choose to downplay, or perhaps intentionally deny, as some other changelings might claim.

Changeling “cuisine” did not even exist thirty years ago. As a result, it is young, innovative, and constantly evolving. The changeling chef who runs a food stall in the International Food Court describes changeling cuisine as the “cuisine of empathy.”

Changeling dishes are designed to mimic the flavors of love that a typical changeling may taste in everyday situations, through heavy use of spices. Presentation and flavor take precedence over caloric and nutritional density.

The smooth blended texture of the “Queen of the Hive” gourd soup (7.5 Bits) mimics the velvety softness of a motherly love. The heavy use of nutmeg and cinnamon in the “Love Affair” casserole (3 Bits per slice) reminds one of the feeling of cuddling up under the sheets with a loved one on a cold winter’s night. The colorful shapes of the soy-paper veggie rolls (6 Bits for 6 pieces) mimic the emotion one feels just upon waking up on a sunny day. The vegetables are sharp and crisp, mimicking the sensory overload of the sudden onslaught of sun and colors and smells and birds singing outside your window.

“Black Soup of Death” (2 Bits per cup), mimicking the last trickle of love that emanates from a dying creature, is strangely one of the most popular dishes offered at the changeling food stall. Black sesame is mixed with bitter melon juice and sugar to create an oddly bittersweet taste, mixed with coarse earthiness of the sesame.

There's a young earth pony mare who sits with her kirin friends at a table. The pony grabs the bowl of Death Soup with two hooves and pours it straight into her mouth. We ask her: why does she drink this Death Soup so enthusiastically?

“Because now I know what death is like,” the pony says. “I was so scared of it, after I saw my husband die. But tasting this…somehow I feel like I’m less scared. I understand the feeling of death. And now I know that he left in peace.”

There was once a saying that when a stallion wants to get his marefriend an engagement ring, the stubborn rich stallion goes to the finest jeweler in Canterlot and spends 1000 Bits.

The clever poor stallion spends less than 1 percent of that, and buys the exact same gem at the dragon food stall at the International Food Court.

Dragon foods were traditionally very crudely prepared, reflecting the harsh landscape of their home environment. Good food for many dragons simply means “high energy” with “lots of gems.” But in Equestria, dragons have begun to take more care to balancing flavors and crafting artful dishes, as in pony cuisine. The Dragon Dessert Delights stall, for example, sells shaved ice with crushed gemstone garnish (5 Bits, +2 Bits for extra gems). The gemstones are said to add a sweet taste. Kirins, who discovered that they were able to digest dragon foods such as gems, can also be found enjoying these shaved ice desserts.

With the large influx of dragons moving into Equestria due to loosened immigration laws, so grew the demand for polished gems for consumption. (Polishing gems is said to greatly improve the taste and mouthfeel of the gems for dragons.)

These gem imports from the Dragonlands (sometimes railway cars full of them) had unintended economic consequences for Canterlot. In less than ten years, there was a sudden and unprecedented dilution of the gem market that caused the value of precious stone jewelry in Equestria to plummet. Canterlot jewelers, some of them a family business for hundreds of years, saw their business drop by 90% or more. Protests occurred outside the Canterlot Castle.

The dragon food vendors, not wanting to interfere with the gem market, held closed-door talks with the jewelers and came to a provisional solution. The gems at dragon food stalls would be sold polished, but with a small “X” or similar marking scratched on the surface. Imperceptible to the dragon consumer’s palate, but worthless to use in jewelry. This was formalized with the royal decree known as the Precious Gem Market Stabilization Act.

The dragons don’t mind, but tough luck for the poor stallion looking for a nice engagement ring.

They say that you should eat yak food if you’re a professional athlete, and/or if you want to be healthy.

And there aren’t any other good reasons.

Given the harsh winters of Yakyakistan and their traditionally active lifestyle, yak food is decidedly simple and wholesome, prioritizing nutrition over taste. Breakfast is no more than a simple oat gruel, traditionally made from frozen grain left out in the snow (1.5 Bits per bowl). Syrup, served on the side, is only a very recent luxury introduced by ponies.

For lunch or dinner, there’s steamed potato momos (4.5 Bits for 6 pieces), or spiced millet gruel served in a gourd (3 Bits), which can be best described by a five-year-old colt as “salty oatmeal in a pumpkin”.

But the older yak who runs the stall plans to continue running it for as long as he lives. “Yak love make yak food. Make yak remember home.”

“Do you wish you were back home?”

The yak chef sighs. “No home anymore. Too few yaks back home. When Equestria and Yakyakistan no speak for thousand years, no yak move. But now yaks speak with ponies. And now all yak move to Equestria.”

He pauses.

“Sometimes yak wish we still no speak with ponies.”

Since reestablishment of diplomatic relations with Equestria, combined with looser immigration laws after Princess Twilight’s ascension, Yakyakistan has experienced severe depopulation, with yaks moving in droves to the warmth and greater economic prospects of Equestria. The youngest generation of yaks—the yak chef’s grandsons—speak in a standard Equestrian dialect.

The younger yaks seem to be more excited about ice cream, hayburgers, or whatever tempting smells are coming from the other food stalls. The corner of the food court nearest to the yak food stall is chronically empty, save for a cabal of older yaks who sit around playing mancala and discussing arcane smashing techniques over fermented milk and oat gruel.

Scholars fear a complete erasure of traditional yak culture within the next two centuries, as the older generation dies out. As the yaks watch their culture slip away, the pony scholars sit hunched on their desks in the comfortably heated Canterlot Library, scribbling 200-page dissertations about Yakyakistan’s inevitable demise.

“Yakyakistan gone. Equestria new home now.” The yak sheds a tear. But maybe it’s from the yovidaphone music playing on the portable stereo.

Subsidies from Princess Twilight’s government will keep his stall afloat, so as to ensure the yaks remain well-represented in the Equestrian food scene. This way, even if Yakyakistan were to be completely depopulated in the next century, there’ll still be a little relic of it, right here in a 100 square foot food stall in Canterlot.

“Too little. Too late.” is all the yak chef says to that.

The yak chef turns up the volume on the portable stereo playing yovidaphone music, and returns to stirring his millet gruel and scraping off the burnt bits on the sides of the pot.

(The real yovidaphone was too big to fit inside the 100 square foot space.)

A group of half-nervous, half-curious pony colts sit at the table closest to the griffon food stall, trembling with morbid fascination as they watch the griffon chef nonchalantly skin a dead rabbit.

Meat has never been explicitly banned in Equestria, despite a long-standing taboo. A few species outside Equestria are traditional meat eaters. There’s the griffons of course. Then there’s the hippogriffs who eat fish, particularly sardines. The kirins consume roast duck during special occasions. (You can order one to go at Summer River’s Kirin Food stall for 50 Bits, vacuum-sealed, with complementary rice and duck sauce.) Even ponies were recorded to have consumed the meat of small critters as a last resort during the times of the Windigoes, according to ancient texts.

But none of these seem to bother Equestrians as much as the griffons’ diet of various small birds and other game. Some griffons would call it discrimination, being unfairly treated as meat eaters because of their raptor-like bodies and their aggressive, highly individualistic culture. The relatively peaceful, gregarious, and more “pony-like” kirins rarely suffer the same condemnation for their diet.

Ironically, as meat becomes more commonplace in a diverse Equestria, more attempts have been made to outright ban its consumption. The Canterlot Concerned Parents have called for a ban on butchering animals in the public view, stating that the graphic violence would traumatize the children who eat at the International Food Court.

Looking back at the gang of pony colts staring at the griffon butchering meat, the so-called tough kid crying 8-year-old tears of regret, the sensitive kid looking away to throw up in a bag…you can’t help but wonder that maybe the concerned parents are right.

Then there’s a group of ponies who are quite the opposite: they’re absolutely fascinated with the novelty of eating meat. Tourists from other parts of Equestria come to the food court just to be able to snap pictures of meat being sold as food. A few very brave ponies will actually consume it, often as part of a drunken dare among young, adventurous ponies. Late-night fried venison fritters with ice-cold cider is a best-seller at Glenda’s Griffon Gastronomy, one of the most successful griffon food stalls in the food court. (After all, when you’re intoxicated, you can’t tell whether you’re throwing up from the meat or from the alcohol.)

We speak to one of the griffons who was butchering a rabbit for a stew in preparation for the lunch rush. His frustration is evident in his voice, even for a griffon. “A lot of them don’t even come here to eat,” the stall owner says. “I’ve just become like a sideshow for ponies to gawk at. They take pictures, blocking my paying customers who’re standing in line. I’ve just become free entertainment for them.”

At least one griffon-operated stall in the food court has decided to simply not sell meat. A few others have chosen to butcher their meat in a separate closed facility, and then deliver it to the food stall sealed neatly in plastic containers.

This griffon isn’t as fortunate, and his business cannot afford a separate facility to butcher meat. “Don’t get me wrong, I love making friends,” the griffon says, his eyes still glued to the rabbit he’s butchering. “There’s this stereotype that griffons are cold and unloving, I’m totally not like that. Argh…hold up, I need to focus on this…YAAARGH!”

With a loud cawing scream, he uses his cleaver to break through a tough bit of bone in the rabbit.

He continues talking. “Where was I? Oh yeah, you know, I’m friends with lots of different creatures. My son’s teachers are ponies. I play buckball with my yak and pony friends. But this isn’t right. Princess Twilight wants to create this so-called unified space where we can express our traditional food culture, and somehow magically we’ll all become best friends or whatever...but I don’t think Equestria is ready for this.”

“They aren’t?”

“Not yet, at least.”

And with one more fell swoop, he chops a leg off the rabbit with his cleaver, blood spraying in all directions.

Under Princess Twilight’s rule, Equestria has become an increasingly diverse nation thanks to more open immigration policies. The capital city of Canterlot is filled with dragons, kirin, yaks, changelings, griffons, hippogriffs, and of course all three pony races. Although all species are generally amenable to pony food, non-ponies can feel left out without foods that suit their dietary restrictions and preferences, thereby impeding Princess Twilight’s mission of universal Friendship. Ponies are curious to try other species’ native cuisines as well.

After a successful pilot program in the School of Friendship cafeteria, one of Princess Twilight’s first royal decrees after ascending to the throne was establishing the first “International Food Court” in central Canterlot. Each food stall would sell cuisines from the different species living in Equestria and beyond. Rents would be subsidized by the government, and quotas would ensure that all species could have their local food culture represented.

Over 80 stalls currently operate in the Canterlot International Food Court, run by creatures of all species. Everycreature can buy the food from the stalls that best suit their dietary needs, and then take it to the common eating area in the middle where all species can congregate and eat their meals together. Ponies can explore the cuisines of their friends of different species, and vice versa.

The interior of the food court is spartan. To ensure accessibility for all species while minimizing costs, all the tables and chairs are made with solid, fireproof concrete that can support the weight of a yak and resist flames of over 2000C. The corrugated metal roof is at least ten ponies high, to enable free flight for all species. It almost reminds you of a great big cavern.

Despite the no-frills service, creatures of all social classes come to savor the cheap but authentic dishes. Embassy workers in Canterlot frequent here during their lunch break, to get a taste of their homeland far away. Even some of the Canterlot old elite can be stopped queueing for a “garbage plate” of baked beans, fried potatoes, onions, ketchup, mayonnaise, and melted cheese (product) at the Appaloosan food stall. (Once Princess Twilight loves it, the Canterlot elite will follow.)

The first International Food Court in Canterlot has been an astounding commercial and social success, generating millions of Bits in tax revenue and personal income for stall owners. The Equestrian government plans to open additional food courts in Canterlot, as well as one in Manehattan.

Grab a tray, buy your favorite dish. Take a seat. No matter who you are, you’ll find something you enjoy. Every food from every corner of the planet, each neatly boxed in its own little government-allotted stall.

Look at the smiling faces of the hippogriffs, the kirins, the ponies, the changelings, the dragons, the yaks, all sitting together for a meal that suits each of their individual palettes exactly. Everyone sitting under the same metal roof, under the same air, under the same sun.

Different, yet Friends.

And the royal coat of arms, “The Emblem of Universal Friendship”, is hung up precariously high on the wall of the Food Court, looking down on her happy, well-fed subjects.

But you’ll enjoy the food. So why should you let that bother you?

Author's Note:

Started out as a cute slice of life fic, then it turned weird and dark. :pinkiecrazy: Comment below on what one dish you’d most like to eat! For me, it’s the roast duck. :rainbowwild:

Please direct typos to PM, thank you.

Comments ( 59 )


There are many ways to learn more about a person, but I believe and will likely always believe that one of the best ones is to share meal with them.

Your story is delicious. :moustache:

Now imagine the Ornithians, Diamond Dogs, and Abyssinians in the food court.

I'm surprised there was no mention of vanilla being a staple item of the traditional yak diet as well, since it was so clearly established in canon lore (in fact, that's the one detail about their diet that has stuck with me the most :derpytongue2:).

On that subject...did G4 ever establish just what the Diamond Dogs ate? I mean, I suppose it wouldn't be remiss to assume they're carnivorous like real dogs, possibly opportunistically omnivorous. But they also hunted and dug up all those gemstones, hence the name, so could they also eat gems like the dragons?

Ah, one of the downsides of the show never really doing more with them beyond that one episode, I suppose.

A very evocative piece. The tone actually reminds me of "Cutie Marks Under the Knife", even if the journalistic aspect isn't made explicit.

A most interesting piece of writing.
I would love to try the shaved ice, if only because of its novelty.

I assume this is in reference to Changi International Airport Food court? I live in SG so I can guess the references to the various food items haha. I've travelled to many countries, but there's something special about hawker centres in SG. The wide array of choices of different cuisines def spoiled me

Singaporean here. Can vouch for our hawker centers being mixed bag of everything. Avoid eating at city areas. The prices are at least 1.5x the usual rate we eat. Go further away for better prices.

Western, Chinese, Malay, Indian, Korean, Thai, Japanese and everything else in between.

I think the comics made some mention of that.


Food is something that unites like nothing else.

Unless That Vegan Teacher is involved.

Nice work. Also Singaporean here!

Malaysian here, and very nice fic :twilightsmile:

Another Singaporean here. Love the subtle references to foods commonly found here.
Cute little slice of life, despite the slightly morbid rabbit butchering.
Yum yum. :derpytongue2:😋

Im divided between going for the Garbage Plate, or asking the Yak if I can have a bowl of the burnt oat flake scrapings. Then again, given all the other flavourings in the air, might not even get in the area at all due to allergies.:twilightoops:

Intresting to see the dragons bending to The Biers Companies requirements. Im sure someone could make buisiness by using the X in the surface as the anchor for the mounting, letting them do settings that perfect gems cant do. After all, art sells.:trixieshiftright:

This kinda looks like Changi Village.
You can't go wrong with a plate of chicken rice! Practially every local dish is a favourite.

Yay, the Singaporeans found my story! :twilightsmile: Although I am American, I lived in Singapore for two years, my mom is originally Singaporean, and I have a lot of family in Singapore.
I love chicken rice
What about Uncle Roger? :unsuresweetie:
Even if it's canon, I am surprised vanilla is a yak food considering it is a tropical plant. The AU tag can be an excuse for my ignorance :derpytongue2:
The photo is pulled off the internet. I wanted to find a picture with not many humans, because that would kind of ruin the immersion of an Equestrian food court. I called it an "international food court" simply because not everyone on this site knows what a hawker center is, and this is the best descriptive name I could come up with.
If you're not a dragon you may have to shop for new teeth after eating that...:pinkiecrazy:

It wouldn't surprise me--most of the lore fans tend to rely on for the Diamond Dogs typically comes from the comics, since the comics actually made the effort to world build for them at least a little. Though I don't remember if the comics ever specifically established what their eating habits are, however it's possible it was presented as some background detail I'm forgetting at the moment.

Fair enough! :twilightsmile:

Some nice worldbuilding here. I especially liked the Changeling and Yak segments. Though I'd figure more Yaks would end up in the Crystal Empire since it's closer to home in both senses.

Hello! I’m a Singaporean, and it’s really nice to see Singaporean culture being showcased on fimfic! Didn’t expect that hehe

This was fun. Short, but the idea is really interesting, and very well executed.

I Wana try some crystals

I really love little world-building forays like this, food culture is such a great way to do it too. This was a treat, you did fantastic. <3

Changeling dishes are designed to mimic the flavors of love that a typical changeling may taste in everyday situations, through heavy use of spices. Presentation and flavor take precedence over caloric and nutritional density.

The Changelings get it...

Changeling “cuisine” did not even exist thirty years ago. As a result, it is young, innovative, and constantly evolving. The changeling chef who runs a food stall in the International Food Court describes changeling cuisine as the “cuisine of empathy.”

Hold your horses.......homeopathy among changelings is normal now!? Humn....Who knew!? 0o

I Wonder what would be an Brazilian Poney would look like........probably would use a lot of dreads loks and but have a very forward way of living.....and have a lot of the "mojo" while he listens to "Axe" in his classical BOOM Box Viinnyl Stly, he would do Kibes, Wind Pastel, cheese bread and his final recepy the carrot cake

The yak chef sighs. "There's no home anymore. Few yaks at home. When Equestria and Yakyakistan haven't spoken for a thousand years, no yak move. But now yaks talk to ponies. And now all yaks move to Equestria.

He pauses.

"Sometimes the yaks wish we didn't talk to ponies yet."

I Call Yakshit !! >/

“Too little. Too late.” is all the yak chef says to that.

The yak chef turns up the volume on the portable stereo playing yovidaphone music, and returns to stirring his millet gruel and scraping off the burnt bits on the sides of the pot.

(The real yovidaphone was too big to fit inside the 100 square foot space.)

Shit! , their history is the sadest i ever heard! Somebody go rescue them! They are almost dying in there! ^^"

baked beans, french fries, onion, ketchup, mayonnaise and melted cheese (product) at Appaloosan food stand. (Once the Twilight Princess loves you, an elite canterlot will follow.)

Bourgeois Little Princess ***** of the bitch > w >

"Making america Great again" humn Twilight!? I know your game......

Ayo this was an interesting and fun story to read!

Singapore's hawker culture is indeed very interesting :D I'm a Singaporean myself!!

Thanks for writing the story :3

Shaved ice is actually quite nice :3

Funny enough, we call this "western food" in SG, and while it's popular with kids, it's usually a hit or miss at hawkers haha. Mostly because hawkers excel at selling cheap and good food, but cheap and "western food" don't go well together 😅

lol true when people go hawker and be like hey look western- 6.50 for fish and chips no thanks

That still isn't too bad. Wait till you see them for 10 bucks haha

Yo, y'all should organize a meet up or something. Didn't realize there were so many Singaporean bronies. :twilightoops:

Well, we have met in person, after reviewing and editing together haha :))

Ohh, we exist, definitely. Remember we were the first to watch the G5 movie? *winks*

Did you, by any chance, meet at a hawker center? :trixieshiftright:

Well, good guess, but actually no. We have met up at coffee shops haha, basically a hawker centre under residential blocks.

jesus, that yak section is grim
and the changeling stall's black soup of death is a lie. a sweet, candy-coated lie, but a lie all the same

Point of fact: You should remove the line "Blood spraying in all directions"
You always slit the neck and drain out all the blood as the very first step of butchering.

A pleasant read, but talk of immigration law is a bit strange and overbearing, implying they have nation states or rigidly defined and policed borders like we do. That's a fairly recent invention, it doesn't fit a world of magical fantasy kingdoms.

Eheheh, we have met up before. Twice,in fact. A third time might be soon.

Really cool little story! Was a fun read, thanks for writing it!

Only thing I felt was a missed opportunity was going over a bit more what the pony food being contrasted with is actually like. Because in the show it's sugar~tastic, tons of cakes and pies and so on, and I could actually see a lot of other species finding it overwhelmingly sweet and saccharine.

That, and well, it would be neat seeing some ideas what Earth Pony, Pegasus and Unicorn food is like, and if there's even fusion styles out there.

Still, great story. Just something that occurred to me on reading.

And with one more fell swoop, he chops a leg off the rabbit with his cleaver, blood spraying in all directions.

No wonder ponies come to gawk- that's some serious theatrics.
Of course I say that but I did paint the underside of an overhead kitchen cabinet while dressing a duck once.

I also liked the subtly creepy undertones of Big Brother creeping in here too.

Fair enough, fair enough.
If shaved ice isn't feasible, I guess I'll go for the Changeling's soup, then. Nothing quite beats soup.

Sorry for my Earlier comments, i didnt mean any harm......but i really like Sweets! ( Yes, My Favorites are Cupcakes and Morning Donuts ^^ ), Also, Very detalied and colerfull story! 9/10! =)

That was a good story.

I'll be honest:
Seeing the phrase "hawker centre" on fimfic of all places is a huge surprise to me. Much less featured.

I just came here to see the SG bronies come out of the woodwork, but it all seems pretty positive!
I'll have to make sure to read this

Edit: I quite like the whole diversity of topics you've covered here. Short story so there isn't too much that can be 'messed up' as it were, but you even got the young creative startup and the dying culture owner!

Kind of makes me homesick, I will say. I'm studying overseas and haven't been back in over 2 years for obvious IRL reasons. There's some stuff I'm glad to be rid of, but the food is something I think no Singaporean could ever truly dislike.

Just needs a scene of 2 creatures from neighbouring regions arguing who does the better noodle soup!

The Griffon owner may get less gawkers and more customers if he drained the blood out of his carcasses first though. I mean, it's a literal bloodworks for free.

The kirin stall gets my vote for the traditional food I'd like to eat, and some of the griffon stall too. Duck and venison are surprisingly rare where I am now.

But one thing I miss that I wish was mentioned was the breakfast foods. Personally, fishball noodles is currently the only dish I can't yet somehow recreate, even in a cheap (and financially expensive) imitation capacity

This was a real good story, I have to say. It handled its subject matter rather tastefully.

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