• Published 29th Nov 2021
  • 2,157 Views, 29 Comments

The Pony Guard: Equestrian Girls - MXCDarkHorse2020

Kion, Bunga, Spike, and Twilight Sparkle all find themselves in a world where they meet their human counterparts while working together to get back Kion and Twilight's magical crowns back from the ambitous and scheming Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...

The Fall Formal and Facing Off Against Sunset Shimmer

The Fall Formal and Facing Off Against Sunset Shimmer

Inside the gymnasium, everybody is having the time of their lives all dancing while Flash’s band plays the rocking music under the lights of the disco.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are dancing together where Apple Bloom has her arms tucked together, Scootaloo is moving her arms around like a chicken, and Sweetie Belle is swinging her arms around freely. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were all dancing and butt bumping together.

The main seven girls and four boys were all dancing together. Both Applejack and Equestrian Bunga both dances like they were jogging in place with the latter doing somersaults around the group. Canterlot High Bunga danced while motioning his arms in sync with Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy‘s dancing had her moving her arms and hands to her faces while Ono dances similar to Rainbow Dash who is moving their arms around much like Twilight and Kion. Beshte is currently shaking his butt with his hands locked together behind the back of his head while Rarity dances while shaking her butt while leaning forward. Fuli was having the time of her life busting out some quick dance moves with her fast style break dancing while the nearby students applaud and cheer for her in the spotlight.

During their dancing, Twilight had the time to ask Rainbow Dash through the loud music this question while Kion briefly stops to take a look around for their surroundings for a familiar foe. “Anybody see Sunset Shimmer?”

“Nope! Haven’t seen her since this afternoon!” Human Bunga replied while still dancing to the beat.

“Maybe she was too embarrassed to show! She's gotta know you won by a landslide especially after what happened!” Rainbow Dash assumed.

“I don’t think so.” Kion replied still unsure she’s done just yet. After all, she’s clearly up to something if nothing bad has happened to him or Twilight yet.

While the two were left wondering what she’s up to this time, the music stopped just when the latest song comes to an end. Everyone cheers when Principal Celestia walks up onto the stage to make the announcement everybody’s been waiting for.

“First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight. You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier.” She announced just as Luna comes forward with Twilight’s crown in a wooden case while handing her the official letter. “And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown. The Prince and the Princess of this year's Fall Formal is...” She announced as she opened the envelope and pulled out the paper. “Kion and Twilight Sparkle!”

All of the students cheered at the announcement as all of the girls and boys hugged each other before both of the winners made her onto the stage to accept their prizes while unaware of Snips and Snails (who are both wearing bowties and top hats) sneaking inside the gym with their eyes locked on the little dog in the room.

“Congratulations, Kion and Twilight.” Principal Celestia congratulated them as she placed the crowns on their heads. When they were placed on, the two crowns both sparked and emitted a bright shimmering light together to the point the Lions of the Past could be heard and producing a rainbow right below the moon. A sight that had their proud friends smiling and huddled together while watching the sign of unity being cemented here in this school.

Just as Twilight as waving to everyone she heard Spike’s cries for help. “Twilight! Help!”

“Spike?” Twilight said while looking around for where he shouted before spotting him growling and vainly struggling to break free whil being taken away by Snips and Snails.

“They've got Spike!” Twilight exclaimed as she wasted no time in taking after them with Kion quickly following right behind her.

“Lion and Pony Guard! Come on!” He shouted for the others to follow after them just before moving to catch up with Twilight is right on their tails.

Kion nearly crashed into the nearby lockers when turning a sharp corner before quickly recovering and regaining his footing and speed with the others following not so far behind.

They all pursed the dimwitted duo towards the back exit of the school to right around to the front of the school right towards the statue where the portal to Equestria stands…

…along with Sunset Shimmer awaiting for both Twilight and Kion there with a sledgehammer having expected them to show up right where she wanted them to be.

“That's close enough!” Sunset stated while raising the tool of destruction that threatens to trap the two Fall Formal winners should she follow through with it.

“Twilight!” Spike exclaimed trying to break free to no avail just when Snips pinched his lips shut to muzzle him.

“Don't you dare hurt him!” Twilight yelled out to Sunset with her fists raised up ready for a fight should she have her lackeys harm him.

“Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. I'm not a monster, Twilight.” Sunset retorted mockingly before turning to the dog’s captors. “Let him go.” They both complied allowing Spike to run free while running up to Twilight who embraces him in relief. “You don't belong here.” Sunset said while smirking and reaching out her hand directed at the crown. “Give me the crown, and you can go back to Equestria tonight. Or keep it and never go home.” She quickly frowned and readied her aim on the glass portal.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion gasped. “You wouldn’t dare Sunset!”

"Oh, wouldn't I, Kion? Care to put whatever money you have where your mouth is?" Sunset readied her aim to shatter the fragile glass serving as the bridge between the two worlds while briefly eyeing the moon above them. “Tick-tock, Kion and Twilight. We haven't got all night. The portal will be closing on its own in less than an hour. So, what's your answer?”

Kion briefly took off his crown for a moment while contemplating the situation and feeling torn himself of whether or not to give in.

Twilight however firmly and defiantly refused to take her crown off and had this to say to her. “No.”

“What!?” Sunset angrily exclaimed upon hearing this response. “Equestria! Your friends! Lost to you forever! Don't you see what I'm about to do to the portal?!” She further reminded while still holding up the sledgehammer and stomping her foot down into the ground.

Twilight still stood her ground and moving to call her bluff. “Yes, but I've also seen what you've been able to do here without magic. Equestria will find a way to survive without my Element of Harmony and Kion’s Roar. This place might not, if I allow it to fall into your hands. So go ahead. Destroy the portal. You are not getting either of these crowns!” Twilight stated while crossing her arms in front of the girl still grasping the hammer yet unable to find herself to follow through with it.

The more Kion thought every word she said the more he realized that of what leaving their crowns behind would mean for the faith of the world but at the same time wonders of what that will mean when Scar no longer has both Kion and Twilight to deal with in his pursuit of conquering Equestria. Being trapped here for thirty moons would being stuck here for nearly two to three years leaving an opening for the tyrannical lion to make his move unopposed.

“And how about you?!” Sunset turned to the boy standing beside Twilight hoping that he's not on the same page as her. “Is it really worth throwing everything you worked so hard to achieve and protect?” She asked while gesturing him to give her his crown.

Upon seeing the selflessness in her former friend’s heart moved him into saying a few words of his own when the girl turned to him. “Yes!” He firmly replied while placing his crown back on. “At least one good thing coming out of not seeing my family and friends back home is keeping you from wreaking havoc among innocent lives here. Even if we don’t see eye to eye…” He said while described the relationship between himself and Twilight. “…we still have one thing in common, a pure heart in doing the right thing in the end, something that you obviously lack in your mad obsession for power. If you’re really serious about destroying that portal, assuming you are willing to cut off your only way back to Equestria and never see your family and friends over your own selfish interests, go ahead and do it.”

Luckily for him, Sunset was indeed bluffing to when she lowered the hammer down.

“Fine.” She conceded. “You both win.” She dropped the sledgehammer which landed right nearby both Snips and Snails who both narrowly dodge it landing on their feet.

Twilight smiled and crossed her arms at the girl just when Rainbow was the first to join her and Kion’s side. “You... both…are... so awesome!”

“So brave!” Human Bunga also complemented while sharing the same cheek gushing squee as Rainbow Dash.

“Very keen sight, I might add!” Ono spoke highly of them being able to get the girl to stand down.

“I can't believe you were gonna do that for us!” Applejack said in admiration as she gave them each a friendly slap on the back of their right shoulders.

“It's no wonder you're both a real live prince and princess!” Rarity further praised by clasping her hands around Applejack’s right hand.

“Being willing to risk everything like that sure takes guts!” Fuli proudly added while also giving them each a slight jab on the left shoulder.

Sunset was completely enraged seeing this as the last straw that broke her back when she growled at all of the praise she was getting.

“Oh, yes, they’re so very special!” Sunset furiously exclaimed as she charged at Twilight and tackled her to the ground knocking her crown off of her forehead.

Twilight was quick to grab Sunset from moving ahead before wrestling her down while reversing the pin and wrapped her arm around the latter’s neck to allow time for Spike to obtain the crown and run away with it.

“Grab him, you fools!” The fiery girl choked out to which her two lackeys moved to Spike when he runs off with the crown in his teeth.

Sunset managed to free herself by kicking Twilight in the ribs before giving the dog a chase, outrunning Snips and Snails before cornering Spike right on top of the stairs in front of the school doors.

Unable to reach up and unable the doors, he is left whimpering with the maliciously grinning girl ready to snatch it from his jaw.

“Spike! Spike!” Rainbow called out to her at the same time Fuli moves to trip Sunset up to have her tumble down the steps to give Spike an opening.

Spike manages to toss it to her, who manages to catch it while performing a front flip.

Even when both Snips and Snails try to wrestle it from her, she was able to keep it out of their reach and toss it away from them.

“Fluttershy!” She called out to her while tossing it in her direction with her back turned.

The crown bounced off of her back and caught her attention with Fluttershy quickly grabbing it before it could fall and hit the ground.

She barely had time to react when she sees Sunset, Snips, and Snails running towards her in a mad dash for the crown with Rainbow, Spike, and Fuli running after them in an effort to stop them.

Both Applejack and Equestria Bunga were quick to come to her aid upon seeing that the poor girl is too scared to move. The former quickly lassoed the crown out of her hands while the latter tackles Sunset before she can reach her.

“Zuka Zama!”

“Ow! Hey! Get off of me!”

“No problem!” He complied while moving to tickle her toes after removing her boots.

“What the…? Hey…Ha…ha…ha…stop it….ha….ha….ha….”

Sunset quickly turned to punch out the daylights out of the boy who then plopped to the ground seeing stars before passing out.

“Worth it!”

“Bunga!” Kion growled at the sight of his friend being hurt just when his attacker was putting her boots back on before charging over to tackle Sunset ready to fight her now feeling he crossed a major line by doing so.

During this Snips and Snails managed to obtain both Kion and Twilight’s crowns when the former’s fell off of his head.

Seeing this, Pinkie and Human Bunga both snagged the prized possessions with a simple and slip and sliding it out of their fingers before tossing them to both Rarity and Ono respectively who both tossed them to both Twilight and Beshte who then tossed them back over to Fuli and Rainbow Dash…

…but they were both quickly caught and intercepted by Sunset Shimmer after she effortlessly picked herself up and hoisted the boy into the air.

“I'll take that!” Sunset declared as she tossed Kion aside before being quickly caught by Twilight when she ran over to his side. “At last!” She relished in finally managing to achieve her goal in obtaining the coveted items she now has in her hands. More power than I could ever imagine!” Sunset said as she placed the crowns on her head with a proud smile.

However, what she didn’t expect until too late much to her shock was that she was engulfed by powerful black and blue rings of dark magic that lifted her up from the ground.

“Hapana! What’s happening?!” Ono exclaimed in fright.

“The combined power from both of the crowns are corrupting her, that’s what’s happening! It’s too much for her!” Twilight answered while shielding her eyes from the glare the bright light produced just when many students have emerged from the school to witness this horrifying moment.

It was pretty clear that the transformation wasn’t what she imagined! She was literally crying tears in pain while being forcibly transformed into a demon that rose from the fiery pits of the volcano and the gates from Tartarus.

She had blood red skin, large red and black wings and matching colored boots, with flaming red and yellow hair, dress, and tail. It was like looking at the literal devil herself who marveled and manically laughed in delight of her new form.

While Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Ono ducked behind Rarity, Applejack, and Beshte while most others gasped at the sight, Twilight and Kion didn’t flinch nor back down not about to see to it that Sunset enacts her reign of terror.

Wasting no time in unleashing the might of her newfound powers she shot blue and black beams of magic at Snips and Snails, who transformed into orange and blue demonic creatures respectively, both had red eyes and wore black jumpsuits and short combat boots that matched their respective skin.

“This is going to be so cool!” Snips remarked while clenching his fists together really taking pleasure at his newly bestowed powers.

The sight left most of the Guard backing up from with only Kion, Twilight, Fuli, and Rainbow with their fists up ready for that fight and ready to defend themselves when needed with Twilight growling at the girl just she viciously smiles at the nearby students who scream in terror of her while retreating back inside.

“I've had to jump through so many hoops tonight just to get my hands on this crown, and it really should have been mine all along.“ Sunset told everyone cowering before her. Her right eye briefly twitched before she smiled. “But let's let bygones be bygones. I am your princess now, and you will be loyal... to me!” Sunset added as she ripped off the wall along with the doors leading to the front entrance of the school causing the students to flee inside in an attempt to escape.

But it proved to be futile when she effortlessly managed to cast hypnotic spells on every student she comes across making them act like mindless zombies with bright turquoise blue-green eyes. “Round them up and bring them to the portal.” Sunset ordered of both Snips and Snails who both quickly carry it out while she turns to face both the Lion and Pony Guard with her eyes locked on their leaders. “Spoiler alert: I was bluffing when I said I was going to destroy the portal. I don't want to rule this pathetic little high school; I want Equestria!” She emphasized with clenched fists and raised arms. “And with my own little teenage army behind me, I am going to get it!” She announced as she pointed to her zombie-like trance army including Flash and Rani to which had Twilight taken aback with a sad expression while Kion was left speechless and visibly saddened too.

“Hevi Kabisa!” He gasped before quickly shaking it off and collecting himself along with Twilight.

“No, you're not!” Twilight refused to give in to her.

“Oh, please!” The demon scoffed while floating over to her sporting another vicious smile. “What exactly do you two think you’re going to do to stop me? I have magic, and you have nothing!” She roared while her flaming hair briefly grew wider and hotter than before.

“That’s not true!” Fuli bravely retorted.

“She has us!” Rainbow Dash confidently added while she and the others all join by their side to which both Kion and Twilight smiled back at them with great appreciation for having their backs here before charging right at while carrying the sledgehammer she previously dropped at super speed.

Sunset was able to quickly dodge the attempted hit to the head before moving to burn the tool with a fire blast from her right palm before engaging in a series of martial arts combat fighting. They each traded a few blocked punches before they each managed to get a hit towards each other. Sunset managed to punch Rainbow in the gut while Rainbow managed to retaliate by sending an uppercut right on the chin before kicking backwards halfway across the schoolyard. Rainbow quickly charged right at Sunset ready to punch out the fire breathing demon before being blasted away by a huge burst of fire just when Sunset managed to get her attack off in time.

Now Sunset is looking down upon the brash girl before readying another blast of fire right at her face. Once she launched it, Rainbow was horrified upon seeing it come right at her before quickly moving to dodge it just when Fuli charged in to tackle the insane villain.


The two tumbled across the yard until Sunset kicked her off of her allowing them to stand to try to take each other down. By using her super speed she was able to quickly fly a few punches right at her without Sunset being able to defend herself against any of her attacks. She had no time to react and regain her footing with every passing blow she receives from the cheetah-speed driving teenager until she thought of an idea of how to counter it. She quickly used her fire powers to shield herself before Fuli could get in another attack and then just when she is trying to pinpoint her exact location she finds herself punched out by Sunset emerging from the flames with a very teeth-sported and malicious smile.

"Aah!" She screamed upon falling backwards in defeat.

Sunset continued sporting that insane evil smile before floating over to her by fire ready to unleash the wrath of her powers on her with one more blow...

"Zuka Zama!"


From a powerful kick from Bunga's human counterpart, followed by a charge and tackle by other Bunga who quickly followed it up with rapid punches to the face all while smiling at her in a taunting manner.

Unfortunately, for him, Sunset having the full-grown advantage over her managed to swiftly grab his wrist before picking herself up and punching him right in the face to knock him out, before delivering a fire-fueled punch to other Bunga's face.

Sunset smugly grinned before turning to the timid boy trying to analyze a counter-attack before quickly launching a blast of fire right at him leaving him no time for one.

"Hapana!" He yelped before being knocked to the ground and sending sliding across the dirt.

Just when Sunset was grinning at taking the boy down, she found herself tied up in a lasso courtesy of Applejack and then slammed down hard into the ground with Beshte following it up with a leap and pounce on Sunset's ribs.

"Twende Kiboko!"


Sunset once again developed the twitchy eye before growling and then laughing it off again just when the whole group gathers up ready to face off against her as a team going forward. “Gee, the gang really is all back together again." She scornfully remarked as she got up on her feet. "Now step aside! Twilight and Kion have tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already! Now they need to be dealt with!”

Her eyes glowed once more while Twilight turns to Kion with a nod before they both turned back ready to stand their ground against their deranged foe as she threw a fireball at their direction while their companions all huddled together bracing for impact. Thanks to the magic of friendship the group of eleven were all protected from Sunset’s magical blast.

“What!?” She exclaimed unable to comprehend how that happened. “How is this possible?! You all should have been killed!”

“That’s because the magic contained in my Element has the power to unite with those that helped create it!” Twilight confidently told her as she and the rest of the Mane Six underwent transformations. “Honesty!” She said as Applejack gained pony-like ears and a hair extension. “Kindness! She said as Fluttershy gained ears and a hair extension too with her pony counterpart’s wings. “Laughter!” She said as Pinkie got her hair extension and pony ears as Pinkie took a moment to really enjoy her it like looking at her tail just like her pony counterpart. “Generosity! Loyalty!” She said as Rarity and Rainbow Dash underwent their transformations before Twilight herself went through hers with Rainbow flying at super speed now that she has her wings. “Magic!” She said as she obtained her alicorn wings along with her ears and her hair extension.

Sunset furiously snarled before trying to muster up the energy and strength to Roar to blast them all away. But when she did not only did the magic from Twilight’s crown protect them, but the magic from Kion’s crown canceled out the power of the Roar before disappearing from her head leaving the woman further baffled. For what she didn’t realize was that because she attempted to use the Roar for evil, she ended up losing it's very power completely.

“And not only that…” Kion declared just when the crown appears on his head to when his human Lion Guard friends underwent transformations similar to the girls. “It takes Bravery…” He said when both Bunga’s both gain more muscular bodies. “….Speed…” He said when Fuli was gifted stronger and faster arms and legs that allowed her to run around with speed on par with Rainbow Dash. “…Strength…” He added when Beshte also gains some muscle too, the most out of the whole group. “…a Keen Sight….” He added as Ono developed a sharper eyesight able to spot out and predict Sunset’s movements from a mile away. “…and of course the important lead element…Fierceness!” He finished just when he develops a stronger body along with for the first time wings on his back. “Together with both crowns, they both create a power beyond anything you could imagine, but it is a power you don't have the ability to control and why you lost the power of one of those crowns because by attempting to use the Roar for evil you have lost the power of the Roar completely!”

“And even though my crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship!” Twilight concluded as everyone adopted fighting stances ready for that fight.

Sunset working whatever magic she can harness attempted to blast both Kion and Twilight who both quickly split apart while dodging the attack. After briefly eyeing each other they both moved to charge at her with a move they used when finishing off their foes together.

Through a series of window and ledge hopping, Twilight was able to climb her way up to Sunset’s eye level while dodging every blast she throws at them and made her way to the top of the school roof.

“Hey Sunset! Over here!” Kion shouted just after the girl narrowly tripped Twilight up with one before working his up the building repeating the same motions the girl used and getting up top alongside her.

Sunset evilly grinned while focusing her magic to obliterate both of them on the spot since they both had no time and nowhere to go to avoid it this time around. Only to find Twilight locked her eyes and concentration with both her and Kion’s crowns glowing along with the clouds formed and lightning formed in the sky. The fiery girl harnessed that energy both swiftly moving her hands in quick circular motion to send a powerful double blast right at her only for the latter to catch it while Kion dodged the attack.

The attack was her most powerful and strongest attack yet and it sent Twilight sliding backwards still resisting getting electrocuted by the massive amount of voltage it contained. Finally with a undeterred look fired right back at her, the heads from the Lion’s of the Past appeared as she redirected the lightning back at Sunset along with a fierce Roar that caused the powerful electricity to explode right in her face and sent her flying back and crashing into the ground.




Both Bunga’s and Beshte all stated upon seeing Twilight harness the Roar in a way not even Kion could even expected nor foreseen himself.

“NOW!” Twilight shouted after the others who all charged at Sunset now that she is stunned and unable to defend herself with the attacks everyone from the Guard through at her.

Both Bunga’s managed to plow into her by ramming her back down to the ground at the same time Fuli and Rainbow ran circles around her to form a twister around the girl’s feet. The power of the twister forced Sunset upwards and then falling back to the ground with Fuli leaping up and performing a spinning kick to knock her back into the ground and full force.

When she was able to get back up she had barely enough time to prepare herself for Ono and Applejack making a charge right at her with calculated fists and punches to her face. Despite her efforts to quickly block their punches, she was swiftly knocked off of her feet and kicked away by Applejack.

Humiliated, Sunset makes a charge at the boy who surprisingly stood his ground while crossing his arms…

…because of Beshte making a charge at her.

“Twende Kiboko!”

The moment she realized it, it was too late before she was sent flying upwards into the sky.

Everyone all looked upwards in the sky’s direction for several seconds, all of them wondering and hoping that the attack didn’t really kill her by sending her into deep space due to being up very high in the sky longer than expected…

…at least until Sunset came back down screaming unable to regain her flight control before smacking herself hard into the ground at the same time everyone quick took a few steps back.

Using the magic from the crown, Twilight was able to pick Sunset up from the hole created just when both Rarity and Fluttershy move to sweep the dust off of her along with help from some of the nearby birds…

…before the fashionista moved to punch Sunset in the face just square in the jaw. “That was for last year’s spring debacle.”

Just when the birds all swarm around Sunset who desperately tries to shake it off she then sees everyone all gathering together with both Twilight and Kion floating over to them ready to finish Sunset off when Twilight has this to say.

“Here and in Equestria, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all!” Twilight said as Kion locked eyes with Sunset.

With the clouds forming once again just when the rainbow magic was forming, Kion had the Lions of the Past backing him up while unleashing the Roar at the same time Twilight and the girls unleashed the rainbow magic onto Sunset which proceeded to strip her of her dark powers.

“No! What is happening?!” She screamed as she finds herself completely covered and consumed by its power.

With both Twilight and Kion guiding the rainbow power in the right direction with the latter now using his more smaller and precise Roar’s, they were able to reverse the brainwashing spell Sunset had previously casted on them while reverting both Snips and Snails back to their normal forms.

By then, they did, both Twilight and Kion saved the world. They have both won by working together!

Both Kion and Twilight smiled at each other while getting up on their feet at the same time both Equestria, Bunga and Spike both embrace them with the former giving Kion the biggest hug he can give while Spike licks her face affectionately.

“You did it! You truly did it! You were so amazing!” Bunga exclaimed to his friend before turning to Twilight. “And you, channeling the Roar too, that is so, Wow!”

“I didn’t know you could do that!” Fuli stated in agreement.

“Me neither!” Ono added. “I thought only the leader of the Lion Guard could do that!”

“Well there’s a first time for everything.” Twilight said with a humble shrug before adopting a more serious expression directed at what’s smoking down in the huge crater right in front of them…

…The defeated and de-powered Sunset Shimmer, now sporting scuffs and scratches on her body and clothes along with now messy hair from the whole ordeal. All she could do now was grovel before those who had left her powerless and without any fight left in her.

“You will never rule in Equestria or the Pride Lands. Any power you may have had in this world is gone. Tonight, you've shown everyone who you really are. You've shown them what is in your heart.”

“And by attempting to use the Roar for evil you lost its very power completely!” Kion added to clarify while the crown ended up on his head instead.

All Sunset could do upon seeing the damage she inflicted on everyone is tear up in remorse. “I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know there was another way.”

“The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria. It's everywhere including the Pride Lands.” Twilight continued while turning to the others friends who got together for a group hug. “You can seek it out, or you can forever be alone just I have in the past. The choice is yours.” She offered with a briefly warm tone before turning away and frowned just when Sunset crawled out of the hole.

“But... But all I've ever done since being here is drive everyone apart. I don't know the first thing about friendship.” Sunset cried unsure of how she’s supposed to do that.

Twilight being one to open up to her while taking her hand to help her out of the hole and on her feet with a way she can go on about that. “I bet they can teach you.” Twilight gestured to the others who all in return offer friendly smiles and support. Well, all but Rarity and Ono who still hold a bit of a grudge towards her for all the trouble she caused.

“Eh, why not?” Fuli shrugged with a teasing smirk that’ll tell she’ll have some fun messing with her while she's at it.

“We’d be more than happy to!” Beshte added very supportive to give her a second chance in life.

“I suppose.” Ono reluctantly spoke still not thrilled about the idea of reforming a big-time bully.

“Don’t worry, Sunny Bunny!” Human Bunga assured. “We’ll teach you everything we know and soon you’ll be having fun alongside us, just like every student here!”

“That’s right!” His honey badger counterpart agreed. “As they say back home Hakuna Matata!”

“Hey that’s my line!” Other Bunga complained before they both laughed together while everyone watches on in surprise at seeing two Bunga’s standing before them.

“Those are my girls and boys! Woo-hoo!” Spike cheered.

“Did that dog just talk? Whoa. Weird.” One the students said really surprised upon hearing and seeing it.

“Seriously?” Spike was baffled by his response. “The talking dog is a weird thing about all this?” He then gestured to the two Bunga’s high-fiving together while shaking their bodies around in a victorious dance together. “As opposed to that or even being nearly enslaved by a raging fire-breathing demon that nearly took over the world?”

“I, for one, think you're adorable.” Rarity said to him as she picked him up and scratched his ear, the area where all dogs love being scratched.

“Oh, yeah.” Spike said as he is finally getting some affection from his human counterpart’s crush.

Just then, Twilight’s attention was drawn to Principal Celestia’s voice who had something to say and give to her. “I believe this belongs to you.” Principal Celestia spoke to her as she held up her crown. “A true prince and princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her.” She told her as Twilight got into the habit of bowing before her just as Celestia places the crown on her head just when Kion joined her side. “We have all seen that you are capable of just that. I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight.” She added as she knelled down to her eye level and placed her hand on her chin.

“I do.” Twilight replied with a warm and sincere smile as the principal turned to Kion.

"And as for you Prince Kion, do you understand what it means to be a true prince and leader much like Princess Twilight."

"I do." Kion answered while bowing his head with one of his fists placed into his other hand's palm as the crowd cheered for her as they stood up just when Flash approaches the former.

“Would now be a completely awkward time to ask you for that dance?” Flash asked while offering his hand.

Twilight thinks about it for a moment while looking at the moon above her. Even though it would be easy for her to say no and quickly leave now that she has everything she needs, she then thought she still has some time to enjoy the celebration and everyone here loves and admires her. Unable to find it in her heart to say no, she accepted and took his hand to where her date brings her on over to the dance floor so they can dance together.

Kion then turned to the approaching Rani who likewise offered her hand ready to dance with him. That is of course he is up for it.

Upon turning to Bunga and the others who all give smiles of encouragement along with thumbs up urging him to go for it, Kion accepts it by taking her hand and leading her back inside for the dance where one last order of buisness has left to be settled before they can properly return home.

Author's Note:

In here there's not much here to explain other than Sunset's clashing with both Twilight and Kion finally comes to blow here on the last night before the portal's window closes for the next thirty moons.

In addition, I also decided to add some action scenes where the Lion and Pony Guard go toe to toe in an equally matched fight before Sunset winds up being defeated in the end in order to make this less anti-climatic in cannon. (FYI one of the heavily criticized areas of this movie)

Anyways, in this final battle, Kion and Twilight's unbeatable teamwork comes into play when the two work together in combating Sunset before moving towards the rest of the Lion and Pony Guard in defeating and de-powering her. With some new attempts, twists, and turns in this showdown, Sunset is defeated and felt in tearful remorse over her actions. But lucky for her both leaders of the Lion and Pony Guard are both willing to offer her a chance with guidance and time with the rest of the crew.

One thing's for sure, is that things are looking good in regards to transferring students from more schools coming to this school which will be explained once I cross the bridge of Rainbow Rocks after Season 4.

Moving on, next up is the epilogue of this film where there's no last thing left to do before heading back home.