• Published 26th Oct 2021
  • 314 Views, 23 Comments

The Fall Of Sunset Shimmer - KingSombraTheTyrantRuler

Princess Celestia's best student, Sunset Shimmer loves to read books. She thinks of friends as a waste of time. She tells Celestia exactly that when the Princess Of The Sun tells her to make some friends.

  • ...


KingSombraTheTyrantRuler aka yours truly sat down for another round of typing, deciding to finally update The Fall of Sunset Shimmer.

However, before his fingers could even touch the keyboard a certain pink pony with a darker pink mane appeared out of nowhere, causing him to back away from the keyboard.

The momentary panic subsided as he looked at the pastel pony, "Pinkie Pie?" He rubbed his eyes, "Am I imagining things or what?"

"No, you're not imagining things," she reassured the surprised author. "As you know I control the multiverse, and-"

"I thought Discord controlled it?"

"A common misconception," she sighed and then continued. "As I was saying, before you interrupted me" she made no effort to hide her glare "I control the multiverse, and it includes all these universes you bronies create. From time to time I decide to check on the fanfiction because they are interesting, and your one grabbed my interest. But when I started reading it, to say I was disappointed would be an understatement,

"You're not even putting in any real effort: all you're doing is just copy and pasting the original episodes and editing them."

She held a hoof up to indicate she was not done talking. "Come on man, put in some effort. Change the way things turn out! Show that you've got some creativity! I'm sure that if you put in a little more effort you'd be more capable of getting the motivation to write chapters for it!"


"Here's what I want you to do. Delete all the old chapters because they're simply terrible- I mean all that not edited punctuation marks, and other stuff... But make sure to post this chapter first, okay?"

"Okay. I've got a question though."


"Should I start by putting in- I mean, how should I start it?"

"Try giving the readers a view into Sunset's backstory first, how she came to become Princess Celestia's student and maybe a little information on Sombra too. You could also have him be the Princesses' student if you want- I mean if they're gonna have some sort of relationship like you're planning for it would be best to have them be a little familiar with each other. They could have a tragic background- I mean you're gonna have to explain how Sombra ended up in Canterlot instead of staying in the Crystal Empire plus all those time differences..."


"What I'm trying to say is- show the difference between Sunset being Celestia's student as opposed to Twilight being in her normal role, And yes, you can put in some time magic stuff if it helps you."

Yours truly jumps off his chair and grins, picking Pinkie Pie up and hugging her. "You're the best Pinkie- I can tell that this edited version will be a lot better."

"No probs," she also grinned. "I need to go now, do you have anymore questions to ask?"

He looked a little hesitant. "C-can I- you know... S-"

"Ya wanna feel my cute pony ears? Sure. By the way, I'm gonna leave you a special magical pony coffee so you can get some energy."

The Fall of Sunset Shimmer

Chapter One


An orange coated unicorn filly with a red and yellow striped mane paced nervously, while a unicorn with a grey coat and black mane mirrored her actions.

These two were Sunset Shimmer and Sombra.

They used to live in the Crystal Empire, but due to certain events they were now in Equestria.

Amore had been a good ruler, until the invasion of the changelings, when the Changeling Queen otherwise known as Queen Chrysalis had taken her only daughter- Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and as her love for her daughter was so much, and she wanted nothing more than to obliterate the entire Changeling race for killing her daughter (for that was what she had been let to believe by Chrysalis) she had turned to any means possible to get her revenge.

All possible means had failed and she was forced to accept that Dark Magic was the only magic that could defeat the changelings.

Not even her love magic or the Crystal Heart were able to do anything... So she started using Dark Magic, practising it so she could get stronger...

As day by day went by, the Dark Magic began to form a mind of its own and began to corrupt her pure soul.

Once having eliminated the changelings, she would have stopped her usage of it, but upon learning that the Queen had escaped and was still alive, she decided that she would first destroy the one she hated and then stop using the Dark Magic.

The time that it took for her to track down the Queen and kill her was more than enough time for her soul to be fully corrupted, and thus the Princess had fallen into the dark abyss of corruption.

Soon after that event she began to become infuriated over the simplest things, and realised that she needed to protect her Empire from further threats.

She didn't want anything else to happen...

If one were to take the Crystal Heart which she had worked on for years and release the Umbrums, she knew that nothing would be safe.

So she mind controlled her subjects, forcing them to shield and guard the Empire day and night.

Shortly after she had taken over their minds, the Two Sisters- Princess Celestia of the sun and Princess Luna of the moon had arrived upon learning of this and had tried to help her get out of it.

But the dark magic had taken over Amore's mind too strongly, and its grip was too firm... The once pure ruler was now consumed by the pain that had come with the loss of her daughter and her mind was filled with a lust for revenge.

The Two Sisters had left and returned with an army, and the war lasted a few years before they finally managed to defeat the Princess, but that was at the cost of Luna using dark magic.

Naturally, Celestia had persuaded her sister not to, but the younger mare wanted to prove that she was capable of doing things, and her soul had been corrupted too.

Celestia sensed something was not right after banishing Amore- encasing her in ice for a thousand years... and then they saw that the Empire was beginning to vanish.

The citizens, now freed of their mind control, started panicking, and The Two Sisters teleported as many as they could outside the Empire before it completely vanished, and about half of the Empire's population remained trapped as it vanished...

The guilt haunted Celestia for years.

She had tried to keep herself occupied by getting homes built for the Crystal Ponies, but her mind always wandered to the ones left behind.

Thankfully the Princess didn't lose her sister to the clutches of dark magic, though, Luna had been spending more time alone and sounded bitter and resentful at times...

The two were nervous for their tests. What would it be like? Would they be able to pass?

Princess Celestia, now disguised as 'Sunny Skies' flew out of the Everfree Castle, using an invisibility spell to avoid being detected by the guards.

Once she was out of the 'danger zone' she removed the invisibility spell and landed at her destination.

Once in a while, the Princess of the Sun would disguise herself and take a walk around the city of Everfree which was also known as the capital of Equestria.

She would observe her subjects- see how they were doing and hear what they were talking about so that if they had any complaints they were scared to say to her she would be able to fix what was wrong.

Usually she would be alone, as her sister- Princess Luna would refuse to accompany her, instead choosing to sulk in her room.

However, today Luna had decided to come along, saying that she wanted to breathe in some fresh air.

As they were Princesses of Equestria, they could not be absent from the castle for long, and thus Celestia had decided to visit one place every day.

Today they were visiting the part in which the Crystal Ponies lived to check on how they were doing.

The ponies had made that part look almost beautiful as their old home, and the duo smiled at the sight.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" The older Princess said to her sister.

"Yes, it is. Now We art curious. Hath thou been visiting places like this in thine other adventures?"

Celestia chuckled. "We have been trying to visit every part of this city and then maybe some others, but though We have only visited a mere fraction of the parts, this one remains the most beautiful."

"We wonder what it would look like in the night..." Luna pondered aloud.

Her sister paid no attention to that remark of hers as she was too busy watching two unicorn foals chasing each other.

"Sombra, give it back!"

"Never, Sunset!" the colt laughed as the filly tried to catch him with her magic but was unable to get a grip on him. "Catch me first, and then I'll give it!"

The object that the filly desired was a book which the colt levitated over his head.

The colt soon ran into the disguised Princesses, and stuttered out an apology.

"It's okay," Celestia reassured him. "What's your name?"

"I'm Sombra," he smiled at her with a smile so cute that it nearly bursted Celestia's heart. "Over there" he pointed to the filly "is my friend, Sunset who's way too slow to catch me" he said the last part loud enough that Sunset could hear it from where she was. "Who's your friend?" He pointed to Luna.

"Our name is Moonlight," Luna replied.

"Your mane looks very nice Miss Moonlight."

Luna smiled genuinely. "Thank you."

Sombra was about to say more when Sunset caught up to him and tugged the book from his hooves. "Hah! I've finally got it!"

"Huh? Sunset?!"

"Now you try and catch me!"

She was about to run off when she saw the two adults there.

"Who are they?" she whispered to Sombra.

"The one with the mane that looks like stars is Miss Moonlight and I don't think her friend told me her name..."

"Hello dear, I'm Sunny Skies," Celestia said, hearing their not so quiet whispers.

"It's nice to meet you Miss Skies."

"It's nice to meet you too. Where are your parents?"

Sunset looked away, letting her mane cover her face a little while Sombra looked at his hooves and said, "We've never had parents. The two of us have been orphans for our whole lives."

This caught Celestia's heart and she hugged the foals.

Luna, who had been watching the interaction decided to speak up. "Where do you live?"

"In an alley?"

She got an idea and looked at her sister before saying, "How would you two like to live with us? We could be the parents you never had?"

"We'd love that!"

"Though, we've got a secret to show you first," Celestia said before the foals squeezed her sister to death. "Just promise you'll be totally fine?"

"Well, as long as it's not anything bad..."

Seeing as it was almost sunset and no ponies around Celestia decided it would be best if they went back to the castle.

"I'll show you at our house, but before we go, are there any things you'd like to get?"

They shook their heads. "We don't really have anything."

In a flash of light they were now in the Everfree Castle, and in a concealed room that nopony knew of.

Celestia shed her disguise with Luna following suit and despite what she had originally thought, the foals did not run off.

"So, you two, are the Princesses of Equestria?" Sombra asked in amazement.

"Wow..." was all Sunset said.

The two began to bow in respect but Celestia stopped them them with a wave of her hoof. "There's no need to bow."

"Now, since we're Princesses, we have no idea what the ponies would think if we both suddenly adopted a foal each, so We think it would be best if We took you on as students."

"A-as students?" the awestruck pair asked.

"Yes, as students," confirmed Luna. "If you want. You can also choose, by the way."

Sombra smiled. He did love the night... "I wanna be your student, Princess Luna!"

"And I'd like to be yours, Princess Celestia!"

"Okay, but you'll have to have tests first..."

And that was why they were currently here, pacing in worry.

The Princesses had been kind enough to let the two study and read all the books in the Castle Library, so they weren't going in blind. That being said, they didn't know what was going to be given in the exam as that would be cheating.

Sunset and Sombra were both called in after a while of pacing and looked around the room which was painted white and had two desks in opposite corners of the room so that the two could not talk to each other.

Their examiners were a blue coated mare with a silver mane and glasses, and a dark green coated stallion who had a light green mane.

Nervously, the foals looked around again before going to their seats and beginning the exam.

They were told the rules first and that they had practical exams after this one.

"You have two hours to complete the exam. Your time starts...now!" The mare announced.

Once they finished the exam, they were led to another room where they were to do the practical exam.

"Sunset Shimmer, you will try to hatch this egg" the stallion from before pointed to an egg "and you Sombra, will turn this lump of clay" he pointed to a huge lump of clay "into a realistic looking sculpture of Princess Luna. No mistakes will be allowed- it must look perfect."

Their tasks were equally hard, for even though it is hard to hatch a 'rock' it is also hard to make a realistic looking sculpture of the Princess of the Night.

Especially if it was to be 'picture perfect'.

"You may begin. Half an hour is the time slot you have. And one more thing. Make sure to do well in this exam for it will decide your fate. Thousands have failed..."

Sunset stared at the egg, letting her horn glow. It shouldn't really be that hard to hatch an egg.

However, as her magic surrounded it, and she cast the spell to speed up the hatching of an egg without damaging it, something odd occurred.

It didn't hatch. It didn't really look like a normal egg to be honest, but who was she to say that, seeing that she had never seen a dragon egg before?

While Sunset was sweating and panting with the force required to hatch it, Sombra was closing his eyes and going into deep concentration.

He recalled exactly how Luna looked, the way the moonlight captured her glowing mane, and her eyes.

His horn began to glow and surround the clay as he ordered his magic to create an exact replica of the Princess.

He dared not open his eyes for fear of breaking his concentration, but knew something was off with the clay as it didn't feel like it was budging at all.

As they struggled and began to lose hope in succeeding, in Cloudsdale, a pegasus filly by the name of Rainbow Dash was preparing herself for her race.

She shot like a bullet as soon as the whistle was blown and went fast enough to create a Sonic Rainboom...

Back in Everfree, the unicorns were still struggling, when out of the corner of their eyes they saw a rainbow, and their magical power increased.

Sunset made the painted rock into many things- a plant, a plant pot, a tree, a bird, etc, before finally turning it into a baby dragon.

Sombra managed to turn the crystals disguised as clay in front of him into a perfect sculpture of Princess Luna- it was life sized and one could mistake it for the real pony.

Thus they passed their tests.

Author's Note:

Yes, I know this seems boring but it's only the first chapter. Things will become a lot more interesting and in the present tense after this.

I might even post the second chapter this week or month...

So yeah, I felt this story needed to have some changes, and decided to explain it by putting in that beginning part where Pinkie comes and lectures me.

I couldn't really think of anything for Sombra, but if the 'clay' was actually crystals and he had to turn it into a sculpture of Luna assuming it was clay? It think that would be hard enough.

And I'm deleting all the previous chapters because nothing really happened in them.

I'm not going to be doing every episode- just a select few.

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