• Member Since 13th May, 2012
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Every day, Bon Bon wakes up and stares into the chasm at the back of her bedroom.

Preread by themoontonite.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 18 )

I am so very confused. Is the picture from a lover that died? Is the chasm a metaphor for her loneliness?

...Maybe I should read this again when I'm not tired.

It broke through my A crack in the earth.
I think this is an error.
Poor Bon Bon. I can somewhat relate.

sometimes you just start a sentence and then dont remember to finish it fixed, ty

I genuinely thought that was part of the story. Like some kind of mind-bending trickery as Bon Bon slowly descends into madness.

Then again, I am prone to overthinking. :twilightsheepish:

I want the wendigo's gales. I want to be locked in Tartarus. I want the life choked out of the land. I want to be torn apart by the Everfree. I want to be turned to stone by a cockatrice. I want gryphons to gorge on my entrails.

You mean a windigo, the horsey wind and ice spirits from the show. A wendigo is quite literally a very different beast, one not associated with wind, ice, horses, or feeding off of hatred. They’re associated far more with eating people and (apparently) not getting brushed much.

you're right, i forgot the show is all about its puns. i like to think windigos are something like wendigos, in certain (mostly cannibalistic) regards

i like the way you think

A solemn toast to those of us that have buried the one we loved.

That's just heartbreaking. :fluttercry:

One eats emotions and freezes everything, the other eats you and lurks in a woodsy setting.


my heart is broken.

Okay, now that I'm fully awake, I've re-read the story and the comments. Here's my take:

It had been so long since Bon Bon buried her lover right next to her bed.

Bon Bon wants to find love again... but she's so consumed with grief, anger, and hatred at the world that took her everything away from her far, far too soon that she's a broken mare. Her efforts to find love in her damaged state haven't helped.

Pinkie - Slept with Bon Bon, but didn't want to take their relationship any further than that.

Fluttershy - Unrequited love. Bon Bon mistook her kindness for romantic feelings.

Derpy - Also wanted a one-night stand with Bon Bon, but got turned down. Bon Bon, in her desperation to feel love again, wants to apologize to her.

Twilight - After being given a reassuring hug from Twilight, Bon Bon finally felt safe... only to be turned down because she wanted only her friendship.

As for the last bit, when she says her chasm closed above her, does that mean she finally came to terms? I only ask because there's no Death or Tragedy tags.

Anyways, pretty good stuff!

When Alfred Lord Tennyson said that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, he failed to mention the pain of having one’s still-beating heart ripped forcibly from their ribcage.

Grief and loss are difficult things to recover from. The wounds may seem to be healed, but many can last with us forever.

Very good story, it’s got me thinking all introspectively.

"Not tonight"

Said Twilight. Not a permanent denial, but one that broke Bonbon down once again.

I hope she could find love again. Maybe Twilight got over her reluctance, or maybe I just misjudged that sentence. Still, I hope she can find happiness again.

And you too.

”why is it so hard to be kind”

mmmm... hmmmm... I wonder what reference I could make here?...

To be kind... to be kind... to be kind, to be REAL. TO EB NEW!. TOO BEE SUNG BY A SON THATS UNTRUEEEE!!!!

Edit: don't you dare tell me how many stars are in my eyes

Comment posted by Miro MM deleted Aug 8th, 2023


two bee stung

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