• Member Since 12th Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Only those who follow their dreams will get to see them come true!



This story is a sequel to Parry and Riposte

Sunset's hand has been badly sprained after her last encounter with Flaming Star. Even though she says she doesn't need help. Applejack realizes her friend is in need of a hand.

This story has been proofread by ChudoJogurt

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 5 )

Despite my little grievance with Sunset's self-righteous and even hypocritical actions in trying to find out what Steely was hiding, despite hiding a secret from him as well, she still comes across as sympathetic. Even though her severe injury was partially due to her stubbornness in trying to make up with Flaming, I still manage to feel for her. Mainly due to her terrible ex boss. Many stories after Rainbow Rocks don't seem to show her as still struggling or learning about friendship, so it's kind of nice to see that here. It's nice to see Applejack and Pinkie reach out and manage to help her out when she desperately needs it. All in all so far a well written series that properly shows Sunset as a flawed, yet well meaning person, still struggling, yet getting better at friendship and how to be.

I was worried people would think Sunset is acting OOC. I am glad to hear that you think Sunset is actually in character.

My series does have issues. I have to say that since I can both sense it myself and the see it through some of the reviews I've gotten but despite those, i am happy with what I am doing and I promise to you that I will get better and better.

I am glad you enjoyed this.

One last thing, this is the latest instalment so far even though you can see there is still many stories to go through. Those all are going to be rewritten. I'd suggest you wait for the rewrite of them.

Thank you!

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