• Member Since 17th Jun, 2012
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Rune Soldier Dan

Love is a verb, not a noun.


Autumn Blaze will do whatever it takes to win Applejack’s heart. Unfortunately, she’s not alone: Ponyville is filled with others determined to do the same, with no trick too low in the pursuit of victory.

But when a new contender arrives to claim Applejack as her own, can Autumn and her rivals band together and save Equestria? Or is Autumn destined to lose Applejack to a mare who doesn’t love her half as much as she deserves?

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 54 )

Oh, this is going to be good :D

You mad man, you finally did it

Friendship Doom Fortress and other sights of Ponyville

Charming town, ain't it?

Oh this will be hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

Well I can't not read this.

Wow apparently everybody wants to win Apple Jacks heart well this should be fun lol

Dude there is a lot of ponies and creatures who wants to win Apple Jacks heart shoot man she a lucky girl

I'm both confused and intrigued by this story. I've gotta say, Apple Bloom having what feels like a makeshift business for the ponies trying to win her older sister over is awesome and hilarious.
I'm all for it! :rainbowlaugh:

Good story, but I really do have to wonder about Autumns views on friendship what with the reference to a doom fortress.

The Friendship Doom Fortress gets you a like, Applebloom's Snacks and Timely Rescues gets this a follow.

Apple Bloom running a business at the expense of AJ’s would be suitors is AMAZING.

Not what I was expecting, but I'm certainly not complaining! :rainbowlaugh:

what the zany ever living hells is this?

Also I love this it's like a musical just started.

I’m totally playing the long game, and definitely not getting to her first every day and chickening out!

That line definitely reminds me of [Appleadashery].

Cherry looked down sternly. “Don’t fight me. You can’t win, Autumn, I have the high ground.”

Well as anyone knows, that's checkmate.

I certainly hope this continues, but it also feels like it was written as a one-shot.

tldr it's a one shot that ended up too fat for one chapter, so likely will be 3.


Well...this proves Apple Bloom deserves to run Sweet Apple Acres one day: she can profit from war.

As the great Varrick once said, "if you can't money from war, you can't make money."

“MILFs are hot,” Cherry replied. “Besides, Applejack deserves an experienced mare who knows how to please her. Not some, oh I don’t know, hermit recluse who talks to watermelons.”

Oh my!

wow! ive haven't seen any chrysalis x AJ yet, I have to say I ship it! keep up the great work! This is truely amazing!

She who controls the apples controls Equestria.

Autumn awoke next Saturday tied to the bed. Rarity ran out the door in her night clothes, unleashing a shrill “WA-HA-HA, DAHLING!”

Peak Rarity, honestly.

An entire changling hive verses AJ's evil exes suitors. I feel bad for the changlings. :rainbowlaugh:

That's not how adoption works, Lyra. (Unless you're Woody Allen).

Suggested: Zephyr Breeze starts helping out Rainbow Dash, since he imagines that way he'll end up with two mares.

Chrysalis huffed and glared back. “Oh, isn’t that always the case? A changeling wants to marry a pony and you clutch your pearls and wail about mind-control. Why is it so hard to believe she loves me, you racist?”

“Because you’re Queen Chrysalis!”

Chrysalis snarled, breaking the glare-off to look away. “Damn, she’s got me there.”

PFFFFFFFF! :rainbowlaugh: It's funny, because it's true.


She who controls the apples controls Equestria.

The (spiced) apples must flow!

I’m beginning to suspect that Applejack is fully aware of the love warfare going on in her orchard, but allows it to happen because it amuses her.

As for Chrysalis, she’ll have to do something about Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith, too.

Plot twist: the girls succeed in freeing Applejack but Chrysalis realizes Applejack is awesome and wants her for real.

“My god. I’m Queen Chrysalis and even I’m over here going ‘what the hell is the matter with these people?’”

We're all thinking that, Chryssie, but that's a good thing.

Chapter four is just Applejack in the human world wondering where the others disappeared to or just causally kidnapped by one of the human fans. XD jokes aside thou, this is really well made and i hope to see more!

And then Lyra's grenade exploded

Omg this is fantastic.

Huh, I didn't think the mad mare would go through with it

“Well, enough.” She stood, tall and imperious, and gestured grandly to her changelings. “Minions! Crush them, bind them, and I shall drain their love for my own! Um, and for you all, of course. Trickle-down means that everyone will prosper.”

Pfff! :rainbowlaugh: Chrysalis should run for the Republican presidential candidate!

God this is dumb. I love it.

Me too. This is the best kind of dumb.

Bon-Bon glanced to her, then looked sharply. “Lyra, where did you get a grenade?”

“I don’t know.”

This whole story in a nutshell. :pinkiehappy:

This was a sweet ending.

OMG YESSSSSS This was so good

Good Lord this was a cute story. Also I can only imagine it being illustrated by jargon Scott or rocket lawnchair.

Thank you for the smiles!

That was a brilliant solution to the Pinkie Promise. Of course Rarity would take note of the exact wording. :moustache:

For some reason I imagine Lyra's hand grenade actually look like a hand (the pin you pull is in the wrist).

Perfect resolution from the other rivals

and the Friendship Doom Fortress loom protectively above.

Still hilarious XD


I loved every silly-as-hell minute of this. :yay:

Cherry looked down sternly. “Don’t fight me. You can’t win, Autumn, I have the high ground.”

You underestimate Autumn's power!

“Me too!” Strawberry added. She then huffed and looked away. “I mean, apples are way heavier and harder to reach and stupider than strawberries, so I figured you needed a hoof. It’s not because I like you or anything, bakka.”

Ha! Strawberry as a tsundere is hilarious.

“Should we tell Princess Twilight?” Trenderhoof asked. Nobody listened.

... yes?

“This isn’t fair at all!” Chrysalis shrieked, trying to paw off the flaming assailant to no avail. “Oh Celestia, it hurts! I can feel the flames in my nostrils!”

Did you know that fire smells like burnt nosehair?

Plot twist; this was actually written by the EQG version of Applejack.

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