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trying to see how many ways i can hurt applejack, apparently Ko-Fi | Pronouns


Applejack finally gets time to herself while her family’s gone on a trip. However, instead of taking the time to relax on her own, she decides to invite Twilight over. After a long time of not seeing each other, they both regret not having spent more time together in the past, and do their best to remedy that.

Narcotics tag is for casual drinking. No inebriation.

Cover art made by an AI, edited by me just a bit to make two blobs that were there look like Twi and AJ hehe.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 36 )

...those chapter titles...

I gotta read this now.

This story was pretty cute!

No inebriation.

I wanted drunk Twilight

in any case, very cute story!

hehehehe i wanted drunk twilight too but i figured maybe better to have a sober twilight heheheh

and thanks!

Well damn.
Took me two weeks but I finally got around to reading this.

I should have read it sooner.:facehoof:

It is so good and natural. And you handled TwiJack very well. It's not a common ship, but you made it look like they belong together. :ajsmug:

This was good and definitely deserves a place on my Best Ships shelf.

Haha I’m glad you read it ^^

And thanks! I was having trouble trying to make it seem natural since they (unfortunately) don’t get a lot of screentime together. I like the ship, though, so I definitely had to write it. Glad it came off well! Thank you for the comment :>

Twilight out here being so dense light friggin bends around her. AJ is sending out the biggest les bean energy possible you friggin dumb grape. She wants to be your GIRLFRIEND and do GAY HORSE KISSES and some POST-MARITAL HOOF-HOLDING YOU DUMBASS.


This was the kind of good and wholesome romance that fits Applejack so well. TwiJack has always been lovely for skirting the lines between mature and dorky in ways that never cease to be endearing for me to see as a reader. You're a writing powerhouse, Jay, and everything I've read of your stuff continues a) to be some high-quality horse and b) include lots of AJ. Keep it up!

D’awww thank you. Your comments made my day :) I’m glad you enjoyed and I thank you very much for your kind words. What you said bout TwiJack is very true, and part of why I wanted to write them at least once. Again, thanks!

Also twilight purple grape is real funny hahah


at least once

Might I suggest: more than once. :ajsmug:

No need to suggest what I want to do anyway B)

Of course, I'll simply suggest it harder.

Re-Reading this for my review and I must say it is a great first chapter.

Just as cute the 2nd time!
I’ll contact you when the review is done

What a cute and beautiful story, definitely one of the best I've read as of recently. You're a very talented writer. Overall you did an phenomenal job!

I also wanna thank you for introducing me to such an amazing song. It made the story even more enjoyable for me. I've been listening to it heavily these past couple days lol.

Thanks so much for this comment! It really means a lot. I’m really glad you enjoyed the story and also that you enjoyed the song! It’s definitely one of those songs that kind of just latches on to you. Again, thanks :) You’re very kind

It's no problem at all, keep up the awesome work!

I definitely like your writing style. I'll be sure to check out more of your stuff. :)

Aw thanks! I hope you enjoy whatever you decide to check out :)

This is so cuute!

Sighing, Twilight nodded. “You’re right, Applejack. I guess I’m just nervous because I don’t want to let you down. I mean, I’m all for doing things! But farmwork is a bit beyond what I normally do, and I don’t want you to think I’m a bad friend or worker! I mean, you said it yourself. We don’t really spend time together, despite my wishes, so I think these next couple of days will really make or break our friendship! Although it’s entirely possible that I’m being irrational, but it’s entirely possible that I’m not!”

aww Twilight is just so adorable when she's on one of her anxiety spirals

Together, they made their way down the trail. It branched off in several directions, but signs had long been made and kept to ensure nopony got lost. Twilight stumbled a bit, not knowing when or where to avoid stray roots and dips in the ground. Applejack smiled, realizing fully that despite Twilight's intelligence, she could still be rendered insanely clueless if presented with something new and different. She wondered why she didn't just fly and got her answer as her gazing at Twilight forced her to walk muzzle first into a low-hanging branch.

hehehe so cute! Applejack's mind is so focused on Twilight that she runs into a branch on her own farm augh

It was no secret to herself that she liked Twilight. At least, in a different way than she did the rest of her friends. Ever since she met her, she thought there was something charming about the mare next to her that she could never let go of. It was that intelligence, that curious gleam in her eye that always lit up the room. The way she could tell anypony anything about anything, and how she loved to talk. That was perfect. Applejack loved to listen.


Sweet Celestia, I'm awful.

aww, it can be hard to not let having a favorite make you feel like you're valuing the alternatives less

"Behind this is a field of wheat. We don't usually grow it, but this here wheat's been here even longer'n the mother tree. Why, it's older'n Granny, I bet," she joked, relishing in the giggle that Twilight released. "We don't exactly tend to it, but we make sure it's healthy along with the trees. Now, I already know all the trees are healthy, but we do this every few months to make sure all the crop grows as it should."

this sounds like superstition but with the way magic works in this world, who knows?

The ground shifted the slightest bit under Applejack, but she felt it as though it was an earthquake. Warmth ran down her legs and to her hooves, pooling like water in a puddle, and released into the soil in an invisible transfer. The sound of the wind in the leaves and the smell of the early morning grass enveloped Applejack and filled her with energy that flowed in and out of her.

aww, love earthpony magic

Twilight, next to her, stared. Her wings ruffled as her widened jaw closed into an ecstatic smile. "Earth pony magic," she whispered.

hey i said that first!

Twilight finally remembered she could move her body and turned to Applejack, running her hooves over her forelegs. In return, Applejack squirmed and pulled away from Twilight, her face reddening from the touch. The alicorn faltered. "Oh, I'm sorry! I just wanted to study the residual effects of the magic on you. I know about earth pony magic, and sometimes I can feel it, but I've never seen it like this."

auaugh love this

Twilight beamed as she enveloped Applejack's hoof in a magenta glow. "Oh, that makes sense. It's like how pegasi wings are hypersensitive and usually not a place just anypony can touch. Same with unicorn horns after exhaustive magic," she explained as Applejack did her best to sit still. “I sort of noticed that myself. Sometimes things would bother me more in my hooves, but I thought I was just having some aches or something.”

ooh i am stealing the hell out of this headcanon

The unicorn magic mixing with what was left of her own earth pony magic made for a strange sensation.


"The amount of magic you used is incredible, Applejack! Most earth ponies have trouble channeling their energy into anything other than what they're constantly giving off, which is very little, but you could put a unicorn to shame with how you were able to gather your magic like that," Twilight pointed out, stars practically shining in her eyes. She gasped sharply and turned to Applejack, pushing her muzzle into the earth pony's. "You have to show me how you did that!"

this excitable Twilight is just so great

With a huff, she brought her attention back to the alicorn. Her purple eyes stared ahead, taking in the rows of apple trees, and Applejack knew it was a good view.

It wasn’t nearly as good as the view she had though.

so true

Her thoughts did in fact grow louder as Twilight leaned back like Applejack did, fidgeting a bit with her wings until she found a comfortable position. It just so happened that position placed both mares side by side, coats skimming against each other. It was all Applejack could do to not tense up. She whistled a low tune instead, smoothing out the shaky breaths into a melodic rhythm that quickly got her smiling.

augh the tension is so good

“Now the Princesses do that.” Applejack cut herself off and mumbled. “Err, well, now you do that, sugarcube. There ain’t a need for other types of unicorn magic, an’ it’d feel a bit like breakin’ tradition an’ cheatin’ to let anythin’ other than that happen.”

aww, that's a good explanation, and a nice casual slipping-in of the fact that Twilight controls the literal sun now nbd

Applejack responded with a hearty chuckle. She remembered that party. She remembered the party games and the punch and the music, the small talk in the hopes of staying up long enough to watch the Summer Sun Celebration.

Most of all, she remembered wishing that Twilight would come down from her room.

poor pre-friendship Twilight! that must have been a worrying sight to Applejack and the rest

“I wouldn’t have let go if you hadn’t been so insistent,” Twilight pointed out. “I’m glad I trusted you.”

“Yeah, same here.”

TwiJack real from the series pilot

Next to her, Twilight sat back up and looked down at Applejack. The light above her cast a glow around her and it was all Applejack could do to not drop her jaw. Sparkling amethyst eyes locked on Applejack’s. “I wish we could have spent more time together,” Twilight whispered, her voice dropping to levels barely audible.

Despite Twilight’s wavering voice and the melancholic look in her eyes, a slow shiver ran down Applejack’s spine. “Yeah, me too,” she admitted, swallowing a large lump in her throat. The grass suddenly scratched at her back, but Applejack couldn’t bring herself to move, not with Twilight staring at her like that.

oh wow that is suddenly really heavy

With Twilight’s help, they had reorganized the storage room.

aww of course that is what she helps with

The alicorn was entirely flushed, breathing heavily from the effort. Even after Applejack told her it wasn’t necessary, Twilight insisted on doing it with her own hooves. And now she was all sweaty and flustered and—


Applejack turned her gaze away, removing her hat to both hide her reddened expression and to fan her face. Awful, Applejack, yer just awful, she chided herself.

so relatable

“Besides, I don’t really get to drink any alcohol in Canterlot, so it’d be nice once in a while with a friend.”

There was a strange twinge in her chest at the word ‘friend’.

so relatable

Nodding, Twilight’s bottle opened with a hiss of its own and she took a chaste drink.

hehe a perfect word choice

Twilight shook her head frantically. “No! N-no,” she stammered. “I think we should relax. We worked so hard! Plus, I’d like to just spend time with you. Real time, not work time.” Her smile was careful. Nervous, even.

take the hint, AJ! take it!!!

Applejack!” she squeaked, shoving the bottle at the earth pony. “Thirty-five percent? I didn’t even know cider could have that much alcohol in it!”

i mean i'm pretty sure apple cider with alcohol content that high is just called applejack (heh)

Applejack scoffed in mock offence. “You hurt me, Twi. I’d never do that.”

The giggle that came from Twilight set Applejack on overdrive.

augh yeah that feeling is the best in the world

Twilight cantered up next to Applejack. Maybe once, they would have been afraid to go into the Everfree, but both mares could recognize that the truly wild parts of it didn’t start for another long walk.

hehe, "cantered". and yeah, the Everfree just got less and less intimidating as the seasons went on

Applejack followed an unmarked hoofpath, cautioning Twilight to watch for dips in the ground.

love the word "hoofpath" unduly

She guffawed. “Hay, maybe it can be our hideout,” she quipped, gazing warmly at the alicorn. Her words replayed in her head, forcing her ears to perk up. “Err, I mean you, me and the girls.”

nice save, AJ (that you didn't need to do at all!)

Applejack smiled at the reminder of her youth; the many days spent playing pretend with Big Macintosh, the nights spent watching fireflies and telling stories with their parents. Even the day they came back to a wrecked treehouse. The tears she once cried felt like a happy memory all those years later.

aww, that is so nice! always great to see more of Applejack's foalhood with her parents

Applejack stared. They weren't as pronounced as somepony like Rainbow Dash's, but for being such a bookworm, Twilight had a good body on her. It had to be the alicorn ascension, though Applejack wouldn't say she was any worse as a unicorn.

dang AJ is it even possible for you to be down worse

On the page was a picture of the entire Apple family at Sweet Apple Acres—sans Apple Bloom—crudely drawn with once-colourful markings. Applejack breathed softly, afraid that anything would happen to it. "I did. Was never really good at drawin', but I put a lot of time into this one."

aww that is so cute

"Aw, that ain't true I bet. Yer great at everythin', sugarcube!"

Twilight's cheeks rouged a bit as she shuffled her hooves. "Not everything. I definitely wasn't an artistic filly…"

dangit AJ get the hint!

“An’ we got my Pa’s folk music! Trot Dylan! Aw shucks, I gotta listen to this now.”

terrible pun but i am glad a version of Bob Dylan exists in Equestria

“We already are!” Twilight eased into Applejack's touch, and for a moment, the farm pony regretted everything she'd ever done. But then Twilight smiled and wrapped a wing around her and the world seemed right.

The moment, however, was quickly interrupted by Applejack's mind catching up to it. She coughed and used the hoof around Twilight to adjust her hat.

this feels like that GIF of a truck about to ram into a pole but it keeps cutting to another angle of the same thing

“You know, Celestia told me that us alicorns can really handle our alcohol,” she said with a sly smirk; one that Applejack certainly hadn’t seen in a while. “We don’t really have alcohol at any important meetings, but I had noticed the wine wasn’t hitting me like before.”

hehehe and yeah i definitely expect alicorn metabolism to work differently, given Celestia and Twilight's food habits

Twilight, still with her raspy—and extremely attractive—voice, replied,

so true

“But if Celestia’s right about alicorn sobriety, this is just a little drink between friends.”

Between friends.


“I thought I should write down what I learned about earth pony magic and about alcohol and alicorns and all the aftereffects." She paused and giggled. "That was a lot of As."

Applejack stared at her, then squinted and shook her head. "Okay, sure. But I think I got somethin' to be honest about first…"
"Oh, Applejack," Twilight started, raising her quill and dipping it in ink, "you can tell me later. I really must record these findings! I haven't been able to find any recent reports of earth pony magic to the degree of the magic you showed me back at the Mother Tree!

"Oh, Applejack," Twilight started, raising her quill and dipping it in ink, "you can tell me later. I really must record these findings! I haven't been able to find any recent reports of earth pony magic to the degree of the magic you showed me back at the Mother Tree!

aww, such a Twilight and Applejack interaction

Blinking away some frustration, Applejack nodded, smiling despite herself. "Yeah, anythin' for you, Twi. So where do we start?"

i feel ya AJ

Beneath That Milky Twilight

why is Twilight milky now? this is concerning

"So you see, Applejack," Twilight continued, "I devised a way to turn the raising and lowering of the celestial bodies into a somewhat autonomous task!"

aww yeah otherwise any Twilight story would have to be interrupted by her making sure the world doesnt die twice a day every day

"An' I thought ya said you weren't good at sports…"

"Hey, I never said that!"

"You didn't?" Applejack asked, turning fully to Twilight, who put her quill down and frowned at Applejack. "Aw shucks, I just figured… well… the Runnin' of the Leaves that year an'... Well, y'ain't the most agile pony… That is to say—"

hehehe that was a fun episode

“Well, ya don’t need to be, if I got anythin’ to say ‘bout it,” Applejack replied with a blush. “You do just fine how you are, Twi. That big brain-a yours is mighty helpful in a stressful situation. Why do ya think the Princesses asked you to take over for ‘em? They know you’re smart and capable, just like I do.”

augh so true that is why it's perfect the series ended with her taking over

To Applejack, the world looked much more beautiful at that moment. During twilight where her Twilight seemed to glow with the softening sky. The orange and red light of the setting sun slowly gave way to the cool blues and purples of twilight. The same as her Twilight.

love all of this

Her breath hitched in her throat as she caught herself staring at Twilight, who fiddled with the record player. The stars now shone in the sky, contrasted by purples and pinks and blues. A certain alicorn's cutie mark came to mind at the same time as a blush rose to Applejack's face.

dangit AJ of course that'll happen if you think about her butt tattoo

A cool, subtle breeze blew between the leaves of the trees and into the mini clearing around the old treehouse. The feather tips on Twilight’s wings bristled with it, and her hair stood on end. Applejack swallowed, barely noticing Twilight turn to look at her until emerald eyes fell into pools of deep purple. Amethyst trenches that were impossible to climb up; the very night sky hiding within them, ashamed at being outshined.

Those beads of hypnotic purple softened, causing a similar reaction in Applejack's chest. It was as though her very heart turned to mush, daring Twilight to play with it as she had been unknowingly doing for years.

oof this is so good

There was a kind of understanding that all earth ponies shared with the earth below them, with every living creature, no matter how small. Earth ponies were meant to hold all life sacred, fauna and flora. Applejack held true to this but there was one living being she wanted to keep safe most of all. And hold her dear, she must.

so true about earthponies

She wondered if this was a dream, but as Twilight pressed her fetlock to Applejack's, that fantasy became nothing but reality, as had always been.

hoof-holding? dang i didn't know this was an M-rated fic!

Twilight's lavender scent lulled her, even if there was a hint of sweat beneath it.

of course the lavender alicorn just smells like lavender

The occasional misstep from the alicorn only shot up her spirits more. She was never good at dancing.

augh so true and it's so charming about her

Twilight’s soft breathing tickled the hair on Applejack’s ear, but she simply smiled as they breathed in each other’s scent.


Applejack's lips quivered into a smile. The cooling air made her shiver, but the lingering feeling of Twilight’s being ghosted her body and reminded her what warmth was. She worked her jaw a bit, her tongue playing pretend in her mouth as it practiced speaking. "That was… nice," she managed to say.

The giggle that escaped Twilight’s throat was pure bliss.

augh so good

Twilight groaned and rolled her eyes. “You’d be surprised! It was fun at first, but now it’s just another monotonous thing that I have to do. I never realized how boring Celestia and Luna had it.”

aww but that was like the whole thing about the first season finale!

“I’ve had fun today, too,” Applejack agreed. “I’m just plumb happy you were able to come.”

hehe that is an Applejack sentence

I want to get back to that, I believe it would be a good idea to keep Equestria and the lands beyond united in friendship, and I fear that if we fall apart, somehow the harmony will go away.

oof, ominous words

It made her fall even harder. Deeper, to depths she had never been before. Applejack wasn’t sure if it was love, but after years of knowing and caring for Twilight, having to look up at the lavender mare perched on her shoulders made one thing clear.

She loved Twilight Sparkle. And she was no liar, not even by omission.

so true. i love how much she loves Twilight

It truly was a beautiful emotion, one that would make anypony do crazy things.

As love guided her, helped by the liquid courage in her body, Applejack leaned in.

yes... ha ha ha... YES!

Despite the brief lingering alcohol, Twilight was a field of lavender, even if only through what Applejack could gather from their chaste kiss. She wanted to further explore that flavour someday; it was everything she thought it’d be, but she would take what she would get.

yay lavender-tasting Twilight

Fleeting sunlight disappeared as Applejack’s eyelids fell in tandem with the sun.

i like this line

Through the sensory overload of Twilight’s perfect form, everything she felt for the alicorn magnified and exploded inside her. Warmth coursed through her body in tingly waves, and she smiled through her embrace, relinquishing the feeling of another pony’s lips on her own. It felt different from any other kiss she could remember having, not that there were many, but she felt as though it meant something. Judging by the smile she could feel forming on Twilight’s face, she figured the alicorn had similar thoughts.

this is so good i am so happy for Applejack and Twilight augh

Though still sitting up, Twilight’s fuzzy chest rubbed against Applejack’s, tickling in a way that only pegasus coats could. Applejack suppressed a giggle at the sensation, not helped by Twilight’s delighted squirming.

so true about pegasus fluff

“I wasn’t sure what I was feeling, really, because I had never felt like that about anypony before,” she added. “I mean, don’t get me wrong; all our friends looked amazing, but something about the way you walked in with that casual smile and friendly, lidded eyes made my insides squirm, even though I had seen the dress before. I actually thought I had gotten sick!” Twilight let out an eased laugh. “But then you looked at me and waved and I knew, if only from what I had read prior to that, it was something else.”

such a Twilight way to describe a crush i love it

“Aw, that’s a much nicer reason’n I got,” Applejack mumbled sheepishly. “I just thought ya were real cute when ya came bumblin’ into my farm on yer first day here. Spent the entire night at yer welcome party hopin’ you’d come down so I could talk to ya. Then when ya united us in friendship and defeated Nightmare Moon, I realized I wanted more than to just be yer friend. I dunno, I just admire you so much, sugarcube.”

this is so sweet TwiJack real

Instead, the alicorn grimaced. “Everything has rules! Or at least, guidelines. Statistically, couples that see each other frequently have a happier courtship and a longer-lasting relationship.” She pouted, looking at Applejack as if she had just broken the law. “Numbers don’t lie.”

again so very Twilight! and it's hard since Applejack is the character i could least imagine moving to Canterlot to be with Twilight

Despite herself, Twilight smiled and nodded meekly. “Until the end of time,” she agreed.

yes that song's lines are so perfect to reuse for a ship

A sigh escaped Twilight’s flushed face. “I know. Rationally, I know you’re right. But the silly irrational part of me is telling me otherwise.”

Applejack gave her a patient smile. “Then how about ya prove it wrong? I promise we’ll be okay, Twi. I wouldn’t let anythin’ happen to us.”

such good TwiJack dynamic this is one of the many reasons it works

With a snort, Applejack leaned in to give Twilight another quick nuzzle. “Well, Celestia was always able to come here quite often. You should ask her how she made time,” she joked. Though it was true; the former princess happened to show up to Ponyville more than what seemed warranted.

i mean she didn't really show up that much! it was always for Twilight and crisis-related stuff!

“Well, we’ve been friends for so long,” Twilight pointed out. “We already know a lot about each other, and that initial bout of dates is usually meant for a couple to establish what we already have. If anything, we’ve already gone through a lot of steps!”

hehe yeah, that's one thing i really like about Mane Six ships actually. it's more a long and deep friendship adding a romantic dimension and it's so nice

Twilight brought her head up and looked down at Applejack. Her eyes sparkled brighter than the stars behind her. “Okay, okay. But I do want just one more thing to make me feel better.”

Applejack cocked her head. “What?”

“Kiss me?”

and a great way to end it, with Twilight overcoming her anxieties enough to make her desires known, and that desire is more kisses. just wonderful

really loved this TwiJack, all of it is just so fluffy and good and beautifully described. this was exactly the kind of thing i needed to read right now, thank you for it!

Ah I’m so glad you liked it!!! And as always, your comments made me smile, thanks for them!!!

Twilight finally remembered she could move her body and turned to Applejack, running her hooves over her forelegs. In return, Applejack squirmed and pulled away from Twilight, her face reddening from the touch. The alicorn faltered. "Oh, I'm sorry! I just wanted to study the residual effects of the magic on you. I know about earth pony magic, and sometimes I can feel it, but I've never seen it like this ."

You'd think she'd learn about personal space after all this time but I guess she's still a shut in at heart.

Applejack put a hoof to Twilight's mouth, effectively getting her to stop talking. "It's fine, sugarcube. I like seein' ya get like that," she admitted, looking up at a branch of the Mother Tree. "It's endearing."

She likes them nerdy I guess. :trollestia:

“Now the Princesses do that.” Applejack cut herself off and mumbled. “Err, well, now you do that, sugarcube. There ain’t a need for other types of unicorn magic, an’ it’d feel a bit like breakin’ tradition an’ cheatin’ to let anythin’ other than that happen.”

Probably would have prevented a whole lot if you'd just told her that in the first place.

Cute first chapter. :ajsmug:

The alicorn was entirely flushed, breathing heavily from the effort. Even after Applejack told her it wasn’t necessary, Twilight insisted on doing it with her own hooves. And now she was all sweaty and flustered and—

Starting to think there was another reason she invited Twilight over :trollestia:

Plus, I wanna relax a bit an’ not be stiff as a board. Metaphorically speakin’...

*Insert innuendo here"

"You didn't?" Applejack asked, turning fully to Twilight, who put her quill down and frowned at Applejack. "Aw shucks, I just figured… well… the Runnin' of the Leaves that year an'... Well, y'ain't the most agile pony… That is to say—"

Nerd stereotyping. I thought you were better than that Applejack. :raritydespair:

The alicorn cocked her head and slowly lifted her hooves from Applejack’s shoulders. A pair of strong orange hooves fell on them before they could fully be taken away, bringing them back down. Twilight flicked an ear. “Applejack?”

And somehow Twilight is still oblivious after that slow dance. Just gals being pals. :facehoof:

Cute chapter.

Applejack rubbed her hoof on her chest, ridding herself of the tickling feeling. She let her gaze linger on deep purple eyes, her smile only widening. “Really? For how long? ‘Cause I been crushin’ on ya since I plain first met ya.”

"You nearly falling off a cliff was really hot." :ajsmug:

Twilight looked at her hooves, nodding slightly. “You’re right, we’ll always be friends no matter what. I do want to be with you, Applejack, I have for years. Yes, I’m scared, but... you’ve taught me to get over my fears. I can always write to you, or make more free time.”

She can just teleport for lunch or something surely? Can't recall if long distance teleportation was a problem since it's been so long since I've watched the show.

Incredibly cute story. Never enough Twijack :twilightsmile:

I’m not sure if long distance teleportation is really a thing, I can’t recall it hppening canonically but I imagine it’d be very tiring. Also so true! There is definitely not enough Twijack… So I should definitely write more :P

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