• Published 22nd Sep 2021
  • 7,427 Views, 563 Comments

New Noses To Know - Irrespective

Baked Bean and Princess Celestia have welcomed their newborn into the world. Now the fun begins.

  • ...

Bonus! Nightmare Night Rough Draft

There were times in life when Chrysalis really wondered about her life decisions.

Not that she would ever admit to them, of course. She was a self assured, independent, and confident woman who always got what she wanted. Her charms could hypnotize anybody who laid eyes on her, and her wordplay was so skilled, she could convince anyone to do anything she wanted them to.

But in this one particular instance, she might have not thought her actions through all the way.

“Okay, dear,” her current boyfriend harshly whispered in her ear. “This is one of the biggest parties the company has, and if I can schmooze the right people, I’ll be on the board by the end of the year. Just keep your pretty mouth shut for a change, smile, and nod politely. Think you can handle that?”

“Yes, Sombra,” she snarked back. “You’ve made your expectations abundantly clear over the last month.”

“Watch your tone, woman.” His grip tightened on her upper arm. “Unless you’d like to go back to that cesspool called Canterlot High.”

Maybe I should. Principal Celestia was never this horrible. I don’t know why she was ever attracted to you.

Chrysalis plastered on a fake smile, but it was enough to placate Sombra. With a huff, he led her into the hotel’s large ballroom, and she took a moment to look over the attendees.

It was filled with the expected assortment of characters. Withered old men in expensive three-piece suits clumped together in various groups around the hall, joking about the size of their yachts or some other garbage that compensated for their diminished prowess in other areas of life. Attached to each of the ancient vultures were a variety of eye candy women, all about Chrysalis’ age, if not younger, she noted with disdain. Each of them, like Chrysalis herself, were dressed in opulent and colorful dresses, patterned with stripes or spots or other such imagery to match the animal theme of the party. Some wore cat ear headbands, some had attached fake tails to their impossibly small waists, but the variations were small and insignificant. Their attire was all for show, like peacocks strutting around and posturing to the other peacocks in the room.

Chrysalis’ ‘costume’ was no exception. It was a sleeveless, low-cut dress that was held up mostly by tape and wishful thinking, tight on the important curves and striped yellow and black to vaguely resemble a bumblebee. Her hair had been subjected to hours of torture at the salon to get it into an intricate updo, her lips were stained with a deep black lipstick, and a cheap bumblebee headband completed the look. In all honesty, Chrysalis felt ridiculous, but since she was only supposed to make Sombra look good to his employers—and he had been the one to select the horrible dress, for the record —she went along with it for reasons she couldn’t remember now.

It was an affliction that had been growing steadily over the past few months. At first, her relationship with Sombra had been a steamy, sordid affair, with secret rendezvous and surreptitious messages that had thrilled her romantic inclinations and kept Principal Celestia in the dark. When Sombra had convinced her to leave Canterlot High and to forge a new life with him, she had been head over heels in love, and their frequent nightly encounters only made the flames of passion burn brighter and hotter.

But as time had gone on, the flames had cooled, the demands of Sombra’s ambitions pushed into their personal time, and now…

Chrysalis glanced over Sombra’s grim, somber face. Now she wasn’t sure that she had any affection for him at all.

Or that he ever had any for her in the first place.

As ordered, Chrysalis kept her mouth shut as Sombra led her around and introduced her to people she couldn’t care less about, smiled, and nodded politely. She had always been good at looking good, and she had honed that skill to a fine art over her lifetime. It was the major reason why she could always achieve her desires, and it annoyed her that Sombra was using her talents to get what he wanted.

Thankfully, she didn’t have to actually listen to the insipid conversations going on around her. She could nod at the appropriate times based on tones and inflections, so she let her mind wander back to when she had been a guidance counselor at Canterlot High.

They were fond recollections now, and she wished she could be there, instead of at this boring soirée. Vice Principal Luna always had the best halloween decorations, and she could be delightfully dark and macabre when she wanted to be. Principal Celestia would always have an extravagant All Hallow’s Eve party comparable to none, and the inventiveness of the student body was always amazing.

Granted, their Halloween costumes were mostly designed by, if not created outright by Rarity, who always insisted on doing so for free, as it would be good for her portfolio for college.

It was a bit odd that she would actually miss the teenage miscreants, but as she looked back, she had always felt filled with an assortment of joyful emotions whenever she had helped a student find their way.

That was a bridge that she couldn’t cross back over, much as she might want to. When she had made her romantic escape, she had burned the bridge, pulled out the support pillars, and destroyed the road leading up to the former site a mile in each direction.

No, this was her life now, for worse or for dreadfully awful.

Chrysalis allowed herself to be paraded around for a few hours, but eventually, her tolerance levels hit their limits. Before her ‘date’ could lead her to the next bunch of raisins, she leaned over and put her lips next to Sombra’s ear.

“May I be excused to go to the bathroom, Daddy?” she whispered in a sultry tone.

His first reaction was to glare daggers at her, as she expected, but then he harrumphed in annoyance. “Fine. I want to talk to Upper Crust by myself anyway. When you get done, wait for me by the h'orderves.”

“Thank you, Precious.” She pulled away and dipped her head to him. “Master is too good to poor old Chrysalis.”

“Get out of here,” he threatened, his tone low and dangerous.

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, but she knew she’d pushed him to his limit, so she made herself scarce. Pushing his buttons did provide a few rays of sunshine in her unhappy life, but they were always short lived.

The restrooms were located outside the hall, near the main entrance to the hotel. Thankfully, this meant that Sombra couldn’t see where she was once she was in the hallway, and she strode outside as quickly as her dress would allow her. Some fresh air would do her good, as would a quick smoke break to take the edge off of her nerves.

She found a dedicated smoker’s area around the corner, and once she was sure Sombra hadn’t followed her, she produced a cigarette and lighter from her clutch purse. She’d picked up the habit during her own high school years, but had managed to quit when she’d been hired at Canterlot High. She’d fallen off the bandwagon a few months ago, and as she took a long drag, she added her regret over starting again to the ever-growing pile.

“Smoking is bad for you, ma'am.”

The comment caught Chrysalis by surprise, but only because the speaker had the audacity to call her out. She rather liked the bravado, but she made a great show of exhaling the smoke to hide the fact.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” she shot back, her eyes wandering over the broad-shouldered gentleman standing by a nearby parked car. Her lips curled upwards as she drank in the shiny brass and gold rank insignia of his formal military uniform, and she slid her free hand down to her hip. “But for you, soldier, I might be willing to quit cold turkey.”

“Nah. See, you’ve got it all wrong. Don’t quit because anyone told you to. Quit because you care about yourself and your health.”

Chrysalis huffed. “There’s very little to care about in my life right now,” she muttered.

“You look like you’re the type who’s confident and self-assured,” he went on, closing the trunk of his car. “It’s a shame all of that is controlled by some leaves you lit on fire.”

“What are you, the morality police?” Chrysalis shot. “You’ve got no right to judge me, or my actions.”

“I suppose not. I still maintain that smoking is bad for you, though.” He walked over and offered a hand. “I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name, ma’am.”

“Bluebelle,” Chrysalis lied. “And you are?”

“Master Sergeant Hokey Pokey, ma’am, of the Five Oh First Airborne.”

“So that uniform isn't just for the holiday?” she purred, and shook the offered hand with a delicate touch. “How interesting. What brings such an esteemed gentleman to this lowly motel?”

“Just dropping off a friend, ma’am. She's hooking up with her family in the morning.”

“Oh? And then what?” she asked, a plan brewing in her brain.

“Back to my own hotel room to change out of this chicken suit, so sadly, I won't be here to chide you over your bad habits.”

“I see. And,” she took a smooth step towards him, “since you have a hotel room, I assume that means you’ll be flying out in the morning?”

“Before you get any ideas, ma’am,” Pokey took a step back and put a hand on her shoulder to keep her at arm’s length. “I’m not the type of gentleman you're interested in. My hotel room is strictly for one, as is my car.’’

“And I’m not the type of lady you think I am,” she countered. His statement ruined her plan A, but plan B was sure to succeed, with a subtle and nuanced performance. Chrysalis dropped her arms, slumped her shoulders, and moved her gaze to his finely polished shoes. “Look, I’ll be honest with you. I’m in a relationship that is… let's say it’s less than ideal.”

“Are you in danger?” he asked with concern, and Chrysalis fought to keep a smile from escaping.

Hook, line, and sinker.

“No, I’m not in any physical danger,” she said, but then she scoffed. “But emotionally? Well…” She paused for dramatic effect, and her timing was perfect, as usual. “I just want to get away from all of this.” She motioned with one hand to herself. “I mean, just look at me. I’ve been nipped and tucked, squished and squeezed, cut and pasted. I’m all silicone implants and plastic now, forced to change everything about myself in a futile effort to get a few scraps of love from a tyrant. I can’t do it anymore. If you could just give me a ride to your hotel, I’ll walk away clean there and begin picking up the pieces. I’ll even ride in the back seat, so there won’t be any issues."

Chrysalis hadn’t intended to be so honest with this stranger. She could have given him any sob story and he would have bought it. She wasn’t sure why his soft hazel eyes seemed to bring out her true inner feelings.

But she had to admit that it felt good to get it all out, and for some odd and unknown reason, she trusted this Hokey Pokey. It was like she could taste his concern for her and his disdain for the one who had put her in this situation. She was half convinced he was ready to go find Sombra and tear into him for the neglect.

It was all rather pleasant, and that was something she hadn’t felt since her time at Canterlot High.

“I think it might be better to call the police.” He pulled out a phone from his pocket. “Or maybe you have family in this area? I can get them on the line.”

“No. I left everyone I knew back in Canterlot. But you don’t need to call the cops. If I walk away now, I’ll just be leaving a loveless relationship before it gets worse.”

“Canterlot? Huh. You’re a long way from home, then.” Hokey Pokey glanced at his car, then back to her with concern. “Well, look. I can maybe give you a ride. But for both of our protection, I’m going to set up my phone to record the trip.”

“Very wise. I have no problem with that. Shall we?” Chrysalis asked, trying not to sound rushed. Sombra was bound to be missing her any moment now.

Hokey Pokey nodded, guided her to his car, and was gentlemanly enough to open the door for her. She appreciated the small touch, and she sat still and said nothing while he entered and set up his phone on the dashboard.

As they began to pull away, Chrysalis happened to notice her now ex-boyfriend angrily storming outside. A smug smile came as he looked past them, and she hummed a small note as he proceeded to check around the parking lot as they drove away.

I do wonder how he’ll explain this, she mused as he grew smaller and smaller in the rear view mirror. Good bye, Sombra, and good riddance.

Chrysalis drew in a relieved breath as she stepped out of Hokey Pokey’s car, and she took a quick moment to look over the half full parking garage. Sombra’s party was being held at a hotel several miles away, so there was little chance he’d be able to figure out where she’d run off to.

Especially since the good sergeant was staying at the largest hotel in the city. She could blend into the bustling urban crowd with ease here, and her getaway would be complete.

Once she found a change of clothing, of course. Her current bumblebee dress would attract too much attention to herself.

“Where do you plan on staying tonight?” Hokey Pokey asked, and she shrugged.

“I’ll figure it out. You’ve done enough for me already, so don’t worry about it.”

Pokey retrieved his suitcase from the trunk, his facial features giving away the inner debate he was having. “I don’t want to just turn you out on the street, either. Why don’t… well, why don’t we see if there’s a vacancy here? I’ll pick up the tab for it, so don’t worry.”

Chrysalis glanced at her shoes and offered an embarrassed smile. She had him wrapped around her little finger now, and everything was going according to plan.

Except for the slight burning in her cheeks. She didn’t intend for that to happen, but it did help her act. And it felt nice.

“I hate to impose on your hospitality, but it would be helpful,” she bashfully replied. “Thank you very much, Sergeant.”

“I don’t suppose you have a spare change of clothes in that little purse of yours, either,” he said as they walked towards the elevator.

“They would be all wrinkly if I did,” she quipped with a bob of her eyebrows.

“I’ve got an old shirt and some sweatpants I can loan you. They’ll be big on you, but that’s gotta be better than sleeping in that dress.”

He did have a good point there. “That it would be. Thank you again.”

He nodded, and nothing more was said as they made their way to the front desk. Thankfully, there was a vacancy, but Chrysalis didn’t like the sly grin on the receptionist’s face as she typed on her computer.

“Mm-kay!” she announced. “We have you all set! You’ll be in room three twelve. Here’s your room key.”

“Wait, what?” Pokey asked. “But that… um…”

“Problem?” the clerk asked.

“Don’t you have any other rooms available?” he asked quickly in a harsh whisper.

The clerk clicked her tongue. “Mm, afraid not. Unless you’d like to share a room.”

Hokey Pokey coughed, his cheeks turning bright red. “No, no. That’s fine. Thank you.”

“What’s going on?” Chrysalis asked.

“Um… well, your room is right next to mine.”

“They’re attached, too,” the clerk helpfully added with a gleeful smirk.

“Oh, funny.” Chrysalis scoffed. “C’mon. I’m too tired to fight, and I want to get out of this dress, so despite what Miss—” she squinted to read the receptionist’s nametag— “Polomare thinks, nothing is going to happen. Let’s go.”

Hokey Pokey was quick to follow, and the two said nothing about the incident as they made their way to their rooms. Once there, Pokey was quick to produce the spare set of clothing he’d promised earlier, and Chrysalis took them with thanks.

The room itself was not much different from any other hotel room she’d ever been in, so she immediately moved to the bathroom and began to undo her hair. Manipulating Hokey Pokey was just too easy, and now, she had a chance to start again on her rather messed up life.

Maybe this time she could manage not to fall for a gaslighting, manipulative jerk.

Still, she was somewhat grateful she had met Hokey Pokey now, and she would have to leave him a thank you note before leaving in a few hours. It would be for the best if he didn’t know where she had gone, and the theft of his clothes could be offset by this horridly uncomfortable dress she was going to leave behind.

Once her hair had been liberated, she somehow managed to peel herself out of her eveningwear, and she took her time in the shower to wash away the last remnants of Sombra. The bed itself was surprisingly soft, and another hum of contentment came as the pillowy bliss added to the comfort she felt while wrapped up in Hokey Pokey’s clothes.

She would never admit it, but a part of her was going to miss him.

“Bluebelle? Are you awake?”

Chrysalis groaned and flopped onto her stomach, despite the sharp knocks on the door. She just needed five more minutes…

“It’s past check-out time, and I need to get out. They’re going to charge me for another day if you don’t.”

“Mmungh?” she moaned, and she twisted to look at the alarm clock on the endstand. It couldn’t be any later than seven, could it?

She bolted upright once the digital digits came into focus. “Twelve thirty?!” she sprinted to the counter, grabbed her effects, and marched to the door. So much for her grand escape plan! She’d only intended to sleep for three or four hours!

“About time,” Hokey Pokey snarked when she emerged, and she glared daggers at him. “Nice hair. Did a rat make a nest up there?”

“Shut up,” she mumbled. “Help me find a restroom, will you? I’ve got to stuff myself back in this dress and give your clothes back.” Even though I don’t really want to. They’re nice and soft.

“There should be some in the lobby, but I had a different idea.”

“This ought to be good,” she grumbled.

“You said you’re from Canterlot, right?”

“Yeah. So?”

“I’m heading there myself.” The pair walked towards the elevator as he continued. “So, if you’re okay with the idea, I was thinking I could take you with me.”

“You’re driving there?” she asked, and he nodded. “You’ll be on the road till this time tomorrow, at least.”

“I can handle it; I’m used to road trips. You don’t have to go with me, of course, but I thought you would like to get back to your friends and family, and I wasn’t sure if you had a way to get there.”

Chrysalis mulled the idea over. While she wasn’t a fan of returning to the site of her betrayal, it would be easier to start anew there rather than here, where Sombra could potentially find her.

She took a moment to study Hokey Pokey’s face. There wasn’t any hint of ulterior motive or expectation of repayment; he genuinely and truly just wanted to help her out. Normally a goody two-shoes like him would make her nauseous, but there was something different about the whole thing this time.

He was taking a risk by inviting her, too. While it was highly unlikely that he would do anything untoward, she could always say he had, and that would ruin his career and his life.

“Are you sure that’s such a good idea?” she asked.

“Probably not.” He shrugged.

Chrysalis huffed. Above all else, she wanted to put as much distance between herself and Sombra as possible. “Okay, sure. Why not? I’ll just sleep in the back seat.”

“If you’d like to.”

“Never mind.” Chrysalis slammed the door shut and wiggled into a comfortable position in the front passenger seat. “Up here is much better. I always sleep better up front anyway.”

“If that’s what you’d prefer.” Hokey Pokey shrugged, started the car, then made a show of putting his hands firmly at ten and two on the steering wheel.

Chrysalis grinned. There was no doubt his hands would remain there for the entire trip, and the knowledge that he would respect her filled her with a joy she wanted to keep.

“Before we really get going, I want to stop and get some breakfast,” Pokey said as he guided the car to the exit. “Just something fast food-ish, so we can get going as soon as possible. Do you need me to stop at a store somewhere? For new clothes,” he clarified with her confused glance.

“Maybe later. I rather like your shirt.” She hugged herself, with an effort to prop up her most valuable assets. Hokey Pokey was being nice, so he deserved a treat. “But if we’re going to be on the road forever, I want to find somewhere that has some crossword puzzle books. I’m gonna need something to do.”

“Easy enough.”

“Hey, hold on. Pull up to that garbage can over there.”

Pokey did so, but with a confused look. Chrysalis unrolled her window, pulled her pack of cigarettes out of her clutch, and held them up for a brief moment before pitching them in.

“I did say I would give them up for you,” she said. “And I’ve heard they’re bad for me, after all.”

Hokey Pokey chuckled. “Bluebelle, I think you and I have an interesting adventure ahead of us.”

“I certainly hope so,” she purred with delight.